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com.rklaehn.interval.IntervalTrie.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package com.rklaehn.interval

import language.implicitConversions
import spire.algebra.{Eq, Bool, AdditiveMonoid, Order}
import spire.math.interval._
import spire.math._

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.{ AbstractIterable, AbstractIterator, AbstractTraversable }

sealed abstract class IntervalTrie[T] extends IntervalSet[T, IntervalTrie[T]]

object IntervalTrie {

  implicit def algebra[T: Element] = new Bool[IntervalTrie[T]] with Eq[IntervalTrie[T]] {

    def eqv(x: IntervalTrie[T], y: IntervalTrie[T]) = x == y

    def zero = IntervalTrie.empty[T]

    def one = IntervalTrie.all[T]

    def complement(a: IntervalTrie[T]) = ~a

    def or(a: IntervalTrie[T], b: IntervalTrie[T]) = a | b

    def and(a: IntervalTrie[T], b: IntervalTrie[T]) = a & b

    override def xor(a: IntervalTrie[T], b: IntervalTrie[T]) = a ^ b

  trait Element[@specialized(Float, Int, Long, Double) T] {

    implicit def ops: Order[T] with AdditiveMonoid[T]

    def toLong(value: T): Long

    def fromLong(key: Long): T

  implicit object ByteElement extends Element[Byte] {

    def ops = spire.std.byte.ByteAlgebra

    def toLong(value: Byte) = value

    def fromLong(key: Long): Byte = key.toByte

  implicit object ShortElement extends Element[Short] {

    def ops = spire.std.short.ShortAlgebra

    def toLong(value: Short) = value

    def fromLong(key: Long): Short = key.toShort

  implicit object IntElement extends Element[Int] {

    def ops =

    def toLong(value: Int) = value

    def fromLong(key: Long): Int = key.toInt

  implicit object LongElement extends Element[Long] {

    def ops = spire.std.long.LongAlgebra

    def toLong(value: Long) = value

    def fromLong(key: Long): Long = key

  implicit object FloatElement extends Element[Float] {

    def ops = spire.std.float.FloatAlgebra

    def toLong(value: Float): Long = {
      if (value.isNaN)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("NaN")
      // sign and magnitude signed integer
      val signAndMagnitude = java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits(value)
      // two's complement signed integer: if the sign bit is set, negate everything except the sign bit
      val twosComplement = if (signAndMagnitude >= 0) signAndMagnitude else (-signAndMagnitude | (1L << 63))

    def fromLong(twosComplement: Long): Float = {
      // sign and magnitude signed integer: if the sign bit is set, negate everything except the sign bit
      val signAndMagnitude = if (twosComplement >= 0) twosComplement else (-twosComplement | (1L << 63))
      // double from sign and magnitude signed integer

  implicit object CharElement extends Element[Char] {

    val ops: Order[Char] with AdditiveMonoid[Char] = new spire.std.CharAlgebra with AdditiveMonoid[Char] {

      def zero: Char = 0.toChar

      def plus(x: Char, y: Char): Char = (x.toInt + y.toInt).toChar

    def toLong(value: Char) = value.toLong

    def fromLong(key: Long): Char = key.toChar

  implicit object DoubleElement extends Element[Double] {

    def ops = spire.std.double.DoubleAlgebra

    def toLong(value: Double): Long = {
      if (value.isNaN)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("NaN")
      // sign and magnitude signed integer
      val signAndMagnitude = java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits(value)
      // two's complement signed integer: if the sign bit is set, negate everything except the sign bit
      val twosComplement = if (signAndMagnitude >= 0) signAndMagnitude else (-signAndMagnitude | (1L << 63))

    def fromLong(twosComplement: Long): Double = {
      // sign and magnitude signed integer: if the sign bit is set, negate everything except the sign bit
      val signAndMagnitude = if (twosComplement >= 0) twosComplement else (-twosComplement | (1L << 63))
      // double from sign and magnitude signed integer

  implicit object UByteElement extends Element[UByte] {

    def ops = spire.math.UByte.UByteAlgebra

    def toLong(value: UByte) = value.toLong

    def fromLong(key: Long): UByte = UByte(key.toByte)

  implicit object UShortElement extends Element[UShort] {

    def ops = spire.math.UShort.UShortAlgebra

    def toLong(value: UShort) = value.toLong

    def fromLong(key: Long): UShort = UShort(key.toShort)

  implicit object UIntElement extends Element[UInt] {

    def ops = spire.math.UInt.UIntAlgebra

    def toLong(value: UInt) = value.toLong

    def fromLong(key: Long): UInt = UInt(key.toInt)

  implicit object ULongElement extends Element[ULong] {

    def ops = spire.math.ULong.ULongAlgebra

    def toLong(value: ULong) = value.toLong + Long.MinValue

    def fromLong(key: Long): ULong = ULong(key - Long.MinValue)

  import Tree._

  private implicit def tIsLong[T](value: T)(implicit tl: Element[T]) = tl.toLong(value)

  private[interval] def fromKind[T: Element](value: T, kind: Int) = {
    val bound = kind match {
      case 0 => Below(value)
      case 1 => Above(value)
      case 2 => Both(value)
    IntervalTrie[T](false, bound)

  def constant[T: Element](value: Boolean) = IntervalTrie[T](value, null)

  def empty[T: Element] = constant[T](false)

  def point[T: Element](value: T) = IntervalTrie[T](false, Tree.Leaf(toPrefix(value), true, false))

  def atOrAbove[T: Element](value: T) = IntervalTrie[T](false, Tree.Leaf(toPrefix(value), true, true))

  def above[T: Element](value: T) = IntervalTrie[T](false, Tree.Leaf(toPrefix(value), false, true))

  def all[T: Element] = constant[T](true)

  def hole[T: Element](value: T) = IntervalTrie[T](true, Tree.Leaf(toPrefix(value), true, false))

  def below[T: Element](value: T) = IntervalTrie[T](true, Tree.Leaf(toPrefix(value), true, true))

  def atOrBelow[T: Element](value: T) = IntervalTrie[T](true, Tree.Leaf(toPrefix(value), false, true))

  def apply[T: Element](interval: Interval[T]): IntervalTrie[T] = interval.fold {
    case (Closed(a), Closed(b)) if a == b => point(a)
    case (Unbound(), Open(x)) => below(x)
    case (Unbound(), Closed(x)) => atOrBelow(x)
    case (Open(x), Unbound()) => above(x)
    case (Closed(x), Unbound()) => atOrAbove(x)
    case (Closed(a), Closed(b)) => fromTo(Below(a), Above(b))
    case (Closed(a), Open(b)) => fromTo(Below(a), Below(b))
    case (Open(a), Closed(b)) => fromTo(Above(a), Above(b))
    case (Open(a), Open(b)) => fromTo(Above(a), Below(b))
    case (Unbound(), Unbound()) => all[T]
    case (EmptyBound(), EmptyBound()) => empty[T]

  private object Below {

    def apply[T: Element](value: T) = Leaf(toPrefix(value), true, true)

    def unapply(l: Leaf) = if ( && l.sign) Some(l.key) else None

  private object Above {

    def apply[T: Element](value: T) = Leaf(toPrefix(value), false, true)

    def unapply(l: Leaf) = if (! && l.sign) Some(l.key) else None

  private object Both {

    def apply[T: Element](value: T) = Leaf(toPrefix(value), true, false)

    def unapply(l: Leaf) = if ( && !l.sign) Some(l.key) else None

  private def fromTo[T: Element](a: Leaf, b: Leaf): IntervalTrie[T] = {
    IntervalTrie[T](false, concat(a, b))

  def apply(text: String): IntervalTrie[Long] = {
    val la = spire.std.long.LongAlgebra
    def rationalToLong(r: Rational): Long = {
      if (r > Long.MaxValue || r < Long.MinValue)
        throw new NumberFormatException("Integer number too large")
    def intervalToIntervalSet(i: Interval[Long]): IntervalTrie[Long] = apply(i)
    val intervals = text.split(';').map(Interval.apply).map(_.mapBounds(rationalToLong)(la))
    val simpleSets =
    (empty[Long] /: simpleSets)(_ | _)

  private final def foreachInterval[T: Element, U](a0: Boolean, a: Tree)(f: Interval[T] => U): Unit = {
    val x = implicitly[Element[T]]
    import x._
    def op(b0: Bound[T], a0: Boolean, a: Tree): Bound[T] = a match {
      case Below(a) =>
        if (a0)
          f(Interval.fromBounds(b0, Open(fromLong(a))))
      case Above(a) =>
        if (a0)
          f(Interval.fromBounds(b0, Closed(fromLong(a))))
      case Both(a) =>
        if (a0)
          f(Interval.fromBounds(b0, Open(fromLong(a))))
      case a: Branch =>
        val am = a0 ^ a.left.sign
        val bm = op(b0, a0, a.left)
        val b1 = op(bm, am, a.right)
      case _ =>
    val last = op(Unbound(), a0, a)
    if (a0 ^ ((a ne null) && a.sign))
      f(Interval.fromBounds(last, Unbound()))

  private abstract class TreeIterator[T](a: Tree) extends AbstractIterator[T] {

    var index = 0
    var buffer = new Array[Tree](65)

    def pop() = {
      index -= 1

    def push(x: Tree) {
      buffer(index) = x
      index += 1

    if (a ne null)

    def hasNextLeaf = index != 0

    final def nextLeaf(): Leaf = pop() match {
      case b: Branch =>
      case l: Leaf => l
      // $COVERAGE-OFF$
      case _ => unreachable
      // $COVERAGE-ON$

  private final class EdgeIterator[T: Element](tree: Tree) extends TreeIterator[T](tree) {
    private val element = implicitly[Element[T]]

    def hasNext = hasNextLeaf

    def next = element.fromLong(nextLeaf.key)

  private final class IntervalIterator[T: Element](e: IntervalTrieImpl[T]) extends TreeIterator[Interval[T]](e.tree) {

    private[this] val element = implicitly[Element[T]]

    private[this] var lower: Bound[T] = if (e.belowAll) Unbound() else null

    private[this] def nextInterval() = {
      import element.{ fromLong, ops }
      var result: Interval[T] = null
      if (hasNextLeaf) {
        val leaf = nextLeaf()
        if (lower eq null) leaf match {
          case Both(x) =>
            result = Interval.point(fromLong(x))
            lower = null
          case Below(x) =>
            result = null
            lower = Closed(fromLong(x))
          case Above(x) =>
            result = null
            lower = Open(fromLong(x))

          // $COVERAGE-OFF$
          case _ => unreachable
          // $COVERAGE-ON$
        else leaf match {
          case Both(x) =>
            val upper = Open(fromLong(x))
            result = Interval.fromBounds[T](lower, upper)
            lower = upper
          case Below(x) =>
            val upper = Open(fromLong(x))
            result = Interval.fromBounds[T](lower, upper)
            lower = null
          case Above(x) =>
            val upper = Closed(fromLong(x))
            result = Interval.fromBounds[T](lower, upper)
            lower = null
          // $COVERAGE-OFF$
          case _ => unreachable
          // $COVERAGE-ON$
      } else if (lower ne null) {
        result = Interval.fromBounds(lower, Unbound())
        lower = null
      } else {

    def hasNext = hasNextLeaf || (lower ne null)

    override def next(): Interval[T] = {
      val result = nextInterval()
      if (result ne null)

  private def apply[T: Element](below: Boolean, tree: Tree): IntervalTrie[T] =
    IntervalTrieImpl(below, tree, implicitly[Element[T]])

  private final case class IntervalTrieImpl[T](belowAll: Boolean, tree: Tree, implicit val ise: Element[T]) extends IntervalTrie[T] { lhs =>

    import Tree._

    def aboveAll: Boolean = if (tree eq null) belowAll else belowAll ^ tree.sign

    def isEmpty = !belowAll && (tree eq null)

    def isContiguous = if (belowAll) {
      tree match {
        case a: Leaf => a.sign
        case null => true
        case _ => false
    } else {
      tree match {
        case _: Leaf => true
        case Branch(_, _, a: Leaf, b: Leaf) => a.sign & b.sign
        case null => true
        case _ => false

    def hull: Interval[T] = {
      implicit val ops = ise.ops
      def lowerBound(a: Tree): Bound[T] = a match {
        case a: Branch => lowerBound(a.left)
        case Above(x) => Open(ise.fromLong(x))
        case Below(x) => Closed(ise.fromLong(x))
        case Both(x) => Closed(ise.fromLong(x))
      def upperBound(a: Tree): Bound[T] = a match {
        case a: Branch => upperBound(a.right)
        case Both(x) => Closed(ise.fromLong(x))
        case Above(x) => Closed(ise.fromLong(x))
        case Below(x) => Open(ise.fromLong(x))
      if (isEmpty) {
      } else {
        val lower = if (belowAll) Unbound[T]() else lowerBound(tree)
        val upper = if (aboveAll) Unbound[T]() else upperBound(tree)
        Interval.fromBounds(lower, upper)

    def below(value: T): Boolean = SampleBelow(belowAll, tree, toPrefix(ise.toLong(value)))

    def at(value: T): Boolean = SampleAt(belowAll, tree, toPrefix(ise.toLong(value)))

    def above(value: T): Boolean = SampleAbove(belowAll, tree, toPrefix(ise.toLong(value)))

    def apply(value: T): Boolean = at(value)

    def &(rhs: IntervalTrie[T]) = rhs match {
      case rhs: IntervalTrieImpl[T] =>
        IntervalTrie[T](lhs.belowAll & rhs.belowAll, AndCalculator(lhs.belowAll, lhs.tree, rhs.belowAll, rhs.tree))

    def |(rhs: IntervalTrie[T]) = rhs match {
      case rhs: IntervalTrieImpl[T] =>
        IntervalTrie[T](lhs.belowAll | rhs.belowAll, OrCalculator(lhs.belowAll, lhs.tree, rhs.belowAll, rhs.tree))

    def ^(rhs: IntervalTrie[T]) = rhs match {
      case rhs: IntervalTrieImpl[T] => IntervalTrie[T](lhs.belowAll ^ rhs.belowAll, XorCalculator(lhs.belowAll, lhs.tree, rhs.belowAll, rhs.tree))

    def unary_~ = IntervalTrie[T](!belowAll, tree)

    def isSupersetOf(rhs: IntervalTrie[T]) = rhs match {
      case rhs: IntervalTrieImpl[T] =>
        SupersetOfCalculator(lhs.belowAll, lhs.tree, rhs.belowAll, rhs.tree)

    def intersects(rhs: IntervalTrie[T]) = rhs match {
      case rhs: IntervalTrieImpl[T] =>
        !DisjointCalculator(lhs.belowAll, lhs.tree, rhs.belowAll, rhs.tree)

    def isProperSupersetOf(rhs: IntervalTrie[T]) = isSupersetOf(rhs) && (rhs != lhs)

    def intervals = new AbstractTraversable[Interval[T]] {
      override def foreach[U](f: Interval[T] => U): Unit = foreachInterval(belowAll, tree)(f)

    def intervalIterator = new IntervalIterator[T](lhs)

    def edges: Iterable[T] = new AbstractIterable[T] {

      override def iterator: Iterator[T] = new EdgeIterator[T](lhs.tree)

    override def toString = {
      import ise.ops
      if (isEmpty)


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