com.rklaehn.interval.Tree.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.rklaehn.interval
private[interval] object Tree {
import java.lang.Long.numberOfLeadingZeros
@inline final def toPrefix(key: Long): Long = key - Long.MinValue
@inline final def fromPrefix(key: Long): Long = key + Long.MinValue
@inline final def unsigned_<(i: Long, j: Long) = (i < j) ^ (i < 0L) ^ (j < 0L)
@inline final def levelAbove(a: Long, b: Long): Byte =
(63 - numberOfLeadingZeros(a ^ b)).toByte
@inline final def maskAbove(prefix: Long, bit: Byte) = {
// this is not the same as (-1L << (bit + 1)) due to the somewhat strange behavior of the java shift operator
// -1L << 64 gives -1L, whereas (-1L << 63) << 1 gives 0L like we need
prefix & ((-1L << bit) << 1)
@inline final def zeroAt(value: Long, bit: Byte) =
(value & (1L << bit)) == 0L
@inline final def hasMatchAt(key: Long, prefix: Long, level: Byte) =
maskAbove(key, level) == prefix
def concat(t1: Leaf, t2: Leaf): Tree = {
if (!unsigned_<(t1.prefix, t2.prefix))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Arguments of concat must be ordered")
val p1 = t1.prefix
val p2 = t2.prefix
val l = levelAbove(p1, p2)
val p = maskAbove(p1, l)
Branch(p, l, t1, t2)
// def join(p1 : Long, t1 : IntervalTrie, p2 : Long, t2 : IntervalTrie) : IntervalTrie = {
// val l = levelAbove(p1, p2)
// val p = maskAbove(p1, l)
// if (zeroAt(p1, l))
// Branch(p, l, t1, t2)
// else
// Branch(p, l, t2, t1)
// }
* Creates a branch from two possibly null children. In case one of the children is null, the other child will
* be returned. So if both children are null, this operation can return null.
* @param p the prefix to be used for a new branch
* @param level the level to be used for a new branch
* @param l the left child
* @param r the right child
* @return the result, can be null
@inline private final def branch(p: Long, level: Byte, l: Tree, r: Tree): Tree =
if (l eq null)
else if (r eq null)
Branch(p, level, l, r)
private[interval] def unreachable: Nothing = throw new NotImplementedError("You should never get here")
sealed abstract class BooleanBinaryOperator {
@inline private final def disjoint(a0: Boolean, a: Tree, b0: Boolean, b: Tree): Boolean = {
val a_p = a.prefix
val b_p = b.prefix
val level = levelAbove(a_p, b_p)
if (zeroAt(a_p, level)) {
// a is before b, so it is overlapped by b0
// b is behind a, so it is overlapped by a0 ^ a.sign
overlapA(a0, a, b0) && overlapB(a0 ^ a.sign, b0, b)
} else {
// b is before a, so it is overlapped by a0
// a is behind b, so it is overlapped by b0 ^ b.sign
overlapB(a0, b0, b) && overlapA(a0, a, b0 ^ b.sign)
protected def op(a: Boolean, b: Boolean): Boolean
* This is called if two leaves collide (have the same prefix)
* @param a0 the value before a
* @param a a leaf from the lhs
* @param b0 the value before b
* @param b a leaf from the rhs
* @return the result. Can be a leaf or null
protected def collision(a0: Boolean, a: Leaf, b0: Boolean, b: Leaf): Boolean
* This will be called when a is completely covered by a contiguous interval of b
* @param a0
* @param a a non-null tree (leaf or branch)
* @param b0 the constant value of b in the complete interval of a
* @return the result, can be null
protected def overlapA(a0: Boolean, a: Tree, b0: Boolean): Boolean
* This will be called when b is completely covered by a contiguous interval of a
* @param a0 the constant value of a in the complete interval of b
* @param b0
* @param b a non-null tree (leaf or branch)
* @return the result, can be null
protected def overlapB(a0: Boolean, b0: Boolean, b: Tree): Boolean
* Performs the binary operation for two arbitrary trees
* @param a0 the value before a
* @param a a node (leaf or branch) from the lhs
* @param b0 the value before b
* @param b a node (leaf or branch) from the rhs
* @return the result, can be null
private final def op(a0: Boolean, a: Tree, b0: Boolean, b: Tree): Boolean = {
val a_l = a.level
val a_p = a.prefix
val b_l = b.level
val b_p = b.prefix
if (a_l > b_l) {
// a is larger => a must be a branch
if (!hasMatchAt(b_p, a_p, a_l)) {
// the prefix of a and b is different. We don't care if a is a branch or a leaf
disjoint(a0, a, b0, b)
} else a match {
case a: Branch =>
val am = a0 ^ a.left.sign
if (zeroAt(b_p, a_l)) {
// b fits into the left child of a
op(a0, a.left, b0, b) && overlapA(am, a.right, b0 ^ b.sign)
} else {
// b fits into the right child of a
overlapA(a0, a.left, b0) && op(am, a.right, b0, b)
case _ => unreachable
} else if (b_l > a_l) {
// b is larger => b must be a branch
if (!hasMatchAt(a_p, b_p, b_l)) {
// the prefix of a and b is different. We don't care if b is a branch or a leaf
disjoint(a0, a, b0, b)
} else b match {
case b: Branch =>
val bm = b0 ^ b.left.sign
if (zeroAt(a_p, b_l)) {
// a fits into the left child of b
op(a0, a, b0, b.left) && overlapB(a0 ^ a.sign, bm, b.right)
} else {
// a fits into the right child of b
overlapB(a0, b0, b.left) && op(a0, a, bm, b.right)
case _ => unreachable
} else {
// a_l == b_l, trees are the same size
if (a_p == b_p) {
(a, b) match {
case (a: Branch, b: Branch) =>
val am = a0 ^ a.left.sign
val bm = b0 ^ b.left.sign
// same prefix. leaves have to be merged
// todo: check if we can return b unchanged
op(a0, a.left, b0, b.left) && op(am, a.right, bm, b.right)
case (a: Leaf, b: Leaf) =>
collision(a0, a, b0, b)
case _ => unreachable
} else {
// same mask, different prefix
disjoint(a0, a, b0, b)
final def apply(a0: Boolean, a: Tree, b0: Boolean, b: Tree): Boolean = op(a0, b0) && {
if ((a eq null) && (b eq null))
else if (a eq null)
overlapB(a0, b0, b)
else if (b eq null)
overlapA(a0, a, b0)
op(a0, a, b0, b)
* A binary calculator that preserves the order of operands. This is the most generic case. It is used even for
* symmetric operations. There might be some performance benefit in doing an operator for symmetric operations, but
* I doubt that it is worth it. And in any case I am too lazy right now.
sealed abstract class OrderedBinaryOperator {
* Joins two non-overlapping leaves
* @param a0 the value before a
* @param a a node (leaf or branch) from the lhs
* @param b0 the value before b
* @param b a node (leaf or branch) from the rhs
* @return the result, can be null
@inline private final def join(a0: Boolean, a: Tree, b0: Boolean, b: Tree): Tree = {
val a_p = a.prefix
val b_p = b.prefix
val level = levelAbove(a_p, b_p)
val p = maskAbove(a_p, level)
if (zeroAt(a_p, level)) {
// a is before b, so it is overlapped by b0
val a1 = overlapA(a0, a, b0)
// b is behind a, so it is overlapped by a0 ^ a.sign
val b1 = overlapB(a0 ^ a.sign, b0, b)
// make the branch (results can be empty)
branch(p, level, a1, b1)
} else {
// b is before a, so it is overlapped by a0
val b1 = overlapB(a0, b0, b)
// a is behind b, so it is overlapped by b0 ^ b.sign
val a1 = overlapA(a0, a, b0 ^ b.sign)
// make the branch (results can be empty)
branch(p, level, b1, a1)
* This is called if two leaves collide (have the same prefix)
* @param a0 the value before a
* @param a a leaf from the lhs
* @param b0 the value before b
* @param b a leaf from the rhs
* @return the result. Can be a leaf or null
protected def collision(a0: Boolean, a: Leaf, b0: Boolean, b: Leaf): Tree
* This will be called when a is completely covered by a contiguous interval of b
* @param a0
* @param a a non-null tree (leaf or branch)
* @param b0 the constant value of b in the complete interval of a
* @return the result, can be null
protected def overlapA(a0: Boolean, a: Tree, b0: Boolean): Tree
* This will be called when b is completely covered by a contiguous interval of a
* @param a0 the constant value of a in the complete interval of b
* @param b0
* @param b a non-null tree (leaf or branch)
* @return the result, can be null
protected def overlapB(a0: Boolean, b0: Boolean, b: Tree): Tree
* Performs the binary operation for two arbitrary trees
* @param a0 the value before a
* @param a a node (leaf or branch) from the lhs
* @param b0 the value before b
* @param b a node (leaf or branch) from the rhs
* @return the result, can be null
private final def op(a0: Boolean, a: Tree, b0: Boolean, b: Tree): Tree = {
val a_l = a.level
val a_p = a.prefix
val b_l = b.level
val b_p = b.prefix
if (a_l > b_l) {
// a is larger => a must be a branch
if (!hasMatchAt(b_p, a_p, a_l)) {
// the prefix of a and b is different. We don't care if a is a branch or a leaf
join(a0, a, b0, b)
} else a match {
case a: Branch =>
val am = a0 ^ a.left.sign
if (zeroAt(b_p, a_l)) {
// b fits into the left child of a, a.left, b0, b), overlapA(am, a.right, b0 ^ b.sign))
} else {
// b fits into the right child of a, a.left, b0), op(am, a.right, b0, b))
case _ => unreachable
} else if (b_l > a_l) {
// b is larger => b must be a branch
if (!hasMatchAt(a_p, b_p, b_l)) {
// the prefix of a and b is different. We don't care if b is a branch or a leaf
join(a0, a, b0, b)
} else b match {
case b: Branch =>
val bm = b0 ^ b.left.sign
if (zeroAt(a_p, b_l)) {
// a fits into the left child of b, a, b0, b.left), overlapB(a0 ^ a.sign, bm, b.right))
} else {
// a fits into the right child of b, b0, b.left), op(a0, a, bm, b.right))
case _ => unreachable
} else {
// a_l == b_l, trees are the same size
if (a_p == b_p) {
(a, b) match {
case (a: Branch, b: Branch) =>
val am = a0 ^ a.left.sign
val bm = b0 ^ b.left.sign
// same prefix. leaves have to be merged
// todo: check if we can return b unchanged, a.left, b0, b.left), op(am, a.right, bm, b.right))
case (a: Leaf, b: Leaf) =>
collision(a0, a, b0, b)
case _ => unreachable
} else {
// same mask, different prefix
join(a0, a, b0, b)
final def apply(a0: Boolean, a: Tree, b0: Boolean, b: Tree) = {
if ((a eq null) && (b eq null))
else if (a eq null)
overlapB(a0, b0, b)
else if (b eq null)
overlapA(a0, a, b0)
op(a0, a, b0, b)
object DisjointCalculator extends BooleanBinaryOperator {
override protected def op(a: Boolean, b: Boolean): Boolean = !(a & b)
override protected def overlapB(a0: Boolean, b0: Boolean, b: Tree): Boolean = !a0
override protected def overlapA(a0: Boolean, a: Tree, b0: Boolean): Boolean = !b0
override protected def collision(a0: Boolean, a: Leaf, b0: Boolean, b: Leaf): Boolean = {
val at1 = !(( ^ a0) & ( ^ b0))
val above1 = !((a.above ^ a0) & (b.above ^ b0))
at1 && above1
object SupersetOfCalculator extends BooleanBinaryOperator {
override protected def op(a: Boolean, b: Boolean): Boolean = a | !b
override protected def overlapB(a0: Boolean, b0: Boolean, b: Tree): Boolean = a0
override protected def overlapA(a0: Boolean, a: Tree, b0: Boolean): Boolean = !b0
override protected def collision(a0: Boolean, a: Leaf, b0: Boolean, b: Leaf): Boolean = {
val at1 = ( ^ a0) | !( ^ b0)
val above1 = (a.above ^ a0) | !(b.above ^ b0)
at1 && above1
object OrCalculator extends OrderedBinaryOperator {
protected def collision(a0: Boolean, a: Leaf, b0: Boolean, b: Leaf) = {
val below1 = a0 | b0
val at1 = ( ^ a0) | ( ^ b0)
val above1 = (a.above ^ a0) | (b.above ^ b0)
leaf(below1 != at1, at1 != above1, a, b)
protected def overlapA(a0: Boolean, a: Tree, b0: Boolean) =
if (b0)
protected def overlapB(a0: Boolean, b0: Boolean, b: Tree) =
if (a0)
object XorCalculator extends OrderedBinaryOperator {
protected def collision(a0: Boolean, a: Leaf, b0: Boolean, b: Leaf) = {
val below1 = a0 ^ b0
val at1 = ( ^ a0) ^ ( ^ b0)
val above1 = (a.above ^ a0) ^ (b.above ^ b0)
leaf(below1 != at1, at1 != above1, a, b)
protected def overlapA(a0: Boolean, a: Tree, b0: Boolean) = a
protected def overlapB(a0: Boolean, b0: Boolean, b: Tree) = b
object AndCalculator extends OrderedBinaryOperator {
protected def collision(a0: Boolean, a: Leaf, b0: Boolean, b: Leaf) = {
val below1 = a0 & b0
val at1 = ( ^ a0) & ( ^ b0)
val above1 = (a.above ^ a0) & (b.above ^ b0)
leaf(below1 != at1, at1 != above1, a, b)
protected def overlapA(a0: Boolean, a: Tree, b0: Boolean) =
if (b0)
protected def overlapB(a0: Boolean, b0: Boolean, b: Tree) =
if (a0)
* An operation that calculates the value before, at or behind a position
sealed abstract class Sampler {
def apply(a0: Boolean, a: Tree, value: Long) = op(a0, a, value)
* Method that is invoked when a leaf is found. This allows to customize whether we want at, before or after
* @param a0 the value before the leaf
* @param a the leaf
protected def onLeaf(a0: Boolean, a: Leaf): Boolean
private final def op(a0: Boolean, a: Tree, value: Long): Boolean = a match {
case a: Branch =>
val prefix = a.prefix
val level = a.level
if (!hasMatchAt(value, prefix, level)) {
// key is either before or after a
val branchLevel = levelAbove(prefix, value)
if (zeroAt(prefix, branchLevel))
a0 ^ a.sign // after
a0 // before
} else {
// key is within a
if (zeroAt(value, level))
op(a0, a.left, value)
op(a0 ^ a.left.sign, a.right, value)
case a: Leaf =>
if (a.prefix == value)
onLeaf(a0, a)
else if (unsigned_<(a.prefix, value))
a0 ^ a.sign
case _ =>
object SampleBelow extends Sampler {
protected def onLeaf(a0: Boolean, a: Leaf): Boolean = a0
object SampleAt extends Sampler {
protected def onLeaf(a0: Boolean, a: Leaf): Boolean = a0 ^
object SampleAbove extends Sampler {
protected def onLeaf(a0: Boolean, a: Leaf): Boolean = a0 ^ a.above
def leaf(changeBelow: Boolean, changeAbove: Boolean, a: Leaf, b: Leaf) = {
val at = changeBelow
val sign = changeBelow ^ changeAbove
if (!changeBelow && !changeAbove)
else if (at == && sign == a.sign)
else if (at == && sign == b.sign)
Leaf(a.prefix, at, sign)
* A leaf.
* @param prefix the prefix, which in case of a leaf is identical to the key
final case class Leaf(prefix: Long, at: Boolean, sign: Boolean) extends Tree {
* For a leaf, the prefix is the key
def key = fromPrefix(prefix)
* This is -1 for leaves, so that the smallest possible branch (level=0) has a bigger level than a leaf
def level = -1.toByte
@inline def above = sign
* A branch
* @param prefix the common prefix of both children
* @param level the level of the node. 0..63 for branches. Higher means bigger
* @param left the left child
* @param right the right child
final case class Branch(prefix: Long, level: Byte, left: Tree, right: Tree) extends Tree {
val sign = left.sign ^ right.sign
def lr(left: Tree, right: Tree): Tree = {
if (left eq null)
else if (right eq null)
else if ((left eq this.left) && (right eq this.right))
copy(left = left, right = right)
private[interval] sealed abstract class Tree {
def prefix: Long
def level: Byte
def sign: Boolean
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