com.rockagen.commons.util.XmlUtil Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.rockagen.commons.util;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.DocumentException;
import org.dom4j.io.OutputFormat;
import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader;
import org.dom4j.io.XMLWriter;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream;
import com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.Converter;
* @author RA
* @since XSTREAM 1.4.5
public class XmlUtil {
// ~ Instance fields ==================================================
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(XmlUtil.class);
* Default Encoding
private static final String ENCODING = "UTF-8";
// ~ Constructors ==================================================
private XmlUtil() {
// ~ Methods ==================================================
* Format xml {@link OutputFormat#createPrettyPrint()}
* @param xmlStr xml String
* @param enc encoding
* @return pretty String
public static String formatPretty(String xmlStr, String enc) {
return formatPretty(xmlStr, enc, false);
* Format xml {@link OutputFormat#createPrettyPrint()}
* @param xmlStr xml String
* @param enc encoding
* @param isSuppressDeclaration set supperss declaration
* @return pretty String
public static String formatPretty(String xmlStr, String enc,
boolean isSuppressDeclaration) {
if (CommUtil.isBlank(xmlStr))
return xmlStr;
if (enc == null)
OutputFormat formater = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint();
return format(xmlStr, formater);
* Format xml {@link OutputFormat#createCompactFormat()}
* @param xmlStr xml String
* @param enc encoding
* @return Compact xml String
public static String formatCompact(String xmlStr, String enc) {
return formatCompact(xmlStr, enc, false);
* Format xml {@link OutputFormat#createCompactFormat()}
* @param xmlStr xml String
* @param enc encoding
* @param isSuppressDeclaration set supperss declaration
* @return Compact xml String
public static String formatCompact(String xmlStr, String enc,
boolean isSuppressDeclaration) {
if (CommUtil.isBlank(xmlStr))
return xmlStr;
if (enc == null)
OutputFormat formater = OutputFormat.createCompactFormat();
return format(xmlStr, formater);
* Format xml
* @param xmlStr xml String
* @param formater {@link OutputFormat}
* @return format String
public static String format(String xmlStr, OutputFormat formater) {
if (CommUtil.isBlank(xmlStr))
return xmlStr;
SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
StringReader sr = new StringReader(xmlStr);
Document doc;
XMLWriter writer = null;
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
try {
doc = reader.read(sr);
writer = new XMLWriter(sw, formater);
return sw.toString();
} catch (DocumentException e) {
log.error("{}", e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("{}", e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
if (writer != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ignored) {
return xmlStr;
* Format xml, use xml file encoding value as OutputFormat encoding ,if not
* exist encoding attribute use UTF-8 by default
* {@link OutputFormat#createPrettyPrint()}
* @param xmlStr xml String
* @return format xml string
public static String formatPretty(String xmlStr) {
return formatPretty(xmlStr, getEncoding(xmlStr));
* Format xml, use xml file encoding value as OutputFormat encoding,if not
* exist encoding attribute use UTF-8 by default
* {@link OutputFormat#createPrettyPrint()}
* @param xmlStr xml String
* @return format xml string
public static String formatCompact(String xmlStr) {
return formatCompact(xmlStr, getEncoding(xmlStr));
* Obtain xml file encoding attribute
* @param xmlStr xml String
* @return encoding value
public static String getEncoding(String xmlStr) {
String result;
String xml = xmlStr.trim();
if (xml.startsWith("");
int encIndex = xml.indexOf("encoding=");
if (encIndex != -1) {
String sub = xml.substring(encIndex + 9, end);
result = CommUtil.substringBetween(sub, "\"", "\"");
return result;
return null;
* Bean to xml.
* Using XStream library from serialize objects to XML.
* example:
* XAlias[] xa={new XAlias("Foo",Foo.class)};
* XAliasField[] xaf={new XAliasField("Bar",Bar.class,"bar")};
* XAliasAttribute[] xaa={new XAliasAttribute("Name",User.class,"name")};
* XOmitField[] xf={new XOmitField(V.class,"v")}
* then,
* toXml(bean,xa,xaf,xaa,xf);
Note: XStream Mode is {@link XStream#NO_REFERENCES}
* @param obj bean
* @param xAlias Alias a Class to a shorter name to be used in XML elements.
* @param xAliasFields Create an alias for a field name.
* @param xAliasAttributes Create an alias for an attribute.
* @param xOmitFields Prevents a field from being serialized.
* @param obj
* @return xml String
* @since XSTREAM 1.4.5
public static String toXml(T obj, XAlias[] xAlias,
XAliasField[] xAliasFields, XAliasAttribute[] xAliasAttributes,
XOmitField[] xOmitFields) {
return toXml(obj, xAlias, xAliasFields, xAliasAttributes, xOmitFields,
null, null, null);
* Bean to xml.
* Using XStream library from serialize objects to XML.
* example:
* XAlias[] xa={new XAlias("Foo",Foo.class)};
* XAliasField[] xaf={new XAliasField("Bar",Bar.class,"bar")};
* XAliasAttribute[] xaa={new XAliasAttribute("Name",User.class,"name")};
* XOmitField[] xf={new XOmitField(V.class,"v")}
* then,
* toXml(bean,xa,xaf,xaa,xf);
Note: XStream Mode is {@link XStream#ID_REFERENCES}
* @param obj bean
* @param xAlias Alias a Class to a shorter name to be used in XML elements.
* @param xAliasFields Create an alias for a field name.
* @param xAliasAttributes Create an alias for an attribute.
* @param xOmitFields Prevents a field from being serialized.
* @param obj
* @return xml String
* @since XSTREAM 1.4.5
public static String toXmlWithIdRef(T obj, XAlias[] xAlias,
XAliasField[] xAliasFields, XAliasAttribute[] xAliasAttributes,
XOmitField[] xOmitFields) {
return toXmlWithIdRef(obj, xAlias, xAliasFields, xAliasAttributes,
xOmitFields, null, null, null);
* Bean to xml.
* Using XStream library from serialize objects to XML.
* example:
* XAlias[] xa={new XAlias("Foo",Foo.class)};
* XAliasField[] xaf={new XAliasField("Bar",Bar.class,"bar")};
* XAliasAttribute[] xaa={new XAliasAttribute("Name",User.class,"name")};
* XOmitField[] xf={new XOmitField(V.class,"v")}
* XImplicitCollection[] xic=null;
* XImmutableType[] xit=null;
* XConverter[] xc=null;
* then,
* toXml(bean,xa,xaf,xaa,xf,xic,xit,xc);
Note: XStream Mode is {@link XStream#NO_REFERENCES}
* @param obj bean
* @param xAlias Alias a Class to a shorter name to be used in XML elements.
* @param xAliasFields Create an alias for a field name.
* @param xAliasAttributes Create an alias for an attribute.
* @param xOmitFields Prevents a field from being serialized.
* @param xImplicitCollection Adds implicit collection which is used for all items of the
* given element name defined by itemFieldName.
* @param xImmutableTypes Add immutable types. The value of the instances of these types
* will always be written into the stream even if they appear
* multiple times.
* @param xConverters register converter
* @param obj
* @return xml String
* @since XSTREAM 1.4.5
public static String toXml(T obj, XAlias[] xAlias,
XAliasField[] xAliasFields, XAliasAttribute[] xAliasAttributes,
XOmitField[] xOmitFields,
XImplicitCollection[] xImplicitCollection,
XImmutableType[] xImmutableTypes, XConverter[] xConverters) {
return (String) parse(0, XStream.NO_REFERENCES, obj, xAlias,
xAliasFields, xAliasAttributes, xOmitFields,
xImplicitCollection, xImmutableTypes, xConverters);
* Bean to xml.
* Using XStream library from serialize objects to XML.
* example:
* XAlias[] xa={new XAlias("Foo",Foo.class)};
* XAliasField[] xaf={new XAliasField("Bar",Bar.class,"bar")};
* XAliasAttribute[] xaa={new XAliasAttribute("Name",User.class,"name")};
* XOmitField[] xf={new XOmitField(V.class,"v")}
* XImplicitCollection[] xic=null;
* XImmutableType[] xit=null;
* XConverter[] xc=null;
* then,
* toXml(bean,xa,xaf,xaa,xf,xic,xit,xc);
Note: XStream Mode is {@link XStream#ID_REFERENCES}
* @param obj bean
* @param xAlias Alias a Class to a shorter name to be used in XML elements.
* @param xAliasFields Create an alias for a field name.
* @param xAliasAttributes Create an alias for an attribute.
* @param xOmitFields Prevents a field from being serialized.
* @param xImplicitCollection Adds implicit collection which is used for all items of the
* given element name defined by itemFieldName.
* @param xImmutableTypes Add immutable types. The value of the instances of these types
* will always be written into the stream even if they appear
* multiple times.
* @param xConverters register converter
* @return xml String
* @since XSTREAM 1.4.5
public static String toXmlWithIdRef(Object obj, XAlias[] xAlias,
XAliasField[] xAliasFields, XAliasAttribute[] xAliasAttributes,
XOmitField[] xOmitFields,
XImplicitCollection[] xImplicitCollection,
XImmutableType[] xImmutableTypes, XConverter[] xConverters) {
return (String) parse(0, XStream.ID_REFERENCES, obj, xAlias,
xAliasFields, xAliasAttributes, xOmitFields,
xImplicitCollection, xImmutableTypes, xConverters);
* Bean to xml.
* Using XStream library from xml to serialize objects.
* example:
* XAlias[] xa={new XAlias("Foo",Foo.class)};
* XAliasField[] xaf={new XAliasField("Bar",Bar.class,"bar")};
* XAliasAttribute[] xaa={new XAliasAttribute("Name",User.class,"name")};
* XOmitField[] xf={new XOmitField(V.class,"v")}
* then,
* *
* toBean(xmlStr,xa,xaf,xaa,xf);
Note: XStream Mode is {@link XStream#NO_REFERENCES}
* @param xmlStr xml String
* xml String
* @param xAlias Alias a Class to a shorter name to be used in XML elements.
* @param xAliasFields Create an alias for a field name.
* @param xAliasAttributes Create an alias for an attribute.
* @param xOmitFields Prevents a field from being serialized.
* @return Object
* @since XSTREAM 1.4.5
public static Object toBean(String xmlStr, XAlias[] xAlias,
XAliasField[] xAliasFields, XAliasAttribute[] xAliasAttributes,
XOmitField[] xOmitFields) {
return toBean(xmlStr, xAlias, xAliasFields, xAliasAttributes,
xOmitFields, null, null, null);
* Bean to xml.
* Using XStream library from XML to serialize objects.
* example:
* XAlias[] xa={new XAlias("Foo",Foo.class)};
* XAliasField[] xaf={new XAliasField("Bar",Bar.class,"bar")};
* XAliasAttribute[] xaa={new XAliasAttribute("Name",User.class,"name")};
* XOmitField[] xf={new XOmitField(V.class,"v")}
* then,
* toBean(xmlStr,xa,xaf,xaa,xf);
Note: XStream Mode is {@link XStream#ID_REFERENCES}
* @param xmlStr xml String
* xml String
* @param xAlias Alias a Class to a shorter name to be used in XML elements.
* @param xAliasFields Create an alias for a field name.
* @param xAliasAttributes Create an alias for an attribute.
* @param xOmitFields Prevents a field from being serialized.
* @return Object
* @since XSTREAM 1.4.5
public static Object toBeanWithIdRef(String xmlStr, XAlias[] xAlias,
XAliasField[] xAliasFields, XAliasAttribute[] xAliasAttributes,
XOmitField[] xOmitFields) {
return toBeanWithIdRef(xmlStr, xAlias, xAliasFields, xAliasAttributes,
xOmitFields, null, null, null);
* Bean to xml.
* Using XStream library from XML to serialize objects.
* example:
* XAlias[] xa={new XAlias("Foo",Foo.class)};
* XAliasField[] xaf={new XAliasField("Bar",Bar.class,"bar")};
* XAliasAttribute[] xaa={new XAliasAttribute("Name",User.class,"name")};
* XOmitField[] xf={new XOmitField(V.class,"v")};
* XImplicitCollection[] xic=null;
* XImmutableType[] xit=null;
* XConverter[] xc=null;
* then,
* toBean(xmlStr,xa,xaf,xaa,xf,xic,xit,xc);
Note: XStream Mode is {@link XStream#NO_REFERENCES}
* @param xmlStr xml String
* xml String
* @param xAlias Alias a Class to a shorter name to be used in XML elements.
* @param xAliasFields Create an alias for a field name.
* @param xAliasAttributes Create an alias for an attribute.
* @param xOmitFields Prevents a field from being serialized.
* @param xImplicitCollection Adds implicit collection which is used for all items of the
* given element name defined by itemFieldName.
* @param xImmutableTypes Add immutable types. The value of the instances of these types
* will always be written into the stream even if they appear
* multiple times.
* @param xConverters register converter
* @return Object
* @since XSTREAM 1.4.5
public static Object toBean(String xmlStr, XAlias[] xAlias,
XAliasField[] xAliasFields, XAliasAttribute[] xAliasAttributes,
XOmitField[] xOmitFields,
XImplicitCollection[] xImplicitCollection,
XImmutableType[] xImmutableTypes, XConverter[] xConverters) {
return parse(1, XStream.NO_REFERENCES, xmlStr, xAlias, xAliasFields,
xAliasAttributes, xOmitFields, xImplicitCollection,
xImmutableTypes, xConverters);
* Bean to xml.
* Using XStream library from xml to serialize objects.
* example:
* XAlias[] xa={new XAlias("Foo",Foo.class)};
* XAliasField[] xaf={new XAliasField("Bar",Bar.class,"bar")};
* XAliasAttribute[] xaa={new XAliasAttribute("Name",User.class,"name")};
* XOmitField[] xf={new XOmitField(V.class,"v")};
* XImplicitCollection[] xic=null;
* XImmutableType[] xit=null;
* XConverter[] xc=null;
* then,
* toBean(xmlStr,xa,xaf,xaa,xf,xic,xit,xc);
Note: XStream Mode is {@link XStream#ID_REFERENCES}
* @param xmlStr xml String
* xml String
* @param xAlias Alias a Class to a shorter name to be used in XML elements.
* @param xAliasFields Create an alias for a field name.
* @param xAliasAttributes Create an alias for an attribute.
* @param xOmitFields Prevents a field from being serialized.
* @param xImplicitCollection Adds implicit collection which is used for all items of the
* given element name defined by itemFieldName.
* @param xImmutableTypes Add immutable types. The value of the instances of these types
* will always be written into the stream even if they appear
* multiple times.
* @param xConverters register converter
* @return Object
* @since XSTREAM 1.4.5
public static Object toBeanWithIdRef(String xmlStr, XAlias[] xAlias,
XAliasField[] xAliasFields, XAliasAttribute[] xAliasAttributes,
XOmitField[] xOmitFields,
XImplicitCollection[] xImplicitCollection,
XImmutableType[] xImmutableTypes, XConverter[] xConverters) {
return parse(1, XStream.ID_REFERENCES, xmlStr, xAlias, xAliasFields,
xAliasAttributes, xOmitFields, xImplicitCollection,
xImmutableTypes, xConverters);
* Parser
* @param parseMod 0 is toXml
* @param mode XStream.ID_REFERENCES or XStream.NO_REFERENCES
* @param value value
* @param xAlias {@link com.rockagen.commons.util.XmlUtil.XAlias}
* @param xAliasFields {@link com.rockagen.commons.util.XmlUtil.XAliasField}
* @param xAliasAttributes {@link com.rockagen.commons.util.XmlUtil.XAliasAttribute}
* @param xOmitFields {@link com.rockagen.commons.util.XmlUtil.XOmitField}
* @param xImplicitCollection {@link com.rockagen.commons.util.XmlUtil.XImplicitCollection}
* @param xImmutableTypes {@link com.rockagen.commons.util.XmlUtil.XImmutableType}
* @param xConverters {@link com.rockagen.commons.util.XmlUtil.XConverter}
* @return Object
private static Object parse(int parseMod, int mode, Object value,
XAlias[] xAlias, XAliasField[] xAliasFields,
XAliasAttribute[] xAliasAttributes, XOmitField[] xOmitFields,
XImplicitCollection[] xImplicitCollection,
XImmutableType[] xImmutableTypes, XConverter[] xConverters) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
if (value instanceof String) {
if (value.equals("")) {
return null;
final XStream xstream = new XStream();
initXstream(xstream, xAlias, xAliasFields, xAliasAttributes,
xOmitFields, xImplicitCollection, xImmutableTypes, xConverters);
if (parseMod == 0) {
return xstream.toXML(value);
} else {
return xstream.fromXML((String) value);
* XStream Alias
* @param xstream {@link com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream}
* @param xAlias {@link com.rockagen.commons.util.XmlUtil.XAlias}
* @param xAliasFields {@link com.rockagen.commons.util.XmlUtil.XAliasField}
* @param xAliasAttributes {@link com.rockagen.commons.util.XmlUtil.XAliasAttribute}
* @param xOmitFields {@link com.rockagen.commons.util.XmlUtil.XOmitField}
* @param xImplicitCollection {@link com.rockagen.commons.util.XmlUtil.XImplicitCollection}
* @param xImmutableTypes {@link com.rockagen.commons.util.XmlUtil.XImmutableType}
* @param xConverters {@link com.rockagen.commons.util.XmlUtil.XConverter}
protected static void initXstream(XStream xstream, XAlias[] xAlias,
XAliasField[] xAliasFields, XAliasAttribute[] xAliasAttributes,
XOmitField[] xOmitFields,
XImplicitCollection[] xImplicitCollection,
XImmutableType[] xImmutableTypes, XConverter[] xConverters) {
if (xOmitFields != null) {
for (XOmitField xof : xOmitFields) {
xstream.omitField(xof.classType, xof.fieldName);
if (xImplicitCollection != null) {
for (XImplicitCollection xic : xImplicitCollection) {
xstream.addImplicitCollection(xic.ownerType, xic.fieldName,
xic.itemFieldName, xic.itemType);
if (xImmutableTypes != null) {
for (XImmutableType xit : xImmutableTypes) {
if (xConverters != null) {
for (XConverter xc : xConverters) {
xstream.registerConverter(xc.converter, xc.priority);
if (xAlias != null) {
for (XAlias xa : xAlias) {
xstream.alias(xa.aliasName, xa.classType);
if (xAliasFields != null) {
for (XAliasField xaf : xAliasFields) {
xstream.aliasField(xaf.aliasName, xaf.fieldType, xaf.fieldName);
if (xAliasAttributes != null) {
for (XAliasAttribute xaa : xAliasAttributes) {
xstream.useAttributeFor(xaa.attributeType, xaa.attributeName);
xstream.aliasAttribute(xaa.attributeType, xaa.attributeName,
* See {@link XStream#alias(String, Class, Class)}
public static class XAlias {
private final String aliasName;
private final Class> classType;
public XAlias(String aliasName, Class> classType) {
this.aliasName = aliasName;
this.classType = classType;
public String getAliasName() {
return aliasName;
public Class> getClassType() {
return classType;
* See {@link XStream#omitField(Class, String)}
public static class XOmitField {
private final String fieldName;
private final Class> classType;
public XOmitField(Class> classType, String fieldName) {
this.fieldName = fieldName;
this.classType = classType;
public String getFieldName() {
return fieldName;
public Class> getClassType() {
return classType;
* See {@link XStream#addImmutableType(Class)}
public static class XImmutableType {
private final Class> type;
public XImmutableType(Class> type) {
this.type = type;
public Class> getType() {
return type;
* See {@link XStream#registerConverter(Converter, int)}
public static class XConverter {
private final Converter converter;
private final int priority;
public XConverter(Converter converter, int priority) {
this.converter = converter;
this.priority = priority;
public Converter getConverter() {
return converter;
public int getPriority() {
return priority;
* See {@link XStream#addImplicitCollection(Class, String, String, Class)}
public static class XImplicitCollection {
private final Class> ownerType;
private final String fieldName;
private final String itemFieldName;
private final Class> itemType;
public XImplicitCollection(Class> ownerType, String fieldName,
String itemFieldName, Class> itemType) {
this.ownerType = ownerType;
this.fieldName = fieldName;
this.itemFieldName = itemFieldName;
this.itemType = itemType;
public Class> getOwnerType() {
return ownerType;
public String getFieldName() {
return fieldName;
public String getItemFieldName() {
return itemFieldName;
public Class> getItemType() {
return itemType;
* See {@link XStream#aliasField(String, Class, String)}
public static class XAliasField {
private final String aliasName;
private final Class> fieldType;
private final String fieldName;
public XAliasField(String aliasName, Class> fieldType,
String fieldName) {
this.aliasName = aliasName;
this.fieldType = fieldType;
this.fieldName = fieldName;
public String getAliasName() {
return aliasName;
public Class> getFieldType() {
return fieldType;
public String getFieldName() {
return fieldName;
* See {@link XStream#aliasAttribute(Class, String, String)}
public static class XAliasAttribute {
private final String aliasName;
private final Class> attributeType;
private final String attributeName;
public XAliasAttribute(String aliasName, Class> attributeType,
String attributeName) {
this.aliasName = aliasName;
this.attributeType = attributeType;
this.attributeName = attributeName;
public String getAliasName() {
return aliasName;
public Class> getAttributeType() {
return attributeType;
public String getAttributeName() {
return attributeName;
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