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com.rojoma.json.v3.-impl.util.AutomaticJsonCodecBuilderImpl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.rojoma.json.v3
package `-impl`.util
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.macros.ParseException
import codec._
import util.{JsonKey, AlternativeJsonKey, JsonKeyStrategy, Strategy, LazyCodec, NullForNone, ForbidUnknownFields, AllowMissing}
import MacroCompat._
class AutomaticJsonCodecBuilderImpl[Ctx <: Context](c_ : Ctx) extends MacroCompat(c_) with MacroCommon[Ctx] {
import c.universe._
class Impl[T : c.WeakTypeTag] {
private lazy val T = weakTypeOf[T]
private lazy val Tname = TypeTree(T)
private def identityStrat(x: String) = x
private def underscoreStrat(x: String) = CamelSplit(x).map(_.toLowerCase).mkString("_")
private def freshTermName(): TermName = toTermName(c.freshName())
private def nameStrategy(thing: Symbol, default: String => String): String => String = {
checkAnn(thing, typeOf[JsonKeyStrategy])
thing.annotations.reverse.find { ann => isType(ann.tree.tpe, typeOf[JsonKeyStrategy]) } match {
case Some(ann) =>
findValue(ann) match {
case Some(strat : Symbol) =>
try {
Strategy.valueOf(strat.name.decodedName.toString) match {
case Strategy.Identity =>
identityStrat _
case Strategy.Underscore =>
underscoreStrat _
} catch {
case _: IllegalArgumentException =>
case _ =>
case None =>
private val nfnDefault = {
checkAnn(T.typeSymbol, typeOf[NullForNone])
T.typeSymbol.annotations.exists { ann => isType(ann.tree.tpe, typeOf[NullForNone]) }
private val defaultNameStrategy = nameStrategy(T.typeSymbol, identityStrat)
private val forbidUnknownFields = T.typeSymbol.annotations.exists { ann => isType(ann.tree.tpe, typeOf[ForbidUnknownFields]) }
// since v2 and v3 share the same names for their annotations, warn if we find one that isn't
// the same type but is the same name and don't find one that IS the right type.
def checkAnn(param: Symbol, t: Type): Unit = {
param.annotations.find { ann => ann.tree.tpe.erasure.typeSymbol.name == t.typeSymbol.name && !isType(ann.tree.tpe, t) }.foreach { ann =>
if(!param.annotations.exists { ann => isType(ann.tree.tpe, t) }) {
c.warning(posOf(param, ann), "Found non-v3 `" + t.typeSymbol.name.decodedName + "' annotation; did you accidentally import v2's?")
private def hasLazyAnnotation(param: TermSymbol) = {
checkAnn(param, typeOf[LazyCodec])
param.annotations.exists { ann => isType(ann.tree.tpe, typeOf[LazyCodec]) }
private def computeJsonNames(param: TermSymbol): Seq[String] = {
var names = List(nameStrategy(param, defaultNameStrategy)(param.name.decodedName.toString))
checkAnn(param, typeOf[JsonKey])
checkAnn(param, typeOf[AlternativeJsonKey])
val keyAnnotations = param.annotations.filter { ann => isType(ann.tree.tpe, typeOf[JsonKey]) }
if(keyAnnotations.size > 1) {
c.abort(posOf(param, keyAnnotations(1)), "Found multiple JsonKey annotations")
val keyAnnotation = keyAnnotations.headOption
for(ann <- keyAnnotation)
findValue(ann) match {
case Some(s: String) =>
names = List(s)
case _ =>
c.abort(posOf(param, ann), "Unable to find value for JsonKey annotation")
val alternativeKeyAnnotations = param.annotations.filter { ann => isType(ann.tree.tpe, typeOf[AlternativeJsonKey]) }
for(ann <- alternativeKeyAnnotations)
findValue(ann) match {
case Some(s : String) =>
names = s :: names
case _ =>
c.abort(posOf(param, ann), "Unable to find value for AlternativeJsonKey annotation")
private def findAccessor(param: TermSymbol) =
private def findType(param: TermSymbol) =
param.typeSignature.asSeenFrom(T, T.typeSymbol)
private def findCodecType(param: TermSymbol) = {
val tpe = findType(param)
if(isType(tpe.erasure, typeOf[Option[_]].erasure)) {
tpe match {
case TypeRef(_, _, c) => c.head
case _ => c.abort(param.pos, "Internal exception: expected a TypeRef")
} else {
private def isOption(param: TermSymbol) = {
val tpe = param.typeSignature.asSeenFrom(T, T.typeSymbol)
isType(tpe.erasure, typeOf[Option[_]].erasure)
private def hasNullForNoneAnnotation(param: TermSymbol) = {
checkAnn(param, typeOf[NullForNone])
nfnDefault || param.annotations.exists(ann => isType(ann.tree.tpe, typeOf[NullForNone]))
private def defaultIfMissing(param: TermSymbol): Option[Tree] = {
checkAnn(param, typeOf[AllowMissing])
val keyAnnotations = param.annotations.filter { ann => isType(ann.tree.tpe, typeOf[AllowMissing]) }
if(keyAnnotations.size > 1) {
c.abort(posOf(param, keyAnnotations(1)), "Found multiple AllowMissing annotations")
keyAnnotations.headOption.map { ann =>
findValue(ann) match {
case Some(s: String) =>
try {
} catch {
case e: ParseException =>
c.abort(posOf(param, ann), "AllowMissing parse error: " + e.getMessage)
case _ =>
c.abort(posOf(param, ann), "Unable to find value for AllowMissing annotation")
private case class FieldInfo(encName: TermName, decName: TermName, isLazy: Boolean, jsonNames: Seq[String], accessorName: TermName, missingMethodName: TermName, errorAugmenterMethodName: TermName, typ: Type, codecType: Type, isOption: Boolean, isNullForNone: Boolean, defaultIfMissing: Option[(Tree, TermName)], position: Position)
private val fieldss = locally {
val seenNames = new mutable.HashSet[String]
val buffer = new mutable.ListBuffer[List[FieldInfo]]
for {
member <- T.members
if member.isMethod && member.asMethod.isPrimaryConstructor
} {
val mem = member.asMethod
if(mem.owner == T.typeSymbol) {
for {
params <- mem.paramLists
} {
if(params.isEmpty || !params.head.asTerm.isImplicit) {
val fieldList =
for { rawParam <- params }
yield {
val param = rawParam.asTerm
val names = computeJsonNames(param)
names.find(seenNames) match {
case Some(name) =>
c.abort(param.pos, s"The name `$name' is already used by the codec for $Tname")
case None =>
seenNames ++= names
defaultIfMissing(param).map((_, freshTermName())),
buffer += fieldList
private val fields = fieldss.flatten
// three names for temporary variables used during the encoding/decoding process
private val tmp = freshTermName()
private val tmp2 = freshTermName()
private val tmp3 = freshTermName()
private val tmp4 = freshTermName()
private val lValue = freshTermName()
private val rValue = freshTermName()
private val expectedFields = freshTermName()
// the name of the thing being encoded or decoded
private val param = freshTermName()
private def encodes = fields.map { fi =>
val enc = q"_root_.com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.JsonEncode[${TypeTree(fi.codecType)}]"
if(fi.isLazy) {
q"private[this] lazy val ${fi.encName} = $enc"
} else {
q"private[this] val ${fi.encName} = $enc"
private def encoder = locally {
val encoderMap = freshTermName()
def encoderMapUpdates = for(fi <- fields) yield {
if(fi.isOption) {
if(fi.isNullForNone || fi.defaultIfMissing.nonEmpty) {
if(fi.isNullForNone && fi.defaultIfMissing.nonEmpty) {
c.warning(fi.position, "NullForNone is implied by AllowMissing on Options")
q"""$encoderMap += ${fi.jsonNames.head} -> {
val $tmp = $param.${fi.accessorName}
if($tmp.isInstanceOf[_root_.scala.Some[_]]) ${fi.encName}.encode($tmp.get)
else _root_.com.rojoma.json.v3.ast.JNull
} else {
q"""val $tmp = $param.${fi.accessorName}
if($tmp.isInstanceOf[_root_.scala.Some[_]]) $encoderMap += ${fi.jsonNames.head} -> ${fi.encName}.encode($tmp.get)"""
} else {
q"$encoderMap += ${fi.jsonNames.head} -> ${fi.encName}.encode($param.${fi.accessorName})"
q"""def encode($param: $Tname) = {
val $encoderMap = _root_.scala.collection.immutable.VectorMap.newBuilder[_root_.scala.Predef.String, _root_.com.rojoma.json.v3.ast.JValue]
private def decodes = fields.map { fi =>
val dec = q"_root_.com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.JsonDecode[${TypeTree(fi.codecType)}]"
if(fi.isLazy) {
q"private[this] lazy val ${fi.decName} = $dec"
} else {
q"private[this] val ${fi.decName} = $dec"
private def defaults = fields.flatMap { case fi =>
fi.defaultIfMissing.map { case (dflt, dfltName) =>
q"private[this] def ${dfltName}: ${fi.typ} = $dflt"
private def missingMethods: List[DefDef] = fields.filter { fi => !fi.isOption && fi.defaultIfMissing.isEmpty }.map { fi =>
q"""private[this] def ${fi.missingMethodName}: _root_.scala.Left[_root_.com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.DecodeError, _root_.scala.Nothing] =
private def errorAugmenterMethods: List[DefDef] = fields.map { fi =>
q"""private[this] def ${fi.errorAugmenterMethodName}($tmp3 : _root_.scala.Either[_root_.com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.DecodeError, _root_.scala.Any], $tmp4 : _root_.scala.Predef.String): _root_.scala.Left[_root_.com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.DecodeError, _root_.scala.Nothing] =
_root_.scala.Left($lValue($tmp3.asInstanceOf[_root_.scala.Left[_root_.com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.DecodeError, _root_.scala.Any]]).augment(_root_.com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.Path.Field($tmp4)))"""
private def fieldSet =
if(forbidUnknownFields) {
List(q"""private[this] val $expectedFields = _root_.scala.collection.immutable.Set(..${fields.flatMap(_.jsonNames)})""")
} else {
def decoder = locally {
val obj = freshTermName()
val tmps = fieldss.map { _.map { _ => freshTermName() } }
val decoderMapExtractions: List[ValDef] = for((fi,tmp) <- fields.zip(tmps.flatten)) yield {
val expr = if(fi.isOption) {
fi.jsonNames.foldRight[Tree](fi.defaultIfMissing.fold[Tree](q"""_root_.scala.None""") { case (_, name) => q"""$name""" }) { (jsonName, otherwise) =>
q"""val $tmp2 = $obj.get($jsonName)
if($tmp2.isInstanceOf[_root_.scala.Some[_]]) {
val $tmp3 = ${fi.decName}.decode($tmp2.get)
if($tmp3.isInstanceOf[_root_.scala.Right[_,_]]) Some($rValue($tmp3.asInstanceOf[_root_.scala.Right[_root_.scala.Any, ${TypeTree(fi.codecType)}]]))
else if(_root_.com.rojoma.json.v3.ast.JNull == $tmp2.get) _root_.scala.None
else return ${fi.errorAugmenterMethodName}($tmp3, $jsonName)
} else $otherwise"""
} else {
fi.jsonNames.foldRight[Tree](fi.defaultIfMissing.fold[Tree](q"""return ${fi.missingMethodName}""") { case (_, name) => q"""$name""" }) { (jsonName, otherwise) =>
q"""val $tmp2 = ${obj}.get($jsonName)
if($tmp2.isInstanceOf[_root_.scala.Some[_]]) {
val $tmp3 = ${fi.decName}.decode($tmp2.get)
if($tmp3.isInstanceOf[_root_.scala.Right[_,_]]) $rValue($tmp3.asInstanceOf[_root_.scala.Right[_root_.scala.Any, ${TypeTree(fi.codecType)}]])
else return ${fi.errorAugmenterMethodName}($tmp3, $jsonName)
} else $otherwise"""
q"val $tmp = $expr"
val create = // not sure how to do this with quasiquote...
tmps.foldLeft(Select(New(TypeTree(T)), toTermName("")) : Tree) { (seed, arglist) =>
Apply(seed, arglist.map(Ident(_)))
def checkUnknownFields=
if(forbidUnknownFields) {
List(q"""val $tmp = $obj.keysIterator.filterNot($expectedFields)
if($tmp.hasNext) {
return _root_.scala.Left(
} else {
q"""def decode($param: _root_.com.rojoma.json.v3.ast.JValue): _root_.scala.Either[_root_.com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.DecodeError, $Tname] =
if($param.isInstanceOf[_root_.com.rojoma.json.v3.ast.JObject]) {
val $obj = $param.asInstanceOf[_root_.com.rojoma.json.v3.ast.JObject].fields
} else {
private def lValueDef =
q"""@_root_.scala.inline private[this] def $lValue[K,V](a: Left[K,V]) = a.value"""
q"""@_root_.scala.inline private[this] def $lValue[K,V](a: Left[K,V]) = a.a"""
private def rValueDef =
q"""@_root_.scala.inline private[this] def $rValue[K,V](b: Right[K,V]) = b.value"""
q"""@_root_.scala.inline private[this] def $rValue[K,V](b: Right[K,V]) = b.b"""
private def eitherValues = List(lValueDef, rValueDef)
def encode: c.Expr[JsonEncode[T] with JObjectEncode[T]] = {
val tree =
q"""(new _root_.com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.JsonEncode[$Tname] with _root_.com.rojoma.json.v3.`-impl`.util.JObjectEncode[$Tname] {
override def toString = ${"#"}
}) : _root_.com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.JsonEncode[$Tname] with _root_.com.rojoma.json.v3.`-impl`.util.JObjectEncode[$Tname]"""
// println(tree)
c.Expr[JsonEncode[T] with JObjectEncode[T]](tree)
def decode: c.Expr[JsonDecode[T]] = {
val tree =
q"""(new _root_.com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.JsonDecode[$Tname] {
override def toString = ${"#"}
}) : _root_.com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.JsonDecode[$Tname]"""
// println(tree)
def codec: c.Expr[JsonEncode[T] with JsonDecode[T] with JObjectEncode[T]] = {
val tree = q"""(new _root_.com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.JsonEncode[$Tname] with _root_.com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.JsonDecode[$Tname] with _root_.com.rojoma.json.v3.`-impl`.util.JObjectEncode[$Tname] {
override def toString = ${"#"}
}) : _root_.com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.JsonEncode[$Tname] with _root_.com.rojoma.json.v3.codec.JsonDecode[$Tname] with _root_.com.rojoma.json.v3.`-impl`.util.JObjectEncode[$Tname]"""
// println(tree)
c.Expr[JsonEncode[T] with JsonDecode[T] with JObjectEncode[T]](tree)
object AutomaticJsonCodecBuilderImpl {
def encode[T : ctx.WeakTypeTag](ctx: Context): ctx.Expr[JsonEncode[T] with JObjectEncode[T]] = {
val b = new AutomaticJsonCodecBuilderImpl[ctx.type](ctx)
new b.Impl[T]().encode
def decode[T : ctx.WeakTypeTag](ctx: Context): ctx.Expr[JsonDecode[T]] = {
val b = new AutomaticJsonCodecBuilderImpl[ctx.type](ctx)
new b.Impl[T]().decode
def codec[T : ctx.WeakTypeTag](ctx: Context): ctx.Expr[JsonEncode[T] with JsonDecode[T] with JObjectEncode[T]] = {
val b = new AutomaticJsonCodecBuilderImpl[ctx.type](ctx)
new b.Impl[T]().codec
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