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com.rojoma.json.v3.io.FusedBlockJsonEventIterator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.rojoma.json.v3
package io
import java.io.Reader
import `-impl`.util.AbstractBufferedIterator
/** Turns a raw character-stream into an event stream, checking for JSON
* well-formedness.
* A `FusedBlockJsonEventIterator` checks a character stream for syntactic correctness
* and produces events that reflect the syntax of JSON.
* As extension, this class allows comments and for unquoted identifiers to be used
* as object keys.
* @see [[com.rojoma.json.v3.io.JsonEventIterator]]
* @see [[com.rojoma.json.v3.io.JsonEventGenerator]]
* @see [[com.rojoma.json.v3.io.JsonEvent]]
class FusedBlockJsonEventIterator(input: Reader, fieldCache: FieldCache = IdentityFieldCache, blockSize: Int = 1024) extends AbstractBufferedIterator[JsonEvent] {
def this(text: String) = this(new java.io.StringReader(text))
def this(text: String, fieldCache: FieldCache) = this(new java.io.StringReader(text), fieldCache)
private [this] val block = new Array[Char](blockSize)
private [this] var pos = 0
private [this] var end = 0
private [this] var atTop = true // this is the value BEFORE "available" was last set
private [this] var available: JsonEvent = null
private [this] var stack = new Array[Boolean](16) // values are true for "parsing array" and false for "parsing object"
private [this] var stackPtr = -1
private [this] val scratch = new StringBuilder
// prevent toString from having side-effects
override def toString() = {
if((available ne null) || (pos != end)) "non-empty iterator"
else "possibly-empty iterator"
private def push(intoArray: Boolean): Unit = {
def growStack(): Unit = {
val newStack = new Array[Boolean](stack.length * 2)
System.arraycopy(stack, 0, newStack, 0, stack.length)
stack = newStack
stackPtr += 1
if(stackPtr == stack.length) growStack()
stack(stackPtr) = intoArray
private def pop(): Unit = { assert(stackPtr >= 0); stackPtr -= 1 }
// Meaningful only if the stack is not empty and the meaning
// varies depending on the kind on the top of the stack:
// * object (top == false):
// 0 => awaiting field name or }
// 1 => awaiting field name preceded by comma, or }
// 2 => awaiting datum
// * array (top == true):
// 0 => awaiting datum or ]
// 1 => awating datum preceded by comma, or ]
// Note that the new value after finishing a datum is
// always the same: it's always 1.
private [this] var compoundReadState: Int = _
private [this] var nextCharRow = 1 // This is the position of the next char returned from "nextChar()" or "peekChar()"
private [this] var nextCharCol = 1
private def lexerError(receivedChar: Char, expected: String, row: Int, col: Int): Nothing = {
throw new JsonUnexpectedCharacter(receivedChar, expected, Position(row, col))
private def refill(): Boolean =
input.read(block) match {
case -1 =>
case n =>
pos = 0
end = n
private def throwEOF() =
throw new JsonLexerEOF(Position(nextCharRow, nextCharCol))
private def atEOF(): Boolean =
pos == end && !refill()
private def skipCharNotAtEOF(): Unit = {
if(block(pos) == '\n') { nextCharRow += 1; nextCharCol = 1 }
else { nextCharCol += 1 }
pos += 1
private def peekChar() = {
if(atEOF()) throwEOF()
private def peekCharNotAtEOF() = block(pos)
private def nextChar() = {
val result = peekChar()
private def nextCharNotAtEOF() = {
val result = block(pos)
private def skipToEndOfLine() = while(!atEOF() && peekCharNotAtEOF() != '\n') skipCharNotAtEOF()
private def skipBlockComment(): Unit = {
var last = nextChar()
while(last != '*' || peekChar() != '/') last = nextChar()
skipCharNotAtEOF() // skip final '/'
private def skipComment(): Unit = {
skipCharNotAtEOF() // skip opening "/"
peekChar() match {
case '/' => skipCharNotAtEOF(); skipToEndOfLine()
case '*' => skipCharNotAtEOF(); skipBlockComment()
case c => lexerError(c, "/ or *", nextCharRow, nextCharCol)
private def skipWhitespace(): Unit = {
while(!atEOF() && Character.isWhitespace(peekCharNotAtEOF())) skipCharNotAtEOF()
if(!atEOF() && peekCharNotAtEOF() == '/') { skipComment(); skipWhitespace() }
private def advance(): Unit = {
atTop = stackPtr == -1
if(!atEOF()) available = readEvent()
def hasNext: Boolean = {
if(available == null) advance()
available != null
def head = {
if(!hasNext) {
throw new NoSuchTokenException(Position(nextCharRow, nextCharCol))
def next(): JsonEvent = {
val result = head
available = null
private def readEvent(): JsonEvent = {
if(stackPtr == -1) {
} else if(stack(stackPtr)) {
} else {
private def readDatumEvent(expected: String): JsonEvent = {
peekChar() match {
case '{' => openObject()
case '[' => openArray()
case '"' | '\'' => readStringEvent()
case '-' => readNumberEvent()
case c =>
if(isDigit(c)) readNumberEvent()
else if(Character.isUnicodeIdentifierStart(c)) readIdentifierEvent()
else badToken(expected)
private def badToken(expected: String): Nothing = {
val p = Position(nextCharRow, nextCharCol)
val token = peekChar() match {
case '{' => TokenOpenBrace()(p)
case '}' => TokenCloseBrace()(p)
case '[' => TokenOpenBracket()(p)
case ']' => TokenCloseBracket()(p)
case ',' => TokenComma()(p)
case ':' => TokenColon()(p)
case '"' | '\'' => TokenString(readString())(p)
case c if isDigit(c) || c == '-' => TokenNumber(readNumber())(p)
case c if Character.isUnicodeIdentifierStart(c) => TokenIdentifier(readIdentifier())(p)
case c => lexerError(c, expected, nextCharRow, nextCharCol)
throw new JsonUnexpectedToken(token, expected)
private def readObjectEvent(): JsonEvent =
compoundReadState match {
case 0 => readObjectFieldName()
case 1 => readObjectFieldNamePrecededByComma()
case 2 => readObjectDatumPrecededByColon()
private def readObjectFieldName(): JsonEvent = {
if(peekChar() == '}') {
} else {
val fieldName = readFieldNameEvent("field name or end of object")
compoundReadState = 2
private def readObjectFieldNamePrecededByComma(): JsonEvent = {
peekChar() match {
case ',' =>
// compat with JsonEventIterator: if the EOF happens now,
// just end the read
if(atEOF()) return null
val fieldName = readFieldNameEvent("field name")
compoundReadState = 2
case '}' =>
case _ =>
badToken("comma or end of object")
private def readObjectDatumPrecededByColon(): JsonEvent = {
if(peekChar() == ':') {
// compat with JsonEventIterator: if the EOF happens now,
// just end the read
if(atEOF()) return null
} else {
private def readFieldNameEvent(expected: String): JsonEvent = {
val row = nextCharRow
val col = nextCharCol
val field = peekChar() match {
case '"' | '\'' => readString()
case c if Character.isUnicodeIdentifierStart(c) => readIdentifier()
case _ => badToken(expected)
nonDatum(FieldEvent(fieldCache(field, stackPtr))(Position(row, col)))
private def readArrayEvent(): JsonEvent =
compoundReadState match {
case 0 => readArrayElement()
case 1 => readArrayElementPrecededByComma()
private def readArrayElement(): JsonEvent = {
if(peekChar() == ']') {
} else {
readDatumEvent("datum or end of array")
private def readArrayElementPrecededByComma(): JsonEvent = {
peekChar() match {
case ',' =>
// compat with JsonEventIterator: if the EOF happens now,
// just end the read
if(atEOF()) return null
case ']' =>
case _ =>
badToken("comma or end of array")
private def openObject(): JsonEvent = {
// Precondition: positioned on '{'
val row = nextCharRow
val col = nextCharCol
compoundReadState = 0
nonDatum(StartOfObjectEvent()(Position(row, col)))
private def endObject(): JsonEvent = {
// Precondition: positioned on '}'
val row = nextCharRow
val col = nextCharCol
finishDatum(EndOfObjectEvent()(Position(row, col)))
private def openArray(): JsonEvent = {
// Precondition: positioned on '['
val row = nextCharRow
val col = nextCharCol
compoundReadState = 0
nonDatum(StartOfArrayEvent()(Position(row, col)))
private def endArray(): JsonEvent = {
// Precondition: positioned on ']'
val row = nextCharRow
val col = nextCharCol
finishDatum(EndOfArrayEvent()(Position(row, col)))
private def readStringEvent(): JsonEvent = {
val row = nextCharRow
val col = nextCharCol
finishDatum(StringEvent(readString())(Position(row, col)))
private def readString(): String = {
val Boundary = nextChar()
while(peekChar() != Boundary) {
readPotentialSurrogatePair(readChar(), Boundary)
skipCharNotAtEOF() // skip closing quote
private def readPotentialSurrogatePair(c: Char, endOfString: Char): Unit = {
if(c >= Character.MIN_SURROGATE && c <= Character.MAX_SURROGATE) {
readSurrogatePair(c, endOfString)
} else {
scratch += c
private def badChar = 0xfffd.toChar
private def readSurrogatePair(c: Char, endOfString: Char): Unit = {
if(Character.isHighSurrogate(c)) {
if(peekChar() == endOfString) {
scratch += badChar
} else {
val potentialSecondHalf = readChar()
if(Character.isLowSurrogate(potentialSecondHalf)) {
scratch += c
scratch += potentialSecondHalf
} else {
scratch += badChar
if(potentialSecondHalf >= Character.MIN_SURROGATE && potentialSecondHalf <= Character.MAX_SURROGATE) {
readSurrogatePair(potentialSecondHalf, endOfString)
} else {
scratch += potentialSecondHalf
} else {
scratch += badChar
private def readChar(): Char = {
nextChar() match {
case '\\' => readEscapedCharacter()
case c => c
private def readEscapedCharacter(): Char = {
def ret(c: Char) = { skipCharNotAtEOF(); c }
peekChar() match {
case '"' => ret('"')
case '\'' => ret('\'')
case '\\' => ret('\\')
case '/' => ret('/')
case 'b' => ret('\b')
case 'f' => ret('\f')
case 'n' => ret('\n')
case 'r' => ret('\r')
case 't' => ret('\t')
case 'u' => skipCharNotAtEOF(); readUnicodeCharacter()
case c => lexerError(c, "string escape character", nextCharRow, nextCharCol)
private def readUnicodeCharacter(): Char = {
val h1, h2, h3, h4 = readHexDigit()
((h1 << 12) | (h2 << 8) | (h3 << 4) | h4).toChar
private def isDigit(c: Char) = '0' <= c && c <= '9'
private def readHexDigit(): Int = {
peekChar() match {
case c if isDigit(c) =>
c.toInt - '0'.toInt
case c if 'a' <= c && c <= 'f' =>
10 + c.toInt - 'a'.toInt
case c if 'A' <= c && c <= 'F' =>
10 + c.toInt - 'A'.toInt
case c =>
lexerError(c, "hex digit", nextCharRow, nextCharCol)
private def readIdentifierEvent(): JsonEvent = {
val row = nextCharRow
val col = nextCharCol
finishDatum(IdentifierEvent(readIdentifier())(Position(row, col)))
private def readIdentifier(): String = {
scratch += nextChar()
while(!atEOF() && Character.isUnicodeIdentifierPart(peekCharNotAtEOF())) scratch += nextCharNotAtEOF()
private def readDigit(): Char = {
if(!isDigit(peekChar())) lexerError(peekChar(), "digit", nextCharRow, nextCharCol)
private def readNumberEvent(): JsonEvent = {
val row = nextCharRow
val col = nextCharCol
finishDatum(NumberEvent(readNumber())(Position(row, col)))
private def readNumber(): String = {
// JSON numbers match (a subset of) the language generated by
// the regular expression:
// -?\d+(\.\d+)?([eE][+-]?\d+)?
// We'll match the whole thing, within the limits of BigDecimal
val startPos = Position(nextCharRow, nextCharCol)
if(peekChar() == '-') scratch += nextChar()
do { scratch += readDigit() } while(!atEOF() && isDigit(peekCharNotAtEOF()))
val hasFrac = !atEOF() && peekCharNotAtEOF() == '.'
if(hasFrac) {
scratch += nextChar() // skip decimal
do { scratch += readDigit() } while(!atEOF() && isDigit(peekCharNotAtEOF()))
val hasExponent = !atEOF() && (peekCharNotAtEOF() == 'e' || peekCharNotAtEOF() == 'E')
if(hasExponent) {
scratch += nextCharNotAtEOF() // skip e/E
if(peekChar() == '-' || peekCharNotAtEOF() == '+') scratch += nextCharNotAtEOF()
else scratch += '+' // ensure there's always a sign
val exponentDigitsStart = scratch.length
do { scratch += readDigit() } while(!atEOF() && isDigit(peekCharNotAtEOF()))
// this relies on the exponent being the last thing read
val result = scratch.toString
if(!ReaderUtils.isBigDecimalizableUnsignedExponent(result, exponentDigitsStart)) {
throw new JsonNumberOutOfRange(result, startPos)
} else {
private def finishDatum(event: JsonEvent): JsonEvent = {
compoundReadState = 1
private def nonDatum(event: JsonEvent): JsonEvent = {
* Finish reading the "current" object or array, where "current" is
* defined as "the most recent compound object started by `next()`.
* If a top-level object has not been started, this does nothing.
* @return This iterator
* @throws JsonEOF If the end-of-input occurs before finishing
* this object.
def skipRestOfCompound(): this.type = {
hasNext // hasNext to make sure atTop is in an accurate state
if(!atTop) {
try {
var count = 0
do {
val ev = next()
ev match {
case StartOfObjectEvent() | StartOfArrayEvent() => count += 1
case EndOfObjectEvent() | EndOfArrayEvent() => count -= 1
case _ => /* nothing */
} while(count >= 0)
} catch {
case e: NoSuchTokenException => throw new JsonParserEOF(e.position)
case _: NoSuchElementException => throw new JsonParserEOF(Position(-1, -1))
final def dropRestOfCompound() = skipRestOfCompound()
/** Skips the next datum that would be returned entirely. If the next event
* is the start of a array or object, `skipRestOfCompound()` is called to
* pass over it. If it's a field event, the field and its associated value
* are skipped. If it's the end of a array or object, no position change is
* made and the next call to `head` or `next()` will still return the end
* event. Otherwise, it's an atom and is consumed.
* @return This iterator
* @throws NoSuchElementException if this iterator is empty at the start of the call
* @throws JsonEOF if the token iterator runs out before the end of the datum
def skipNextDatum(): this.type = head match {
case StartOfObjectEvent() | StartOfArrayEvent() =>
case FieldEvent(_) =>
case EndOfObjectEvent() | EndOfArrayEvent() =>
case _ =>
final def dropNextDatum() = skipNextDatum()
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