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com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
 * Autogenerated by Avro
package com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark;

import org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificData;
import org.apache.avro.message.BinaryMessageEncoder;
import org.apache.avro.message.BinaryMessageDecoder;
import org.apache.avro.message.SchemaStore;

public class NestedRecordJhbwS extends org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecordBase implements org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecord {
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 6634713940108470466L;
  public static final org.apache.avro.Schema SCHEMA$ = new org.apache.avro.Schema.Parser().parse("{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"NestedRecordJhbwS\",\"namespace\":\"com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"pCygEoKGCn\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"enum\",\"name\":\"EnumFfexO\",\"symbols\":[\"lAcxnkVRhGLOIQxkQCG\",\"kkbkRvxWjLNA\"]}},{\"name\":\"pFdheFjZIh\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"map\",\"values\":{\"type\":\"enum\",\"name\":\"Enumdmair\",\"symbols\":[\"lbhRUWXAEVTzEGXmiEefteQXmQrGAHKACUytGS\",\"BgKlmVxsSwVwSpcGNiopCKgWPwwuqQGsInnK\",\"hVPzEO\"]},\"\":\"String\"}},{\"name\":\"EASzzCxnDl\",\"type\":[\"null\",\"float\"]},{\"name\":\"sTYlxIbvVa\",\"type\":\"long\"},{\"name\":\"QLqucffqEz\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"array\",\"items\":\"float\"}},{\"name\":\"EicRFuUHXc\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"array\",\"items\":\"boolean\"}},{\"name\":\"vfKjtfRVaN\",\"type\":[\"null\",{\"type\":\"string\",\"\":\"String\"}]},{\"name\":\"LHGAfqBJgV\",\"type\":\"long\"},{\"name\":\"JVYMeZrmjl\",\"type\":\"bytes\"},{\"name\":\"tgpHCbxchz\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"map\",\"values\":{\"type\":\"fixed\",\"name\":\"FixedvuZVa\",\"size\":9},\"\":\"String\"}},{\"name\":\"NSoHGYgbjj\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"array\",\"items\":{\"type\":\"fixed\",\"name\":\"FixedLdUFs\",\"size\":3}}},{\"name\":\"cYHWUgYADJ\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"array\",\"items\":\"float\"}},{\"name\":\"hyTBzfEdzX\",\"type\":[\"null\",\"int\"]},{\"name\":\"zPzCMYCvjD\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"fixed\",\"name\":\"FixedDLKzB\",\"size\":5}},{\"name\":\"eFkWtbpnET\",\"type\":\"float\"},{\"name\":\"fQQXUZsYll\",\"type\":[\"null\",{\"type\":\"string\",\"\":\"String\"}]},{\"name\":\"mNPCIMYaUf\",\"type\":\"int\"},{\"name\":\"raNQsaebFZ\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"array\",\"items\":\"int\"}},{\"name\":\"sisVXWPzGw\",\"type\":[\"null\",\"int\"]},{\"name\":\"yasnrkErXU\",\"type\":[\"null\",\"float\"]},{\"name\":\"VYstlEswqT\",\"type\":[\"null\",\"long\"]},{\"name\":\"xVhLCqdPnv\",\"type\":\"double\"},{\"name\":\"GqZJeAZPYV\",\"type\":\"bytes\"},{\"name\":\"WmDZVXRigg\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"string\",\"\":\"String\"}},{\"name\":\"rvvGpKfiZU\",\"type\":\"int\"},{\"name\":\"VQhFcCcgkG\",\"type\":\"int\"},{\"name\":\"wGkwqWJKeu\",\"type\":[\"null\",{\"type\":\"fixed\",\"name\":\"FixedbuWrm\",\"size\":6}]},{\"name\":\"hNRbhWmSKI\",\"type\":\"double\"},{\"name\":\"XqcawhxGkR\",\"type\":\"double\"},{\"name\":\"pefvOrXdPd\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"fixed\",\"name\":\"FixedHqfnA\",\"size\":4}},{\"name\":\"BkcAKkfvTV\",\"type\":[\"null\",\"long\"]},{\"name\":\"lahUiGJRSC\",\"type\":\"float\"},{\"name\":\"OLvDZWIXrz\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"fixed\",\"name\":\"FixedALBbL\",\"size\":9}},{\"name\":\"YsiDvOgHDW\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"fixed\",\"name\":\"FixedcuMSy\",\"size\":5}},{\"name\":\"VmbxyCBsbl\",\"type\":\"float\"},{\"name\":\"ksyuNnAibI\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"fixed\",\"name\":\"FixedjrLPM\",\"size\":8}},{\"name\":\"rmSaLcxGyW\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"array\",\"items\":{\"type\":\"string\",\"\":\"String\"}}},{\"name\":\"MmoShnnKQx\",\"type\":\"int\"},{\"name\":\"ChXRwDydGF\",\"type\":\"float\"},{\"name\":\"vyDpudYMcE\",\"type\":[\"null\",\"double\"]},{\"name\":\"QRmSxPeMsT\",\"type\":\"boolean\"},{\"name\":\"mqFHOpHXwR\",\"type\":\"double\"},{\"name\":\"nNXzSSpxqL\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"map\",\"values\":{\"type\":\"fixed\",\"name\":\"FixedOmJfU\",\"size\":5},\"\":\"String\"}},{\"name\":\"drbjVCokDY\",\"type\":\"int\"},{\"name\":\"VQCTFqhdGm\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"array\",\"items\":{\"type\":\"fixed\",\"name\":\"FixedpcEVD\",\"size\":5}}},{\"name\":\"bNZMohVIQt\",\"type\":\"boolean\"},{\"name\":\"NwDsfvNHsl\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"fixed\",\"name\":\"FixedSXivH\",\"size\":2}},{\"name\":\"SHuFexRaCB\",\"type\":\"double\"},{\"name\":\"GEhYpVHcmu\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"array\",\"items\":\"float\"}},{\"name\":\"NUHGsmXTEG\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"string\",\"\":\"String\"}},{\"name\":\"cDfsymCQgf\",\"type\":\"int\"},{\"name\":\"DvnoIvuNKk\",\"type\":\"bytes\"},{\"name\":\"ubnHfdwQeX\",\"type\":\"boolean\"},{\"name\":\"pNfQskEZyc\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"map\",\"values\":{\"type\":\"string\",\"\":\"String\"},\"\":\"String\"}},{\"name\":\"lHbKmQXLCQ\",\"type\":\"double\"},{\"name\":\"khMciWhswQ\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"string\",\"\":\"String\"}},{\"name\":\"YxHDmYeChP\",\"type\":\"boolean\"},{\"name\":\"TStNMLyKfB\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"string\",\"\":\"String\"}},{\"name\":\"AUQJNrJkOM\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"map\",\"values\":\"long\",\"\":\"String\"}},{\"name\":\"PznbJoIfXX\",\"type\":\"float\"},{\"name\":\"XwsXLkUGfi\",\"type\":\"double\"},{\"name\":\"OEBwpMaLRo\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"fixed\",\"name\":\"FixedHjVpD\",\"size\":1}},{\"name\":\"SXhbAwaZYF\",\"type\":\"bytes\"},{\"name\":\"yuaFjOFfAg\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"map\",\"values\":\"bytes\",\"\":\"String\"}},{\"name\":\"dUUEmKOMnK\",\"type\":[\"null\",{\"type\":\"string\",\"\":\"String\"}]},{\"name\":\"hVEhDLygTo\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"map\",\"values\":\"bytes\",\"\":\"String\"}},{\"name\":\"toGGDyHkFg\",\"type\":\"long\"},{\"name\":\"JHrPkIdwYz\",\"type\":\"boolean\"},{\"name\":\"gpJVwATlHV\",\"type\":[\"null\",\"boolean\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  public static org.apache.avro.Schema getClassSchema() { return SCHEMA$; }

  private static SpecificData MODEL$ = new SpecificData();

  private static final BinaryMessageEncoder ENCODER =
      new BinaryMessageEncoder(MODEL$, SCHEMA$);

  private static final BinaryMessageDecoder DECODER =
      new BinaryMessageDecoder(MODEL$, SCHEMA$);

   * Return the BinaryMessageDecoder instance used by this class.
  public static BinaryMessageDecoder getDecoder() {
    return DECODER;

   * Create a new BinaryMessageDecoder instance for this class that uses the specified {@link SchemaStore}.
   * @param resolver a {@link SchemaStore} used to find schemas by fingerprint
  public static BinaryMessageDecoder createDecoder(SchemaStore resolver) {
    return new BinaryMessageDecoder(MODEL$, SCHEMA$, resolver);

  /** Serializes this NestedRecordJhbwS to a ByteBuffer. */
  public java.nio.ByteBuffer toByteBuffer() throws {
    return ENCODER.encode(this);

  /** Deserializes a NestedRecordJhbwS from a ByteBuffer. */
  public static NestedRecordJhbwS fromByteBuffer(
      java.nio.ByteBuffer b) throws {
    return DECODER.decode(b);

   private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumFfexO pCygEoKGCn;
   private java.util.Map pFdheFjZIh;
   private java.lang.Float EASzzCxnDl;
   private long sTYlxIbvVa;
   private java.util.List QLqucffqEz;
   private java.util.List EicRFuUHXc;
   private java.lang.String vfKjtfRVaN;
   private long LHGAfqBJgV;
   private java.nio.ByteBuffer JVYMeZrmjl;
   private java.util.Map tgpHCbxchz;
   private java.util.List NSoHGYgbjj;
   private java.util.List cYHWUgYADJ;
   private java.lang.Integer hyTBzfEdzX;
   private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedDLKzB zPzCMYCvjD;
   private float eFkWtbpnET;
   private java.lang.String fQQXUZsYll;
   private int mNPCIMYaUf;
   private java.util.List raNQsaebFZ;
   private java.lang.Integer sisVXWPzGw;
   private java.lang.Float yasnrkErXU;
   private java.lang.Long VYstlEswqT;
   private double xVhLCqdPnv;
   private java.nio.ByteBuffer GqZJeAZPYV;
   private java.lang.String WmDZVXRigg;
   private int rvvGpKfiZU;
   private int VQhFcCcgkG;
   private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedbuWrm wGkwqWJKeu;
   private double hNRbhWmSKI;
   private double XqcawhxGkR;
   private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedHqfnA pefvOrXdPd;
   private java.lang.Long BkcAKkfvTV;
   private float lahUiGJRSC;
   private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedALBbL OLvDZWIXrz;
   private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedcuMSy YsiDvOgHDW;
   private float VmbxyCBsbl;
   private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedjrLPM ksyuNnAibI;
   private java.util.List rmSaLcxGyW;
   private int MmoShnnKQx;
   private float ChXRwDydGF;
   private java.lang.Double vyDpudYMcE;
   private boolean QRmSxPeMsT;
   private double mqFHOpHXwR;
   private java.util.Map nNXzSSpxqL;
   private int drbjVCokDY;
   private java.util.List VQCTFqhdGm;
   private boolean bNZMohVIQt;
   private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedSXivH NwDsfvNHsl;
   private double SHuFexRaCB;
   private java.util.List GEhYpVHcmu;
   private java.lang.String NUHGsmXTEG;
   private int cDfsymCQgf;
   private java.nio.ByteBuffer DvnoIvuNKk;
   private boolean ubnHfdwQeX;
   private java.util.Map pNfQskEZyc;
   private double lHbKmQXLCQ;
   private java.lang.String khMciWhswQ;
   private boolean YxHDmYeChP;
   private java.lang.String TStNMLyKfB;
   private java.util.Map AUQJNrJkOM;
   private float PznbJoIfXX;
   private double XwsXLkUGfi;
   private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedHjVpD OEBwpMaLRo;
   private java.nio.ByteBuffer SXhbAwaZYF;
   private java.util.Map yuaFjOFfAg;
   private java.lang.String dUUEmKOMnK;
   private java.util.Map hVEhDLygTo;
   private long toGGDyHkFg;
   private boolean JHrPkIdwYz;
   private java.lang.Boolean gpJVwATlHV;
   private java.nio.ByteBuffer CfrpxYbyEl;
   private double ceBxzgjllT;
   private java.lang.String ziADJlBgGW;
   private float laLkalHGgP;
   private java.lang.Float aMwlrdOmSH;
   private java.lang.Float wmDoSQLPjq;
   private java.util.Map myjJSfNJhf;
   private long flOUEiwBVE;
   private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumuNhMz IlEfRqUgVM;
   private java.lang.Boolean assuHlaYTD;
   private long xHXQYfInHo;
   private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumxLVhU ZEJeMQwEti;
   private boolean ZhoojAPfFD;
   private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumYjsZa rBiIoMMapw;
   private java.lang.String hNdTfStDXN;
   private java.lang.Boolean ZxlvzqXjXW;
   private java.nio.ByteBuffer kmFnTCONqv;
   private float MSrPQPLCvV;
   private java.util.Map zyxgVjiwCf;
   private java.lang.String nvDkGibsjK;
   private java.nio.ByteBuffer TEJPoitLNy;
   private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedvQUPQ TEBNyXBaUp;
   private java.lang.Boolean yTRuVlYJQu;
   private java.nio.ByteBuffer PXTCatzamX;
   private long VuChysXHei;
   private java.lang.String GaaQocvJul;
   private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedBUkyq ODULJpudRb;
   private java.util.Map LruedeSTbL;
   private java.lang.String txLnQAIGov;
   private boolean mgVkZdXXHq;
   private long eOlOvsBQlC;

   * Default constructor.  Note that this does not initialize fields
   * to their default values from the schema.  If that is desired then
   * one should use newBuilder().
  public NestedRecordJhbwS() {}

   * All-args constructor.
   * @param pCygEoKGCn The new value for pCygEoKGCn
   * @param pFdheFjZIh The new value for pFdheFjZIh
   * @param EASzzCxnDl The new value for EASzzCxnDl
   * @param sTYlxIbvVa The new value for sTYlxIbvVa
   * @param QLqucffqEz The new value for QLqucffqEz
   * @param EicRFuUHXc The new value for EicRFuUHXc
   * @param vfKjtfRVaN The new value for vfKjtfRVaN
   * @param LHGAfqBJgV The new value for LHGAfqBJgV
   * @param JVYMeZrmjl The new value for JVYMeZrmjl
   * @param tgpHCbxchz The new value for tgpHCbxchz
   * @param NSoHGYgbjj The new value for NSoHGYgbjj
   * @param cYHWUgYADJ The new value for cYHWUgYADJ
   * @param hyTBzfEdzX The new value for hyTBzfEdzX
   * @param zPzCMYCvjD The new value for zPzCMYCvjD
   * @param eFkWtbpnET The new value for eFkWtbpnET
   * @param fQQXUZsYll The new value for fQQXUZsYll
   * @param mNPCIMYaUf The new value for mNPCIMYaUf
   * @param raNQsaebFZ The new value for raNQsaebFZ
   * @param sisVXWPzGw The new value for sisVXWPzGw
   * @param yasnrkErXU The new value for yasnrkErXU
   * @param VYstlEswqT The new value for VYstlEswqT
   * @param xVhLCqdPnv The new value for xVhLCqdPnv
   * @param GqZJeAZPYV The new value for GqZJeAZPYV
   * @param WmDZVXRigg The new value for WmDZVXRigg
   * @param rvvGpKfiZU The new value for rvvGpKfiZU
   * @param VQhFcCcgkG The new value for VQhFcCcgkG
   * @param wGkwqWJKeu The new value for wGkwqWJKeu
   * @param hNRbhWmSKI The new value for hNRbhWmSKI
   * @param XqcawhxGkR The new value for XqcawhxGkR
   * @param pefvOrXdPd The new value for pefvOrXdPd
   * @param BkcAKkfvTV The new value for BkcAKkfvTV
   * @param lahUiGJRSC The new value for lahUiGJRSC
   * @param OLvDZWIXrz The new value for OLvDZWIXrz
   * @param YsiDvOgHDW The new value for YsiDvOgHDW
   * @param VmbxyCBsbl The new value for VmbxyCBsbl
   * @param ksyuNnAibI The new value for ksyuNnAibI
   * @param rmSaLcxGyW The new value for rmSaLcxGyW
   * @param MmoShnnKQx The new value for MmoShnnKQx
   * @param ChXRwDydGF The new value for ChXRwDydGF
   * @param vyDpudYMcE The new value for vyDpudYMcE
   * @param QRmSxPeMsT The new value for QRmSxPeMsT
   * @param mqFHOpHXwR The new value for mqFHOpHXwR
   * @param nNXzSSpxqL The new value for nNXzSSpxqL
   * @param drbjVCokDY The new value for drbjVCokDY
   * @param VQCTFqhdGm The new value for VQCTFqhdGm
   * @param bNZMohVIQt The new value for bNZMohVIQt
   * @param NwDsfvNHsl The new value for NwDsfvNHsl
   * @param SHuFexRaCB The new value for SHuFexRaCB
   * @param GEhYpVHcmu The new value for GEhYpVHcmu
   * @param NUHGsmXTEG The new value for NUHGsmXTEG
   * @param cDfsymCQgf The new value for cDfsymCQgf
   * @param DvnoIvuNKk The new value for DvnoIvuNKk
   * @param ubnHfdwQeX The new value for ubnHfdwQeX
   * @param pNfQskEZyc The new value for pNfQskEZyc
   * @param lHbKmQXLCQ The new value for lHbKmQXLCQ
   * @param khMciWhswQ The new value for khMciWhswQ
   * @param YxHDmYeChP The new value for YxHDmYeChP
   * @param TStNMLyKfB The new value for TStNMLyKfB
   * @param AUQJNrJkOM The new value for AUQJNrJkOM
   * @param PznbJoIfXX The new value for PznbJoIfXX
   * @param XwsXLkUGfi The new value for XwsXLkUGfi
   * @param OEBwpMaLRo The new value for OEBwpMaLRo
   * @param SXhbAwaZYF The new value for SXhbAwaZYF
   * @param yuaFjOFfAg The new value for yuaFjOFfAg
   * @param dUUEmKOMnK The new value for dUUEmKOMnK
   * @param hVEhDLygTo The new value for hVEhDLygTo
   * @param toGGDyHkFg The new value for toGGDyHkFg
   * @param JHrPkIdwYz The new value for JHrPkIdwYz
   * @param gpJVwATlHV The new value for gpJVwATlHV
   * @param CfrpxYbyEl The new value for CfrpxYbyEl
   * @param ceBxzgjllT The new value for ceBxzgjllT
   * @param ziADJlBgGW The new value for ziADJlBgGW
   * @param laLkalHGgP The new value for laLkalHGgP
   * @param aMwlrdOmSH The new value for aMwlrdOmSH
   * @param wmDoSQLPjq The new value for wmDoSQLPjq
   * @param myjJSfNJhf The new value for myjJSfNJhf
   * @param flOUEiwBVE The new value for flOUEiwBVE
   * @param IlEfRqUgVM The new value for IlEfRqUgVM
   * @param assuHlaYTD The new value for assuHlaYTD
   * @param xHXQYfInHo The new value for xHXQYfInHo
   * @param ZEJeMQwEti The new value for ZEJeMQwEti
   * @param ZhoojAPfFD The new value for ZhoojAPfFD
   * @param rBiIoMMapw The new value for rBiIoMMapw
   * @param hNdTfStDXN The new value for hNdTfStDXN
   * @param ZxlvzqXjXW The new value for ZxlvzqXjXW
   * @param kmFnTCONqv The new value for kmFnTCONqv
   * @param MSrPQPLCvV The new value for MSrPQPLCvV
   * @param zyxgVjiwCf The new value for zyxgVjiwCf
   * @param nvDkGibsjK The new value for nvDkGibsjK
   * @param TEJPoitLNy The new value for TEJPoitLNy
   * @param TEBNyXBaUp The new value for TEBNyXBaUp
   * @param yTRuVlYJQu The new value for yTRuVlYJQu
   * @param PXTCatzamX The new value for PXTCatzamX
   * @param VuChysXHei The new value for VuChysXHei
   * @param GaaQocvJul The new value for GaaQocvJul
   * @param ODULJpudRb The new value for ODULJpudRb
   * @param LruedeSTbL The new value for LruedeSTbL
   * @param txLnQAIGov The new value for txLnQAIGov
   * @param mgVkZdXXHq The new value for mgVkZdXXHq
   * @param eOlOvsBQlC The new value for eOlOvsBQlC
  public NestedRecordJhbwS(com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumFfexO pCygEoKGCn, java.util.Map pFdheFjZIh, java.lang.Float EASzzCxnDl, java.lang.Long sTYlxIbvVa, java.util.List QLqucffqEz, java.util.List EicRFuUHXc, java.lang.String vfKjtfRVaN, java.lang.Long LHGAfqBJgV, java.nio.ByteBuffer JVYMeZrmjl, java.util.Map tgpHCbxchz, java.util.List NSoHGYgbjj, java.util.List cYHWUgYADJ, java.lang.Integer hyTBzfEdzX, com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedDLKzB zPzCMYCvjD, java.lang.Float eFkWtbpnET, java.lang.String fQQXUZsYll, java.lang.Integer mNPCIMYaUf, java.util.List raNQsaebFZ, java.lang.Integer sisVXWPzGw, java.lang.Float yasnrkErXU, java.lang.Long VYstlEswqT, java.lang.Double xVhLCqdPnv, java.nio.ByteBuffer GqZJeAZPYV, java.lang.String WmDZVXRigg, java.lang.Integer rvvGpKfiZU, java.lang.Integer VQhFcCcgkG, com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedbuWrm wGkwqWJKeu, java.lang.Double hNRbhWmSKI, java.lang.Double XqcawhxGkR, com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedHqfnA pefvOrXdPd, java.lang.Long BkcAKkfvTV, java.lang.Float lahUiGJRSC, com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedALBbL OLvDZWIXrz, com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedcuMSy YsiDvOgHDW, java.lang.Float VmbxyCBsbl, com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedjrLPM ksyuNnAibI, java.util.List rmSaLcxGyW, java.lang.Integer MmoShnnKQx, java.lang.Float ChXRwDydGF, java.lang.Double vyDpudYMcE, java.lang.Boolean QRmSxPeMsT, java.lang.Double mqFHOpHXwR, java.util.Map nNXzSSpxqL, java.lang.Integer drbjVCokDY, java.util.List VQCTFqhdGm, java.lang.Boolean bNZMohVIQt, com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedSXivH NwDsfvNHsl, java.lang.Double SHuFexRaCB, java.util.List GEhYpVHcmu, java.lang.String NUHGsmXTEG, java.lang.Integer cDfsymCQgf, java.nio.ByteBuffer DvnoIvuNKk, java.lang.Boolean ubnHfdwQeX, java.util.Map pNfQskEZyc, java.lang.Double lHbKmQXLCQ, java.lang.String khMciWhswQ, java.lang.Boolean YxHDmYeChP, java.lang.String TStNMLyKfB, java.util.Map AUQJNrJkOM, java.lang.Float PznbJoIfXX, java.lang.Double XwsXLkUGfi, com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedHjVpD OEBwpMaLRo, java.nio.ByteBuffer SXhbAwaZYF, java.util.Map yuaFjOFfAg, java.lang.String dUUEmKOMnK, java.util.Map hVEhDLygTo, java.lang.Long toGGDyHkFg, java.lang.Boolean JHrPkIdwYz, java.lang.Boolean gpJVwATlHV, java.nio.ByteBuffer CfrpxYbyEl, java.lang.Double ceBxzgjllT, java.lang.String ziADJlBgGW, java.lang.Float laLkalHGgP, java.lang.Float aMwlrdOmSH, java.lang.Float wmDoSQLPjq, java.util.Map myjJSfNJhf, java.lang.Long flOUEiwBVE, com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumuNhMz IlEfRqUgVM, java.lang.Boolean assuHlaYTD, java.lang.Long xHXQYfInHo, com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumxLVhU ZEJeMQwEti, java.lang.Boolean ZhoojAPfFD, com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumYjsZa rBiIoMMapw, java.lang.String hNdTfStDXN, java.lang.Boolean ZxlvzqXjXW, java.nio.ByteBuffer kmFnTCONqv, java.lang.Float MSrPQPLCvV, java.util.Map zyxgVjiwCf, java.lang.String nvDkGibsjK, java.nio.ByteBuffer TEJPoitLNy, com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedvQUPQ TEBNyXBaUp, java.lang.Boolean yTRuVlYJQu, java.nio.ByteBuffer PXTCatzamX, java.lang.Long VuChysXHei, java.lang.String GaaQocvJul, com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedBUkyq ODULJpudRb, java.util.Map LruedeSTbL, java.lang.String txLnQAIGov, java.lang.Boolean mgVkZdXXHq, java.lang.Long eOlOvsBQlC) {
    this.pCygEoKGCn = pCygEoKGCn;
    this.pFdheFjZIh = pFdheFjZIh;
    this.EASzzCxnDl = EASzzCxnDl;
    this.sTYlxIbvVa = sTYlxIbvVa;
    this.QLqucffqEz = QLqucffqEz;
    this.EicRFuUHXc = EicRFuUHXc;
    this.vfKjtfRVaN = vfKjtfRVaN;
    this.LHGAfqBJgV = LHGAfqBJgV;
    this.JVYMeZrmjl = JVYMeZrmjl;
    this.tgpHCbxchz = tgpHCbxchz;
    this.NSoHGYgbjj = NSoHGYgbjj;
    this.cYHWUgYADJ = cYHWUgYADJ;
    this.hyTBzfEdzX = hyTBzfEdzX;
    this.zPzCMYCvjD = zPzCMYCvjD;
    this.eFkWtbpnET = eFkWtbpnET;
    this.fQQXUZsYll = fQQXUZsYll;
    this.mNPCIMYaUf = mNPCIMYaUf;
    this.raNQsaebFZ = raNQsaebFZ;
    this.sisVXWPzGw = sisVXWPzGw;
    this.yasnrkErXU = yasnrkErXU;
    this.VYstlEswqT = VYstlEswqT;
    this.xVhLCqdPnv = xVhLCqdPnv;
    this.GqZJeAZPYV = GqZJeAZPYV;
    this.WmDZVXRigg = WmDZVXRigg;
    this.rvvGpKfiZU = rvvGpKfiZU;
    this.VQhFcCcgkG = VQhFcCcgkG;
    this.wGkwqWJKeu = wGkwqWJKeu;
    this.hNRbhWmSKI = hNRbhWmSKI;
    this.XqcawhxGkR = XqcawhxGkR;
    this.pefvOrXdPd = pefvOrXdPd;
    this.BkcAKkfvTV = BkcAKkfvTV;
    this.lahUiGJRSC = lahUiGJRSC;
    this.OLvDZWIXrz = OLvDZWIXrz;
    this.YsiDvOgHDW = YsiDvOgHDW;
    this.VmbxyCBsbl = VmbxyCBsbl;
    this.ksyuNnAibI = ksyuNnAibI;
    this.rmSaLcxGyW = rmSaLcxGyW;
    this.MmoShnnKQx = MmoShnnKQx;
    this.ChXRwDydGF = ChXRwDydGF;
    this.vyDpudYMcE = vyDpudYMcE;
    this.QRmSxPeMsT = QRmSxPeMsT;
    this.mqFHOpHXwR = mqFHOpHXwR;
    this.nNXzSSpxqL = nNXzSSpxqL;
    this.drbjVCokDY = drbjVCokDY;
    this.VQCTFqhdGm = VQCTFqhdGm;
    this.bNZMohVIQt = bNZMohVIQt;
    this.NwDsfvNHsl = NwDsfvNHsl;
    this.SHuFexRaCB = SHuFexRaCB;
    this.GEhYpVHcmu = GEhYpVHcmu;
    this.NUHGsmXTEG = NUHGsmXTEG;
    this.cDfsymCQgf = cDfsymCQgf;
    this.DvnoIvuNKk = DvnoIvuNKk;
    this.ubnHfdwQeX = ubnHfdwQeX;
    this.pNfQskEZyc = pNfQskEZyc;
    this.lHbKmQXLCQ = lHbKmQXLCQ;
    this.khMciWhswQ = khMciWhswQ;
    this.YxHDmYeChP = YxHDmYeChP;
    this.TStNMLyKfB = TStNMLyKfB;
    this.AUQJNrJkOM = AUQJNrJkOM;
    this.PznbJoIfXX = PznbJoIfXX;
    this.XwsXLkUGfi = XwsXLkUGfi;
    this.OEBwpMaLRo = OEBwpMaLRo;
    this.SXhbAwaZYF = SXhbAwaZYF;
    this.yuaFjOFfAg = yuaFjOFfAg;
    this.dUUEmKOMnK = dUUEmKOMnK;
    this.hVEhDLygTo = hVEhDLygTo;
    this.toGGDyHkFg = toGGDyHkFg;
    this.JHrPkIdwYz = JHrPkIdwYz;
    this.gpJVwATlHV = gpJVwATlHV;
    this.CfrpxYbyEl = CfrpxYbyEl;
    this.ceBxzgjllT = ceBxzgjllT;
    this.ziADJlBgGW = ziADJlBgGW;
    this.laLkalHGgP = laLkalHGgP;
    this.aMwlrdOmSH = aMwlrdOmSH;
    this.wmDoSQLPjq = wmDoSQLPjq;
    this.myjJSfNJhf = myjJSfNJhf;
    this.flOUEiwBVE = flOUEiwBVE;
    this.IlEfRqUgVM = IlEfRqUgVM;
    this.assuHlaYTD = assuHlaYTD;
    this.xHXQYfInHo = xHXQYfInHo;
    this.ZEJeMQwEti = ZEJeMQwEti;
    this.ZhoojAPfFD = ZhoojAPfFD;
    this.rBiIoMMapw = rBiIoMMapw;
    this.hNdTfStDXN = hNdTfStDXN;
    this.ZxlvzqXjXW = ZxlvzqXjXW;
    this.kmFnTCONqv = kmFnTCONqv;
    this.MSrPQPLCvV = MSrPQPLCvV;
    this.zyxgVjiwCf = zyxgVjiwCf;
    this.nvDkGibsjK = nvDkGibsjK;
    this.TEJPoitLNy = TEJPoitLNy;
    this.TEBNyXBaUp = TEBNyXBaUp;
    this.yTRuVlYJQu = yTRuVlYJQu;
    this.PXTCatzamX = PXTCatzamX;
    this.VuChysXHei = VuChysXHei;
    this.GaaQocvJul = GaaQocvJul;
    this.ODULJpudRb = ODULJpudRb;
    this.LruedeSTbL = LruedeSTbL;
    this.txLnQAIGov = txLnQAIGov;
    this.mgVkZdXXHq = mgVkZdXXHq;
    this.eOlOvsBQlC = eOlOvsBQlC;

  public org.apache.avro.Schema getSchema() { return SCHEMA$; }
  // Used by DatumWriter.  Applications should not call.
  public java.lang.Object get(int field$) {
    switch (field$) {
    case 0: return pCygEoKGCn;
    case 1: return pFdheFjZIh;
    case 2: return EASzzCxnDl;
    case 3: return sTYlxIbvVa;
    case 4: return QLqucffqEz;
    case 5: return EicRFuUHXc;
    case 6: return vfKjtfRVaN;
    case 7: return LHGAfqBJgV;
    case 8: return JVYMeZrmjl;
    case 9: return tgpHCbxchz;
    case 10: return NSoHGYgbjj;
    case 11: return cYHWUgYADJ;
    case 12: return hyTBzfEdzX;
    case 13: return zPzCMYCvjD;
    case 14: return eFkWtbpnET;
    case 15: return fQQXUZsYll;
    case 16: return mNPCIMYaUf;
    case 17: return raNQsaebFZ;
    case 18: return sisVXWPzGw;
    case 19: return yasnrkErXU;
    case 20: return VYstlEswqT;
    case 21: return xVhLCqdPnv;
    case 22: return GqZJeAZPYV;
    case 23: return WmDZVXRigg;
    case 24: return rvvGpKfiZU;
    case 25: return VQhFcCcgkG;
    case 26: return wGkwqWJKeu;
    case 27: return hNRbhWmSKI;
    case 28: return XqcawhxGkR;
    case 29: return pefvOrXdPd;
    case 30: return BkcAKkfvTV;
    case 31: return lahUiGJRSC;
    case 32: return OLvDZWIXrz;
    case 33: return YsiDvOgHDW;
    case 34: return VmbxyCBsbl;
    case 35: return ksyuNnAibI;
    case 36: return rmSaLcxGyW;
    case 37: return MmoShnnKQx;
    case 38: return ChXRwDydGF;
    case 39: return vyDpudYMcE;
    case 40: return QRmSxPeMsT;
    case 41: return mqFHOpHXwR;
    case 42: return nNXzSSpxqL;
    case 43: return drbjVCokDY;
    case 44: return VQCTFqhdGm;
    case 45: return bNZMohVIQt;
    case 46: return NwDsfvNHsl;
    case 47: return SHuFexRaCB;
    case 48: return GEhYpVHcmu;
    case 49: return NUHGsmXTEG;
    case 50: return cDfsymCQgf;
    case 51: return DvnoIvuNKk;
    case 52: return ubnHfdwQeX;
    case 53: return pNfQskEZyc;
    case 54: return lHbKmQXLCQ;
    case 55: return khMciWhswQ;
    case 56: return YxHDmYeChP;
    case 57: return TStNMLyKfB;
    case 58: return AUQJNrJkOM;
    case 59: return PznbJoIfXX;
    case 60: return XwsXLkUGfi;
    case 61: return OEBwpMaLRo;
    case 62: return SXhbAwaZYF;
    case 63: return yuaFjOFfAg;
    case 64: return dUUEmKOMnK;
    case 65: return hVEhDLygTo;
    case 66: return toGGDyHkFg;
    case 67: return JHrPkIdwYz;
    case 68: return gpJVwATlHV;
    case 69: return CfrpxYbyEl;
    case 70: return ceBxzgjllT;
    case 71: return ziADJlBgGW;
    case 72: return laLkalHGgP;
    case 73: return aMwlrdOmSH;
    case 74: return wmDoSQLPjq;
    case 75: return myjJSfNJhf;
    case 76: return flOUEiwBVE;
    case 77: return IlEfRqUgVM;
    case 78: return assuHlaYTD;
    case 79: return xHXQYfInHo;
    case 80: return ZEJeMQwEti;
    case 81: return ZhoojAPfFD;
    case 82: return rBiIoMMapw;
    case 83: return hNdTfStDXN;
    case 84: return ZxlvzqXjXW;
    case 85: return kmFnTCONqv;
    case 86: return MSrPQPLCvV;
    case 87: return zyxgVjiwCf;
    case 88: return nvDkGibsjK;
    case 89: return TEJPoitLNy;
    case 90: return TEBNyXBaUp;
    case 91: return yTRuVlYJQu;
    case 92: return PXTCatzamX;
    case 93: return VuChysXHei;
    case 94: return GaaQocvJul;
    case 95: return ODULJpudRb;
    case 96: return LruedeSTbL;
    case 97: return txLnQAIGov;
    case 98: return mgVkZdXXHq;
    case 99: return eOlOvsBQlC;
    default: throw new org.apache.avro.AvroRuntimeException("Bad index");

  // Used by DatumReader.  Applications should not call.
  public void put(int field$, java.lang.Object value$) {
    switch (field$) {
    case 0: pCygEoKGCn = (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumFfexO)value$; break;
    case 1: pFdheFjZIh = (java.util.Map)value$; break;
    case 2: EASzzCxnDl = (java.lang.Float)value$; break;
    case 3: sTYlxIbvVa = (java.lang.Long)value$; break;
    case 4: QLqucffqEz = (java.util.List)value$; break;
    case 5: EicRFuUHXc = (java.util.List)value$; break;
    case 6: vfKjtfRVaN = (java.lang.String)value$; break;
    case 7: LHGAfqBJgV = (java.lang.Long)value$; break;
    case 8: JVYMeZrmjl = (java.nio.ByteBuffer)value$; break;
    case 9: tgpHCbxchz = (java.util.Map)value$; break;
    case 10: NSoHGYgbjj = (java.util.List)value$; break;
    case 11: cYHWUgYADJ = (java.util.List)value$; break;
    case 12: hyTBzfEdzX = (java.lang.Integer)value$; break;
    case 13: zPzCMYCvjD = (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedDLKzB)value$; break;
    case 14: eFkWtbpnET = (java.lang.Float)value$; break;
    case 15: fQQXUZsYll = (java.lang.String)value$; break;
    case 16: mNPCIMYaUf = (java.lang.Integer)value$; break;
    case 17: raNQsaebFZ = (java.util.List)value$; break;
    case 18: sisVXWPzGw = (java.lang.Integer)value$; break;
    case 19: yasnrkErXU = (java.lang.Float)value$; break;
    case 20: VYstlEswqT = (java.lang.Long)value$; break;
    case 21: xVhLCqdPnv = (java.lang.Double)value$; break;
    case 22: GqZJeAZPYV = (java.nio.ByteBuffer)value$; break;
    case 23: WmDZVXRigg = (java.lang.String)value$; break;
    case 24: rvvGpKfiZU = (java.lang.Integer)value$; break;
    case 25: VQhFcCcgkG = (java.lang.Integer)value$; break;
    case 26: wGkwqWJKeu = (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedbuWrm)value$; break;
    case 27: hNRbhWmSKI = (java.lang.Double)value$; break;
    case 28: XqcawhxGkR = (java.lang.Double)value$; break;
    case 29: pefvOrXdPd = (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedHqfnA)value$; break;
    case 30: BkcAKkfvTV = (java.lang.Long)value$; break;
    case 31: lahUiGJRSC = (java.lang.Float)value$; break;
    case 32: OLvDZWIXrz = (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedALBbL)value$; break;
    case 33: YsiDvOgHDW = (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedcuMSy)value$; break;
    case 34: VmbxyCBsbl = (java.lang.Float)value$; break;
    case 35: ksyuNnAibI = (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedjrLPM)value$; break;
    case 36: rmSaLcxGyW = (java.util.List)value$; break;
    case 37: MmoShnnKQx = (java.lang.Integer)value$; break;
    case 38: ChXRwDydGF = (java.lang.Float)value$; break;
    case 39: vyDpudYMcE = (java.lang.Double)value$; break;
    case 40: QRmSxPeMsT = (java.lang.Boolean)value$; break;
    case 41: mqFHOpHXwR = (java.lang.Double)value$; break;
    case 42: nNXzSSpxqL = (java.util.Map)value$; break;
    case 43: drbjVCokDY = (java.lang.Integer)value$; break;
    case 44: VQCTFqhdGm = (java.util.List)value$; break;
    case 45: bNZMohVIQt = (java.lang.Boolean)value$; break;
    case 46: NwDsfvNHsl = (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedSXivH)value$; break;
    case 47: SHuFexRaCB = (java.lang.Double)value$; break;
    case 48: GEhYpVHcmu = (java.util.List)value$; break;
    case 49: NUHGsmXTEG = (java.lang.String)value$; break;
    case 50: cDfsymCQgf = (java.lang.Integer)value$; break;
    case 51: DvnoIvuNKk = (java.nio.ByteBuffer)value$; break;
    case 52: ubnHfdwQeX = (java.lang.Boolean)value$; break;
    case 53: pNfQskEZyc = (java.util.Map)value$; break;
    case 54: lHbKmQXLCQ = (java.lang.Double)value$; break;
    case 55: khMciWhswQ = (java.lang.String)value$; break;
    case 56: YxHDmYeChP = (java.lang.Boolean)value$; break;
    case 57: TStNMLyKfB = (java.lang.String)value$; break;
    case 58: AUQJNrJkOM = (java.util.Map)value$; break;
    case 59: PznbJoIfXX = (java.lang.Float)value$; break;
    case 60: XwsXLkUGfi = (java.lang.Double)value$; break;
    case 61: OEBwpMaLRo = (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedHjVpD)value$; break;
    case 62: SXhbAwaZYF = (java.nio.ByteBuffer)value$; break;
    case 63: yuaFjOFfAg = (java.util.Map)value$; break;
    case 64: dUUEmKOMnK = (java.lang.String)value$; break;
    case 65: hVEhDLygTo = (java.util.Map)value$; break;
    case 66: toGGDyHkFg = (java.lang.Long)value$; break;
    case 67: JHrPkIdwYz = (java.lang.Boolean)value$; break;
    case 68: gpJVwATlHV = (java.lang.Boolean)value$; break;
    case 69: CfrpxYbyEl = (java.nio.ByteBuffer)value$; break;
    case 70: ceBxzgjllT = (java.lang.Double)value$; break;
    case 71: ziADJlBgGW = (java.lang.String)value$; break;
    case 72: laLkalHGgP = (java.lang.Float)value$; break;
    case 73: aMwlrdOmSH = (java.lang.Float)value$; break;
    case 74: wmDoSQLPjq = (java.lang.Float)value$; break;
    case 75: myjJSfNJhf = (java.util.Map)value$; break;
    case 76: flOUEiwBVE = (java.lang.Long)value$; break;
    case 77: IlEfRqUgVM = (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumuNhMz)value$; break;
    case 78: assuHlaYTD = (java.lang.Boolean)value$; break;
    case 79: xHXQYfInHo = (java.lang.Long)value$; break;
    case 80: ZEJeMQwEti = (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumxLVhU)value$; break;
    case 81: ZhoojAPfFD = (java.lang.Boolean)value$; break;
    case 82: rBiIoMMapw = (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumYjsZa)value$; break;
    case 83: hNdTfStDXN = (java.lang.String)value$; break;
    case 84: ZxlvzqXjXW = (java.lang.Boolean)value$; break;
    case 85: kmFnTCONqv = (java.nio.ByteBuffer)value$; break;
    case 86: MSrPQPLCvV = (java.lang.Float)value$; break;
    case 87: zyxgVjiwCf = (java.util.Map)value$; break;
    case 88: nvDkGibsjK = (java.lang.String)value$; break;
    case 89: TEJPoitLNy = (java.nio.ByteBuffer)value$; break;
    case 90: TEBNyXBaUp = (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedvQUPQ)value$; break;
    case 91: yTRuVlYJQu = (java.lang.Boolean)value$; break;
    case 92: PXTCatzamX = (java.nio.ByteBuffer)value$; break;
    case 93: VuChysXHei = (java.lang.Long)value$; break;
    case 94: GaaQocvJul = (java.lang.String)value$; break;
    case 95: ODULJpudRb = (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedBUkyq)value$; break;
    case 96: LruedeSTbL = (java.util.Map)value$; break;
    case 97: txLnQAIGov = (java.lang.String)value$; break;
    case 98: mgVkZdXXHq = (java.lang.Boolean)value$; break;
    case 99: eOlOvsBQlC = (java.lang.Long)value$; break;
    default: throw new org.apache.avro.AvroRuntimeException("Bad index");

   * Gets the value of the 'pCygEoKGCn' field.
   * @return The value of the 'pCygEoKGCn' field.
  public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumFfexO getPCygEoKGCn() {
    return pCygEoKGCn;

   * Gets the value of the 'pFdheFjZIh' field.
   * @return The value of the 'pFdheFjZIh' field.
  public java.util.Map getPFdheFjZIh() {
    return pFdheFjZIh;

   * Gets the value of the 'EASzzCxnDl' field.
   * @return The value of the 'EASzzCxnDl' field.
  public java.lang.Float getEASzzCxnDl() {
    return EASzzCxnDl;

   * Gets the value of the 'sTYlxIbvVa' field.
   * @return The value of the 'sTYlxIbvVa' field.
  public java.lang.Long getSTYlxIbvVa() {
    return sTYlxIbvVa;

   * Gets the value of the 'QLqucffqEz' field.
   * @return The value of the 'QLqucffqEz' field.
  public java.util.List getQLqucffqEz() {
    return QLqucffqEz;

   * Gets the value of the 'EicRFuUHXc' field.
   * @return The value of the 'EicRFuUHXc' field.
  public java.util.List getEicRFuUHXc() {
    return EicRFuUHXc;

   * Gets the value of the 'vfKjtfRVaN' field.
   * @return The value of the 'vfKjtfRVaN' field.
  public java.lang.String getVfKjtfRVaN() {
    return vfKjtfRVaN;

   * Gets the value of the 'LHGAfqBJgV' field.
   * @return The value of the 'LHGAfqBJgV' field.
  public java.lang.Long getLHGAfqBJgV() {
    return LHGAfqBJgV;

   * Gets the value of the 'JVYMeZrmjl' field.
   * @return The value of the 'JVYMeZrmjl' field.
  public java.nio.ByteBuffer getJVYMeZrmjl() {
    return JVYMeZrmjl;

   * Gets the value of the 'tgpHCbxchz' field.
   * @return The value of the 'tgpHCbxchz' field.
  public java.util.Map getTgpHCbxchz() {
    return tgpHCbxchz;

   * Gets the value of the 'NSoHGYgbjj' field.
   * @return The value of the 'NSoHGYgbjj' field.
  public java.util.List getNSoHGYgbjj() {
    return NSoHGYgbjj;

   * Gets the value of the 'cYHWUgYADJ' field.
   * @return The value of the 'cYHWUgYADJ' field.
  public java.util.List getCYHWUgYADJ() {
    return cYHWUgYADJ;

   * Gets the value of the 'hyTBzfEdzX' field.
   * @return The value of the 'hyTBzfEdzX' field.
  public java.lang.Integer getHyTBzfEdzX() {
    return hyTBzfEdzX;

   * Gets the value of the 'zPzCMYCvjD' field.
   * @return The value of the 'zPzCMYCvjD' field.
  public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedDLKzB getZPzCMYCvjD() {
    return zPzCMYCvjD;

   * Gets the value of the 'eFkWtbpnET' field.
   * @return The value of the 'eFkWtbpnET' field.
  public java.lang.Float getEFkWtbpnET() {
    return eFkWtbpnET;

   * Gets the value of the 'fQQXUZsYll' field.
   * @return The value of the 'fQQXUZsYll' field.
  public java.lang.String getFQQXUZsYll() {
    return fQQXUZsYll;

   * Gets the value of the 'mNPCIMYaUf' field.
   * @return The value of the 'mNPCIMYaUf' field.
  public java.lang.Integer getMNPCIMYaUf() {
    return mNPCIMYaUf;

   * Gets the value of the 'raNQsaebFZ' field.
   * @return The value of the 'raNQsaebFZ' field.
  public java.util.List getRaNQsaebFZ() {
    return raNQsaebFZ;

   * Gets the value of the 'sisVXWPzGw' field.
   * @return The value of the 'sisVXWPzGw' field.
  public java.lang.Integer getSisVXWPzGw() {
    return sisVXWPzGw;

   * Gets the value of the 'yasnrkErXU' field.
   * @return The value of the 'yasnrkErXU' field.
  public java.lang.Float getYasnrkErXU() {
    return yasnrkErXU;

   * Gets the value of the 'VYstlEswqT' field.
   * @return The value of the 'VYstlEswqT' field.
  public java.lang.Long getVYstlEswqT() {
    return VYstlEswqT;

   * Gets the value of the 'xVhLCqdPnv' field.
   * @return The value of the 'xVhLCqdPnv' field.
  public java.lang.Double getXVhLCqdPnv() {
    return xVhLCqdPnv;

   * Gets the value of the 'GqZJeAZPYV' field.
   * @return The value of the 'GqZJeAZPYV' field.
  public java.nio.ByteBuffer getGqZJeAZPYV() {
    return GqZJeAZPYV;

   * Gets the value of the 'WmDZVXRigg' field.
   * @return The value of the 'WmDZVXRigg' field.
  public java.lang.String getWmDZVXRigg() {
    return WmDZVXRigg;

   * Gets the value of the 'rvvGpKfiZU' field.
   * @return The value of the 'rvvGpKfiZU' field.
  public java.lang.Integer getRvvGpKfiZU() {
    return rvvGpKfiZU;

   * Gets the value of the 'VQhFcCcgkG' field.
   * @return The value of the 'VQhFcCcgkG' field.
  public java.lang.Integer getVQhFcCcgkG() {
    return VQhFcCcgkG;

   * Gets the value of the 'wGkwqWJKeu' field.
   * @return The value of the 'wGkwqWJKeu' field.
  public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedbuWrm getWGkwqWJKeu() {
    return wGkwqWJKeu;

   * Gets the value of the 'hNRbhWmSKI' field.
   * @return The value of the 'hNRbhWmSKI' field.
  public java.lang.Double getHNRbhWmSKI() {
    return hNRbhWmSKI;

   * Gets the value of the 'XqcawhxGkR' field.
   * @return The value of the 'XqcawhxGkR' field.
  public java.lang.Double getXqcawhxGkR() {
    return XqcawhxGkR;

   * Gets the value of the 'pefvOrXdPd' field.
   * @return The value of the 'pefvOrXdPd' field.
  public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedHqfnA getPefvOrXdPd() {
    return pefvOrXdPd;

   * Gets the value of the 'BkcAKkfvTV' field.
   * @return The value of the 'BkcAKkfvTV' field.
  public java.lang.Long getBkcAKkfvTV() {
    return BkcAKkfvTV;

   * Gets the value of the 'lahUiGJRSC' field.
   * @return The value of the 'lahUiGJRSC' field.
  public java.lang.Float getLahUiGJRSC() {
    return lahUiGJRSC;

   * Gets the value of the 'OLvDZWIXrz' field.
   * @return The value of the 'OLvDZWIXrz' field.
  public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedALBbL getOLvDZWIXrz() {
    return OLvDZWIXrz;

   * Gets the value of the 'YsiDvOgHDW' field.
   * @return The value of the 'YsiDvOgHDW' field.
  public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedcuMSy getYsiDvOgHDW() {
    return YsiDvOgHDW;

   * Gets the value of the 'VmbxyCBsbl' field.
   * @return The value of the 'VmbxyCBsbl' field.
  public java.lang.Float getVmbxyCBsbl() {
    return VmbxyCBsbl;

   * Gets the value of the 'ksyuNnAibI' field.
   * @return The value of the 'ksyuNnAibI' field.
  public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedjrLPM getKsyuNnAibI() {
    return ksyuNnAibI;

   * Gets the value of the 'rmSaLcxGyW' field.
   * @return The value of the 'rmSaLcxGyW' field.
  public java.util.List getRmSaLcxGyW() {
    return rmSaLcxGyW;

   * Gets the value of the 'MmoShnnKQx' field.
   * @return The value of the 'MmoShnnKQx' field.
  public java.lang.Integer getMmoShnnKQx() {
    return MmoShnnKQx;

   * Gets the value of the 'ChXRwDydGF' field.
   * @return The value of the 'ChXRwDydGF' field.
  public java.lang.Float getChXRwDydGF() {
    return ChXRwDydGF;

   * Gets the value of the 'vyDpudYMcE' field.
   * @return The value of the 'vyDpudYMcE' field.
  public java.lang.Double getVyDpudYMcE() {
    return vyDpudYMcE;

   * Gets the value of the 'QRmSxPeMsT' field.
   * @return The value of the 'QRmSxPeMsT' field.
  public java.lang.Boolean getQRmSxPeMsT() {
    return QRmSxPeMsT;

   * Gets the value of the 'mqFHOpHXwR' field.
   * @return The value of the 'mqFHOpHXwR' field.
  public java.lang.Double getMqFHOpHXwR() {
    return mqFHOpHXwR;

   * Gets the value of the 'nNXzSSpxqL' field.
   * @return The value of the 'nNXzSSpxqL' field.
  public java.util.Map getNNXzSSpxqL() {
    return nNXzSSpxqL;

   * Gets the value of the 'drbjVCokDY' field.
   * @return The value of the 'drbjVCokDY' field.
  public java.lang.Integer getDrbjVCokDY() {
    return drbjVCokDY;

   * Gets the value of the 'VQCTFqhdGm' field.
   * @return The value of the 'VQCTFqhdGm' field.
  public java.util.List getVQCTFqhdGm() {
    return VQCTFqhdGm;

   * Gets the value of the 'bNZMohVIQt' field.
   * @return The value of the 'bNZMohVIQt' field.
  public java.lang.Boolean getBNZMohVIQt() {
    return bNZMohVIQt;

   * Gets the value of the 'NwDsfvNHsl' field.
   * @return The value of the 'NwDsfvNHsl' field.
  public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedSXivH getNwDsfvNHsl() {
    return NwDsfvNHsl;

   * Gets the value of the 'SHuFexRaCB' field.
   * @return The value of the 'SHuFexRaCB' field.
  public java.lang.Double getSHuFexRaCB() {
    return SHuFexRaCB;

   * Gets the value of the 'GEhYpVHcmu' field.
   * @return The value of the 'GEhYpVHcmu' field.
  public java.util.List getGEhYpVHcmu() {
    return GEhYpVHcmu;

   * Gets the value of the 'NUHGsmXTEG' field.
   * @return The value of the 'NUHGsmXTEG' field.
  public java.lang.String getNUHGsmXTEG() {
    return NUHGsmXTEG;

   * Gets the value of the 'cDfsymCQgf' field.
   * @return The value of the 'cDfsymCQgf' field.
  public java.lang.Integer getCDfsymCQgf() {
    return cDfsymCQgf;

   * Gets the value of the 'DvnoIvuNKk' field.
   * @return The value of the 'DvnoIvuNKk' field.
  public java.nio.ByteBuffer getDvnoIvuNKk() {
    return DvnoIvuNKk;

   * Gets the value of the 'ubnHfdwQeX' field.
   * @return The value of the 'ubnHfdwQeX' field.
  public java.lang.Boolean getUbnHfdwQeX() {
    return ubnHfdwQeX;

   * Gets the value of the 'pNfQskEZyc' field.
   * @return The value of the 'pNfQskEZyc' field.
  public java.util.Map getPNfQskEZyc() {
    return pNfQskEZyc;

   * Gets the value of the 'lHbKmQXLCQ' field.
   * @return The value of the 'lHbKmQXLCQ' field.
  public java.lang.Double getLHbKmQXLCQ() {
    return lHbKmQXLCQ;

   * Gets the value of the 'khMciWhswQ' field.
   * @return The value of the 'khMciWhswQ' field.
  public java.lang.String getKhMciWhswQ() {
    return khMciWhswQ;

   * Gets the value of the 'YxHDmYeChP' field.
   * @return The value of the 'YxHDmYeChP' field.
  public java.lang.Boolean getYxHDmYeChP() {
    return YxHDmYeChP;

   * Gets the value of the 'TStNMLyKfB' field.
   * @return The value of the 'TStNMLyKfB' field.
  public java.lang.String getTStNMLyKfB() {
    return TStNMLyKfB;

   * Gets the value of the 'AUQJNrJkOM' field.
   * @return The value of the 'AUQJNrJkOM' field.
  public java.util.Map getAUQJNrJkOM() {
    return AUQJNrJkOM;

   * Gets the value of the 'PznbJoIfXX' field.
   * @return The value of the 'PznbJoIfXX' field.
  public java.lang.Float getPznbJoIfXX() {
    return PznbJoIfXX;

   * Gets the value of the 'XwsXLkUGfi' field.
   * @return The value of the 'XwsXLkUGfi' field.
  public java.lang.Double getXwsXLkUGfi() {
    return XwsXLkUGfi;

   * Gets the value of the 'OEBwpMaLRo' field.
   * @return The value of the 'OEBwpMaLRo' field.
  public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedHjVpD getOEBwpMaLRo() {
    return OEBwpMaLRo;

   * Gets the value of the 'SXhbAwaZYF' field.
   * @return The value of the 'SXhbAwaZYF' field.
  public java.nio.ByteBuffer getSXhbAwaZYF() {
    return SXhbAwaZYF;

   * Gets the value of the 'yuaFjOFfAg' field.
   * @return The value of the 'yuaFjOFfAg' field.
  public java.util.Map getYuaFjOFfAg() {
    return yuaFjOFfAg;

   * Gets the value of the 'dUUEmKOMnK' field.
   * @return The value of the 'dUUEmKOMnK' field.
  public java.lang.String getDUUEmKOMnK() {
    return dUUEmKOMnK;

   * Gets the value of the 'hVEhDLygTo' field.
   * @return The value of the 'hVEhDLygTo' field.
  public java.util.Map getHVEhDLygTo() {
    return hVEhDLygTo;

   * Gets the value of the 'toGGDyHkFg' field.
   * @return The value of the 'toGGDyHkFg' field.
  public java.lang.Long getToGGDyHkFg() {
    return toGGDyHkFg;

   * Gets the value of the 'JHrPkIdwYz' field.
   * @return The value of the 'JHrPkIdwYz' field.
  public java.lang.Boolean getJHrPkIdwYz() {
    return JHrPkIdwYz;

   * Gets the value of the 'gpJVwATlHV' field.
   * @return The value of the 'gpJVwATlHV' field.
  public java.lang.Boolean getGpJVwATlHV() {
    return gpJVwATlHV;

   * Gets the value of the 'CfrpxYbyEl' field.
   * @return The value of the 'CfrpxYbyEl' field.
  public java.nio.ByteBuffer getCfrpxYbyEl() {
    return CfrpxYbyEl;

   * Gets the value of the 'ceBxzgjllT' field.
   * @return The value of the 'ceBxzgjllT' field.
  public java.lang.Double getCeBxzgjllT() {
    return ceBxzgjllT;

   * Gets the value of the 'ziADJlBgGW' field.
   * @return The value of the 'ziADJlBgGW' field.
  public java.lang.String getZiADJlBgGW() {
    return ziADJlBgGW;

   * Gets the value of the 'laLkalHGgP' field.
   * @return The value of the 'laLkalHGgP' field.
  public java.lang.Float getLaLkalHGgP() {
    return laLkalHGgP;

   * Gets the value of the 'aMwlrdOmSH' field.
   * @return The value of the 'aMwlrdOmSH' field.
  public java.lang.Float getAMwlrdOmSH() {
    return aMwlrdOmSH;

   * Gets the value of the 'wmDoSQLPjq' field.
   * @return The value of the 'wmDoSQLPjq' field.
  public java.lang.Float getWmDoSQLPjq() {
    return wmDoSQLPjq;

   * Gets the value of the 'myjJSfNJhf' field.
   * @return The value of the 'myjJSfNJhf' field.
  public java.util.Map getMyjJSfNJhf() {
    return myjJSfNJhf;

   * Gets the value of the 'flOUEiwBVE' field.
   * @return The value of the 'flOUEiwBVE' field.
  public java.lang.Long getFlOUEiwBVE() {
    return flOUEiwBVE;

   * Gets the value of the 'IlEfRqUgVM' field.
   * @return The value of the 'IlEfRqUgVM' field.
  public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumuNhMz getIlEfRqUgVM() {
    return IlEfRqUgVM;

   * Gets the value of the 'assuHlaYTD' field.
   * @return The value of the 'assuHlaYTD' field.
  public java.lang.Boolean getAssuHlaYTD() {
    return assuHlaYTD;

   * Gets the value of the 'xHXQYfInHo' field.
   * @return The value of the 'xHXQYfInHo' field.
  public java.lang.Long getXHXQYfInHo() {
    return xHXQYfInHo;

   * Gets the value of the 'ZEJeMQwEti' field.
   * @return The value of the 'ZEJeMQwEti' field.
  public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumxLVhU getZEJeMQwEti() {
    return ZEJeMQwEti;

   * Gets the value of the 'ZhoojAPfFD' field.
   * @return The value of the 'ZhoojAPfFD' field.
  public java.lang.Boolean getZhoojAPfFD() {
    return ZhoojAPfFD;

   * Gets the value of the 'rBiIoMMapw' field.
   * @return The value of the 'rBiIoMMapw' field.
  public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumYjsZa getRBiIoMMapw() {
    return rBiIoMMapw;

   * Gets the value of the 'hNdTfStDXN' field.
   * @return The value of the 'hNdTfStDXN' field.
  public java.lang.String getHNdTfStDXN() {
    return hNdTfStDXN;

   * Gets the value of the 'ZxlvzqXjXW' field.
   * @return The value of the 'ZxlvzqXjXW' field.
  public java.lang.Boolean getZxlvzqXjXW() {
    return ZxlvzqXjXW;

   * Gets the value of the 'kmFnTCONqv' field.
   * @return The value of the 'kmFnTCONqv' field.
  public java.nio.ByteBuffer getKmFnTCONqv() {
    return kmFnTCONqv;

   * Gets the value of the 'MSrPQPLCvV' field.
   * @return The value of the 'MSrPQPLCvV' field.
  public java.lang.Float getMSrPQPLCvV() {
    return MSrPQPLCvV;

   * Gets the value of the 'zyxgVjiwCf' field.
   * @return The value of the 'zyxgVjiwCf' field.
  public java.util.Map getZyxgVjiwCf() {
    return zyxgVjiwCf;

   * Gets the value of the 'nvDkGibsjK' field.
   * @return The value of the 'nvDkGibsjK' field.
  public java.lang.String getNvDkGibsjK() {
    return nvDkGibsjK;

   * Gets the value of the 'TEJPoitLNy' field.
   * @return The value of the 'TEJPoitLNy' field.
  public java.nio.ByteBuffer getTEJPoitLNy() {
    return TEJPoitLNy;

   * Gets the value of the 'TEBNyXBaUp' field.
   * @return The value of the 'TEBNyXBaUp' field.
  public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedvQUPQ getTEBNyXBaUp() {
    return TEBNyXBaUp;

   * Gets the value of the 'yTRuVlYJQu' field.
   * @return The value of the 'yTRuVlYJQu' field.
  public java.lang.Boolean getYTRuVlYJQu() {
    return yTRuVlYJQu;

   * Gets the value of the 'PXTCatzamX' field.
   * @return The value of the 'PXTCatzamX' field.
  public java.nio.ByteBuffer getPXTCatzamX() {
    return PXTCatzamX;

   * Gets the value of the 'VuChysXHei' field.
   * @return The value of the 'VuChysXHei' field.
  public java.lang.Long getVuChysXHei() {
    return VuChysXHei;

   * Gets the value of the 'GaaQocvJul' field.
   * @return The value of the 'GaaQocvJul' field.
  public java.lang.String getGaaQocvJul() {
    return GaaQocvJul;

   * Gets the value of the 'ODULJpudRb' field.
   * @return The value of the 'ODULJpudRb' field.
  public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedBUkyq getODULJpudRb() {
    return ODULJpudRb;

   * Gets the value of the 'LruedeSTbL' field.
   * @return The value of the 'LruedeSTbL' field.
  public java.util.Map getLruedeSTbL() {
    return LruedeSTbL;

   * Gets the value of the 'txLnQAIGov' field.
   * @return The value of the 'txLnQAIGov' field.
  public java.lang.String getTxLnQAIGov() {
    return txLnQAIGov;

   * Gets the value of the 'mgVkZdXXHq' field.
   * @return The value of the 'mgVkZdXXHq' field.
  public java.lang.Boolean getMgVkZdXXHq() {
    return mgVkZdXXHq;

   * Gets the value of the 'eOlOvsBQlC' field.
   * @return The value of the 'eOlOvsBQlC' field.
  public java.lang.Long getEOlOvsBQlC() {
    return eOlOvsBQlC;

   * Creates a new NestedRecordJhbwS RecordBuilder.
   * @return A new NestedRecordJhbwS RecordBuilder
  public static com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder newBuilder() {
    return new com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder();

   * Creates a new NestedRecordJhbwS RecordBuilder by copying an existing Builder.
   * @param other The existing builder to copy.
   * @return A new NestedRecordJhbwS RecordBuilder
  public static com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder newBuilder(com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder other) {
    return new com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder(other);

   * Creates a new NestedRecordJhbwS RecordBuilder by copying an existing NestedRecordJhbwS instance.
   * @param other The existing instance to copy.
   * @return A new NestedRecordJhbwS RecordBuilder
  public static com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder newBuilder(com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS other) {
    return new com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder(other);

   * RecordBuilder for NestedRecordJhbwS instances.
  public static class Builder extends org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecordBuilderBase
    implements {

    private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumFfexO pCygEoKGCn;
    private java.util.Map pFdheFjZIh;
    private java.lang.Float EASzzCxnDl;
    private long sTYlxIbvVa;
    private java.util.List QLqucffqEz;
    private java.util.List EicRFuUHXc;
    private java.lang.String vfKjtfRVaN;
    private long LHGAfqBJgV;
    private java.nio.ByteBuffer JVYMeZrmjl;
    private java.util.Map tgpHCbxchz;
    private java.util.List NSoHGYgbjj;
    private java.util.List cYHWUgYADJ;
    private java.lang.Integer hyTBzfEdzX;
    private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedDLKzB zPzCMYCvjD;
    private float eFkWtbpnET;
    private java.lang.String fQQXUZsYll;
    private int mNPCIMYaUf;
    private java.util.List raNQsaebFZ;
    private java.lang.Integer sisVXWPzGw;
    private java.lang.Float yasnrkErXU;
    private java.lang.Long VYstlEswqT;
    private double xVhLCqdPnv;
    private java.nio.ByteBuffer GqZJeAZPYV;
    private java.lang.String WmDZVXRigg;
    private int rvvGpKfiZU;
    private int VQhFcCcgkG;
    private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedbuWrm wGkwqWJKeu;
    private double hNRbhWmSKI;
    private double XqcawhxGkR;
    private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedHqfnA pefvOrXdPd;
    private java.lang.Long BkcAKkfvTV;
    private float lahUiGJRSC;
    private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedALBbL OLvDZWIXrz;
    private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedcuMSy YsiDvOgHDW;
    private float VmbxyCBsbl;
    private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedjrLPM ksyuNnAibI;
    private java.util.List rmSaLcxGyW;
    private int MmoShnnKQx;
    private float ChXRwDydGF;
    private java.lang.Double vyDpudYMcE;
    private boolean QRmSxPeMsT;
    private double mqFHOpHXwR;
    private java.util.Map nNXzSSpxqL;
    private int drbjVCokDY;
    private java.util.List VQCTFqhdGm;
    private boolean bNZMohVIQt;
    private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedSXivH NwDsfvNHsl;
    private double SHuFexRaCB;
    private java.util.List GEhYpVHcmu;
    private java.lang.String NUHGsmXTEG;
    private int cDfsymCQgf;
    private java.nio.ByteBuffer DvnoIvuNKk;
    private boolean ubnHfdwQeX;
    private java.util.Map pNfQskEZyc;
    private double lHbKmQXLCQ;
    private java.lang.String khMciWhswQ;
    private boolean YxHDmYeChP;
    private java.lang.String TStNMLyKfB;
    private java.util.Map AUQJNrJkOM;
    private float PznbJoIfXX;
    private double XwsXLkUGfi;
    private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedHjVpD OEBwpMaLRo;
    private java.nio.ByteBuffer SXhbAwaZYF;
    private java.util.Map yuaFjOFfAg;
    private java.lang.String dUUEmKOMnK;
    private java.util.Map hVEhDLygTo;
    private long toGGDyHkFg;
    private boolean JHrPkIdwYz;
    private java.lang.Boolean gpJVwATlHV;
    private java.nio.ByteBuffer CfrpxYbyEl;
    private double ceBxzgjllT;
    private java.lang.String ziADJlBgGW;
    private float laLkalHGgP;
    private java.lang.Float aMwlrdOmSH;
    private java.lang.Float wmDoSQLPjq;
    private java.util.Map myjJSfNJhf;
    private long flOUEiwBVE;
    private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumuNhMz IlEfRqUgVM;
    private java.lang.Boolean assuHlaYTD;
    private long xHXQYfInHo;
    private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumxLVhU ZEJeMQwEti;
    private boolean ZhoojAPfFD;
    private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumYjsZa rBiIoMMapw;
    private java.lang.String hNdTfStDXN;
    private java.lang.Boolean ZxlvzqXjXW;
    private java.nio.ByteBuffer kmFnTCONqv;
    private float MSrPQPLCvV;
    private java.util.Map zyxgVjiwCf;
    private java.lang.String nvDkGibsjK;
    private java.nio.ByteBuffer TEJPoitLNy;
    private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedvQUPQ TEBNyXBaUp;
    private java.lang.Boolean yTRuVlYJQu;
    private java.nio.ByteBuffer PXTCatzamX;
    private long VuChysXHei;
    private java.lang.String GaaQocvJul;
    private com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedBUkyq ODULJpudRb;
    private java.util.Map LruedeSTbL;
    private java.lang.String txLnQAIGov;
    private boolean mgVkZdXXHq;
    private long eOlOvsBQlC;

    /** Creates a new Builder */
    private Builder() {

     * Creates a Builder by copying an existing Builder.
     * @param other The existing Builder to copy.
    private Builder(com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder other) {
      if (isValidValue(fields()[0], other.pCygEoKGCn)) {
        this.pCygEoKGCn = data().deepCopy(fields()[0].schema(), other.pCygEoKGCn);
        fieldSetFlags()[0] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[1], other.pFdheFjZIh)) {
        this.pFdheFjZIh = data().deepCopy(fields()[1].schema(), other.pFdheFjZIh);
        fieldSetFlags()[1] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[2], other.EASzzCxnDl)) {
        this.EASzzCxnDl = data().deepCopy(fields()[2].schema(), other.EASzzCxnDl);
        fieldSetFlags()[2] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[3], other.sTYlxIbvVa)) {
        this.sTYlxIbvVa = data().deepCopy(fields()[3].schema(), other.sTYlxIbvVa);
        fieldSetFlags()[3] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[4], other.QLqucffqEz)) {
        this.QLqucffqEz = data().deepCopy(fields()[4].schema(), other.QLqucffqEz);
        fieldSetFlags()[4] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[5], other.EicRFuUHXc)) {
        this.EicRFuUHXc = data().deepCopy(fields()[5].schema(), other.EicRFuUHXc);
        fieldSetFlags()[5] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[6], other.vfKjtfRVaN)) {
        this.vfKjtfRVaN = data().deepCopy(fields()[6].schema(), other.vfKjtfRVaN);
        fieldSetFlags()[6] = true;
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        this.LHGAfqBJgV = data().deepCopy(fields()[7].schema(), other.LHGAfqBJgV);
        fieldSetFlags()[7] = true;
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        this.JVYMeZrmjl = data().deepCopy(fields()[8].schema(), other.JVYMeZrmjl);
        fieldSetFlags()[8] = true;
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        fieldSetFlags()[9] = true;
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        this.NSoHGYgbjj = data().deepCopy(fields()[10].schema(), other.NSoHGYgbjj);
        fieldSetFlags()[10] = true;
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        this.cYHWUgYADJ = data().deepCopy(fields()[11].schema(), other.cYHWUgYADJ);
        fieldSetFlags()[11] = true;
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        this.hyTBzfEdzX = data().deepCopy(fields()[12].schema(), other.hyTBzfEdzX);
        fieldSetFlags()[12] = true;
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        fieldSetFlags()[13] = true;
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        fieldSetFlags()[15] = true;
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        this.mNPCIMYaUf = data().deepCopy(fields()[16].schema(), other.mNPCIMYaUf);
        fieldSetFlags()[16] = true;
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        this.raNQsaebFZ = data().deepCopy(fields()[17].schema(), other.raNQsaebFZ);
        fieldSetFlags()[17] = true;
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        this.sisVXWPzGw = data().deepCopy(fields()[18].schema(), other.sisVXWPzGw);
        fieldSetFlags()[18] = true;
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        fieldSetFlags()[19] = true;
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        fieldSetFlags()[20] = true;
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        fieldSetFlags()[21] = true;
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        fieldSetFlags()[22] = true;
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        fieldSetFlags()[23] = true;
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        fieldSetFlags()[24] = true;
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        fieldSetFlags()[25] = true;
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        this.wGkwqWJKeu = data().deepCopy(fields()[26].schema(), other.wGkwqWJKeu);
        fieldSetFlags()[26] = true;
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        this.hNRbhWmSKI = data().deepCopy(fields()[27].schema(), other.hNRbhWmSKI);
        fieldSetFlags()[27] = true;
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        this.XqcawhxGkR = data().deepCopy(fields()[28].schema(), other.XqcawhxGkR);
        fieldSetFlags()[28] = true;
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        fieldSetFlags()[33] = true;
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        fieldSetFlags()[34] = true;
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        fieldSetFlags()[35] = true;
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        fieldSetFlags()[38] = true;
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        fieldSetFlags()[39] = true;
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        fieldSetFlags()[40] = true;
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        fieldSetFlags()[41] = true;
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        fieldSetFlags()[42] = true;
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        fieldSetFlags()[43] = true;
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        fieldSetFlags()[89] = true;
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        this.GaaQocvJul = data().deepCopy(fields()[94].schema(), other.GaaQocvJul);
        fieldSetFlags()[94] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[95], other.ODULJpudRb)) {
        this.ODULJpudRb = data().deepCopy(fields()[95].schema(), other.ODULJpudRb);
        fieldSetFlags()[95] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[96], other.LruedeSTbL)) {
        this.LruedeSTbL = data().deepCopy(fields()[96].schema(), other.LruedeSTbL);
        fieldSetFlags()[96] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[97], other.txLnQAIGov)) {
        this.txLnQAIGov = data().deepCopy(fields()[97].schema(), other.txLnQAIGov);
        fieldSetFlags()[97] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[98], other.mgVkZdXXHq)) {
        this.mgVkZdXXHq = data().deepCopy(fields()[98].schema(), other.mgVkZdXXHq);
        fieldSetFlags()[98] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[99], other.eOlOvsBQlC)) {
        this.eOlOvsBQlC = data().deepCopy(fields()[99].schema(), other.eOlOvsBQlC);
        fieldSetFlags()[99] = true;

     * Creates a Builder by copying an existing NestedRecordJhbwS instance
     * @param other The existing instance to copy.
    private Builder(com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS other) {
      if (isValidValue(fields()[0], other.pCygEoKGCn)) {
        this.pCygEoKGCn = data().deepCopy(fields()[0].schema(), other.pCygEoKGCn);
        fieldSetFlags()[0] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[1], other.pFdheFjZIh)) {
        this.pFdheFjZIh = data().deepCopy(fields()[1].schema(), other.pFdheFjZIh);
        fieldSetFlags()[1] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[2], other.EASzzCxnDl)) {
        this.EASzzCxnDl = data().deepCopy(fields()[2].schema(), other.EASzzCxnDl);
        fieldSetFlags()[2] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[3], other.sTYlxIbvVa)) {
        this.sTYlxIbvVa = data().deepCopy(fields()[3].schema(), other.sTYlxIbvVa);
        fieldSetFlags()[3] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[4], other.QLqucffqEz)) {
        this.QLqucffqEz = data().deepCopy(fields()[4].schema(), other.QLqucffqEz);
        fieldSetFlags()[4] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[5], other.EicRFuUHXc)) {
        this.EicRFuUHXc = data().deepCopy(fields()[5].schema(), other.EicRFuUHXc);
        fieldSetFlags()[5] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[6], other.vfKjtfRVaN)) {
        this.vfKjtfRVaN = data().deepCopy(fields()[6].schema(), other.vfKjtfRVaN);
        fieldSetFlags()[6] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[7], other.LHGAfqBJgV)) {
        this.LHGAfqBJgV = data().deepCopy(fields()[7].schema(), other.LHGAfqBJgV);
        fieldSetFlags()[7] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[8], other.JVYMeZrmjl)) {
        this.JVYMeZrmjl = data().deepCopy(fields()[8].schema(), other.JVYMeZrmjl);
        fieldSetFlags()[8] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[9], other.tgpHCbxchz)) {
        this.tgpHCbxchz = data().deepCopy(fields()[9].schema(), other.tgpHCbxchz);
        fieldSetFlags()[9] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[10], other.NSoHGYgbjj)) {
        this.NSoHGYgbjj = data().deepCopy(fields()[10].schema(), other.NSoHGYgbjj);
        fieldSetFlags()[10] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[11], other.cYHWUgYADJ)) {
        this.cYHWUgYADJ = data().deepCopy(fields()[11].schema(), other.cYHWUgYADJ);
        fieldSetFlags()[11] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[12], other.hyTBzfEdzX)) {
        this.hyTBzfEdzX = data().deepCopy(fields()[12].schema(), other.hyTBzfEdzX);
        fieldSetFlags()[12] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[13], other.zPzCMYCvjD)) {
        this.zPzCMYCvjD = data().deepCopy(fields()[13].schema(), other.zPzCMYCvjD);
        fieldSetFlags()[13] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[14], other.eFkWtbpnET)) {
        this.eFkWtbpnET = data().deepCopy(fields()[14].schema(), other.eFkWtbpnET);
        fieldSetFlags()[14] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[15], other.fQQXUZsYll)) {
        this.fQQXUZsYll = data().deepCopy(fields()[15].schema(), other.fQQXUZsYll);
        fieldSetFlags()[15] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[16], other.mNPCIMYaUf)) {
        this.mNPCIMYaUf = data().deepCopy(fields()[16].schema(), other.mNPCIMYaUf);
        fieldSetFlags()[16] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[17], other.raNQsaebFZ)) {
        this.raNQsaebFZ = data().deepCopy(fields()[17].schema(), other.raNQsaebFZ);
        fieldSetFlags()[17] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[18], other.sisVXWPzGw)) {
        this.sisVXWPzGw = data().deepCopy(fields()[18].schema(), other.sisVXWPzGw);
        fieldSetFlags()[18] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[19], other.yasnrkErXU)) {
        this.yasnrkErXU = data().deepCopy(fields()[19].schema(), other.yasnrkErXU);
        fieldSetFlags()[19] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[20], other.VYstlEswqT)) {
        this.VYstlEswqT = data().deepCopy(fields()[20].schema(), other.VYstlEswqT);
        fieldSetFlags()[20] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[21], other.xVhLCqdPnv)) {
        this.xVhLCqdPnv = data().deepCopy(fields()[21].schema(), other.xVhLCqdPnv);
        fieldSetFlags()[21] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[22], other.GqZJeAZPYV)) {
        this.GqZJeAZPYV = data().deepCopy(fields()[22].schema(), other.GqZJeAZPYV);
        fieldSetFlags()[22] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[23], other.WmDZVXRigg)) {
        this.WmDZVXRigg = data().deepCopy(fields()[23].schema(), other.WmDZVXRigg);
        fieldSetFlags()[23] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[24], other.rvvGpKfiZU)) {
        this.rvvGpKfiZU = data().deepCopy(fields()[24].schema(), other.rvvGpKfiZU);
        fieldSetFlags()[24] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[25], other.VQhFcCcgkG)) {
        this.VQhFcCcgkG = data().deepCopy(fields()[25].schema(), other.VQhFcCcgkG);
        fieldSetFlags()[25] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[26], other.wGkwqWJKeu)) {
        this.wGkwqWJKeu = data().deepCopy(fields()[26].schema(), other.wGkwqWJKeu);
        fieldSetFlags()[26] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[27], other.hNRbhWmSKI)) {
        this.hNRbhWmSKI = data().deepCopy(fields()[27].schema(), other.hNRbhWmSKI);
        fieldSetFlags()[27] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[28], other.XqcawhxGkR)) {
        this.XqcawhxGkR = data().deepCopy(fields()[28].schema(), other.XqcawhxGkR);
        fieldSetFlags()[28] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[29], other.pefvOrXdPd)) {
        this.pefvOrXdPd = data().deepCopy(fields()[29].schema(), other.pefvOrXdPd);
        fieldSetFlags()[29] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[30], other.BkcAKkfvTV)) {
        this.BkcAKkfvTV = data().deepCopy(fields()[30].schema(), other.BkcAKkfvTV);
        fieldSetFlags()[30] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[31], other.lahUiGJRSC)) {
        this.lahUiGJRSC = data().deepCopy(fields()[31].schema(), other.lahUiGJRSC);
        fieldSetFlags()[31] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[32], other.OLvDZWIXrz)) {
        this.OLvDZWIXrz = data().deepCopy(fields()[32].schema(), other.OLvDZWIXrz);
        fieldSetFlags()[32] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[33], other.YsiDvOgHDW)) {
        this.YsiDvOgHDW = data().deepCopy(fields()[33].schema(), other.YsiDvOgHDW);
        fieldSetFlags()[33] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[34], other.VmbxyCBsbl)) {
        this.VmbxyCBsbl = data().deepCopy(fields()[34].schema(), other.VmbxyCBsbl);
        fieldSetFlags()[34] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[35], other.ksyuNnAibI)) {
        this.ksyuNnAibI = data().deepCopy(fields()[35].schema(), other.ksyuNnAibI);
        fieldSetFlags()[35] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[36], other.rmSaLcxGyW)) {
        this.rmSaLcxGyW = data().deepCopy(fields()[36].schema(), other.rmSaLcxGyW);
        fieldSetFlags()[36] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[37], other.MmoShnnKQx)) {
        this.MmoShnnKQx = data().deepCopy(fields()[37].schema(), other.MmoShnnKQx);
        fieldSetFlags()[37] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[38], other.ChXRwDydGF)) {
        this.ChXRwDydGF = data().deepCopy(fields()[38].schema(), other.ChXRwDydGF);
        fieldSetFlags()[38] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[39], other.vyDpudYMcE)) {
        this.vyDpudYMcE = data().deepCopy(fields()[39].schema(), other.vyDpudYMcE);
        fieldSetFlags()[39] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[40], other.QRmSxPeMsT)) {
        this.QRmSxPeMsT = data().deepCopy(fields()[40].schema(), other.QRmSxPeMsT);
        fieldSetFlags()[40] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[41], other.mqFHOpHXwR)) {
        this.mqFHOpHXwR = data().deepCopy(fields()[41].schema(), other.mqFHOpHXwR);
        fieldSetFlags()[41] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[42], other.nNXzSSpxqL)) {
        this.nNXzSSpxqL = data().deepCopy(fields()[42].schema(), other.nNXzSSpxqL);
        fieldSetFlags()[42] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[43], other.drbjVCokDY)) {
        this.drbjVCokDY = data().deepCopy(fields()[43].schema(), other.drbjVCokDY);
        fieldSetFlags()[43] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[44], other.VQCTFqhdGm)) {
        this.VQCTFqhdGm = data().deepCopy(fields()[44].schema(), other.VQCTFqhdGm);
        fieldSetFlags()[44] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[45], other.bNZMohVIQt)) {
        this.bNZMohVIQt = data().deepCopy(fields()[45].schema(), other.bNZMohVIQt);
        fieldSetFlags()[45] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[46], other.NwDsfvNHsl)) {
        this.NwDsfvNHsl = data().deepCopy(fields()[46].schema(), other.NwDsfvNHsl);
        fieldSetFlags()[46] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[47], other.SHuFexRaCB)) {
        this.SHuFexRaCB = data().deepCopy(fields()[47].schema(), other.SHuFexRaCB);
        fieldSetFlags()[47] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[48], other.GEhYpVHcmu)) {
        this.GEhYpVHcmu = data().deepCopy(fields()[48].schema(), other.GEhYpVHcmu);
        fieldSetFlags()[48] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[49], other.NUHGsmXTEG)) {
        this.NUHGsmXTEG = data().deepCopy(fields()[49].schema(), other.NUHGsmXTEG);
        fieldSetFlags()[49] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[50], other.cDfsymCQgf)) {
        this.cDfsymCQgf = data().deepCopy(fields()[50].schema(), other.cDfsymCQgf);
        fieldSetFlags()[50] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[51], other.DvnoIvuNKk)) {
        this.DvnoIvuNKk = data().deepCopy(fields()[51].schema(), other.DvnoIvuNKk);
        fieldSetFlags()[51] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[52], other.ubnHfdwQeX)) {
        this.ubnHfdwQeX = data().deepCopy(fields()[52].schema(), other.ubnHfdwQeX);
        fieldSetFlags()[52] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[53], other.pNfQskEZyc)) {
        this.pNfQskEZyc = data().deepCopy(fields()[53].schema(), other.pNfQskEZyc);
        fieldSetFlags()[53] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[54], other.lHbKmQXLCQ)) {
        this.lHbKmQXLCQ = data().deepCopy(fields()[54].schema(), other.lHbKmQXLCQ);
        fieldSetFlags()[54] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[55], other.khMciWhswQ)) {
        this.khMciWhswQ = data().deepCopy(fields()[55].schema(), other.khMciWhswQ);
        fieldSetFlags()[55] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[56], other.YxHDmYeChP)) {
        this.YxHDmYeChP = data().deepCopy(fields()[56].schema(), other.YxHDmYeChP);
        fieldSetFlags()[56] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[57], other.TStNMLyKfB)) {
        this.TStNMLyKfB = data().deepCopy(fields()[57].schema(), other.TStNMLyKfB);
        fieldSetFlags()[57] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[58], other.AUQJNrJkOM)) {
        this.AUQJNrJkOM = data().deepCopy(fields()[58].schema(), other.AUQJNrJkOM);
        fieldSetFlags()[58] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[59], other.PznbJoIfXX)) {
        this.PznbJoIfXX = data().deepCopy(fields()[59].schema(), other.PznbJoIfXX);
        fieldSetFlags()[59] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[60], other.XwsXLkUGfi)) {
        this.XwsXLkUGfi = data().deepCopy(fields()[60].schema(), other.XwsXLkUGfi);
        fieldSetFlags()[60] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[61], other.OEBwpMaLRo)) {
        this.OEBwpMaLRo = data().deepCopy(fields()[61].schema(), other.OEBwpMaLRo);
        fieldSetFlags()[61] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[62], other.SXhbAwaZYF)) {
        this.SXhbAwaZYF = data().deepCopy(fields()[62].schema(), other.SXhbAwaZYF);
        fieldSetFlags()[62] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[63], other.yuaFjOFfAg)) {
        this.yuaFjOFfAg = data().deepCopy(fields()[63].schema(), other.yuaFjOFfAg);
        fieldSetFlags()[63] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[64], other.dUUEmKOMnK)) {
        this.dUUEmKOMnK = data().deepCopy(fields()[64].schema(), other.dUUEmKOMnK);
        fieldSetFlags()[64] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[65], other.hVEhDLygTo)) {
        this.hVEhDLygTo = data().deepCopy(fields()[65].schema(), other.hVEhDLygTo);
        fieldSetFlags()[65] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[66], other.toGGDyHkFg)) {
        this.toGGDyHkFg = data().deepCopy(fields()[66].schema(), other.toGGDyHkFg);
        fieldSetFlags()[66] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[67], other.JHrPkIdwYz)) {
        this.JHrPkIdwYz = data().deepCopy(fields()[67].schema(), other.JHrPkIdwYz);
        fieldSetFlags()[67] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[68], other.gpJVwATlHV)) {
        this.gpJVwATlHV = data().deepCopy(fields()[68].schema(), other.gpJVwATlHV);
        fieldSetFlags()[68] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[69], other.CfrpxYbyEl)) {
        this.CfrpxYbyEl = data().deepCopy(fields()[69].schema(), other.CfrpxYbyEl);
        fieldSetFlags()[69] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[70], other.ceBxzgjllT)) {
        this.ceBxzgjllT = data().deepCopy(fields()[70].schema(), other.ceBxzgjllT);
        fieldSetFlags()[70] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[71], other.ziADJlBgGW)) {
        this.ziADJlBgGW = data().deepCopy(fields()[71].schema(), other.ziADJlBgGW);
        fieldSetFlags()[71] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[72], other.laLkalHGgP)) {
        this.laLkalHGgP = data().deepCopy(fields()[72].schema(), other.laLkalHGgP);
        fieldSetFlags()[72] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[73], other.aMwlrdOmSH)) {
        this.aMwlrdOmSH = data().deepCopy(fields()[73].schema(), other.aMwlrdOmSH);
        fieldSetFlags()[73] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[74], other.wmDoSQLPjq)) {
        this.wmDoSQLPjq = data().deepCopy(fields()[74].schema(), other.wmDoSQLPjq);
        fieldSetFlags()[74] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[75], other.myjJSfNJhf)) {
        this.myjJSfNJhf = data().deepCopy(fields()[75].schema(), other.myjJSfNJhf);
        fieldSetFlags()[75] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[76], other.flOUEiwBVE)) {
        this.flOUEiwBVE = data().deepCopy(fields()[76].schema(), other.flOUEiwBVE);
        fieldSetFlags()[76] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[77], other.IlEfRqUgVM)) {
        this.IlEfRqUgVM = data().deepCopy(fields()[77].schema(), other.IlEfRqUgVM);
        fieldSetFlags()[77] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[78], other.assuHlaYTD)) {
        this.assuHlaYTD = data().deepCopy(fields()[78].schema(), other.assuHlaYTD);
        fieldSetFlags()[78] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[79], other.xHXQYfInHo)) {
        this.xHXQYfInHo = data().deepCopy(fields()[79].schema(), other.xHXQYfInHo);
        fieldSetFlags()[79] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[80], other.ZEJeMQwEti)) {
        this.ZEJeMQwEti = data().deepCopy(fields()[80].schema(), other.ZEJeMQwEti);
        fieldSetFlags()[80] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[81], other.ZhoojAPfFD)) {
        this.ZhoojAPfFD = data().deepCopy(fields()[81].schema(), other.ZhoojAPfFD);
        fieldSetFlags()[81] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[82], other.rBiIoMMapw)) {
        this.rBiIoMMapw = data().deepCopy(fields()[82].schema(), other.rBiIoMMapw);
        fieldSetFlags()[82] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[83], other.hNdTfStDXN)) {
        this.hNdTfStDXN = data().deepCopy(fields()[83].schema(), other.hNdTfStDXN);
        fieldSetFlags()[83] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[84], other.ZxlvzqXjXW)) {
        this.ZxlvzqXjXW = data().deepCopy(fields()[84].schema(), other.ZxlvzqXjXW);
        fieldSetFlags()[84] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[85], other.kmFnTCONqv)) {
        this.kmFnTCONqv = data().deepCopy(fields()[85].schema(), other.kmFnTCONqv);
        fieldSetFlags()[85] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[86], other.MSrPQPLCvV)) {
        this.MSrPQPLCvV = data().deepCopy(fields()[86].schema(), other.MSrPQPLCvV);
        fieldSetFlags()[86] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[87], other.zyxgVjiwCf)) {
        this.zyxgVjiwCf = data().deepCopy(fields()[87].schema(), other.zyxgVjiwCf);
        fieldSetFlags()[87] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[88], other.nvDkGibsjK)) {
        this.nvDkGibsjK = data().deepCopy(fields()[88].schema(), other.nvDkGibsjK);
        fieldSetFlags()[88] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[89], other.TEJPoitLNy)) {
        this.TEJPoitLNy = data().deepCopy(fields()[89].schema(), other.TEJPoitLNy);
        fieldSetFlags()[89] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[90], other.TEBNyXBaUp)) {
        this.TEBNyXBaUp = data().deepCopy(fields()[90].schema(), other.TEBNyXBaUp);
        fieldSetFlags()[90] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[91], other.yTRuVlYJQu)) {
        this.yTRuVlYJQu = data().deepCopy(fields()[91].schema(), other.yTRuVlYJQu);
        fieldSetFlags()[91] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[92], other.PXTCatzamX)) {
        this.PXTCatzamX = data().deepCopy(fields()[92].schema(), other.PXTCatzamX);
        fieldSetFlags()[92] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[93], other.VuChysXHei)) {
        this.VuChysXHei = data().deepCopy(fields()[93].schema(), other.VuChysXHei);
        fieldSetFlags()[93] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[94], other.GaaQocvJul)) {
        this.GaaQocvJul = data().deepCopy(fields()[94].schema(), other.GaaQocvJul);
        fieldSetFlags()[94] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[95], other.ODULJpudRb)) {
        this.ODULJpudRb = data().deepCopy(fields()[95].schema(), other.ODULJpudRb);
        fieldSetFlags()[95] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[96], other.LruedeSTbL)) {
        this.LruedeSTbL = data().deepCopy(fields()[96].schema(), other.LruedeSTbL);
        fieldSetFlags()[96] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[97], other.txLnQAIGov)) {
        this.txLnQAIGov = data().deepCopy(fields()[97].schema(), other.txLnQAIGov);
        fieldSetFlags()[97] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[98], other.mgVkZdXXHq)) {
        this.mgVkZdXXHq = data().deepCopy(fields()[98].schema(), other.mgVkZdXXHq);
        fieldSetFlags()[98] = true;
      if (isValidValue(fields()[99], other.eOlOvsBQlC)) {
        this.eOlOvsBQlC = data().deepCopy(fields()[99].schema(), other.eOlOvsBQlC);
        fieldSetFlags()[99] = true;

      * Gets the value of the 'pCygEoKGCn' field.
      * @return The value.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumFfexO getPCygEoKGCn() {
      return pCygEoKGCn;

      * Sets the value of the 'pCygEoKGCn' field.
      * @param value The value of 'pCygEoKGCn'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setPCygEoKGCn(com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumFfexO value) {
      validate(fields()[0], value);
      this.pCygEoKGCn = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[0] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'pCygEoKGCn' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'pCygEoKGCn' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasPCygEoKGCn() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[0];

      * Clears the value of the 'pCygEoKGCn' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearPCygEoKGCn() {
      pCygEoKGCn = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[0] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'pFdheFjZIh' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.util.Map getPFdheFjZIh() {
      return pFdheFjZIh;

      * Sets the value of the 'pFdheFjZIh' field.
      * @param value The value of 'pFdheFjZIh'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setPFdheFjZIh(java.util.Map value) {
      validate(fields()[1], value);
      this.pFdheFjZIh = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[1] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'pFdheFjZIh' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'pFdheFjZIh' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasPFdheFjZIh() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[1];

      * Clears the value of the 'pFdheFjZIh' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearPFdheFjZIh() {
      pFdheFjZIh = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[1] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'EASzzCxnDl' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Float getEASzzCxnDl() {
      return EASzzCxnDl;

      * Sets the value of the 'EASzzCxnDl' field.
      * @param value The value of 'EASzzCxnDl'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setEASzzCxnDl(java.lang.Float value) {
      validate(fields()[2], value);
      this.EASzzCxnDl = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[2] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'EASzzCxnDl' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'EASzzCxnDl' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasEASzzCxnDl() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[2];

      * Clears the value of the 'EASzzCxnDl' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearEASzzCxnDl() {
      EASzzCxnDl = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[2] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'sTYlxIbvVa' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Long getSTYlxIbvVa() {
      return sTYlxIbvVa;

      * Sets the value of the 'sTYlxIbvVa' field.
      * @param value The value of 'sTYlxIbvVa'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setSTYlxIbvVa(long value) {
      validate(fields()[3], value);
      this.sTYlxIbvVa = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[3] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'sTYlxIbvVa' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'sTYlxIbvVa' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasSTYlxIbvVa() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[3];

      * Clears the value of the 'sTYlxIbvVa' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearSTYlxIbvVa() {
      fieldSetFlags()[3] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'QLqucffqEz' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.util.List getQLqucffqEz() {
      return QLqucffqEz;

      * Sets the value of the 'QLqucffqEz' field.
      * @param value The value of 'QLqucffqEz'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setQLqucffqEz(java.util.List value) {
      validate(fields()[4], value);
      this.QLqucffqEz = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[4] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'QLqucffqEz' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'QLqucffqEz' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasQLqucffqEz() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[4];

      * Clears the value of the 'QLqucffqEz' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearQLqucffqEz() {
      QLqucffqEz = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[4] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'EicRFuUHXc' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.util.List getEicRFuUHXc() {
      return EicRFuUHXc;

      * Sets the value of the 'EicRFuUHXc' field.
      * @param value The value of 'EicRFuUHXc'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setEicRFuUHXc(java.util.List value) {
      validate(fields()[5], value);
      this.EicRFuUHXc = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[5] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'EicRFuUHXc' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'EicRFuUHXc' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasEicRFuUHXc() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[5];

      * Clears the value of the 'EicRFuUHXc' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearEicRFuUHXc() {
      EicRFuUHXc = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[5] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'vfKjtfRVaN' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.String getVfKjtfRVaN() {
      return vfKjtfRVaN;

      * Sets the value of the 'vfKjtfRVaN' field.
      * @param value The value of 'vfKjtfRVaN'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setVfKjtfRVaN(java.lang.String value) {
      validate(fields()[6], value);
      this.vfKjtfRVaN = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[6] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'vfKjtfRVaN' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'vfKjtfRVaN' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasVfKjtfRVaN() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[6];

      * Clears the value of the 'vfKjtfRVaN' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearVfKjtfRVaN() {
      vfKjtfRVaN = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[6] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'LHGAfqBJgV' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Long getLHGAfqBJgV() {
      return LHGAfqBJgV;

      * Sets the value of the 'LHGAfqBJgV' field.
      * @param value The value of 'LHGAfqBJgV'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setLHGAfqBJgV(long value) {
      validate(fields()[7], value);
      this.LHGAfqBJgV = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[7] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'LHGAfqBJgV' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'LHGAfqBJgV' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasLHGAfqBJgV() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[7];

      * Clears the value of the 'LHGAfqBJgV' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearLHGAfqBJgV() {
      fieldSetFlags()[7] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'JVYMeZrmjl' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.nio.ByteBuffer getJVYMeZrmjl() {
      return JVYMeZrmjl;

      * Sets the value of the 'JVYMeZrmjl' field.
      * @param value The value of 'JVYMeZrmjl'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setJVYMeZrmjl(java.nio.ByteBuffer value) {
      validate(fields()[8], value);
      this.JVYMeZrmjl = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[8] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'JVYMeZrmjl' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'JVYMeZrmjl' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasJVYMeZrmjl() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[8];

      * Clears the value of the 'JVYMeZrmjl' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearJVYMeZrmjl() {
      JVYMeZrmjl = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[8] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'tgpHCbxchz' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.util.Map getTgpHCbxchz() {
      return tgpHCbxchz;

      * Sets the value of the 'tgpHCbxchz' field.
      * @param value The value of 'tgpHCbxchz'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setTgpHCbxchz(java.util.Map value) {
      validate(fields()[9], value);
      this.tgpHCbxchz = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[9] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'tgpHCbxchz' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'tgpHCbxchz' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasTgpHCbxchz() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[9];

      * Clears the value of the 'tgpHCbxchz' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearTgpHCbxchz() {
      tgpHCbxchz = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[9] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'NSoHGYgbjj' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.util.List getNSoHGYgbjj() {
      return NSoHGYgbjj;

      * Sets the value of the 'NSoHGYgbjj' field.
      * @param value The value of 'NSoHGYgbjj'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setNSoHGYgbjj(java.util.List value) {
      validate(fields()[10], value);
      this.NSoHGYgbjj = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[10] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'NSoHGYgbjj' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'NSoHGYgbjj' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasNSoHGYgbjj() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[10];

      * Clears the value of the 'NSoHGYgbjj' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearNSoHGYgbjj() {
      NSoHGYgbjj = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[10] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'cYHWUgYADJ' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.util.List getCYHWUgYADJ() {
      return cYHWUgYADJ;

      * Sets the value of the 'cYHWUgYADJ' field.
      * @param value The value of 'cYHWUgYADJ'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setCYHWUgYADJ(java.util.List value) {
      validate(fields()[11], value);
      this.cYHWUgYADJ = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[11] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'cYHWUgYADJ' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'cYHWUgYADJ' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasCYHWUgYADJ() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[11];

      * Clears the value of the 'cYHWUgYADJ' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearCYHWUgYADJ() {
      cYHWUgYADJ = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[11] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'hyTBzfEdzX' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Integer getHyTBzfEdzX() {
      return hyTBzfEdzX;

      * Sets the value of the 'hyTBzfEdzX' field.
      * @param value The value of 'hyTBzfEdzX'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setHyTBzfEdzX(java.lang.Integer value) {
      validate(fields()[12], value);
      this.hyTBzfEdzX = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[12] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'hyTBzfEdzX' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'hyTBzfEdzX' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasHyTBzfEdzX() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[12];

      * Clears the value of the 'hyTBzfEdzX' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearHyTBzfEdzX() {
      hyTBzfEdzX = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[12] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'zPzCMYCvjD' field.
      * @return The value.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedDLKzB getZPzCMYCvjD() {
      return zPzCMYCvjD;

      * Sets the value of the 'zPzCMYCvjD' field.
      * @param value The value of 'zPzCMYCvjD'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setZPzCMYCvjD(com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedDLKzB value) {
      validate(fields()[13], value);
      this.zPzCMYCvjD = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[13] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'zPzCMYCvjD' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'zPzCMYCvjD' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasZPzCMYCvjD() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[13];

      * Clears the value of the 'zPzCMYCvjD' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearZPzCMYCvjD() {
      zPzCMYCvjD = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[13] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'eFkWtbpnET' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Float getEFkWtbpnET() {
      return eFkWtbpnET;

      * Sets the value of the 'eFkWtbpnET' field.
      * @param value The value of 'eFkWtbpnET'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setEFkWtbpnET(float value) {
      validate(fields()[14], value);
      this.eFkWtbpnET = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[14] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'eFkWtbpnET' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'eFkWtbpnET' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasEFkWtbpnET() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[14];

      * Clears the value of the 'eFkWtbpnET' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearEFkWtbpnET() {
      fieldSetFlags()[14] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'fQQXUZsYll' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.String getFQQXUZsYll() {
      return fQQXUZsYll;

      * Sets the value of the 'fQQXUZsYll' field.
      * @param value The value of 'fQQXUZsYll'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setFQQXUZsYll(java.lang.String value) {
      validate(fields()[15], value);
      this.fQQXUZsYll = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[15] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'fQQXUZsYll' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'fQQXUZsYll' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasFQQXUZsYll() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[15];

      * Clears the value of the 'fQQXUZsYll' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearFQQXUZsYll() {
      fQQXUZsYll = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[15] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'mNPCIMYaUf' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Integer getMNPCIMYaUf() {
      return mNPCIMYaUf;

      * Sets the value of the 'mNPCIMYaUf' field.
      * @param value The value of 'mNPCIMYaUf'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setMNPCIMYaUf(int value) {
      validate(fields()[16], value);
      this.mNPCIMYaUf = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[16] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'mNPCIMYaUf' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'mNPCIMYaUf' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasMNPCIMYaUf() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[16];

      * Clears the value of the 'mNPCIMYaUf' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearMNPCIMYaUf() {
      fieldSetFlags()[16] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'raNQsaebFZ' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.util.List getRaNQsaebFZ() {
      return raNQsaebFZ;

      * Sets the value of the 'raNQsaebFZ' field.
      * @param value The value of 'raNQsaebFZ'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setRaNQsaebFZ(java.util.List value) {
      validate(fields()[17], value);
      this.raNQsaebFZ = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[17] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'raNQsaebFZ' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'raNQsaebFZ' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasRaNQsaebFZ() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[17];

      * Clears the value of the 'raNQsaebFZ' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearRaNQsaebFZ() {
      raNQsaebFZ = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[17] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'sisVXWPzGw' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Integer getSisVXWPzGw() {
      return sisVXWPzGw;

      * Sets the value of the 'sisVXWPzGw' field.
      * @param value The value of 'sisVXWPzGw'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setSisVXWPzGw(java.lang.Integer value) {
      validate(fields()[18], value);
      this.sisVXWPzGw = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[18] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'sisVXWPzGw' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'sisVXWPzGw' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasSisVXWPzGw() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[18];

      * Clears the value of the 'sisVXWPzGw' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearSisVXWPzGw() {
      sisVXWPzGw = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[18] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'yasnrkErXU' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Float getYasnrkErXU() {
      return yasnrkErXU;

      * Sets the value of the 'yasnrkErXU' field.
      * @param value The value of 'yasnrkErXU'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setYasnrkErXU(java.lang.Float value) {
      validate(fields()[19], value);
      this.yasnrkErXU = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[19] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'yasnrkErXU' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'yasnrkErXU' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasYasnrkErXU() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[19];

      * Clears the value of the 'yasnrkErXU' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearYasnrkErXU() {
      yasnrkErXU = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[19] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'VYstlEswqT' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Long getVYstlEswqT() {
      return VYstlEswqT;

      * Sets the value of the 'VYstlEswqT' field.
      * @param value The value of 'VYstlEswqT'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setVYstlEswqT(java.lang.Long value) {
      validate(fields()[20], value);
      this.VYstlEswqT = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[20] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'VYstlEswqT' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'VYstlEswqT' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasVYstlEswqT() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[20];

      * Clears the value of the 'VYstlEswqT' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearVYstlEswqT() {
      VYstlEswqT = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[20] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'xVhLCqdPnv' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Double getXVhLCqdPnv() {
      return xVhLCqdPnv;

      * Sets the value of the 'xVhLCqdPnv' field.
      * @param value The value of 'xVhLCqdPnv'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setXVhLCqdPnv(double value) {
      validate(fields()[21], value);
      this.xVhLCqdPnv = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[21] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'xVhLCqdPnv' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'xVhLCqdPnv' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasXVhLCqdPnv() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[21];

      * Clears the value of the 'xVhLCqdPnv' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearXVhLCqdPnv() {
      fieldSetFlags()[21] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'GqZJeAZPYV' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.nio.ByteBuffer getGqZJeAZPYV() {
      return GqZJeAZPYV;

      * Sets the value of the 'GqZJeAZPYV' field.
      * @param value The value of 'GqZJeAZPYV'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setGqZJeAZPYV(java.nio.ByteBuffer value) {
      validate(fields()[22], value);
      this.GqZJeAZPYV = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[22] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'GqZJeAZPYV' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'GqZJeAZPYV' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasGqZJeAZPYV() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[22];

      * Clears the value of the 'GqZJeAZPYV' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearGqZJeAZPYV() {
      GqZJeAZPYV = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[22] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'WmDZVXRigg' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.String getWmDZVXRigg() {
      return WmDZVXRigg;

      * Sets the value of the 'WmDZVXRigg' field.
      * @param value The value of 'WmDZVXRigg'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setWmDZVXRigg(java.lang.String value) {
      validate(fields()[23], value);
      this.WmDZVXRigg = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[23] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'WmDZVXRigg' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'WmDZVXRigg' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasWmDZVXRigg() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[23];

      * Clears the value of the 'WmDZVXRigg' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearWmDZVXRigg() {
      WmDZVXRigg = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[23] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'rvvGpKfiZU' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Integer getRvvGpKfiZU() {
      return rvvGpKfiZU;

      * Sets the value of the 'rvvGpKfiZU' field.
      * @param value The value of 'rvvGpKfiZU'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setRvvGpKfiZU(int value) {
      validate(fields()[24], value);
      this.rvvGpKfiZU = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[24] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'rvvGpKfiZU' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'rvvGpKfiZU' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasRvvGpKfiZU() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[24];

      * Clears the value of the 'rvvGpKfiZU' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearRvvGpKfiZU() {
      fieldSetFlags()[24] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'VQhFcCcgkG' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Integer getVQhFcCcgkG() {
      return VQhFcCcgkG;

      * Sets the value of the 'VQhFcCcgkG' field.
      * @param value The value of 'VQhFcCcgkG'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setVQhFcCcgkG(int value) {
      validate(fields()[25], value);
      this.VQhFcCcgkG = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[25] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'VQhFcCcgkG' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'VQhFcCcgkG' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasVQhFcCcgkG() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[25];

      * Clears the value of the 'VQhFcCcgkG' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearVQhFcCcgkG() {
      fieldSetFlags()[25] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'wGkwqWJKeu' field.
      * @return The value.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedbuWrm getWGkwqWJKeu() {
      return wGkwqWJKeu;

      * Sets the value of the 'wGkwqWJKeu' field.
      * @param value The value of 'wGkwqWJKeu'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setWGkwqWJKeu(com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedbuWrm value) {
      validate(fields()[26], value);
      this.wGkwqWJKeu = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[26] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'wGkwqWJKeu' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'wGkwqWJKeu' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasWGkwqWJKeu() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[26];

      * Clears the value of the 'wGkwqWJKeu' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearWGkwqWJKeu() {
      wGkwqWJKeu = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[26] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'hNRbhWmSKI' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Double getHNRbhWmSKI() {
      return hNRbhWmSKI;

      * Sets the value of the 'hNRbhWmSKI' field.
      * @param value The value of 'hNRbhWmSKI'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setHNRbhWmSKI(double value) {
      validate(fields()[27], value);
      this.hNRbhWmSKI = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[27] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'hNRbhWmSKI' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'hNRbhWmSKI' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasHNRbhWmSKI() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[27];

      * Clears the value of the 'hNRbhWmSKI' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearHNRbhWmSKI() {
      fieldSetFlags()[27] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'XqcawhxGkR' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Double getXqcawhxGkR() {
      return XqcawhxGkR;

      * Sets the value of the 'XqcawhxGkR' field.
      * @param value The value of 'XqcawhxGkR'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setXqcawhxGkR(double value) {
      validate(fields()[28], value);
      this.XqcawhxGkR = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[28] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'XqcawhxGkR' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'XqcawhxGkR' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasXqcawhxGkR() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[28];

      * Clears the value of the 'XqcawhxGkR' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearXqcawhxGkR() {
      fieldSetFlags()[28] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'pefvOrXdPd' field.
      * @return The value.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedHqfnA getPefvOrXdPd() {
      return pefvOrXdPd;

      * Sets the value of the 'pefvOrXdPd' field.
      * @param value The value of 'pefvOrXdPd'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setPefvOrXdPd(com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedHqfnA value) {
      validate(fields()[29], value);
      this.pefvOrXdPd = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[29] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'pefvOrXdPd' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'pefvOrXdPd' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasPefvOrXdPd() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[29];

      * Clears the value of the 'pefvOrXdPd' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearPefvOrXdPd() {
      pefvOrXdPd = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[29] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'BkcAKkfvTV' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Long getBkcAKkfvTV() {
      return BkcAKkfvTV;

      * Sets the value of the 'BkcAKkfvTV' field.
      * @param value The value of 'BkcAKkfvTV'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setBkcAKkfvTV(java.lang.Long value) {
      validate(fields()[30], value);
      this.BkcAKkfvTV = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[30] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'BkcAKkfvTV' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'BkcAKkfvTV' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasBkcAKkfvTV() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[30];

      * Clears the value of the 'BkcAKkfvTV' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearBkcAKkfvTV() {
      BkcAKkfvTV = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[30] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'lahUiGJRSC' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Float getLahUiGJRSC() {
      return lahUiGJRSC;

      * Sets the value of the 'lahUiGJRSC' field.
      * @param value The value of 'lahUiGJRSC'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setLahUiGJRSC(float value) {
      validate(fields()[31], value);
      this.lahUiGJRSC = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[31] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'lahUiGJRSC' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'lahUiGJRSC' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasLahUiGJRSC() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[31];

      * Clears the value of the 'lahUiGJRSC' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearLahUiGJRSC() {
      fieldSetFlags()[31] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'OLvDZWIXrz' field.
      * @return The value.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedALBbL getOLvDZWIXrz() {
      return OLvDZWIXrz;

      * Sets the value of the 'OLvDZWIXrz' field.
      * @param value The value of 'OLvDZWIXrz'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setOLvDZWIXrz(com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedALBbL value) {
      validate(fields()[32], value);
      this.OLvDZWIXrz = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[32] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'OLvDZWIXrz' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'OLvDZWIXrz' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasOLvDZWIXrz() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[32];

      * Clears the value of the 'OLvDZWIXrz' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearOLvDZWIXrz() {
      OLvDZWIXrz = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[32] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'YsiDvOgHDW' field.
      * @return The value.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedcuMSy getYsiDvOgHDW() {
      return YsiDvOgHDW;

      * Sets the value of the 'YsiDvOgHDW' field.
      * @param value The value of 'YsiDvOgHDW'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setYsiDvOgHDW(com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedcuMSy value) {
      validate(fields()[33], value);
      this.YsiDvOgHDW = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[33] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'YsiDvOgHDW' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'YsiDvOgHDW' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasYsiDvOgHDW() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[33];

      * Clears the value of the 'YsiDvOgHDW' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearYsiDvOgHDW() {
      YsiDvOgHDW = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[33] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'VmbxyCBsbl' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Float getVmbxyCBsbl() {
      return VmbxyCBsbl;

      * Sets the value of the 'VmbxyCBsbl' field.
      * @param value The value of 'VmbxyCBsbl'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setVmbxyCBsbl(float value) {
      validate(fields()[34], value);
      this.VmbxyCBsbl = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[34] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'VmbxyCBsbl' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'VmbxyCBsbl' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasVmbxyCBsbl() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[34];

      * Clears the value of the 'VmbxyCBsbl' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearVmbxyCBsbl() {
      fieldSetFlags()[34] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'ksyuNnAibI' field.
      * @return The value.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedjrLPM getKsyuNnAibI() {
      return ksyuNnAibI;

      * Sets the value of the 'ksyuNnAibI' field.
      * @param value The value of 'ksyuNnAibI'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setKsyuNnAibI(com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedjrLPM value) {
      validate(fields()[35], value);
      this.ksyuNnAibI = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[35] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'ksyuNnAibI' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'ksyuNnAibI' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasKsyuNnAibI() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[35];

      * Clears the value of the 'ksyuNnAibI' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearKsyuNnAibI() {
      ksyuNnAibI = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[35] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'rmSaLcxGyW' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.util.List getRmSaLcxGyW() {
      return rmSaLcxGyW;

      * Sets the value of the 'rmSaLcxGyW' field.
      * @param value The value of 'rmSaLcxGyW'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setRmSaLcxGyW(java.util.List value) {
      validate(fields()[36], value);
      this.rmSaLcxGyW = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[36] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'rmSaLcxGyW' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'rmSaLcxGyW' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasRmSaLcxGyW() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[36];

      * Clears the value of the 'rmSaLcxGyW' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearRmSaLcxGyW() {
      rmSaLcxGyW = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[36] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'MmoShnnKQx' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Integer getMmoShnnKQx() {
      return MmoShnnKQx;

      * Sets the value of the 'MmoShnnKQx' field.
      * @param value The value of 'MmoShnnKQx'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setMmoShnnKQx(int value) {
      validate(fields()[37], value);
      this.MmoShnnKQx = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[37] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'MmoShnnKQx' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'MmoShnnKQx' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasMmoShnnKQx() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[37];

      * Clears the value of the 'MmoShnnKQx' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearMmoShnnKQx() {
      fieldSetFlags()[37] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'ChXRwDydGF' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Float getChXRwDydGF() {
      return ChXRwDydGF;

      * Sets the value of the 'ChXRwDydGF' field.
      * @param value The value of 'ChXRwDydGF'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setChXRwDydGF(float value) {
      validate(fields()[38], value);
      this.ChXRwDydGF = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[38] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'ChXRwDydGF' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'ChXRwDydGF' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasChXRwDydGF() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[38];

      * Clears the value of the 'ChXRwDydGF' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearChXRwDydGF() {
      fieldSetFlags()[38] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'vyDpudYMcE' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Double getVyDpudYMcE() {
      return vyDpudYMcE;

      * Sets the value of the 'vyDpudYMcE' field.
      * @param value The value of 'vyDpudYMcE'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setVyDpudYMcE(java.lang.Double value) {
      validate(fields()[39], value);
      this.vyDpudYMcE = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[39] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'vyDpudYMcE' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'vyDpudYMcE' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasVyDpudYMcE() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[39];

      * Clears the value of the 'vyDpudYMcE' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearVyDpudYMcE() {
      vyDpudYMcE = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[39] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'QRmSxPeMsT' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Boolean getQRmSxPeMsT() {
      return QRmSxPeMsT;

      * Sets the value of the 'QRmSxPeMsT' field.
      * @param value The value of 'QRmSxPeMsT'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setQRmSxPeMsT(boolean value) {
      validate(fields()[40], value);
      this.QRmSxPeMsT = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[40] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'QRmSxPeMsT' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'QRmSxPeMsT' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasQRmSxPeMsT() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[40];

      * Clears the value of the 'QRmSxPeMsT' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearQRmSxPeMsT() {
      fieldSetFlags()[40] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'mqFHOpHXwR' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Double getMqFHOpHXwR() {
      return mqFHOpHXwR;

      * Sets the value of the 'mqFHOpHXwR' field.
      * @param value The value of 'mqFHOpHXwR'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setMqFHOpHXwR(double value) {
      validate(fields()[41], value);
      this.mqFHOpHXwR = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[41] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'mqFHOpHXwR' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'mqFHOpHXwR' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasMqFHOpHXwR() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[41];

      * Clears the value of the 'mqFHOpHXwR' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearMqFHOpHXwR() {
      fieldSetFlags()[41] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'nNXzSSpxqL' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.util.Map getNNXzSSpxqL() {
      return nNXzSSpxqL;

      * Sets the value of the 'nNXzSSpxqL' field.
      * @param value The value of 'nNXzSSpxqL'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setNNXzSSpxqL(java.util.Map value) {
      validate(fields()[42], value);
      this.nNXzSSpxqL = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[42] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'nNXzSSpxqL' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'nNXzSSpxqL' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasNNXzSSpxqL() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[42];

      * Clears the value of the 'nNXzSSpxqL' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearNNXzSSpxqL() {
      nNXzSSpxqL = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[42] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'drbjVCokDY' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Integer getDrbjVCokDY() {
      return drbjVCokDY;

      * Sets the value of the 'drbjVCokDY' field.
      * @param value The value of 'drbjVCokDY'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setDrbjVCokDY(int value) {
      validate(fields()[43], value);
      this.drbjVCokDY = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[43] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'drbjVCokDY' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'drbjVCokDY' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasDrbjVCokDY() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[43];

      * Clears the value of the 'drbjVCokDY' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearDrbjVCokDY() {
      fieldSetFlags()[43] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'VQCTFqhdGm' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.util.List getVQCTFqhdGm() {
      return VQCTFqhdGm;

      * Sets the value of the 'VQCTFqhdGm' field.
      * @param value The value of 'VQCTFqhdGm'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setVQCTFqhdGm(java.util.List value) {
      validate(fields()[44], value);
      this.VQCTFqhdGm = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[44] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'VQCTFqhdGm' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'VQCTFqhdGm' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasVQCTFqhdGm() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[44];

      * Clears the value of the 'VQCTFqhdGm' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearVQCTFqhdGm() {
      VQCTFqhdGm = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[44] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'bNZMohVIQt' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Boolean getBNZMohVIQt() {
      return bNZMohVIQt;

      * Sets the value of the 'bNZMohVIQt' field.
      * @param value The value of 'bNZMohVIQt'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setBNZMohVIQt(boolean value) {
      validate(fields()[45], value);
      this.bNZMohVIQt = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[45] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'bNZMohVIQt' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'bNZMohVIQt' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasBNZMohVIQt() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[45];

      * Clears the value of the 'bNZMohVIQt' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearBNZMohVIQt() {
      fieldSetFlags()[45] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'NwDsfvNHsl' field.
      * @return The value.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedSXivH getNwDsfvNHsl() {
      return NwDsfvNHsl;

      * Sets the value of the 'NwDsfvNHsl' field.
      * @param value The value of 'NwDsfvNHsl'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setNwDsfvNHsl(com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedSXivH value) {
      validate(fields()[46], value);
      this.NwDsfvNHsl = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[46] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'NwDsfvNHsl' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'NwDsfvNHsl' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasNwDsfvNHsl() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[46];

      * Clears the value of the 'NwDsfvNHsl' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearNwDsfvNHsl() {
      NwDsfvNHsl = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[46] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'SHuFexRaCB' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Double getSHuFexRaCB() {
      return SHuFexRaCB;

      * Sets the value of the 'SHuFexRaCB' field.
      * @param value The value of 'SHuFexRaCB'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setSHuFexRaCB(double value) {
      validate(fields()[47], value);
      this.SHuFexRaCB = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[47] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'SHuFexRaCB' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'SHuFexRaCB' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasSHuFexRaCB() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[47];

      * Clears the value of the 'SHuFexRaCB' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearSHuFexRaCB() {
      fieldSetFlags()[47] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'GEhYpVHcmu' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.util.List getGEhYpVHcmu() {
      return GEhYpVHcmu;

      * Sets the value of the 'GEhYpVHcmu' field.
      * @param value The value of 'GEhYpVHcmu'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setGEhYpVHcmu(java.util.List value) {
      validate(fields()[48], value);
      this.GEhYpVHcmu = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[48] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'GEhYpVHcmu' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'GEhYpVHcmu' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasGEhYpVHcmu() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[48];

      * Clears the value of the 'GEhYpVHcmu' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearGEhYpVHcmu() {
      GEhYpVHcmu = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[48] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'NUHGsmXTEG' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.String getNUHGsmXTEG() {
      return NUHGsmXTEG;

      * Sets the value of the 'NUHGsmXTEG' field.
      * @param value The value of 'NUHGsmXTEG'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setNUHGsmXTEG(java.lang.String value) {
      validate(fields()[49], value);
      this.NUHGsmXTEG = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[49] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'NUHGsmXTEG' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'NUHGsmXTEG' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasNUHGsmXTEG() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[49];

      * Clears the value of the 'NUHGsmXTEG' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearNUHGsmXTEG() {
      NUHGsmXTEG = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[49] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'cDfsymCQgf' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Integer getCDfsymCQgf() {
      return cDfsymCQgf;

      * Sets the value of the 'cDfsymCQgf' field.
      * @param value The value of 'cDfsymCQgf'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setCDfsymCQgf(int value) {
      validate(fields()[50], value);
      this.cDfsymCQgf = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[50] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'cDfsymCQgf' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'cDfsymCQgf' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasCDfsymCQgf() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[50];

      * Clears the value of the 'cDfsymCQgf' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearCDfsymCQgf() {
      fieldSetFlags()[50] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'DvnoIvuNKk' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.nio.ByteBuffer getDvnoIvuNKk() {
      return DvnoIvuNKk;

      * Sets the value of the 'DvnoIvuNKk' field.
      * @param value The value of 'DvnoIvuNKk'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setDvnoIvuNKk(java.nio.ByteBuffer value) {
      validate(fields()[51], value);
      this.DvnoIvuNKk = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[51] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'DvnoIvuNKk' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'DvnoIvuNKk' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasDvnoIvuNKk() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[51];

      * Clears the value of the 'DvnoIvuNKk' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearDvnoIvuNKk() {
      DvnoIvuNKk = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[51] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'ubnHfdwQeX' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Boolean getUbnHfdwQeX() {
      return ubnHfdwQeX;

      * Sets the value of the 'ubnHfdwQeX' field.
      * @param value The value of 'ubnHfdwQeX'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setUbnHfdwQeX(boolean value) {
      validate(fields()[52], value);
      this.ubnHfdwQeX = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[52] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'ubnHfdwQeX' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'ubnHfdwQeX' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasUbnHfdwQeX() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[52];

      * Clears the value of the 'ubnHfdwQeX' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearUbnHfdwQeX() {
      fieldSetFlags()[52] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'pNfQskEZyc' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.util.Map getPNfQskEZyc() {
      return pNfQskEZyc;

      * Sets the value of the 'pNfQskEZyc' field.
      * @param value The value of 'pNfQskEZyc'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setPNfQskEZyc(java.util.Map value) {
      validate(fields()[53], value);
      this.pNfQskEZyc = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[53] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'pNfQskEZyc' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'pNfQskEZyc' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasPNfQskEZyc() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[53];

      * Clears the value of the 'pNfQskEZyc' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearPNfQskEZyc() {
      pNfQskEZyc = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[53] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'lHbKmQXLCQ' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Double getLHbKmQXLCQ() {
      return lHbKmQXLCQ;

      * Sets the value of the 'lHbKmQXLCQ' field.
      * @param value The value of 'lHbKmQXLCQ'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setLHbKmQXLCQ(double value) {
      validate(fields()[54], value);
      this.lHbKmQXLCQ = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[54] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'lHbKmQXLCQ' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'lHbKmQXLCQ' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasLHbKmQXLCQ() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[54];

      * Clears the value of the 'lHbKmQXLCQ' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearLHbKmQXLCQ() {
      fieldSetFlags()[54] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'khMciWhswQ' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.String getKhMciWhswQ() {
      return khMciWhswQ;

      * Sets the value of the 'khMciWhswQ' field.
      * @param value The value of 'khMciWhswQ'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setKhMciWhswQ(java.lang.String value) {
      validate(fields()[55], value);
      this.khMciWhswQ = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[55] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'khMciWhswQ' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'khMciWhswQ' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasKhMciWhswQ() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[55];

      * Clears the value of the 'khMciWhswQ' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearKhMciWhswQ() {
      khMciWhswQ = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[55] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'YxHDmYeChP' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Boolean getYxHDmYeChP() {
      return YxHDmYeChP;

      * Sets the value of the 'YxHDmYeChP' field.
      * @param value The value of 'YxHDmYeChP'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setYxHDmYeChP(boolean value) {
      validate(fields()[56], value);
      this.YxHDmYeChP = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[56] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'YxHDmYeChP' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'YxHDmYeChP' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasYxHDmYeChP() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[56];

      * Clears the value of the 'YxHDmYeChP' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearYxHDmYeChP() {
      fieldSetFlags()[56] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'TStNMLyKfB' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.String getTStNMLyKfB() {
      return TStNMLyKfB;

      * Sets the value of the 'TStNMLyKfB' field.
      * @param value The value of 'TStNMLyKfB'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setTStNMLyKfB(java.lang.String value) {
      validate(fields()[57], value);
      this.TStNMLyKfB = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[57] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'TStNMLyKfB' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'TStNMLyKfB' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasTStNMLyKfB() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[57];

      * Clears the value of the 'TStNMLyKfB' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearTStNMLyKfB() {
      TStNMLyKfB = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[57] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'AUQJNrJkOM' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.util.Map getAUQJNrJkOM() {
      return AUQJNrJkOM;

      * Sets the value of the 'AUQJNrJkOM' field.
      * @param value The value of 'AUQJNrJkOM'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setAUQJNrJkOM(java.util.Map value) {
      validate(fields()[58], value);
      this.AUQJNrJkOM = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[58] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'AUQJNrJkOM' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'AUQJNrJkOM' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasAUQJNrJkOM() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[58];

      * Clears the value of the 'AUQJNrJkOM' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearAUQJNrJkOM() {
      AUQJNrJkOM = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[58] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'PznbJoIfXX' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Float getPznbJoIfXX() {
      return PznbJoIfXX;

      * Sets the value of the 'PznbJoIfXX' field.
      * @param value The value of 'PznbJoIfXX'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setPznbJoIfXX(float value) {
      validate(fields()[59], value);
      this.PznbJoIfXX = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[59] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'PznbJoIfXX' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'PznbJoIfXX' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasPznbJoIfXX() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[59];

      * Clears the value of the 'PznbJoIfXX' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearPznbJoIfXX() {
      fieldSetFlags()[59] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'XwsXLkUGfi' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Double getXwsXLkUGfi() {
      return XwsXLkUGfi;

      * Sets the value of the 'XwsXLkUGfi' field.
      * @param value The value of 'XwsXLkUGfi'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setXwsXLkUGfi(double value) {
      validate(fields()[60], value);
      this.XwsXLkUGfi = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[60] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'XwsXLkUGfi' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'XwsXLkUGfi' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasXwsXLkUGfi() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[60];

      * Clears the value of the 'XwsXLkUGfi' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearXwsXLkUGfi() {
      fieldSetFlags()[60] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'OEBwpMaLRo' field.
      * @return The value.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedHjVpD getOEBwpMaLRo() {
      return OEBwpMaLRo;

      * Sets the value of the 'OEBwpMaLRo' field.
      * @param value The value of 'OEBwpMaLRo'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setOEBwpMaLRo(com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedHjVpD value) {
      validate(fields()[61], value);
      this.OEBwpMaLRo = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[61] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'OEBwpMaLRo' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'OEBwpMaLRo' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasOEBwpMaLRo() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[61];

      * Clears the value of the 'OEBwpMaLRo' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearOEBwpMaLRo() {
      OEBwpMaLRo = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[61] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'SXhbAwaZYF' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.nio.ByteBuffer getSXhbAwaZYF() {
      return SXhbAwaZYF;

      * Sets the value of the 'SXhbAwaZYF' field.
      * @param value The value of 'SXhbAwaZYF'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setSXhbAwaZYF(java.nio.ByteBuffer value) {
      validate(fields()[62], value);
      this.SXhbAwaZYF = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[62] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'SXhbAwaZYF' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'SXhbAwaZYF' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasSXhbAwaZYF() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[62];

      * Clears the value of the 'SXhbAwaZYF' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearSXhbAwaZYF() {
      SXhbAwaZYF = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[62] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'yuaFjOFfAg' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.util.Map getYuaFjOFfAg() {
      return yuaFjOFfAg;

      * Sets the value of the 'yuaFjOFfAg' field.
      * @param value The value of 'yuaFjOFfAg'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setYuaFjOFfAg(java.util.Map value) {
      validate(fields()[63], value);
      this.yuaFjOFfAg = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[63] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'yuaFjOFfAg' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'yuaFjOFfAg' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasYuaFjOFfAg() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[63];

      * Clears the value of the 'yuaFjOFfAg' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearYuaFjOFfAg() {
      yuaFjOFfAg = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[63] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'dUUEmKOMnK' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.String getDUUEmKOMnK() {
      return dUUEmKOMnK;

      * Sets the value of the 'dUUEmKOMnK' field.
      * @param value The value of 'dUUEmKOMnK'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setDUUEmKOMnK(java.lang.String value) {
      validate(fields()[64], value);
      this.dUUEmKOMnK = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[64] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'dUUEmKOMnK' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'dUUEmKOMnK' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasDUUEmKOMnK() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[64];

      * Clears the value of the 'dUUEmKOMnK' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearDUUEmKOMnK() {
      dUUEmKOMnK = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[64] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'hVEhDLygTo' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.util.Map getHVEhDLygTo() {
      return hVEhDLygTo;

      * Sets the value of the 'hVEhDLygTo' field.
      * @param value The value of 'hVEhDLygTo'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setHVEhDLygTo(java.util.Map value) {
      validate(fields()[65], value);
      this.hVEhDLygTo = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[65] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'hVEhDLygTo' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'hVEhDLygTo' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasHVEhDLygTo() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[65];

      * Clears the value of the 'hVEhDLygTo' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearHVEhDLygTo() {
      hVEhDLygTo = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[65] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'toGGDyHkFg' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Long getToGGDyHkFg() {
      return toGGDyHkFg;

      * Sets the value of the 'toGGDyHkFg' field.
      * @param value The value of 'toGGDyHkFg'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setToGGDyHkFg(long value) {
      validate(fields()[66], value);
      this.toGGDyHkFg = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[66] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'toGGDyHkFg' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'toGGDyHkFg' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasToGGDyHkFg() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[66];

      * Clears the value of the 'toGGDyHkFg' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearToGGDyHkFg() {
      fieldSetFlags()[66] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'JHrPkIdwYz' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Boolean getJHrPkIdwYz() {
      return JHrPkIdwYz;

      * Sets the value of the 'JHrPkIdwYz' field.
      * @param value The value of 'JHrPkIdwYz'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setJHrPkIdwYz(boolean value) {
      validate(fields()[67], value);
      this.JHrPkIdwYz = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[67] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'JHrPkIdwYz' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'JHrPkIdwYz' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasJHrPkIdwYz() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[67];

      * Clears the value of the 'JHrPkIdwYz' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearJHrPkIdwYz() {
      fieldSetFlags()[67] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'gpJVwATlHV' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Boolean getGpJVwATlHV() {
      return gpJVwATlHV;

      * Sets the value of the 'gpJVwATlHV' field.
      * @param value The value of 'gpJVwATlHV'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setGpJVwATlHV(java.lang.Boolean value) {
      validate(fields()[68], value);
      this.gpJVwATlHV = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[68] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'gpJVwATlHV' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'gpJVwATlHV' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasGpJVwATlHV() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[68];

      * Clears the value of the 'gpJVwATlHV' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearGpJVwATlHV() {
      gpJVwATlHV = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[68] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'CfrpxYbyEl' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.nio.ByteBuffer getCfrpxYbyEl() {
      return CfrpxYbyEl;

      * Sets the value of the 'CfrpxYbyEl' field.
      * @param value The value of 'CfrpxYbyEl'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setCfrpxYbyEl(java.nio.ByteBuffer value) {
      validate(fields()[69], value);
      this.CfrpxYbyEl = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[69] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'CfrpxYbyEl' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'CfrpxYbyEl' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasCfrpxYbyEl() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[69];

      * Clears the value of the 'CfrpxYbyEl' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearCfrpxYbyEl() {
      CfrpxYbyEl = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[69] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'ceBxzgjllT' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Double getCeBxzgjllT() {
      return ceBxzgjllT;

      * Sets the value of the 'ceBxzgjllT' field.
      * @param value The value of 'ceBxzgjllT'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setCeBxzgjllT(double value) {
      validate(fields()[70], value);
      this.ceBxzgjllT = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[70] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'ceBxzgjllT' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'ceBxzgjllT' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasCeBxzgjllT() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[70];

      * Clears the value of the 'ceBxzgjllT' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearCeBxzgjllT() {
      fieldSetFlags()[70] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'ziADJlBgGW' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.String getZiADJlBgGW() {
      return ziADJlBgGW;

      * Sets the value of the 'ziADJlBgGW' field.
      * @param value The value of 'ziADJlBgGW'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setZiADJlBgGW(java.lang.String value) {
      validate(fields()[71], value);
      this.ziADJlBgGW = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[71] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'ziADJlBgGW' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'ziADJlBgGW' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasZiADJlBgGW() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[71];

      * Clears the value of the 'ziADJlBgGW' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearZiADJlBgGW() {
      ziADJlBgGW = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[71] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'laLkalHGgP' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Float getLaLkalHGgP() {
      return laLkalHGgP;

      * Sets the value of the 'laLkalHGgP' field.
      * @param value The value of 'laLkalHGgP'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setLaLkalHGgP(float value) {
      validate(fields()[72], value);
      this.laLkalHGgP = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[72] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'laLkalHGgP' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'laLkalHGgP' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasLaLkalHGgP() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[72];

      * Clears the value of the 'laLkalHGgP' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearLaLkalHGgP() {
      fieldSetFlags()[72] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'aMwlrdOmSH' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Float getAMwlrdOmSH() {
      return aMwlrdOmSH;

      * Sets the value of the 'aMwlrdOmSH' field.
      * @param value The value of 'aMwlrdOmSH'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setAMwlrdOmSH(java.lang.Float value) {
      validate(fields()[73], value);
      this.aMwlrdOmSH = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[73] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'aMwlrdOmSH' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'aMwlrdOmSH' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasAMwlrdOmSH() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[73];

      * Clears the value of the 'aMwlrdOmSH' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearAMwlrdOmSH() {
      aMwlrdOmSH = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[73] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'wmDoSQLPjq' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Float getWmDoSQLPjq() {
      return wmDoSQLPjq;

      * Sets the value of the 'wmDoSQLPjq' field.
      * @param value The value of 'wmDoSQLPjq'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setWmDoSQLPjq(java.lang.Float value) {
      validate(fields()[74], value);
      this.wmDoSQLPjq = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[74] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'wmDoSQLPjq' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'wmDoSQLPjq' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasWmDoSQLPjq() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[74];

      * Clears the value of the 'wmDoSQLPjq' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearWmDoSQLPjq() {
      wmDoSQLPjq = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[74] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'myjJSfNJhf' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.util.Map getMyjJSfNJhf() {
      return myjJSfNJhf;

      * Sets the value of the 'myjJSfNJhf' field.
      * @param value The value of 'myjJSfNJhf'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setMyjJSfNJhf(java.util.Map value) {
      validate(fields()[75], value);
      this.myjJSfNJhf = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[75] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'myjJSfNJhf' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'myjJSfNJhf' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasMyjJSfNJhf() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[75];

      * Clears the value of the 'myjJSfNJhf' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearMyjJSfNJhf() {
      myjJSfNJhf = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[75] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'flOUEiwBVE' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Long getFlOUEiwBVE() {
      return flOUEiwBVE;

      * Sets the value of the 'flOUEiwBVE' field.
      * @param value The value of 'flOUEiwBVE'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setFlOUEiwBVE(long value) {
      validate(fields()[76], value);
      this.flOUEiwBVE = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[76] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'flOUEiwBVE' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'flOUEiwBVE' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasFlOUEiwBVE() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[76];

      * Clears the value of the 'flOUEiwBVE' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearFlOUEiwBVE() {
      fieldSetFlags()[76] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'IlEfRqUgVM' field.
      * @return The value.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumuNhMz getIlEfRqUgVM() {
      return IlEfRqUgVM;

      * Sets the value of the 'IlEfRqUgVM' field.
      * @param value The value of 'IlEfRqUgVM'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setIlEfRqUgVM(com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumuNhMz value) {
      validate(fields()[77], value);
      this.IlEfRqUgVM = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[77] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'IlEfRqUgVM' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'IlEfRqUgVM' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasIlEfRqUgVM() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[77];

      * Clears the value of the 'IlEfRqUgVM' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearIlEfRqUgVM() {
      IlEfRqUgVM = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[77] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'assuHlaYTD' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Boolean getAssuHlaYTD() {
      return assuHlaYTD;

      * Sets the value of the 'assuHlaYTD' field.
      * @param value The value of 'assuHlaYTD'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setAssuHlaYTD(java.lang.Boolean value) {
      validate(fields()[78], value);
      this.assuHlaYTD = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[78] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'assuHlaYTD' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'assuHlaYTD' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasAssuHlaYTD() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[78];

      * Clears the value of the 'assuHlaYTD' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearAssuHlaYTD() {
      assuHlaYTD = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[78] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'xHXQYfInHo' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Long getXHXQYfInHo() {
      return xHXQYfInHo;

      * Sets the value of the 'xHXQYfInHo' field.
      * @param value The value of 'xHXQYfInHo'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setXHXQYfInHo(long value) {
      validate(fields()[79], value);
      this.xHXQYfInHo = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[79] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'xHXQYfInHo' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'xHXQYfInHo' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasXHXQYfInHo() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[79];

      * Clears the value of the 'xHXQYfInHo' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearXHXQYfInHo() {
      fieldSetFlags()[79] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'ZEJeMQwEti' field.
      * @return The value.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumxLVhU getZEJeMQwEti() {
      return ZEJeMQwEti;

      * Sets the value of the 'ZEJeMQwEti' field.
      * @param value The value of 'ZEJeMQwEti'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setZEJeMQwEti(com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumxLVhU value) {
      validate(fields()[80], value);
      this.ZEJeMQwEti = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[80] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'ZEJeMQwEti' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'ZEJeMQwEti' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasZEJeMQwEti() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[80];

      * Clears the value of the 'ZEJeMQwEti' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearZEJeMQwEti() {
      ZEJeMQwEti = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[80] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'ZhoojAPfFD' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Boolean getZhoojAPfFD() {
      return ZhoojAPfFD;

      * Sets the value of the 'ZhoojAPfFD' field.
      * @param value The value of 'ZhoojAPfFD'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setZhoojAPfFD(boolean value) {
      validate(fields()[81], value);
      this.ZhoojAPfFD = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[81] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'ZhoojAPfFD' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'ZhoojAPfFD' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasZhoojAPfFD() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[81];

      * Clears the value of the 'ZhoojAPfFD' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearZhoojAPfFD() {
      fieldSetFlags()[81] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'rBiIoMMapw' field.
      * @return The value.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumYjsZa getRBiIoMMapw() {
      return rBiIoMMapw;

      * Sets the value of the 'rBiIoMMapw' field.
      * @param value The value of 'rBiIoMMapw'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setRBiIoMMapw(com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumYjsZa value) {
      validate(fields()[82], value);
      this.rBiIoMMapw = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[82] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'rBiIoMMapw' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'rBiIoMMapw' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasRBiIoMMapw() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[82];

      * Clears the value of the 'rBiIoMMapw' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearRBiIoMMapw() {
      rBiIoMMapw = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[82] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'hNdTfStDXN' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.String getHNdTfStDXN() {
      return hNdTfStDXN;

      * Sets the value of the 'hNdTfStDXN' field.
      * @param value The value of 'hNdTfStDXN'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setHNdTfStDXN(java.lang.String value) {
      validate(fields()[83], value);
      this.hNdTfStDXN = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[83] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'hNdTfStDXN' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'hNdTfStDXN' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasHNdTfStDXN() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[83];

      * Clears the value of the 'hNdTfStDXN' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearHNdTfStDXN() {
      hNdTfStDXN = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[83] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'ZxlvzqXjXW' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Boolean getZxlvzqXjXW() {
      return ZxlvzqXjXW;

      * Sets the value of the 'ZxlvzqXjXW' field.
      * @param value The value of 'ZxlvzqXjXW'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setZxlvzqXjXW(java.lang.Boolean value) {
      validate(fields()[84], value);
      this.ZxlvzqXjXW = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[84] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'ZxlvzqXjXW' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'ZxlvzqXjXW' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasZxlvzqXjXW() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[84];

      * Clears the value of the 'ZxlvzqXjXW' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearZxlvzqXjXW() {
      ZxlvzqXjXW = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[84] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'kmFnTCONqv' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.nio.ByteBuffer getKmFnTCONqv() {
      return kmFnTCONqv;

      * Sets the value of the 'kmFnTCONqv' field.
      * @param value The value of 'kmFnTCONqv'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setKmFnTCONqv(java.nio.ByteBuffer value) {
      validate(fields()[85], value);
      this.kmFnTCONqv = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[85] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'kmFnTCONqv' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'kmFnTCONqv' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasKmFnTCONqv() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[85];

      * Clears the value of the 'kmFnTCONqv' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearKmFnTCONqv() {
      kmFnTCONqv = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[85] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'MSrPQPLCvV' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Float getMSrPQPLCvV() {
      return MSrPQPLCvV;

      * Sets the value of the 'MSrPQPLCvV' field.
      * @param value The value of 'MSrPQPLCvV'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setMSrPQPLCvV(float value) {
      validate(fields()[86], value);
      this.MSrPQPLCvV = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[86] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'MSrPQPLCvV' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'MSrPQPLCvV' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasMSrPQPLCvV() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[86];

      * Clears the value of the 'MSrPQPLCvV' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearMSrPQPLCvV() {
      fieldSetFlags()[86] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'zyxgVjiwCf' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.util.Map getZyxgVjiwCf() {
      return zyxgVjiwCf;

      * Sets the value of the 'zyxgVjiwCf' field.
      * @param value The value of 'zyxgVjiwCf'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setZyxgVjiwCf(java.util.Map value) {
      validate(fields()[87], value);
      this.zyxgVjiwCf = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[87] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'zyxgVjiwCf' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'zyxgVjiwCf' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasZyxgVjiwCf() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[87];

      * Clears the value of the 'zyxgVjiwCf' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearZyxgVjiwCf() {
      zyxgVjiwCf = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[87] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'nvDkGibsjK' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.String getNvDkGibsjK() {
      return nvDkGibsjK;

      * Sets the value of the 'nvDkGibsjK' field.
      * @param value The value of 'nvDkGibsjK'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setNvDkGibsjK(java.lang.String value) {
      validate(fields()[88], value);
      this.nvDkGibsjK = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[88] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'nvDkGibsjK' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'nvDkGibsjK' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasNvDkGibsjK() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[88];

      * Clears the value of the 'nvDkGibsjK' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearNvDkGibsjK() {
      nvDkGibsjK = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[88] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'TEJPoitLNy' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.nio.ByteBuffer getTEJPoitLNy() {
      return TEJPoitLNy;

      * Sets the value of the 'TEJPoitLNy' field.
      * @param value The value of 'TEJPoitLNy'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setTEJPoitLNy(java.nio.ByteBuffer value) {
      validate(fields()[89], value);
      this.TEJPoitLNy = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[89] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'TEJPoitLNy' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'TEJPoitLNy' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasTEJPoitLNy() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[89];

      * Clears the value of the 'TEJPoitLNy' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearTEJPoitLNy() {
      TEJPoitLNy = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[89] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'TEBNyXBaUp' field.
      * @return The value.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedvQUPQ getTEBNyXBaUp() {
      return TEBNyXBaUp;

      * Sets the value of the 'TEBNyXBaUp' field.
      * @param value The value of 'TEBNyXBaUp'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setTEBNyXBaUp(com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedvQUPQ value) {
      validate(fields()[90], value);
      this.TEBNyXBaUp = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[90] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'TEBNyXBaUp' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'TEBNyXBaUp' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasTEBNyXBaUp() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[90];

      * Clears the value of the 'TEBNyXBaUp' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearTEBNyXBaUp() {
      TEBNyXBaUp = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[90] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'yTRuVlYJQu' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Boolean getYTRuVlYJQu() {
      return yTRuVlYJQu;

      * Sets the value of the 'yTRuVlYJQu' field.
      * @param value The value of 'yTRuVlYJQu'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setYTRuVlYJQu(java.lang.Boolean value) {
      validate(fields()[91], value);
      this.yTRuVlYJQu = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[91] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'yTRuVlYJQu' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'yTRuVlYJQu' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasYTRuVlYJQu() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[91];

      * Clears the value of the 'yTRuVlYJQu' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearYTRuVlYJQu() {
      yTRuVlYJQu = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[91] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'PXTCatzamX' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.nio.ByteBuffer getPXTCatzamX() {
      return PXTCatzamX;

      * Sets the value of the 'PXTCatzamX' field.
      * @param value The value of 'PXTCatzamX'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setPXTCatzamX(java.nio.ByteBuffer value) {
      validate(fields()[92], value);
      this.PXTCatzamX = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[92] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'PXTCatzamX' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'PXTCatzamX' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasPXTCatzamX() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[92];

      * Clears the value of the 'PXTCatzamX' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearPXTCatzamX() {
      PXTCatzamX = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[92] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'VuChysXHei' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Long getVuChysXHei() {
      return VuChysXHei;

      * Sets the value of the 'VuChysXHei' field.
      * @param value The value of 'VuChysXHei'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setVuChysXHei(long value) {
      validate(fields()[93], value);
      this.VuChysXHei = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[93] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'VuChysXHei' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'VuChysXHei' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasVuChysXHei() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[93];

      * Clears the value of the 'VuChysXHei' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearVuChysXHei() {
      fieldSetFlags()[93] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'GaaQocvJul' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.String getGaaQocvJul() {
      return GaaQocvJul;

      * Sets the value of the 'GaaQocvJul' field.
      * @param value The value of 'GaaQocvJul'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setGaaQocvJul(java.lang.String value) {
      validate(fields()[94], value);
      this.GaaQocvJul = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[94] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'GaaQocvJul' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'GaaQocvJul' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasGaaQocvJul() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[94];

      * Clears the value of the 'GaaQocvJul' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearGaaQocvJul() {
      GaaQocvJul = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[94] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'ODULJpudRb' field.
      * @return The value.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedBUkyq getODULJpudRb() {
      return ODULJpudRb;

      * Sets the value of the 'ODULJpudRb' field.
      * @param value The value of 'ODULJpudRb'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setODULJpudRb(com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedBUkyq value) {
      validate(fields()[95], value);
      this.ODULJpudRb = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[95] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'ODULJpudRb' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'ODULJpudRb' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasODULJpudRb() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[95];

      * Clears the value of the 'ODULJpudRb' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearODULJpudRb() {
      ODULJpudRb = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[95] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'LruedeSTbL' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.util.Map getLruedeSTbL() {
      return LruedeSTbL;

      * Sets the value of the 'LruedeSTbL' field.
      * @param value The value of 'LruedeSTbL'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setLruedeSTbL(java.util.Map value) {
      validate(fields()[96], value);
      this.LruedeSTbL = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[96] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'LruedeSTbL' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'LruedeSTbL' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasLruedeSTbL() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[96];

      * Clears the value of the 'LruedeSTbL' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearLruedeSTbL() {
      LruedeSTbL = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[96] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'txLnQAIGov' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.String getTxLnQAIGov() {
      return txLnQAIGov;

      * Sets the value of the 'txLnQAIGov' field.
      * @param value The value of 'txLnQAIGov'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setTxLnQAIGov(java.lang.String value) {
      validate(fields()[97], value);
      this.txLnQAIGov = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[97] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'txLnQAIGov' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'txLnQAIGov' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasTxLnQAIGov() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[97];

      * Clears the value of the 'txLnQAIGov' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearTxLnQAIGov() {
      txLnQAIGov = null;
      fieldSetFlags()[97] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'mgVkZdXXHq' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Boolean getMgVkZdXXHq() {
      return mgVkZdXXHq;

      * Sets the value of the 'mgVkZdXXHq' field.
      * @param value The value of 'mgVkZdXXHq'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setMgVkZdXXHq(boolean value) {
      validate(fields()[98], value);
      this.mgVkZdXXHq = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[98] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'mgVkZdXXHq' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'mgVkZdXXHq' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasMgVkZdXXHq() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[98];

      * Clears the value of the 'mgVkZdXXHq' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearMgVkZdXXHq() {
      fieldSetFlags()[98] = false;
      return this;

      * Gets the value of the 'eOlOvsBQlC' field.
      * @return The value.
    public java.lang.Long getEOlOvsBQlC() {
      return eOlOvsBQlC;

      * Sets the value of the 'eOlOvsBQlC' field.
      * @param value The value of 'eOlOvsBQlC'.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder setEOlOvsBQlC(long value) {
      validate(fields()[99], value);
      this.eOlOvsBQlC = value;
      fieldSetFlags()[99] = true;
      return this;

      * Checks whether the 'eOlOvsBQlC' field has been set.
      * @return True if the 'eOlOvsBQlC' field has been set, false otherwise.
    public boolean hasEOlOvsBQlC() {
      return fieldSetFlags()[99];

      * Clears the value of the 'eOlOvsBQlC' field.
      * @return This builder.
    public com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.NestedRecordJhbwS.Builder clearEOlOvsBQlC() {
      fieldSetFlags()[99] = false;
      return this;

    public NestedRecordJhbwS build() {
      try {
        NestedRecordJhbwS record = new NestedRecordJhbwS();
        record.pCygEoKGCn = fieldSetFlags()[0] ? this.pCygEoKGCn : (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumFfexO) defaultValue(fields()[0]);
        record.pFdheFjZIh = fieldSetFlags()[1] ? this.pFdheFjZIh : (java.util.Map) defaultValue(fields()[1]);
        record.EASzzCxnDl = fieldSetFlags()[2] ? this.EASzzCxnDl : (java.lang.Float) defaultValue(fields()[2]);
        record.sTYlxIbvVa = fieldSetFlags()[3] ? this.sTYlxIbvVa : (java.lang.Long) defaultValue(fields()[3]);
        record.QLqucffqEz = fieldSetFlags()[4] ? this.QLqucffqEz : (java.util.List) defaultValue(fields()[4]);
        record.EicRFuUHXc = fieldSetFlags()[5] ? this.EicRFuUHXc : (java.util.List) defaultValue(fields()[5]);
        record.vfKjtfRVaN = fieldSetFlags()[6] ? this.vfKjtfRVaN : (java.lang.String) defaultValue(fields()[6]);
        record.LHGAfqBJgV = fieldSetFlags()[7] ? this.LHGAfqBJgV : (java.lang.Long) defaultValue(fields()[7]);
        record.JVYMeZrmjl = fieldSetFlags()[8] ? this.JVYMeZrmjl : (java.nio.ByteBuffer) defaultValue(fields()[8]);
        record.tgpHCbxchz = fieldSetFlags()[9] ? this.tgpHCbxchz : (java.util.Map) defaultValue(fields()[9]);
        record.NSoHGYgbjj = fieldSetFlags()[10] ? this.NSoHGYgbjj : (java.util.List) defaultValue(fields()[10]);
        record.cYHWUgYADJ = fieldSetFlags()[11] ? this.cYHWUgYADJ : (java.util.List) defaultValue(fields()[11]);
        record.hyTBzfEdzX = fieldSetFlags()[12] ? this.hyTBzfEdzX : (java.lang.Integer) defaultValue(fields()[12]);
        record.zPzCMYCvjD = fieldSetFlags()[13] ? this.zPzCMYCvjD : (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedDLKzB) defaultValue(fields()[13]);
        record.eFkWtbpnET = fieldSetFlags()[14] ? this.eFkWtbpnET : (java.lang.Float) defaultValue(fields()[14]);
        record.fQQXUZsYll = fieldSetFlags()[15] ? this.fQQXUZsYll : (java.lang.String) defaultValue(fields()[15]);
        record.mNPCIMYaUf = fieldSetFlags()[16] ? this.mNPCIMYaUf : (java.lang.Integer) defaultValue(fields()[16]);
        record.raNQsaebFZ = fieldSetFlags()[17] ? this.raNQsaebFZ : (java.util.List) defaultValue(fields()[17]);
        record.sisVXWPzGw = fieldSetFlags()[18] ? this.sisVXWPzGw : (java.lang.Integer) defaultValue(fields()[18]);
        record.yasnrkErXU = fieldSetFlags()[19] ? this.yasnrkErXU : (java.lang.Float) defaultValue(fields()[19]);
        record.VYstlEswqT = fieldSetFlags()[20] ? this.VYstlEswqT : (java.lang.Long) defaultValue(fields()[20]);
        record.xVhLCqdPnv = fieldSetFlags()[21] ? this.xVhLCqdPnv : (java.lang.Double) defaultValue(fields()[21]);
        record.GqZJeAZPYV = fieldSetFlags()[22] ? this.GqZJeAZPYV : (java.nio.ByteBuffer) defaultValue(fields()[22]);
        record.WmDZVXRigg = fieldSetFlags()[23] ? this.WmDZVXRigg : (java.lang.String) defaultValue(fields()[23]);
        record.rvvGpKfiZU = fieldSetFlags()[24] ? this.rvvGpKfiZU : (java.lang.Integer) defaultValue(fields()[24]);
        record.VQhFcCcgkG = fieldSetFlags()[25] ? this.VQhFcCcgkG : (java.lang.Integer) defaultValue(fields()[25]);
        record.wGkwqWJKeu = fieldSetFlags()[26] ? this.wGkwqWJKeu : (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedbuWrm) defaultValue(fields()[26]);
        record.hNRbhWmSKI = fieldSetFlags()[27] ? this.hNRbhWmSKI : (java.lang.Double) defaultValue(fields()[27]);
        record.XqcawhxGkR = fieldSetFlags()[28] ? this.XqcawhxGkR : (java.lang.Double) defaultValue(fields()[28]);
        record.pefvOrXdPd = fieldSetFlags()[29] ? this.pefvOrXdPd : (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedHqfnA) defaultValue(fields()[29]);
        record.BkcAKkfvTV = fieldSetFlags()[30] ? this.BkcAKkfvTV : (java.lang.Long) defaultValue(fields()[30]);
        record.lahUiGJRSC = fieldSetFlags()[31] ? this.lahUiGJRSC : (java.lang.Float) defaultValue(fields()[31]);
        record.OLvDZWIXrz = fieldSetFlags()[32] ? this.OLvDZWIXrz : (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedALBbL) defaultValue(fields()[32]);
        record.YsiDvOgHDW = fieldSetFlags()[33] ? this.YsiDvOgHDW : (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedcuMSy) defaultValue(fields()[33]);
        record.VmbxyCBsbl = fieldSetFlags()[34] ? this.VmbxyCBsbl : (java.lang.Float) defaultValue(fields()[34]);
        record.ksyuNnAibI = fieldSetFlags()[35] ? this.ksyuNnAibI : (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedjrLPM) defaultValue(fields()[35]);
        record.rmSaLcxGyW = fieldSetFlags()[36] ? this.rmSaLcxGyW : (java.util.List) defaultValue(fields()[36]);
        record.MmoShnnKQx = fieldSetFlags()[37] ? this.MmoShnnKQx : (java.lang.Integer) defaultValue(fields()[37]);
        record.ChXRwDydGF = fieldSetFlags()[38] ? this.ChXRwDydGF : (java.lang.Float) defaultValue(fields()[38]);
        record.vyDpudYMcE = fieldSetFlags()[39] ? this.vyDpudYMcE : (java.lang.Double) defaultValue(fields()[39]);
        record.QRmSxPeMsT = fieldSetFlags()[40] ? this.QRmSxPeMsT : (java.lang.Boolean) defaultValue(fields()[40]);
        record.mqFHOpHXwR = fieldSetFlags()[41] ? this.mqFHOpHXwR : (java.lang.Double) defaultValue(fields()[41]);
        record.nNXzSSpxqL = fieldSetFlags()[42] ? this.nNXzSSpxqL : (java.util.Map) defaultValue(fields()[42]);
        record.drbjVCokDY = fieldSetFlags()[43] ? this.drbjVCokDY : (java.lang.Integer) defaultValue(fields()[43]);
        record.VQCTFqhdGm = fieldSetFlags()[44] ? this.VQCTFqhdGm : (java.util.List) defaultValue(fields()[44]);
        record.bNZMohVIQt = fieldSetFlags()[45] ? this.bNZMohVIQt : (java.lang.Boolean) defaultValue(fields()[45]);
        record.NwDsfvNHsl = fieldSetFlags()[46] ? this.NwDsfvNHsl : (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedSXivH) defaultValue(fields()[46]);
        record.SHuFexRaCB = fieldSetFlags()[47] ? this.SHuFexRaCB : (java.lang.Double) defaultValue(fields()[47]);
        record.GEhYpVHcmu = fieldSetFlags()[48] ? this.GEhYpVHcmu : (java.util.List) defaultValue(fields()[48]);
        record.NUHGsmXTEG = fieldSetFlags()[49] ? this.NUHGsmXTEG : (java.lang.String) defaultValue(fields()[49]);
        record.cDfsymCQgf = fieldSetFlags()[50] ? this.cDfsymCQgf : (java.lang.Integer) defaultValue(fields()[50]);
        record.DvnoIvuNKk = fieldSetFlags()[51] ? this.DvnoIvuNKk : (java.nio.ByteBuffer) defaultValue(fields()[51]);
        record.ubnHfdwQeX = fieldSetFlags()[52] ? this.ubnHfdwQeX : (java.lang.Boolean) defaultValue(fields()[52]);
        record.pNfQskEZyc = fieldSetFlags()[53] ? this.pNfQskEZyc : (java.util.Map) defaultValue(fields()[53]);
        record.lHbKmQXLCQ = fieldSetFlags()[54] ? this.lHbKmQXLCQ : (java.lang.Double) defaultValue(fields()[54]);
        record.khMciWhswQ = fieldSetFlags()[55] ? this.khMciWhswQ : (java.lang.String) defaultValue(fields()[55]);
        record.YxHDmYeChP = fieldSetFlags()[56] ? this.YxHDmYeChP : (java.lang.Boolean) defaultValue(fields()[56]);
        record.TStNMLyKfB = fieldSetFlags()[57] ? this.TStNMLyKfB : (java.lang.String) defaultValue(fields()[57]);
        record.AUQJNrJkOM = fieldSetFlags()[58] ? this.AUQJNrJkOM : (java.util.Map) defaultValue(fields()[58]);
        record.PznbJoIfXX = fieldSetFlags()[59] ? this.PznbJoIfXX : (java.lang.Float) defaultValue(fields()[59]);
        record.XwsXLkUGfi = fieldSetFlags()[60] ? this.XwsXLkUGfi : (java.lang.Double) defaultValue(fields()[60]);
        record.OEBwpMaLRo = fieldSetFlags()[61] ? this.OEBwpMaLRo : (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedHjVpD) defaultValue(fields()[61]);
        record.SXhbAwaZYF = fieldSetFlags()[62] ? this.SXhbAwaZYF : (java.nio.ByteBuffer) defaultValue(fields()[62]);
        record.yuaFjOFfAg = fieldSetFlags()[63] ? this.yuaFjOFfAg : (java.util.Map) defaultValue(fields()[63]);
        record.dUUEmKOMnK = fieldSetFlags()[64] ? this.dUUEmKOMnK : (java.lang.String) defaultValue(fields()[64]);
        record.hVEhDLygTo = fieldSetFlags()[65] ? this.hVEhDLygTo : (java.util.Map) defaultValue(fields()[65]);
        record.toGGDyHkFg = fieldSetFlags()[66] ? this.toGGDyHkFg : (java.lang.Long) defaultValue(fields()[66]);
        record.JHrPkIdwYz = fieldSetFlags()[67] ? this.JHrPkIdwYz : (java.lang.Boolean) defaultValue(fields()[67]);
        record.gpJVwATlHV = fieldSetFlags()[68] ? this.gpJVwATlHV : (java.lang.Boolean) defaultValue(fields()[68]);
        record.CfrpxYbyEl = fieldSetFlags()[69] ? this.CfrpxYbyEl : (java.nio.ByteBuffer) defaultValue(fields()[69]);
        record.ceBxzgjllT = fieldSetFlags()[70] ? this.ceBxzgjllT : (java.lang.Double) defaultValue(fields()[70]);
        record.ziADJlBgGW = fieldSetFlags()[71] ? this.ziADJlBgGW : (java.lang.String) defaultValue(fields()[71]);
        record.laLkalHGgP = fieldSetFlags()[72] ? this.laLkalHGgP : (java.lang.Float) defaultValue(fields()[72]);
        record.aMwlrdOmSH = fieldSetFlags()[73] ? this.aMwlrdOmSH : (java.lang.Float) defaultValue(fields()[73]);
        record.wmDoSQLPjq = fieldSetFlags()[74] ? this.wmDoSQLPjq : (java.lang.Float) defaultValue(fields()[74]);
        record.myjJSfNJhf = fieldSetFlags()[75] ? this.myjJSfNJhf : (java.util.Map) defaultValue(fields()[75]);
        record.flOUEiwBVE = fieldSetFlags()[76] ? this.flOUEiwBVE : (java.lang.Long) defaultValue(fields()[76]);
        record.IlEfRqUgVM = fieldSetFlags()[77] ? this.IlEfRqUgVM : (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumuNhMz) defaultValue(fields()[77]);
        record.assuHlaYTD = fieldSetFlags()[78] ? this.assuHlaYTD : (java.lang.Boolean) defaultValue(fields()[78]);
        record.xHXQYfInHo = fieldSetFlags()[79] ? this.xHXQYfInHo : (java.lang.Long) defaultValue(fields()[79]);
        record.ZEJeMQwEti = fieldSetFlags()[80] ? this.ZEJeMQwEti : (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumxLVhU) defaultValue(fields()[80]);
        record.ZhoojAPfFD = fieldSetFlags()[81] ? this.ZhoojAPfFD : (java.lang.Boolean) defaultValue(fields()[81]);
        record.rBiIoMMapw = fieldSetFlags()[82] ? this.rBiIoMMapw : (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.EnumYjsZa) defaultValue(fields()[82]);
        record.hNdTfStDXN = fieldSetFlags()[83] ? this.hNdTfStDXN : (java.lang.String) defaultValue(fields()[83]);
        record.ZxlvzqXjXW = fieldSetFlags()[84] ? this.ZxlvzqXjXW : (java.lang.Boolean) defaultValue(fields()[84]);
        record.kmFnTCONqv = fieldSetFlags()[85] ? this.kmFnTCONqv : (java.nio.ByteBuffer) defaultValue(fields()[85]);
        record.MSrPQPLCvV = fieldSetFlags()[86] ? this.MSrPQPLCvV : (java.lang.Float) defaultValue(fields()[86]);
        record.zyxgVjiwCf = fieldSetFlags()[87] ? this.zyxgVjiwCf : (java.util.Map) defaultValue(fields()[87]);
        record.nvDkGibsjK = fieldSetFlags()[88] ? this.nvDkGibsjK : (java.lang.String) defaultValue(fields()[88]);
        record.TEJPoitLNy = fieldSetFlags()[89] ? this.TEJPoitLNy : (java.nio.ByteBuffer) defaultValue(fields()[89]);
        record.TEBNyXBaUp = fieldSetFlags()[90] ? this.TEBNyXBaUp : (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedvQUPQ) defaultValue(fields()[90]);
        record.yTRuVlYJQu = fieldSetFlags()[91] ? this.yTRuVlYJQu : (java.lang.Boolean) defaultValue(fields()[91]);
        record.PXTCatzamX = fieldSetFlags()[92] ? this.PXTCatzamX : (java.nio.ByteBuffer) defaultValue(fields()[92]);
        record.VuChysXHei = fieldSetFlags()[93] ? this.VuChysXHei : (java.lang.Long) defaultValue(fields()[93]);
        record.GaaQocvJul = fieldSetFlags()[94] ? this.GaaQocvJul : (java.lang.String) defaultValue(fields()[94]);
        record.ODULJpudRb = fieldSetFlags()[95] ? this.ODULJpudRb : (com.rtbhouse.utils.generated.avro.benchmark.FixedBUkyq) defaultValue(fields()[95]);
        record.LruedeSTbL = fieldSetFlags()[96] ? this.LruedeSTbL : (java.util.Map) defaultValue(fields()[96]);
        record.txLnQAIGov = fieldSetFlags()[97] ? this.txLnQAIGov : (java.lang.String) defaultValue(fields()[97]);
        record.mgVkZdXXHq = fieldSetFlags()[98] ? this.mgVkZdXXHq : (java.lang.Boolean) defaultValue(fields()[98]);
        record.eOlOvsBQlC = fieldSetFlags()[99] ? this.eOlOvsBQlC : (java.lang.Long) defaultValue(fields()[99]);
        return record;
      } catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
        throw new org.apache.avro.AvroRuntimeException(e);

  private static final
    WRITER$ = ($.createDatumWriter(SCHEMA$);

  @Override public void writeExternal( out)
    throws {
    WRITER$.write(this, SpecificData.getEncoder(out));

  private static final
    READER$ = ($.createDatumReader(SCHEMA$);

  @Override public void readExternal( in)
    throws {
    READER$.read(this, SpecificData.getDecoder(in));


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