org.sagacity.sqltoy.solon.configure.SqlToyContextProperties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.sagacity.sqltoy.solon.configure;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class SqlToyContextProperties implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8313800149129731930L;
* 指定sql.xml 文件路径,多个路径用逗号分隔
private String sqlResourcesDir;
* 缓存翻译的配置文件
private String translateConfig;
* 针对不同数据库函数进行转换,非必须属性,close 表示关闭
private Object functionConverts;
* 数据库方言,一般无需设置
private String dialect;
* Sqltoy实体Entity包路径,非必须属性
private String[] packagesToScan;
* 额外注解class类,已经没有必要
private String[] annotatedClasses;
* 具体的sql.xml 文件资源
private String[] sqlResources;
* 需要重复执行查询的数据库
private String[] redoDataSources;
* es的配置
private Elastic elastic;
* 是否开启debug模式(默认为false)
private Boolean debug;
* 批量操作,每批次数量,默认200
private Integer batchSize;
* 默认查询数据库端提取记录量,一般无需设置
private int fetchSize = -1;
* 分页最大单页数据量(默认是5万)
private Integer pageFetchSizeLimit;
* 超时打印sql(毫秒,默认30秒)
private Integer printSqlTimeoutMillis;
* sql文件脚本变更检测间隔时长(秒)
private Integer scriptCheckIntervalSeconds;
* 缓存更新、sql脚本更新 延迟多少秒开始检测
private Integer delayCheckSeconds;
private String encoding;
* 统一字段处理器
private String unifyFieldsHandler;
* 数据库方言参数配置
private Map dialectConfig;
* 不同数据库方言的映射(OSCAR-->oracle)
private Map dialectMap;
* sqltoy默认数据库
private String defaultDataSource;
* 数据库保留字,用逗号分隔
private String reservedWords;
* 缓存管理器
private String translateCacheManager;
* 字段类型转换器
private String typeHandler;
* 自定义数据源选择器
private String dataSourceSelector;
* 缓存类型,默认solon,可选caffeine,ehcache
private String cacheType = "solon";
* 当发现有重复sqlId时是否抛出异常,终止程序执行
private boolean breakWhenSqlRepeat = true;
* map类型的resultType标题转驼峰模式(默认为true)
private Boolean humpMapResultTypeLabel;
* 连接管理的实现扩展定义
private String connectionFactory;
* 安全私钥
private String securePrivateKey;
* 安全公钥
private String securePublicKey;
* 字段安全加密处理器定义(开发者可以自行扩展,sqltoy默认提供了RSA的实现)
private String fieldsSecureProvider;
* 字段展示安全脱敏处理器(sqltoy默认提供了实现,此处提供不满足的情况下的自行扩展)
private String desensitizeProvider;
* add 2022-4-26 自定义filter处理器(预留备用)
private String customFilterHandler;
* sql执行超时处理器
private String overTimeSqlHandler;
* 获取MetaData的列标题处理策略:default:不做处理;upper:转大写;lower
private String columnLabelUpperOrLower = "default";
* 自定义sql拦截加工处理器
private String[] sqlInterceptors;
* 拆分merge into 为updateAll 和 saveAllIgnoreExist 两步操作(1、seata分布式事务不支持merge)
private boolean splitMergeInto = false;
* 数据修改提示的记录数量阈值,默认2000条
private int updateTipCount = 2000;
* executeSql变更操作型sql执行空白参数是否默认转为null
private boolean executeSqlBlankToNull = true;
* 跳转超出数据页范围回到第一页
private Boolean overPageToFirst;
* sql格式化输出器(用于debug sql输出)
private String sqlFormater;
* 未匹配的数据库类型分页是否是limit ? offset ? 模式还是 limit ?,? 模式
private boolean defaultPageOffset = true;
* 线程池配置参数
private SqlToyContextTaskPoolProperties taskExecutor = new SqlToyContextTaskPoolProperties();
* 默认一页数据记录数量
private int defaultPageSize = 10;
* 自定义数据库DDL产生器
private String dialectDDLGenerator;
* sql输出时默认日期格式,可以是:
* 2、"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"
* 3、"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS"
* 4、"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSSSS"
private String localDateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
* 1、auto 2、"HH:mm:ss.SSS" 3、"HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS" 4、"HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSSSS"
private String localTimeFormat = "HH:mm:ss";
* 是否基于实体注解动态生成表结构
private Boolean autoDDL;
* 业务代码调用点获取
private String firstBizCodeTrace;
* 单记录保存采用identity、sequence主键策略,并返回主键值时,字段名称大小写处理(lower/upper)
private HashMap dialectReturnPrimaryColumnCase;
* @return the sqlResourcesDir
public String getSqlResourcesDir() {
return sqlResourcesDir;
* @param sqlResourcesDir the sqlResourcesDir to set
public void setSqlResourcesDir(String sqlResourcesDir) {
this.sqlResourcesDir = sqlResourcesDir;
* @return the translateConfig
public String getTranslateConfig() {
return translateConfig;
* @param translateConfig the translateConfig to set
public void setTranslateConfig(String translateConfig) {
this.translateConfig = translateConfig;
public Boolean getDebug() {
return debug;
public void setDebug(Boolean debug) {
this.debug = debug;
* @return the batchSize
public Integer getBatchSize() {
return batchSize;
* @param batchSize the batchSize to set
public void setBatchSize(Integer batchSize) {
this.batchSize = batchSize;
public Object getFunctionConverts() {
return functionConverts;
* functionConverts=close 表示关闭
* @param functionConverts
public void setFunctionConverts(Object functionConverts) {
this.functionConverts = functionConverts;
* @return the packagesToScan
public String[] getPackagesToScan() {
return packagesToScan;
* @param packagesToScan the packagesToScan to set
public void setPackagesToScan(String[] packagesToScan) {
this.packagesToScan = packagesToScan;
* @return the unifyFieldsHandler
public String getUnifyFieldsHandler() {
return this.unifyFieldsHandler;
* @param unifyFieldsHandler the unifyFieldsHandler to set
public void setUnifyFieldsHandler(String unifyFieldsHandler) {
this.unifyFieldsHandler = unifyFieldsHandler;
public Elastic getElastic() {
return elastic;
public void setElastic(Elastic elastic) {
this.elastic = elastic;
public String getDialect() {
return dialect;
public void setDialect(String dialect) {
this.dialect = dialect;
public Map getDialectConfig() {
return dialectConfig;
public void setDialectConfig(Map dialectConfig) {
this.dialectConfig = dialectConfig;
public Integer getPageFetchSizeLimit() {
return pageFetchSizeLimit;
public void setPageFetchSizeLimit(Integer pageFetchSizeLimit) {
this.pageFetchSizeLimit = pageFetchSizeLimit;
public String[] getAnnotatedClasses() {
return annotatedClasses;
public void setAnnotatedClasses(String[] annotatedClasses) {
this.annotatedClasses = annotatedClasses;
public String getEncoding() {
return encoding;
public void setEncoding(String encoding) {
this.encoding = encoding;
public Integer getPrintSqlTimeoutMillis() {
return printSqlTimeoutMillis;
public void setPrintSqlTimeoutMillis(Integer printSqlTimeoutMillis) {
this.printSqlTimeoutMillis = printSqlTimeoutMillis;
public Integer getScriptCheckIntervalSeconds() {
return scriptCheckIntervalSeconds;
public void setScriptCheckIntervalSeconds(Integer scriptCheckIntervalSeconds) {
this.scriptCheckIntervalSeconds = scriptCheckIntervalSeconds;
public Integer getDelayCheckSeconds() {
return delayCheckSeconds;
public void setDelayCheckSeconds(Integer delayCheckSeconds) {
this.delayCheckSeconds = delayCheckSeconds;
public String[] getSqlResources() {
return sqlResources;
public void setSqlResources(String[] sqlResources) {
this.sqlResources = sqlResources;
public String getDefaultDataSource() {
return defaultDataSource;
public void setDefaultDataSource(String defaultDataSource) {
this.defaultDataSource = defaultDataSource;
* @return the reservedWords
public String getReservedWords() {
return reservedWords;
* @param reservedWords the reservedWords to set
public void setReservedWords(String reservedWords) {
this.reservedWords = reservedWords;
* @return the translateCacheManager
public String getTranslateCacheManager() {
return translateCacheManager;
* @param translateCacheManager the translateCacheManager to set
public void setTranslateCacheManager(String translateCacheManager) {
this.translateCacheManager = translateCacheManager;
* @return the typeHandler
public String getTypeHandler() {
return typeHandler;
* @param typeHandler the typeHandler to set
public void setTypeHandler(String typeHandler) {
this.typeHandler = typeHandler;
* @return the cacheType
public String getCacheType() {
return cacheType;
* @param cacheType the cacheType to set
public void setCacheType(String cacheType) {
this.cacheType = cacheType;
* @return the dataSourceSelector
public String getDataSourceSelector() {
return dataSourceSelector;
* @param dataSourceSelector the dataSourceSelector to set
public void setDataSourceSelector(String dataSourceSelector) {
this.dataSourceSelector = dataSourceSelector;
* @return the fetchSize
public int getFetchSize() {
return fetchSize;
* @param fetchSize the fetchSize to set
public void setFetchSize(int fetchSize) {
this.fetchSize = fetchSize;
public void setConnectionFactory(String connectionFactory) {
this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory;
public String getConnectionFactory() {
return connectionFactory;
* @return the breakWhenSqlRepeat
public boolean isBreakWhenSqlRepeat() {
return breakWhenSqlRepeat;
* @param breakWhenSqlRepeat the breakWhenSqlRepeat to set
public void setBreakWhenSqlRepeat(boolean breakWhenSqlRepeat) {
this.breakWhenSqlRepeat = breakWhenSqlRepeat;
public String getSecurePrivateKey() {
return securePrivateKey;
public void setSecurePrivateKey(String securePrivateKey) {
this.securePrivateKey = securePrivateKey;
public String getSecurePublicKey() {
return securePublicKey;
public void setSecurePublicKey(String securePublicKey) {
this.securePublicKey = securePublicKey;
public String getFieldsSecureProvider() {
return fieldsSecureProvider;
public void setFieldsSecureProvider(String fieldsSecureProvider) {
this.fieldsSecureProvider = fieldsSecureProvider;
public String getDesensitizeProvider() {
return desensitizeProvider;
public void setDesensitizeProvider(String desensitizeProvider) {
this.desensitizeProvider = desensitizeProvider;
public String getCustomFilterHandler() {
return customFilterHandler;
public void setCustomFilterHandler(String customFilterHandler) {
this.customFilterHandler = customFilterHandler;
public String getOverTimeSqlHandler() {
return overTimeSqlHandler;
public void setOverTimeSqlHandler(String overTimeSqlHandler) {
this.overTimeSqlHandler = overTimeSqlHandler;
public String getColumnLabelUpperOrLower() {
return columnLabelUpperOrLower;
public void setColumnLabelUpperOrLower(String columnLabelUpperOrLower) {
this.columnLabelUpperOrLower = columnLabelUpperOrLower;
public String[] getSqlInterceptors() {
return sqlInterceptors;
public void setSqlInterceptors(String[] sqlInterceptors) {
this.sqlInterceptors = sqlInterceptors;
public boolean isSplitMergeInto() {
return splitMergeInto;
public void setSplitMergeInto(boolean splitMergeInto) {
this.splitMergeInto = splitMergeInto;
public int getUpdateTipCount() {
return updateTipCount;
public void setUpdateTipCount(int updateTipCount) {
this.updateTipCount = updateTipCount;
public boolean isExecuteSqlBlankToNull() {
return executeSqlBlankToNull;
public void setExecuteSqlBlankToNull(boolean executeSqlBlankToNull) {
this.executeSqlBlankToNull = executeSqlBlankToNull;
public Boolean getHumpMapResultTypeLabel() {
return humpMapResultTypeLabel;
public void setHumpMapResultTypeLabel(Boolean humpMapResultTypeLabel) {
this.humpMapResultTypeLabel = humpMapResultTypeLabel;
public String[] getRedoDataSources() {
return redoDataSources;
public void setRedoDataSources(String[] redoDataSources) {
this.redoDataSources = redoDataSources;
public Boolean getOverPageToFirst() {
return overPageToFirst;
public void setOverPageToFirst(Boolean overPageToFirst) {
this.overPageToFirst = overPageToFirst;
public String getSqlFormater() {
return sqlFormater;
public void setSqlFormater(String sqlFormater) {
this.sqlFormater = sqlFormater;
public boolean isDefaultPageOffset() {
return defaultPageOffset;
public void setDefaultPageOffset(boolean defaultPageOffset) {
this.defaultPageOffset = defaultPageOffset;
public SqlToyContextTaskPoolProperties getTaskExecutor() {
return taskExecutor;
public void setTaskExecutor(SqlToyContextTaskPoolProperties taskExecutor) {
this.taskExecutor = taskExecutor;
public int getDefaultPageSize() {
return defaultPageSize;
public void setDefaultPageSize(int defaultPageSize) {
this.defaultPageSize = defaultPageSize;
public Boolean getAutoDDL() {
return autoDDL;
public void setAutoDDL(Boolean autoDDL) {
this.autoDDL = autoDDL;
* @return the dialectDDLGenerator
public String getDialectDDLGenerator() {
return dialectDDLGenerator;
* @param dialectDDLGenerator the dialectDDLGenerator to set
public void setDialectDDLGenerator(String dialectDDLGenerator) {
this.dialectDDLGenerator = dialectDDLGenerator;
* @return the localDateTimeFormat
public String getLocalDateTimeFormat() {
return localDateTimeFormat;
* @param localDateTimeFormat the localDateTimeFormat to set
public void setLocalDateTimeFormat(String localDateTimeFormat) {
this.localDateTimeFormat = localDateTimeFormat;
* @return the localTimeFormat
public String getLocalTimeFormat() {
return localTimeFormat;
* @param localTimeFormat the localTimeFormat to set
public void setLocalTimeFormat(String localTimeFormat) {
this.localTimeFormat = localTimeFormat;
* @return the dialectMap
public Map getDialectMap() {
return dialectMap;
* @param dialectMap the dialectMap to set
public void setDialectMap(Map dialectMap) {
this.dialectMap = dialectMap;
public String getFirstBizCodeTrace() {
return firstBizCodeTrace;
public void setFirstBizCodeTrace(String firstBizCodeTrace) {
this.firstBizCodeTrace = firstBizCodeTrace;
* @return the dialectReturnPrimaryColumnCase
public HashMap getDialectReturnPrimaryColumnCase() {
return dialectReturnPrimaryColumnCase;
* @param dialectReturnPrimaryColumnCase the dialectReturnPrimaryColumnCase to
* set
public void setDialectReturnPrimaryColumnCase(HashMap dialectReturnPrimaryColumnCase) {
this.dialectReturnPrimaryColumnCase = dialectReturnPrimaryColumnCase;
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