org.sagacity.sqltoy.SqlToyConstants Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.sagacity.sqltoy;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.sagacity.sqltoy.model.IgnoreKeyCaseMap;
import org.sagacity.sqltoy.utils.FileUtil;
import org.sagacity.sqltoy.utils.IdUtil;
import org.sagacity.sqltoy.utils.StringUtil;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* @project sagacity-sqltoy
* @description sqlToy的基础常量参数定义
* @author zhongxuchen
* @version v1.0,Date:2014年12月26日
public class SqlToyConstants {
* 定义日志
protected final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SqlToyConstants.class);
* 符号对,用来提取字符串中对称字符的过滤,如:{ name(){} },第一个{对称的符合}是最后一位
public static HashMap filters = new HashMap() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1636155921862321269L;
put("(", ")");
put("'", "'");
put("\"", "\"");
put("[", "]");
put("{", "}");
// 目前还不支持此功能的提醒
public static String UN_SUPPORT_MESSAGE = "This feature is currently not supported!";
public static final String DEFAULT_NULL = "_SQLTOY_NULL_FLAG";
public static String UN_MATCH_DIALECT_MESSAGE = "Failed to correctly match the corresponding database dialect!";
* 判断sql中是否存在union all的表达式
public static String UNION_ALL_REGEX = "\\W+union\\s+\\all\\W+";
* 判断sql中是否存在union的表达式
public static String UNION_REGEX = "\\W+union\\W+";
* 当sql中是参数条件是?时转换后对应的别名模式:sagParamIndexName+index,如sagParamIndexName0、sagParamIndexName1
* 统一成别名模式的好处在于解决诸如分页、取随机记录等封装处理的统一性问题
public static String DEFAULT_PARAM_NAME = "sagParamIndexName";
* 随机记录数量参数名称
public final static String RANDOM_NAMED = "sagRandomSize";
* 分页开始记录参数Named
public final static String PAGE_FIRST_PARAM_NAME = "pageFirstParamName";
* 分页截止记录参数Named
public final static String PAGE_LAST_PARAM_NAME = "pageLastParamName";
* 临时表占位符号
public final static String TEMPLATE_TABLE_HOLDER = "@templateTable";
* 缓存翻译时在缓存中未匹配上key的返回信息
public static String UNCACHED_KEY_RESULT = "[${value}]未定义";
* 存放sqltoy的系统参数
private static Map sqlToyProps = new HashMap();
* sqltoy 默认的配置文件
private final static String DEFAULT_CONFIG = "org/sagacity/sqltoy/";
public final static String XML_FETURE = "";
* 服务器节点ID
public static int WORKER_ID = 0;
* 数据中心ID
public static int DATA_CENTER_ID = 0;
* 为22位或26位主键提供的主机Id
public static String SERVER_ID;
public static String keywordSign = "'";
* sql in 里面参数最大值
public static int SQL_IN_MAX = 999;
* 并行默认最大等待时长
public static int PARALLEL_MAXWAIT_SECONDS = 1800;
public static int FETCH_SIZE = -1;
* 默认一页数据条数
public static int DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 10;
* 变更操作型sql空白默认转为null
public static boolean executeSqlBlankToNull = true;
* 分页中间表名称
* 字符串中内嵌参数的匹配模式
public final static Pattern paramPattern = Pattern.compile(
// update 2020-9-16 将\\W 替换为[^A-Za-z0-9_:] 增加排除: 适应::jsonb 这种模式场景
// update 2021-10-13 增加参数名称为中文场景(应对一些极为不规范的项目场景)
// update 2023-8-17 增加支持:itemSet[0].paramName 模式(之前只支持:itemSet[0])
// update 2023-12-19 替换为 [^A-Za-z0-9:],将下划线放开
public final static Pattern SQL_NAMED_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(
public final static Pattern NOSQL_NAMED_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(
// mysql8 支持 with recursive cte as
// postgresql12 支持materialized 物化
// with aliasTable as materialized ()
// with aliasTable as not materialized ()
public final static Pattern withPattern = Pattern.compile(
// with 下面多个as
public final static Pattern otherWithPattern = Pattern.compile(
// 以空白结尾
public final static Pattern BLANK_END = Pattern.compile("\\s$");
// 以and 或 or结尾
public final static Pattern AND_OR_END = Pattern.compile("(?i)\\W(and|or)\\s*$");
* 不输出sql的表达式
public final static Pattern NOT_PRINT_REGEX = Pattern.compile("(?i)\\#not\\_(print|debug)\\#");
public final static Pattern DO_PRINT_REGEX = Pattern.compile("(?i)\\#(print|debug)\\#");
* 忽视空记录
public final static Pattern IGNORE_EMPTY_REGEX = Pattern.compile("(?i)\\#ignore_all_null_set\\#");
* 判断sql中是否存在@include(sqlId)的表达式
public final static Pattern INCLUDE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(?i)\\@include\\([\\w\\W]*\\)");
// @include(:sqlScriptParamName) 模式(2023-08-19)
public final static Pattern INCLUDE_PARAM_PATTERN = Pattern
// 标记分页或取随机记录原始sql的标记,便于sql interceptor加工处理快速定位
public final static String MARK_ORIGINAL_START = " /*-- sqltoy_original_mark_start --*/ ";
public final static String MARK_ORIGINAL_END = " /*-- sqltoy_original_mark_end --*/ ";
public final static String MERGE_ALIAS_ON = ") tv on (";
public final static String MERGE_ALIAS_ON_REGEX = "\\)\\s+tv\\s+on\\s+\\(";
public final static String MERGE_UPDATE = " when matched then update set ";
public final static String MERGE_INSERT = " when not matched then insert ";
* sqltoy的框架包路径
public final static String SQLTOY_PACKAGE = "org.sagacity.sqltoy";
public static String localDateTimeFormat;
public static String localTimeFormat;
// 单记录保存采用identity、sequence主键策略,并返回主键值时,字段名称大小写处理(lower/upper)
public static IgnoreKeyCaseMap dialectReturnPrimaryColumnCase = new IgnoreKeyCaseMap();
* @todo 解析模板中的参数
* @param template
* @return
private static LinkedHashMap parseParams(String template) {
LinkedHashMap paramsMap = new LinkedHashMap();
Matcher m = paramPattern.matcher(template);
String group;
while (m.find()) {
group =;
// key as ${name} value:name
paramsMap.put(group, group.substring(2, group.length() - 1).trim());
return paramsMap;
* @todo 获取常量值
* @param key
* @return
public static String getKeyValue(String key) {
String result = sqlToyProps.get(key);
if (result == null) {
result = System.getProperty(key);
return result;
* 关闭数据库多字段in支持
* @return
public static boolean closeMultiFieldIn() {
String result = getKeyValue("sqltoy.close.multiFieldIn");
if (result != null && result.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
return true;
return false;
* @todo 获取常量值
* @param key
* @param defaultValue
* @return
public static String getKeyValue(String key, String defaultValue) {
String result = sqlToyProps.get(key);
if (result == null) {
result = System.getProperty(key);
if (StringUtil.isNotBlank(result)) {
return result;
return defaultValue;
* @todo db2 是否为查询语句自动补充with ur进行脏读
* @return
public static boolean db2WithUR() {
return Boolean.parseBoolean(getKeyValue("", "true"));
* @todo 获取记录提取的警告阀值
* @return
public static int getWarnThresholds() {
// 默认值为25000
return Integer.parseInt(getKeyValue("sqltoy.fetch.result.warn.thresholds", "25000"));
* @todo 获取项目中在代码中编写的sql数量,超过此阈值不纳入缓存
* @return
public static int getMaxCodeSqlCount() {
// 默认值为2500
return Integer.parseInt(getKeyValue("sqltoy.max.code.sql.count", "2500"));
* @todo 获取记录提取的最大阀值
* @return
public static Long getMaxThresholds() {
// 无限大
return Long.parseLong(getKeyValue("sqltoy.fetch.result.max.thresholds", "999999999999"));
* @todo oracle分页是否忽视排序导致错乱的问题
* @return
public static boolean oraclePageIgnoreOrder() {
return Boolean.parseBoolean(getKeyValue("", "false"));
* @todo 是否显示数据库信息
* @return
public static boolean showDatasourceInfo() {
return Boolean.parseBoolean(getKeyValue("", "false"));
* @todo 获取文件中的常量元素
* @param propertiesFile
private static void loadPropertyFile(String propertiesFile) {
// 加载指定的额外参数,或提供开发者修改默认参数
if (StringUtil.isBlank(propertiesFile)) {
InputStream fis = null;
try {
Properties props = new Properties();
fis = FileUtil.getFileInputStream(propertiesFile);
if (fis != null) {
sqlToyProps.putAll((Map) props);
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
try {
if (fis != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
* @todo 加载数据库方言的参数
* @param keyValues
public static void loadProperties(Map keyValues) {
// 加载默认参数
if (keyValues != null && !keyValues.isEmpty()) {
* @todo 用户可以根据实际数据库方言,通过常量参数转换默认值(如db2 当前时间戳,可以是current
* timestamp,而在oracle中必须是current_timestamp)
* @param dbType
* @param defaultValue
* @return
public static String getDefaultValue(Integer dbType, String defaultValue) {
String realDefault = getKeyValue(defaultValue);
if (realDefault == null) {
if ("CURRENT TIMESTAMP".equals(defaultValue.toUpperCase())) {
return defaultValue;
return realDefault;
* @param uncachedKeyResult the uncachedKeyResult to set
public static void setUncachedKeyResult(String uncachedKeyResult) {
UNCACHED_KEY_RESULT = uncachedKeyResult;
* @todo 替换模板中${paramName}变量参数,目前仅用于nosql部分的解析
* @param template
* @return
public static String replaceParams(String template) {
if (StringUtil.isBlank(template)) {
return template;
LinkedHashMap paramsMap = parseParams(template);
String result = template;
if (paramsMap.size() > 0) {
Map.Entry entry;
String value;
for (Iterator> iter = paramsMap.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
entry =;
value = getKeyValue(entry.getValue());
if (value != null) {
result = result.replace(entry.getKey(), value);
return result;
* @todo 获取loadAll单个批次最大的记录数量,主要是防止sql in ()参数超过1000导致错误
* @return
public static int getLoadAllBatchSize() {
// 默认值为1000
return Integer.parseInt(getKeyValue("sqltoy.loadAll.batchsize", "1000"));
* @TODO 是否打开sql签名
* @return
public static boolean openSqlSign() {
return Boolean.parseBoolean(getKeyValue("", "true"));
* @TODO 针对主键策略提前设置或计算雪花算法的worker_id,dataCenterId以及22位和26位主键对应的应用id
* @param workerId
* @param dataCenterId
* @param serverId
public static void setWorkerAndDataCenterId(Integer workerId, Integer dataCenterId, Integer serverId) {
try {
String serverIdentity = IdUtil.getLastIp(2);
int id = Integer.parseInt(serverIdentity == null ? "0" : serverIdentity);
String keyValue;
if (workerId == null) {
keyValue = getKeyValue("sqltoy.snowflake.workerId");
if (keyValue != null) {
workerId = Integer.parseInt(keyValue);
if (dataCenterId == null) {
keyValue = getKeyValue("sqltoy.snowflake.dataCenterId");
if (keyValue != null) {
dataCenterId = Integer.parseInt(keyValue);
if (workerId != null && (workerId.intValue() > 0 && workerId.intValue() < 32)) {
WORKER_ID = workerId.intValue();
} else {
if (id > 31) {
// 个位作为workerId
WORKER_ID = id % 10;
} else {
if (dataCenterId != null && dataCenterId.intValue() > 0 && dataCenterId.intValue() < 32) {
DATA_CENTER_ID = dataCenterId.intValue();
} else {
if (id > 31) {
// 十位数作为dataCenterId
DATA_CENTER_ID = id / 10;
} else {
// 22位或26位主键对应的serverId
String serverNode = (serverId == null) ? getKeyValue("") : ("" + serverId);
if (serverNode != null) {
serverNode = StringUtil.addLeftZero2Len(serverNode, 3);
if (serverNode.length() > 3) {
serverNode = serverNode.substring(serverNode.length() - 3);
SERVER_ID = serverNode;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("设置workerId和dataCenterId发生错误:{}", e.getMessage());
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