play.api.Configuration.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Lightbend Inc.
package play.api
import java.util.Properties
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import com.typesafe.config._
import com.typesafe.config.impl.ConfigImpl
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.concurrent.duration.{ Duration, FiniteDuration }
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import play.utils.PlayIO
* This object provides a set of operations to create `Configuration` values.
* For example, to load a `Configuration` in a running application:
* {{{
* val config = Configuration.load()
* val foo = config.getString("foo").getOrElse("boo")
* }}}
* The underlying implementation is provided by
object Configuration {
private[this] lazy val dontAllowMissingConfigOptions = ConfigParseOptions.defaults().setAllowMissing(false)
private[this] lazy val dontAllowMissingConfig = ConfigFactory.load(dontAllowMissingConfigOptions)
private[play] def load(
classLoader: ClassLoader,
properties: Properties,
directSettings: Map[String, AnyRef],
allowMissingApplicationConf: Boolean): Configuration = {
try {
// Get configuration from the system properties.
// Iterating through the system properties is prone to ConcurrentModificationExceptions (especially in our tests)
// Typesafe config maintains a cache for this purpose. So, if the passed in properties *are* the system
// properties, use the Typesafe config cache, otherwise it should be safe to parse it ourselves.
val systemPropertyConfig = if (properties eq System.getProperties) {
} else {
// Inject our direct settings into the config.
val directConfig: Config = ConfigFactory.parseMap(directSettings.asJava)
// Resolve application.conf ourselves because:
// - we may want to load configuration when application.conf is missing.
// - We also want to delay binding and resolving reference.conf, which
// is usually part of the default application.conf loading behavior.
// - We want to read config.file and config.resource settings from our
// own properties and directConfig rather than system properties.
val applicationConfig: Config = {
def setting(key: String): Option[AnyRef] =
setting("config.resource").map(resource => ConfigFactory.parseResources(classLoader, resource.toString))
} orElse {
setting("config.file").map(fileName => ConfigFactory.parseFileAnySyntax(new File(fileName.toString)))
} getOrElse {
val parseOptions = ConfigParseOptions.defaults
// Resolve another .conf file so that we can override values in Akka's
// reference.conf, but still make it possible for users to override
// Play's values in their application.conf.
val playOverridesConfig: Config = ConfigFactory.parseResources(classLoader, "play/reference-overrides.conf")
// Resolve reference.conf ourselves because ConfigFactory.defaultReference resolves
// values, and we won't have a value for `play.server.dir` until all our config is combined.
val referenceConfig: Config = ConfigFactory.parseResources(classLoader, "reference.conf")
// Combine all the config together into one big config
val combinedConfig: Config = Seq(
).reduceLeft(_ withFallback _)
// Resolve settings. Among other things, the `play.server.dir` setting defined in directConfig will
// be substituted into the default settings in referenceConfig.
val resolvedConfig = combinedConfig.resolve
} catch {
case e: ConfigException => throw configError(e.origin, e.getMessage, Some(e))
* Load a new Configuration from the Environment.
def load(environment: Environment, devSettings: Map[String, AnyRef]): Configuration = {
load(environment.classLoader, System.getProperties, devSettings, allowMissingApplicationConf = environment.mode == Mode.Test)
* Load a new Configuration from the Environment.
def load(environment: Environment): Configuration = load(environment, Map.empty[String, String])
* Returns an empty Configuration object.
def empty = Configuration(ConfigFactory.empty())
* Returns the reference configuration object.
def reference = Configuration(ConfigFactory.defaultReference())
* Create a new Configuration from the data passed as a Map.
def from(data: Map[String, Any]): Configuration = {
def toJava(data: Any): Any = data match {
case map: Map[_, _] => map.mapValues(toJava).asJava
case iterable: Iterable[_] =>
case v => v
Configuration(ConfigFactory.parseMap(toJava(data).asInstanceOf[java.util.Map[String, AnyRef]]))
* Create a new Configuration from the given key-value pairs.
def apply(data: (String, Any)*): Configuration = from(data.toMap)
private[api] def configError(origin: ConfigOrigin, message: String, e: Option[Throwable] = None): PlayException = {
The stable values here help us from putting a reference to a ConfigOrigin inside the anonymous ExceptionSource.
This is necessary to keep the Exception serialisable, because ConfigOrigin is not serialisable.
val originLine = Option(origin.lineNumber: java.lang.Integer).orNull
val originUrl = Option(origin.url)
val originSourceName = Option(origin.filename).orNull
new PlayException.ExceptionSource("Configuration error", message, e.orNull) {
def line = originLine
def position = null
def input =
def sourceName = originSourceName
override def toString = "Configuration error: " + getMessage
private[Configuration] def asScalaList[A](l: java.util.List[A]): Seq[A] = asScalaBufferConverter(l).asScala.toList
* A full configuration set.
* The underlying implementation is provided by
* @param underlying the underlying Config implementation
case class Configuration(underlying: Config) {
import Configuration.asScalaList
* Merge 2 configurations.
def ++(other: Configuration): Configuration = {
* Reads a value from the underlying implementation.
* If the value is not set this will return None, otherwise returns Some.
* Does not check neither for incorrect type nor null value, but catches and wraps the error.
private def readValue[T](path: String, v: => T): Option[T] = {
try {
if (underlying.hasPathOrNull(path)) Some(v) else None
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) => throw reportError(path, e.getMessage, Some(e))
* Retrieves a configuration value as a `String`.
* This method supports an optional set of valid values:
* {{{
* val config = Configuration.load()
* val mode = config.getString("engine.mode", Some(Set("dev","prod")))
* }}}
* A configuration error will be thrown if the configuration value does not match any of the required values.
* @param path the configuration key, relative to configuration root key
* @param validValues valid values for this configuration
* @return a configuration value
def getString(path: String, validValues: Option[Set[String]] = None): Option[String] = readValue(path, underlying.getString(path)).map { value =>
validValues match {
case Some(values) if values.contains(value) => value
case Some(values) if values.isEmpty => value
case Some(values) => throw reportError(path, "Incorrect value, one of " + (values.reduceLeft(_ + ", " + _)) + " was expected.")
case None => value
* Retrieves a configuration value as an `Int`.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val poolSize = configuration.getInt("engine.pool.size")
* }}}
* A configuration error will be thrown if the configuration value is not a valid `Int`.
* @param path the configuration key, relative to the configuration root key
* @return a configuration value
def getInt(path: String): Option[Int] = readValue(path, underlying.getInt(path))
* Retrieves a configuration value as a `Boolean`.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val isEnabled = configuration.getBoolean("engine.isEnabled")
* }}}
* A configuration error will be thrown if the configuration value is not a valid `Boolean`.
* Authorized values are `yes`/`no` or `true`/`false`.
* @param path the configuration key, relative to the configuration root key
* @return a configuration value
def getBoolean(path: String): Option[Boolean] = readValue(path, underlying.getBoolean(path))
* Retrieves a configuration value as `Milliseconds`.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val timeout = configuration.getMilliseconds("engine.timeout")
* }}}
* The configuration must be provided as:
* {{{
* engine.timeout = 1 second
* }}}
def getMilliseconds(path: String): Option[Long] = readValue(path, underlying.getDuration(path, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
* Retrieves a configuration value as `Nanoseconds`.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val timeout = configuration.getNanoseconds("engine.timeout")
* }}}
* The configuration must be provided as:
* {{{
* engine.timeout = 1 second
* }}}
def getNanoseconds(path: String): Option[Long] = readValue(path, underlying.getDuration(path, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS))
* Retrieves a configuration value as `Bytes`.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val maxSize = configuration.getString("engine.maxSize")
* }}}
* The configuration must be provided as:
* {{{
* engine.maxSize = 512k
* }}}
def getBytes(path: String): Option[Long] = readValue(path, underlying.getBytes(path))
* Retrieves a sub-configuration, i.e. a configuration instance containing all keys starting with a given prefix.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val engineConfig = configuration.getConfig("engine")
* }}}
* The root key of this new configuration will be ‘engine’, and you can access any sub-keys relatively.
* @param path the root prefix for this sub-configuration
* @return a new configuration
def getConfig(path: String): Option[Configuration] = readValue(path, underlying.getConfig(path)).map(Configuration(_))
* Retrieves a configuration value as a `Double`.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val population = configuration.getDouble("world.population")
* }}}
* A configuration error will be thrown if the configuration value is not a valid `Double`.
* @param path the configuration key, relative to the configuration root key
* @return a configuration value
def getDouble(path: String): Option[Double] = readValue(path, underlying.getDouble(path))
* Retrieves a configuration value as a `Long`.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val duration = configuration.getLong("timeout.duration")
* }}}
* A configuration error will be thrown if the configuration value is not a valid `Long`.
* @param path the configuration key, relative to the configuration root key
* @return a configuration value
def getLong(path: String): Option[Long] = readValue(path, underlying.getLong(path))
* Retrieves a configuration value as a `Number`.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val counter = configuration.getNumber("foo.counter")
* }}}
* A configuration error will be thrown if the configuration value is not a valid `Number`.
* @param path the configuration key, relative to the configuration root key
* @return a configuration value
def getNumber(path: String): Option[Number] = readValue(path, underlying.getNumber(path))
* Retrieves a configuration value as a List of `Boolean`.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val switches = configuration.getBooleanList("board.switches")
* }}}
* The configuration must be provided as:
* {{{
* board.switches = [true, true, false]
* }}}
* A configuration error will be thrown if the configuration value is not a valid `Boolean`.
* Authorized values are `yes`/`no` or `true`/`false`.
def getBooleanList(path: String): Option[java.util.List[java.lang.Boolean]] = readValue(path, underlying.getBooleanList(path))
* Retrieves a configuration value as a Seq of `Boolean`.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val switches = configuration.getBooleanSeq("board.switches")
* }}}
* The configuration must be provided as:
* {{{
* board.switches = [true, true, false]
* }}}
* A configuration error will be thrown if the configuration value is not a valid `Boolean`.
* Authorized values are `yes`/`no` or `true`/`false`.
def getBooleanSeq(path: String): Option[Seq[java.lang.Boolean]] = getBooleanList(path).map(asScalaList)
* Retrieves a configuration value as a List of `Bytes`.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val maxSizes = configuration.getBytesList("engine.maxSizes")
* }}}
* The configuration must be provided as:
* {{{
* engine.maxSizes = [512k, 256k, 256k]
* }}}
def getBytesList(path: String): Option[java.util.List[java.lang.Long]] = readValue(path, underlying.getBytesList(path))
* Retrieves a configuration value as a Seq of `Bytes`.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val maxSizes = configuration.getBytesSeq("engine.maxSizes")
* }}}
* The configuration must be provided as:
* {{{
* engine.maxSizes = [512k, 256k, 256k]
* }}}
def getBytesSeq(path: String): Option[Seq[java.lang.Long]] = getBytesList(path).map(asScalaList)
* Retrieves a List of sub-configurations, i.e. a configuration instance for each key that matches the path.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val engineConfigs = configuration.getConfigList("engine")
* }}}
* The root key of this new configuration will be "engine", and you can access any sub-keys relatively.
def getConfigList(path: String): Option[java.util.List[Configuration]] = readValue[java.util.List[_ <: Config]](path, underlying.getConfigList(path)).map { configs => }
* Retrieves a Seq of sub-configurations, i.e. a configuration instance for each key that matches the path.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val engineConfigs = configuration.getConfigSeq("engine")
* }}}
* The root key of this new configuration will be "engine", and you can access any sub-keys relatively.
def getConfigSeq(path: String): Option[Seq[Configuration]] = getConfigList(path).map(asScalaList)
* Retrieves a configuration value as a List of `Double`.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val maxSizes = configuration.getDoubleList("engine.maxSizes")
* }}}
* The configuration must be provided as:
* {{{
* engine.maxSizes = [5.0, 3.34, 2.6]
* }}}
def getDoubleList(path: String): Option[java.util.List[java.lang.Double]] = readValue(path, underlying.getDoubleList(path))
* Retrieves a configuration value as a Seq of `Double`.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val maxSizes = configuration.getDoubleSeq("engine.maxSizes")
* }}}
* The configuration must be provided as:
* {{{
* engine.maxSizes = [5.0, 3.34, 2.6]
* }}}
def getDoubleSeq(path: String): Option[Seq[java.lang.Double]] = getDoubleList(path).map(asScalaList)
* Retrieves a configuration value as a List of `Integer`.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val maxSizes = configuration.getIntList("engine.maxSizes")
* }}}
* The configuration must be provided as:
* {{{
* engine.maxSizes = [100, 500, 2]
* }}}
def getIntList(path: String): Option[java.util.List[java.lang.Integer]] = readValue(path, underlying.getIntList(path))
* Retrieves a configuration value as a Seq of `Integer`.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val maxSizes = configuration.getIntSeq("engine.maxSizes")
* }}}
* The configuration must be provided as:
* {{{
* engine.maxSizes = [100, 500, 2]
* }}}
def getIntSeq(path: String): Option[Seq[java.lang.Integer]] = getIntList(path).map(asScalaList)
* Gets a list value (with any element type) as a ConfigList, which implements java.util.List.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val maxSizes = configuration.getList("engine.maxSizes")
* }}}
* The configuration must be provided as:
* {{{
* engine.maxSizes = ["foo", "bar"]
* }}}
def getList(path: String): Option[ConfigList] = readValue(path, underlying.getList(path))
* Retrieves a configuration value as a List of `Long`.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val maxSizes = configuration.getLongList("engine.maxSizes")
* }}}
* The configuration must be provided as:
* {{{
* engine.maxSizes = [10000000000000, 500, 2000]
* }}}
def getLongList(path: String): Option[java.util.List[java.lang.Long]] = readValue(path, underlying.getLongList(path))
* Retrieves a configuration value as a Seq of `Long`.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val maxSizes = configuration.getLongSeq("engine.maxSizes")
* }}}
* The configuration must be provided as:
* {{{
* engine.maxSizes = [10000000000000, 500, 2000]
* }}}
def getLongSeq(path: String): Option[Seq[java.lang.Long]] = getLongList(path).map(asScalaList)
* Retrieves a configuration value as List of `Milliseconds`.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val timeouts = configuration.getMillisecondsList("engine.timeouts")
* }}}
* The configuration must be provided as:
* {{{
* engine.timeouts = [1 second, 1 second]
* }}}
def getMillisecondsList(path: String): Option[java.util.List[java.lang.Long]] = readValue(path, underlying.getDurationList(path, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
* Retrieves a configuration value as Seq of `Milliseconds`.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val timeouts = configuration.getMillisecondsSeq("engine.timeouts")
* }}}
* The configuration must be provided as:
* {{{
* engine.timeouts = [1 second, 1 second]
* }}}
def getMillisecondsSeq(path: String): Option[Seq[java.lang.Long]] = getMillisecondsList(path).map(asScalaList)
* Retrieves a configuration value as List of `Nanoseconds`.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val timeouts = configuration.getNanosecondsList("engine.timeouts")
* }}}
* The configuration must be provided as:
* {{{
* engine.timeouts = [1 second, 1 second]
* }}}
def getNanosecondsList(path: String): Option[java.util.List[java.lang.Long]] = readValue(path, underlying.getDurationList(path, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS))
* Retrieves a configuration value as Seq of `Nanoseconds`.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val timeouts = configuration.getNanosecondsSeq("engine.timeouts")
* }}}
* The configuration must be provided as:
* {{{
* engine.timeouts = [1 second, 1 second]
* }}}
def getNanosecondsSeq(path: String): Option[Seq[java.lang.Long]] = getNanosecondsList(path).map(asScalaList)
* Retrieves a configuration value as a List of `Number`.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val maxSizes = configuration.getNumberList("engine.maxSizes")
* }}}
* The configuration must be provided as:
* {{{
* engine.maxSizes = [50, 500, 5000]
* }}}
def getNumberList(path: String): Option[java.util.List[java.lang.Number]] = readValue(path, underlying.getNumberList(path))
* Retrieves a configuration value as a Seq of `Number`.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val maxSizes = configuration.getNumberSeq("engine.maxSizes")
* }}}
* The configuration must be provided as:
* {{{
* engine.maxSizes = [50, 500, 5000]
* }}}
def getNumberSeq(path: String): Option[Seq[java.lang.Number]] = getNumberList(path).map(asScalaList)
* Retrieves a configuration value as a List of `ConfigObject`.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val engineProperties = configuration.getObjectList("")
* }}}
* The configuration must be provided as:
* {{{
* = [{id: 5, power: 3}, {id: 6, power: 20}]
* }}}
def getObjectList(path: String): Option[java.util.List[_ <: ConfigObject]] = readValue[java.util.List[_ <: ConfigObject]](path, underlying.getObjectList(path))
* Retrieves a configuration value as a List of `String`.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val names = configuration.getStringList("names")
* }}}
* The configuration must be provided as:
* {{{
* names = ["Jim", "Bob", "Steve"]
* }}}
def getStringList(path: String): Option[java.util.List[java.lang.String]] = readValue(path, underlying.getStringList(path))
* Retrieves a configuration value as a Seq of `String`.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val names = configuration.getStringSeq("names")
* }}}
* The configuration must be provided as:
* {{{
* names = ["Jim", "Bob", "Steve"]
* }}}
def getStringSeq(path: String): Option[Seq[java.lang.String]] = getStringList(path).map(asScalaList)
* Retrieves a ConfigObject for this path, which implements Map
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val engineProperties = configuration.getObject("")
* }}}
* The configuration must be provided as:
* {{{
* = {id: 1, power: 5}
* }}}
def getObject(path: String): Option[ConfigObject] = readValue(path, underlying.getObject(path))
* Returns available keys.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val keys = configuration.keys
* }}}
* @return the set of keys available in this configuration
def keys: Set[String] =
* Returns sub-keys.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* val subKeys = configuration.subKeys
* }}}
* @return the set of direct sub-keys available in this configuration
def subKeys: Set[String] = underlying.root().keySet().asScala.toSet
* Returns every path as a set of key to value pairs, by recursively iterating through the
* config objects.
def entrySet: Set[(String, ConfigValue)] = underlying.entrySet() => e.getKey -> e.getValue).toSet
* Creates a configuration error for a specific configuration key.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* throw configuration.reportError("engine.connectionUrl", "Cannot connect!")
* }}}
* @param path the configuration key, related to this error
* @param message the error message
* @param e the related exception
* @return a configuration exception
def reportError(path: String, message: String, e: Option[Throwable] = None): PlayException = {
Configuration.configError(if (underlying.hasPath(path)) underlying.getValue(path).origin else underlying.root.origin, message, e)
* Creates a configuration error for this configuration.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* throw configuration.globalError("Missing configuration key: [yop.url]")
* }}}
* @param message the error message
* @param e the related exception
* @return a configuration exception
def globalError(message: String, e: Option[Throwable] = None): PlayException = {
Configuration.configError(underlying.root.origin, message, e)
* Loads a String configuration item, looking at the deprecated key first, and outputting a warning if it's defined,
* otherwise loading the new key.
private[play] def getDeprecatedString(key: String, deprecatedKey: String): String = {
getString(deprecatedKey).fold(underlying.getString(key)) { value =>
Logger.warn(s"$deprecatedKey is deprecated, use $key instead")
* Loads a String configuration item, looking at the deprecated key first, and outputting a warning if it's defined,
* otherwise loading the new key.
private[play] def getDeprecatedStringOpt(key: String, deprecatedKey: String): Option[String] = {
getString(deprecatedKey).map { value =>
Logger.warn(s"$deprecatedKey is deprecated, use $key instead")
* Loads a Boolean configuration item, looking at the deprecated key first, and outputting a warning if it's defined,
* otherwise loading the new key.
private[play] def getDeprecatedBoolean(key: String, deprecatedKey: String): Boolean = {
getBoolean(deprecatedKey).fold(underlying.getBoolean(key)) { value =>
Logger.warn(s"$deprecatedKey is deprecated, use $key instead")
* Loads a Duration configuration item, looking at the deprecated key first, and outputting a warning if it's defined,
* otherwise loading the new key.
private[play] def getDeprecatedDuration(key: String, deprecatedKey: String): FiniteDuration = {
new FiniteDuration(getNanoseconds(deprecatedKey).fold(underlying.getDuration(key, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)) { value =>
Logger.warn(s"$deprecatedKey is deprecated, use $key instead")
* Loads an optional Duration configuration item, looking at the deprecated key first, and outputting a warning if
* it's defined, otherwise loading the new key.
private[play] def getDeprecatedDurationOpt(key: String, deprecatedKey: String): Option[FiniteDuration] = {
getNanoseconds(deprecatedKey).map { value =>
Logger.warn(s"$deprecatedKey is deprecated, use $key instead")
}.orElse(getNanoseconds(key)).map { value =>
new FiniteDuration(value, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
* A Play configuration wrapper.
* Eventually, maybe this will replace Configuration.
* The story behind this:
* In the early days, Play's Configuration object conveniently wrapped Typesafe config, returning an options, and
* converting Seq types.
* The problem with returning Options is that that's not idiomatic Typesafe config usage - configuration should not
* be optional, defaults should be specified in reference.conf. Another problem is that if you want to add new
* functionality, you have to do so for every permutation of getType method.
* So, this new implementation does not return options, and uses type classes to handle the permutation issue.
* It also provides a number of additional features, including:
* - Prototyped config objects
* - Optional values signified by null in reference.conf
* - Deprecated config that outputs a warning if defined
* - Deprecated objects, merging values with the new value
* @param underlying The underlying Typesafe config object
private[play] class PlayConfig(val underlying: Config) {
* Get the config at the given path.
def get[A](path: String)(implicit loader: ConfigLoader[A]): A = {
loader.load(underlying, path)
* Get a prototyped sequence of objects.
* Each object in the sequence will fallback to the object loaded from prototype.$path.
def getPrototypedSeq(path: String, prototypePath: String = "prototype.$path"): Seq[PlayConfig] = {
val prototype = underlying.getConfig(prototypePath.replace("$path", path))
get[Seq[Config]](path).map { config =>
new PlayConfig(config.withFallback(prototype))
* Get a prototyped map of objects.
* Each value in the map will fallback to the object loaded from prototype.$path.
def getPrototypedMap(path: String, prototypePath: String = "prototype.$path"): Map[String, PlayConfig] = {
val prototype = if (prototypePath.isEmpty) {
} else {
underlying.getConfig(prototypePath.replace("$path", path))
get[Map[String, Config]](path).map {
case (key, config) => key -> new PlayConfig(config.withFallback(prototype))
* Get a deprecated configuration item.
* If the deprecated configuration item is defined, it will be returned, and a warning will be logged.
* Otherwise, the configuration from path will be looked up.
def getDeprecated[A: ConfigLoader](path: String, deprecatedPaths: String*): A = {
deprecatedPaths.collectFirst {
case deprecated if underlying.hasPath(deprecated) =>
reportDeprecation(path, deprecated)
}.getOrElse {
* Get a deprecated configuration.
* If the deprecated configuration is defined, it will be returned, falling back to the new configuration, and a
* warning will be logged.
* Otherwise, the configuration from path will be looked up and used as is.
def getDeprecatedWithFallback(path: String, deprecated: String, parent: String = ""): PlayConfig = {
val config = get[Config](path)
val merged = if (underlying.hasPath(deprecated)) {
reportDeprecation(path, deprecated)
} else config
new PlayConfig(merged)
* Creates a configuration error for a specific configuration key.
* For example:
* {{{
* val configuration = Configuration.load()
* throw configuration.reportError("engine.connectionUrl", "Cannot connect!")
* }}}
* @param path the configuration key, related to this error
* @param message the error message
* @param e the related exception
* @return a configuration exception
def reportError(path: String, message: String, e: Option[Throwable] = None): PlayException = {
Configuration.configError(if (underlying.hasPath(path)) underlying.getValue(path).origin else underlying.root.origin, message, e)
* Get the immediate subkeys of this configuration.
def subKeys: Set[String] = underlying.root().keySet().asScala.toSet
private[play] def reportDeprecation(path: String, deprecated: String): Unit = {
val origin = underlying.getValue(deprecated).origin
Logger.warn(s"${origin.description}: $deprecated is deprecated, use $path instead")
private[play] object PlayConfig {
def apply(underlying: Config) = new PlayConfig(underlying)
def apply(configuration: Configuration) = new PlayConfig(configuration.underlying)
* A config loader
private[play] trait ConfigLoader[A] { self =>
def load(config: Config, path: String): A
def map[B](f: A => B): ConfigLoader[B] = new ConfigLoader[B] {
def load(config: Config, path: String): B = {
f(self.load(config, path))
private[play] object ConfigLoader {
def apply[A](f: Config => String => A): ConfigLoader[A] = new ConfigLoader[A] {
def load(config: Config, path: String): A = f(config)(path)
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
private def toScala[A](as: java.util.List[A]): Seq[A] = as.asScala
implicit val stringLoader = ConfigLoader(_.getString)
implicit val seqStringLoader = ConfigLoader(_.getStringList).map(toScala)
implicit val intLoader = ConfigLoader(_.getInt)
implicit val seqIntLoader = ConfigLoader(_.getIntList).map(toScala(_).map(_.toInt))
implicit val booleanLoader = ConfigLoader(_.getBoolean)
implicit val seqBooleanLoader = ConfigLoader(_.getBooleanList).map(toScala(_).map(_.booleanValue()))
implicit val durationLoader: ConfigLoader[Duration] = ConfigLoader(config => path =>
if (!config.getIsNull(path)) FiniteDuration(config.getDuration(path, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) else Duration.Inf
implicit val finiteDurationLoader: ConfigLoader[FiniteDuration] = ConfigLoader(config => config.getDuration(_, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
.map(millis => FiniteDuration(millis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
implicit val seqFiniteDurationLoader: ConfigLoader[Seq[FiniteDuration]] = ConfigLoader(config => config.getDurationList(_, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
.map(toScala(_).map(millis => FiniteDuration(millis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)))
implicit val doubleLoader = ConfigLoader(_.getDouble)
implicit val seqDoubleLoader = ConfigLoader(_.getDoubleList).map(toScala)
implicit val longLoader = ConfigLoader(_.getLong)
implicit val seqLongLoader = ConfigLoader(_.getLongList).map(toScala)
implicit val bytesLoader = ConfigLoader(_.getMemorySize)
implicit val seqBytesLoader = ConfigLoader(_.getMemorySizeList).map(toScala)
implicit val configLoader: ConfigLoader[Config] = ConfigLoader(_.getConfig)
implicit val seqConfigLoader: ConfigLoader[Seq[Config]] = ConfigLoader(_.getConfigList).map(_.asScala)
implicit val playConfigLoader = PlayConfig(_))
implicit val seqPlayConfigLoader = PlayConfig(_)))
* Loads a value, interpreting a null value as None and any other value as Some(value).
implicit def optionLoader[A](implicit valueLoader: ConfigLoader[A]): ConfigLoader[Option[A]] = new ConfigLoader[Option[A]] {
def load(config: Config, path: String): Option[A] = {
if (config.getIsNull(path)) None else {
val value = valueLoader.load(config, path)
implicit def mapLoader[A](implicit valueLoader: ConfigLoader[A]): ConfigLoader[Map[String, A]] = new ConfigLoader[Map[String, A]] {
def load(config: Config, path: String): Map[String, A] = {
val obj = config.getObject(path)
val conf = obj.toConfig
obj.keySet() { key =>
key -> valueLoader.load(conf, key)