play.api.inject.Module.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Lightbend Inc.
package play.api.inject
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor
import play.api._
import scala.annotation.varargs
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
* A Play dependency injection module.
* Dependency injection modules can be used by Play plugins to provide bindings for JSR-330 compliant
* ApplicationLoaders. Any plugin that wants to provide components that a Play application can use may implement
* one of these.
* Providing custom modules can be done by appending their fully qualified class names to `play.modules.enabled` in
* `application.conf`, for example
* {{{
* play.modules.enabled += "com.example.FooModule"
* play.modules.enabled += "com.example.BarModule"
* }}}
* It is strongly advised that in addition to providing a module for JSR-330 DI, that plugins also provide a Scala
* trait that constructs the modules manually. This allows for use of the module without needing a runtime dependency
* injection provider.
* The `bind` methods are provided only as a DSL for specifying bindings. For example:
* {{{
* def bindings(env: Environment, conf: Configuration) = Seq(
* bind[Foo].to[FooImpl],
* bind[Bar].to(new Bar()),
* bind[Foo].qualifiedWith[SomeQualifier].to[OtherFoo]
* )
* }}}
abstract class Module {
* Get the bindings provided by this module.
* Implementations are strongly encouraged to do *nothing* in this method other than provide bindings. Startup
* should be handled in the constructors and/or providers bound in the returned bindings. Dependencies on other
* modules or components should be expressed through constructor arguments.
* The configuration and environment a provided for the purpose of producing dynamic bindings, for example, if what
* gets bound depends on some configuration, this may be read to control that.
* @param environment The environment
* @param configuration The configuration
* @return A sequence of bindings
def bindings(environment: Environment, configuration: Configuration): Seq[Binding[_]]
* Create a binding key for the given class.
final def bind[T](clazz: Class[T]): BindingKey[T] = play.api.inject.bind(clazz)
* Create a binding key for the given class.
final def bind[T: ClassTag]: BindingKey[T] = play.api.inject.bind[T]
* Create a seq.
* For Java compatibility.
final def seq(bindings: Binding[_]*): Seq[Binding[_]] = bindings
* Locates and loads modules from the Play environment.
object Modules {
private val DefaultModuleName = "Module"
* @see compare-to-play.md
* Locate the modules from the environment.
* Loads all modules specified by the play.modules.enabled property, minus the modules specified by the
* play.modules.disabled property. If the modules have constructors that take an `Environment` and a
* `Configuration`, then these constructors are called first; otherwise default constructors are called.
* @param environment The environment.
* @param configuration The configuration.
* @return A sequence of objects. This method makes no attempt to cast or check the types of the modules being loaded,
* allowing ApplicationLoader implementations to reuse the same mechanism to load modules specific to them.
def locate(environment: Environment, configuration: Configuration): Seq[Any] = {
val includes = configuration.getStringSeq("play.modules.enabled").getOrElse(Seq.empty)
val excludes = configuration.getStringSeq("play.modules.disabled").getOrElse(Seq.empty)
val moduleClassNames = includes.toSet -- excludes
// Construct the default module if it exists
// Allow users to add "Module" to the excludes to exclude even attempting to look it up
val defaultModule = if (excludes.contains(DefaultModuleName)) None else try {
val defaultModuleClass = environment.classLoader.loadClass(DefaultModuleName).asInstanceOf[Class[Any]]
Some(constructModule(environment, configuration, DefaultModuleName, () => defaultModuleClass))
} catch {
case e: ClassNotFoundException => None
moduleClassNames.map { className =>
constructModule(environment, configuration, className,
() => environment.classLoader.loadClass(className).asInstanceOf[Class[Any]])
}.toSeq ++ defaultModule
private def constructModule[T](environment: Environment, configuration: Configuration, className: String, loadModuleClass: () => Class[T]): T = {
try {
val moduleClass = loadModuleClass()
def tryConstruct(args: AnyRef*): Option[T] = {
val ctor: Option[Constructor[T]] = try {
val argTypes = args.map(_.getClass)
Some(moduleClass.getConstructor(argTypes: _*))
} catch {
case _: NoSuchMethodException => None
case _: SecurityException => None
ctor.map(_.newInstance(args: _*))
tryConstruct(environment, configuration)
// } orElse {
// tryConstruct(new JavaEnvironment(environment), new JavaConfiguration(configuration))
} orElse {
} getOrElse {
throw new PlayException("No valid constructors", "Module [" + className + "] cannot be instantiated.")
} catch {
case e: PlayException => throw e
case e: VirtualMachineError => throw e
case e: ThreadDeath => throw e
case e: Throwable => throw new PlayException(
"Cannot load module",
"Module [" + className + "] cannot be instantiated.",
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