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play.api.inject.guice.GuiceInjectorBuilder.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 2.5.3-1
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 * Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Lightbend Inc. 
package play.api.inject
package guice

import{ Modules => GuiceModules, Providers => GuiceProviders }
import{ Module => GuiceModule, Binder, Stage, CreationException, Guice }
import javax.inject.Inject
import play.api.inject.{ Binding => PlayBinding, Injector => PlayInjector, Module => PlayModule }
import play.api.{ Configuration, Environment, Mode, PlayException }
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

class GuiceLoadException(message: String) extends RuntimeException(message)

 * A builder for creating Guice-backed Play Injectors.
abstract class GuiceBuilder[Self] protected (
    environment: Environment,
    configuration: Configuration,
    modules: Seq[GuiceableModule],
    overrides: Seq[GuiceableModule],
    disabled: Seq[Class[_]],
    binderOptions: Set[BinderOption],
    eagerly: Boolean) {

  import BinderOption._

   * Set the environment.
  final def in(env: Environment): Self =
    copyBuilder(environment = env)

   * Set the environment path.
  final def in(path: File): Self =
    copyBuilder(environment = environment.copy(rootPath = path))

   * Set the environment mode.
  final def in(mode: Mode.Mode): Self =
    copyBuilder(environment = environment.copy(mode = mode))

   * Set the environment class loader.
  final def in(classLoader: ClassLoader): Self =
    copyBuilder(environment = environment.copy(classLoader = classLoader))

   * Set the dependency initialization to eager.
  final def eagerlyLoaded(): Self =
    copyBuilder(eagerly = true)

   * Add additional configuration.
  final def configure(conf: Configuration): Self =
    copyBuilder(configuration = configuration ++ conf)

   * Add additional configuration.
  final def configure(conf: Map[String, Any]): Self =

   * Add additional configuration.
  final def configure(conf: (String, Any)*): Self =

  private def withBinderOption(opt: BinderOption, enabled: Boolean = false): Self = {
    copyBuilder(binderOptions = if (enabled) binderOptions + opt else binderOptions - opt)

   * Disable circular proxies on the Guice Binder. Without this option, Guice will try to proxy interfaces/traits to
   * break a circular dependency.
   * Circular proxies are disabled by default.  Use disableCircularProxies(false) to allow circular proxies.
  final def disableCircularProxies(disable: Boolean = true): Self =
    withBinderOption(DisableCircularProxies, disable)

   * Requires that Guice finds an exactly matching binding annotation.
   * Disables the error-prone feature in Guice where it can substitute a binding for @Named Foo when injecting @Named("foo") Foo.
   * This option is disabled by default.``
  final def requireExactBindingAnnotations(require: Boolean = true): Self =
    withBinderOption(RequireExactBindingAnnotations, require)

   * Require @Inject on constructors (even default constructors).
   * This option is disabled by default.
  final def requireAtInjectOnConstructors(require: Boolean = true): Self =
    withBinderOption(RequireAtInjectOnConstructors, require)

   * Instructs the injector to only inject classes that are explicitly bound in a module.
   * This option is disabled by default.
  final def requireExplicitBindings(require: Boolean = true): Self =
    withBinderOption(RequireExplicitBindings, require)

   * Add Guice modules, Play modules, or Play bindings.
   * @see [[GuiceableModuleConversions]] for the automatically available implicit
   *      conversions to [[GuiceableModule]] from modules and bindings.
  final def bindings(bindModules: GuiceableModule*): Self =
    copyBuilder(modules = modules ++ bindModules)

   * Override bindings using Guice modules, Play modules, or Play bindings.
   * @see [[GuiceableModuleConversions]] for the automatically available implicit
   *      conversions to [[GuiceableModule]] from modules and bindings.
  final def overrides(overrideModules: GuiceableModule*): Self =
    copyBuilder(overrides = overrides ++ overrideModules)

   * Disable modules by class.
  final def disable(moduleClasses: Class[_]*): Self =
    copyBuilder(disabled = disabled ++ moduleClasses)

   * Disable module by class.
  final def disable[T](implicit tag: ClassTag[T]): Self = disable(tag.runtimeClass)

   * Create a Play Injector backed by Guice using this configured builder.
  def applicationModule(): GuiceModule = createModule()

   * Creation of the Guice Module used by the injector.
   * Libraries like Guiceberry and Jukito that want to handle injector creation may find this helpful.
  def createModule(): GuiceModule = {
    import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
    val injectorModule = GuiceableModule.guice(Seq(
      // Java API injector is bound here so that it's available in both
      // the default application loader and the Java Guice builders
    ), binderOptions)
    val enabledModules =
    val bindingModules = GuiceableModule.guiced(environment, configuration, binderOptions)(enabledModules) :+ injectorModule
    val overrideModules = GuiceableModule.guiced(environment, configuration, binderOptions)(overrides)

   * Create a Play Injector backed by Guice using this configured builder.
  def injector(): PlayInjector = {
    try {
      val stage = environment.mode match {
        case Mode.Prod => Stage.PRODUCTION
        case _ if eagerly => Stage.PRODUCTION
        case _ => Stage.DEVELOPMENT
      val guiceInjector = Guice.createInjector(stage, applicationModule())
    } catch {
      case e: CreationException => e.getCause match {
        case p: PlayException => throw p
        case _ => {
          e.getErrorMessages.asScala.foreach(_.getCause match {
            case p: PlayException => throw p
            case _ => // do nothing
          throw e

   * Internal copy method with defaults.
  private def copyBuilder(
    environment: Environment = environment,
    configuration: Configuration = configuration,
    modules: Seq[GuiceableModule] = modules,
    overrides: Seq[GuiceableModule] = overrides,
    disabled: Seq[Class[_]] = disabled,
    binderOptions: Set[BinderOption] = binderOptions,
    eagerly: Boolean = eagerly): Self =
    newBuilder(environment, configuration, modules, overrides, disabled, binderOptions, eagerly)

   * Create a new Self for this immutable builder.
   * Provided by builder implementations.
  protected def newBuilder(
    environment: Environment,
    configuration: Configuration,
    modules: Seq[GuiceableModule],
    overrides: Seq[GuiceableModule],
    disabled: Seq[Class[_]],
    binderOptions: Set[BinderOption],
    eagerly: Boolean): Self


 * Default empty builder for creating Guice-backed Injectors.
final class GuiceInjectorBuilder(
  environment: Environment = Environment.simple(),
  configuration: Configuration = Configuration.empty,
  modules: Seq[GuiceableModule] = Seq.empty,
  overrides: Seq[GuiceableModule] = Seq.empty,
  disabled: Seq[Class[_]] = Seq.empty,
  binderOptions: Set[BinderOption] = BinderOption.defaults,
  eagerly: Boolean = false) extends GuiceBuilder[GuiceInjectorBuilder](
  environment, configuration, modules, overrides, disabled, binderOptions, eagerly
) {

  // extra constructor for creating from Java
  def this() = this(environment = Environment.simple())

   * Create a Play Injector backed by Guice using this configured builder.
  def build(): PlayInjector = injector()

  protected def newBuilder(
    environment: Environment,
    configuration: Configuration,
    modules: Seq[GuiceableModule],
    overrides: Seq[GuiceableModule],
    disabled: Seq[Class[_]],
    binderOptions: Set[BinderOption],
    eagerly: Boolean): GuiceInjectorBuilder =
    new GuiceInjectorBuilder(environment, configuration, modules, overrides, disabled, binderOptions, eagerly)

 * Magnet pattern for creating Guice modules from Play modules or bindings.
trait GuiceableModule {
  def guiced(env: Environment, conf: Configuration, binderOptions: Set[BinderOption]): Seq[GuiceModule]
  def disable(classes: Seq[Class[_]]): GuiceableModule

 * Loading and converting Guice modules.
object GuiceableModule extends GuiceableModuleConversions {

  def loadModules(environment: Environment, configuration: Configuration): Seq[GuiceableModule] = {
    Modules.locate(environment, configuration) map guiceable

   * Attempt to convert a module of unknown type to a GuiceableModule.
  def guiceable(module: Any): GuiceableModule = module match {
    case playModule: PlayModule => fromPlayModule(playModule)
    case guiceModule: GuiceModule => fromGuiceModule(guiceModule)
    case unknown => throw new PlayException(
      "Unknown module type",
      s"Module [$unknown] is not a Play module or a Guice module"

   * Apply GuiceableModules to create Guice modules.
  def guiced(env: Environment, conf: Configuration, binderOptions: Set[BinderOption])(builders: Seq[GuiceableModule]): Seq[GuiceModule] =
    builders flatMap { module => module.guiced(env, conf, binderOptions) }


 * Implicit conversions to GuiceableModules.
trait GuiceableModuleConversions {

  import scala.language.implicitConversions

  implicit def fromGuiceModule(guiceModule: GuiceModule): GuiceableModule = fromGuiceModules(Seq(guiceModule))

  implicit def fromGuiceModules(guiceModules: Seq[GuiceModule]): GuiceableModule = new GuiceableModule {
    def guiced(env: Environment, conf: Configuration, binderOptions: Set[BinderOption]): Seq[GuiceModule] = guiceModules
    def disable(classes: Seq[Class[_]]): GuiceableModule = fromGuiceModules(filterOut(classes, guiceModules))
    override def toString = s"GuiceableModule(${guiceModules.mkString(", ")})"

  implicit def fromPlayModule(playModule: PlayModule): GuiceableModule = fromPlayModules(Seq(playModule))

  implicit def fromPlayModules(playModules: Seq[PlayModule]): GuiceableModule = new GuiceableModule {
    def guiced(env: Environment, conf: Configuration, binderOptions: Set[BinderOption]): Seq[GuiceModule] =, conf, binderOptions))
    def disable(classes: Seq[Class[_]]): GuiceableModule = fromPlayModules(filterOut(classes, playModules))
    override def toString = s"GuiceableModule(${playModules.mkString(", ")})"

  implicit def fromPlayBinding(binding: PlayBinding[_]): GuiceableModule = fromPlayBindings(Seq(binding))

  implicit def fromPlayBindings(bindings: Seq[PlayBinding[_]]): GuiceableModule = new GuiceableModule {
    def guiced(env: Environment, conf: Configuration, binderOptions: Set[BinderOption]): Seq[GuiceModule] =
      Seq(guice(bindings, binderOptions))
    def disable(classes: Seq[Class[_]]): GuiceableModule = this // no filtering
    override def toString = s"GuiceableModule(${bindings.mkString(", ")})"

  private def filterOut[A](classes: Seq[Class[_]], instances: Seq[A]): Seq[A] =
    instances.filterNot(o => classes.exists(_.isAssignableFrom(o.getClass)))

   * Convert the given Play module to a Guice module.
  def guice(env: Environment, conf: Configuration, binderOptions: Set[BinderOption])(module: PlayModule): GuiceModule =
    guice(module.bindings(env, conf), binderOptions)

   * Convert the given Play bindings to a Guice module.
  def guice(bindings: Seq[PlayBinding[_]], binderOptions: Set[BinderOption]): GuiceModule = {
    new {
      def configure(): Unit = {
        for (b <- bindings) {
          val binding = b.asInstanceOf[PlayBinding[Any]]
          val builder = binder().withSource(binding).bind(GuiceKey(binding.key))
            case ProviderTarget(provider) => builder.toProvider(GuiceProviders.guicify(provider))
            case ProviderConstructionTarget(provider) => builder.toProvider(provider)
            case ConstructionTarget(implementation) =>
            case BindingKeyTarget(key) =>
          (binding.scope, binding.eager) match {
            case (Some(scope), false) =>
            case (None, true) => builder.asEagerSingleton()
            case (Some(scope), true) => throw new GuiceLoadException("A binding must either declare a scope or be eager: " + binding)
            case _ => // do nothing


sealed abstract class BinderOption(configureBinder: Binder => Unit) extends (Binder => Unit) {
  def apply(b: Binder) = configureBinder(b)
object BinderOption {
  val defaults: Set[BinderOption] = Set(DisableCircularProxies)

  case object DisableCircularProxies extends BinderOption(_.disableCircularProxies)
  case object RequireAtInjectOnConstructors extends BinderOption(_.requireAtInjectOnConstructors)
  case object RequireExactBindingAnnotations extends BinderOption(_.requireExactBindingAnnotations)
  case object RequireExplicitBindings extends BinderOption(_.requireExplicitBindings)

 * Conversion from Play BindingKey to Guice Key.
object GuiceKey {

  def apply[T](key: BindingKey[T]): Key[T] = {
    key.qualifier match {
      case Some(QualifierInstance(instance)) => Key.get(key.clazz, instance)
      case Some(QualifierClass(clazz)) => Key.get(key.clazz, clazz)
      case None => Key.get(key.clazz)

 * Play Injector backed by a Guice Injector.
class GuiceInjector @Inject() (injector: extends PlayInjector {
   * Get an instance of the given class from the injector.
  def instanceOf[T](implicit ct: ClassTag[T]) = instanceOf(ct.runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[T]])

   * Get an instance of the given class from the injector.
  def instanceOf[T](clazz: Class[T]) = injector.getInstance(clazz)

   * Get an instance bound to the given binding key.
  def instanceOf[T](key: BindingKey[T]) = injector.getInstance(GuiceKey(key))

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