play.utils.Reflect.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Lightbend Inc.
package play.utils
import play.api.{ PlayConfig, Environment, PlayException }
import play.api.inject.{ BindingKey, Binding }
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
object Reflect {
* Lookup the given key from the given configuration, and provide bindings for the ScalaTrait to a class by that key.
* The end goal is to provide a binding for `ScalaTrait`. The logic for finding the implementation goes like this:
* - If the value of the configured key is `provided`, this indicates the user will provide their own binding, so
* return nothing.
* - If the value of the configured key is a class that exists, then use that
* - If the value of the configured key is not a class that exists, fail
* - Otherwise if no configuration value is found for key, then if there is a class found with name `defaultClassName`, use that
* - Otherwise, use the class `Default`
* If a class has been located, convert that to a binding, by the following rules:
* - If it's a subclass of `ScalaTrait` bind it directly
* - Otherwise, if it's a subclass of `JavaInterface`, bind that to `JavaInterface`, and then also return a binding
* of `JavaAdapter` to `ScalaTrait`
* - Otherwise, fail
* @param environment The environment to load classes from
* @param config The configuration
* @param key The key to look up the classname from the configuration
* @tparam ScalaTrait The trait to bind
* @tparam JavaInterface The Java interface for Java versions of the implementation
* @tparam JavaAdapter An adapter class that depends on `JavaInterface` and provides `ScalaTrait`
* @tparam JavaDelegate An implementation of `JavaInterface` that delegates to `ScalaTrait`, for when the configured
* class is not an instance of `JavaInterface`.
* @tparam Default The default implementation of `ScalaTrait` if no user implementation has been provided
* @return Zero or more bindings to provide `ScalaTrait`
def bindingsFromConfiguration[ScalaTrait, JavaInterface, JavaAdapter <: ScalaTrait, JavaDelegate <: JavaInterface, Default <: ScalaTrait](
environment: Environment, config: PlayConfig, key: String, defaultClassName: String)(implicit scalaTrait: SubClassOf[ScalaTrait],
javaInterface: SubClassOf[JavaInterface], javaAdapter: ClassTag[JavaAdapter], javaDelegate: ClassTag[JavaDelegate], default: ClassTag[Default]): Seq[Binding[_]] = {
def bind[T: SubClassOf]: BindingKey[T] = BindingKey(implicitly[SubClassOf[T]].runtimeClass)
configuredClass[ScalaTrait, JavaInterface, Default](environment, config, key, defaultClassName) match {
// Directly implements the scala trait
case Some(Left(direct)) =>
// Implements the java interface
case Some(Right(java)) =>
case None => Nil
* Lookup the given key from the given configuration, and load it either as an instance of ScalaTrait, or JavaInterface.
* If no user provided class can be found, then return Default.
* - If the value of the configured key is `provided`, this indicates the user will provide their own binding, so
* return None.
* - If the value of the configured key is a class that exists, then use that
* - If the value of the configured key is not a class that exists, fail
* - Otherwise if no configuration value is found for key, then if there is a class found with name `defaultClassName`, use that
* - Otherwise, use the class `Default`
* If a class has been located, then return Some, according to the following rules:
* - If it's a subclass of `ScalaTrait` return that as Left
* - Otherwise, if it's a subclass of `JavaInterface`, return that as Right
* - Otherwise, fail
* @param environment The environment to load classes from
* @param config The configuration
* @param key The key to look up the classname from the configuration
* @tparam ScalaTrait The Scala trait to return
* @tparam JavaInterface The Java interface for Java versions of the implementation
* @tparam Default The default implementation of `ScalaTrait` if no user implementation has been provided
def configuredClass[ScalaTrait, JavaInterface, Default <: ScalaTrait](
environment: Environment, config: PlayConfig, key: String, defaultClassName: String)(implicit scalaTrait: SubClassOf[ScalaTrait],
javaInterface: SubClassOf[JavaInterface], default: ClassTag[Default]): Option[Either[Class[_ <: ScalaTrait], Class[_ <: JavaInterface]]] = {
def loadClass(className: String, notFoundFatal: Boolean): Option[Class[_]] = {
try {
} catch {
case e: ClassNotFoundException if !notFoundFatal => None
case e: VirtualMachineError => throw e
case e: ThreadDeath => throw e
case e: Throwable =>
throw new PlayException(s"Cannot load $key", s"$key [$className] was not loaded.", e)
val maybeClass = config.get[Option[String]](key) match {
// If provided, don't bind anything
case Some("provided") => None
// If empty, use the default
case None =>
// If no value, load the default class name, but if it's not found, then fallback to the default class
loadClass(defaultClassName, notFoundFatal = false)
// If a value, load that class
case Some(className) => loadClass(className, notFoundFatal = true)
} {
// Directly implements the scala trait
case scalaTrait(scalaClass) =>
// Implements the java interface
case javaInterface(java) =>
case unknown =>
throw new PlayException(s"Cannot load $key", s"$key [${unknown.getClass}}] does not implement ${scalaTrait.runtimeClass} or ${javaInterface.runtimeClass}.")
def createInstance[T: ClassTag](fqcn: String, classLoader: ClassLoader): T = {
try {
createInstance(getClass(fqcn, classLoader))
} catch {
case e: VirtualMachineError => throw e
case e: ThreadDeath => throw e
case e: Throwable =>
val name = simpleName(implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass)
throw new PlayException(s"Cannot load $name", s"$name [$fqcn] cannot be instantiated.", e)
def getClass[T: ClassTag](fqcn: String, classLoader: ClassLoader): Class[_ <: T] = {
val c = Class.forName(fqcn, false, classLoader).asInstanceOf[Class[_ <: T]]
val t = implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass
if (t.isAssignableFrom(c)) c
else throw new ClassCastException(t + " is not assignable from " + c)
def createInstance[T: ClassTag](clazz: Class[_]): T = {
val o = clazz.newInstance
val t = implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass
if (t.isInstance(o)) o.asInstanceOf[T]
else throw new ClassCastException(clazz.getName + " is not an instance of " + t)
def simpleName(clazz: Class[_]): String = {
val name = clazz.getName
name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1)
class SubClassOf[T](val runtimeClass: Class[T]) {
def unapply(clazz: Class[_]): Option[Class[_ <: T]] = {
if (runtimeClass.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
Some(clazz.asInstanceOf[Class[_ <: T]])
} else {
object SubClassOf {
implicit def provide[T: ClassTag]: SubClassOf[T] =
new SubClassOf[T](implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[T]])
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