extension.extension_es.properties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# Resource Bundle for Backend Texts/Messages
# __ldi.translation.uuid=afbb3110-cd80-11ea-8b6e-0800200c9a66
# YMSG : Message other than an instruction
# YINS : Instruction for a user, for example, a permanent text on a screen that introduces a group of fields.
# XTOL : Explanatory text for an UI element, such as a tooltip, input help.
# XFLD : Label for a component other than buttons and titles; sample components: column heading
# XBUT : Button
# XMIT : Menu item, either top-level like "File" or lower-level like "Save as..."
# XLST : Item in an enumeration, such as a list or a drop-down list
# XTIT : Title(or heading) of a non-actionable user interface element, for example, a column title, wizard title, or screen area title.
# XLNK : Hyperlink
# XGRP : Group header or table section header
# XSEL : Selection, Values in a drop-down list, or a status. For example: "In Process", "Shipped" or "Open"
# XCKL : Checkbox
# XRBL : Radio button
# XACT : Text with explicit importance for accessibility (sounds like cross-classification since,
# for example, and "alt" text for a HTML-related image may be an "explanation" with special relevance for accessibility)
#--------------------------------------------- START of Recommended Pattern ---------------------------------------------#
#If there is a maximum length restriction, please indicate as shown below.
#Alphabetical ordering is recommended, to avoid the duplicate message keys!!
#--------------------------------------------- END of Recommended Pattern -----------------------------------------------#
#YMSG: Unsafe characters message
UNSAFE_CHAR_MESSAGE={0} Contiene caracteres no seguros.
#YMSG : Message to indicate that destination cannot be accessed.
DESTINATION_NOT_FOUND=No se puede acceder al destino en este momento. Inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.
#YMSG: Message to specify that target system is responding within expected time.
TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION=No se puede ejecutar. El sistema de destino tarda demasiado en responder. Inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.
#YMSG: Message to specify that the response from Remote Handler could not be processed
FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES=La respuesta prevista de la extensión remota no es correcta.
#YMSG: Message to specify that the internal server error has occurred.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR=Se produjo un error del servidor interno.
#YMSG: Message to specify Error in Generic Handler
PROCESS_REQUEST_ERROR=Falló el procesamiento de la solicitud, debido a un error del servidor interno. Inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.