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package com.sceyt.chatuikit.persistence.dao
import androidx.sqlite.db.SimpleSQLiteQuery
import com.sceyt.chatuikit.SceytChatUIKit
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
interface ChannelDao {
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
suspend fun insertChannel(channel: ChannelEntity): Long
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
suspend fun insertChannels(channel: List)
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
suspend fun insertChannelsAndLinks(channels: List, userChatLinks: List)
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
fun insertChannelAndLinks(channels: ChannelEntity, userChatLinks: List)
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
fun insertUserChatLinks(userChatLinks: List): List
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
suspend fun insertUserChatLink(userChatLink: UserChatLink): Long
@Query("select * from channels where userRole !=:ignoreRole and (not pending or lastMessageTid != 0) " +
"order by " +
"case when pinnedAt > 0 then pinnedAt end desc," +
"case when lastMessageAt is not null then lastMessageAt end desc, createdAt desc limit :limit offset :offset")
suspend fun getChannels(limit: Int, offset: Int, ignoreRole: String = RoleTypeEnum.None.value): List
@Query("select * from channels where subject LIKE '%' || :query || '%' and (not pending or lastMessageTid != 0) " +
"order by " +
"case when pinnedAt > 0 then pinnedAt end desc," +
"case when lastMessageAt is not null then lastMessageAt end desc, createdAt desc limit :limit offset :offset")
suspend fun getChannelsBySubject(limit: Int, offset: Int, query: String): List
@Query("select * from channels " +
"left join UserChatLink as link on link.chat_id = channels.chat_id " +
"where ((subject like '%' || :query || '%' and (not pending or lastMessageTid != 0) and type <> :directType " +
"and (case when :onlyMine then channels.userRole <> '' else 1 end)) " +
"or (type =:directType and (link.user_id in (:userIds) or isSelf and link.user_id like '%' || :query || '%'))) " +
"group by channels.chat_id " +
"order by " +
"case when pinnedAt > 0 then pinnedAt end desc," +
"case when lastMessageAt is not null then lastMessageAt end desc, createdAt desc limit :limit offset :offset")
suspend fun getChannelsByQueryAndUserIds(query: String, userIds: List, limit: Int, offset: Int, onlyMine: Boolean,
directType: String = ChannelTypeEnum.Direct.value): List
suspend fun searchChannelsRaw(query: SimpleSQLiteQuery): List
@Query("select * from channels where chat_id =:id")
suspend fun getChannelById(id: Long): ChannelDb?
@Query("select * from channels where chat_id in (:ids)")
suspend fun getChannelsById(ids: List): List
@Query("select * from UserChatLink where user_id =:userId")
suspend fun getUserChannelLinksByPeerId(userId: String): List
suspend fun getChannelByPeerId(peerId: String): List {
val links = getUserChannelLinksByPeerId(peerId)
return getChannelsById( { it.chatId })
@Query("select * from channels join UserChatLink as link on link.chat_id = channels.chat_id " +
"where link.user_id =:peerId and type =:directType")
suspend fun getDirectChannel(peerId: String,
directType: String = ChannelTypeEnum.Direct.value): ChannelDb?
@Query("select * from channels join (select chat_id from UserChatLink where user_id =:myId " +
"group by chat_id having count(*) = 1) as links on links.chat_id = channels.chat_id " +
"where channels.type = :directType ")
suspend fun getDirectChannelsWhereMemberOnlyMe(
myId: String? = SceytChatUIKit.chatUIFacade.myId,
directType: String = ChannelTypeEnum.Direct.value): List
@Query("select * from channels where isSelf = 1")
suspend fun getSelfChannel(): ChannelDb?
@Query("select chat_id from channels where chat_id not in (:ids) and pending != 1")
suspend fun getNotExistingChannelIdsByIds(ids: List): List
@Query("select chat_id from channels")
suspend fun getAllChannelsIds(): List
@Query("select lastMessageTid from channels where chat_id in (:ids)")
suspend fun getChannelsLastMessageTIds(ids: List): List
@Query("select lastMessageTid from channels where chat_id = :id")
suspend fun getChannelLastMessageTid(id: Long): Long?
@Query("select sum(newMessageCount) from channels")
fun getTotalUnreadCountAsFlow(): Flow
@Query("select count(chat_id) from channels")
suspend fun getAllChannelsCount(): Int
@Query("select messageRetentionPeriod from channels where chat_id = :channelId")
suspend fun getRetentionPeriodByChannelId(channelId: Long): Long
suspend fun updateChannel(channelEntity: ChannelEntity)
@Query("update channels set subject =:subject, avatarUrl =:avatarUrl where chat_id= :channelId")
suspend fun updateChannelSubjectAndAvatarUrl(channelId: Long, subject: String?, avatarUrl: String?)
@Query("update channels set lastMessageTid =:lastMessageTid, lastMessageAt =:lastMessageAt where chat_id= :channelId")
suspend fun updateLastMessage(channelId: Long, lastMessageTid: Long?, lastMessageAt: Long?)
@Query("update channels set lastMessageTid =:lastMessageTid, lastMessageAt =:lastMessageAt," +
"lastDisplayedMessageId =:lastMessageId where chat_id= :channelId")
suspend fun updateLastMessageWithLastRead(channelId: Long, lastMessageTid: Long?, lastMessageId: Long?, lastMessageAt: Long?)
@Query("update channels set newMessageCount =:count, unread = 0 where chat_id= :channelId")
suspend fun updateUnreadCount(channelId: Long, count: Int)
@Query("update channels set memberCount =:count where chat_id= :channelId")
suspend fun updateMemberCount(channelId: Long, count: Int)
@Query("update channels set muted =:muted, mutedTill =:muteUntil where chat_id =:channelId")
suspend fun updateMuteState(channelId: Long, muted: Boolean, muteUntil: Long? = 0)
@Query("update channels set messageRetentionPeriod =:period where chat_id =:channelId")
suspend fun updateAutoDeleteState(channelId: Long, period: Long)
@Query("update channels set pinnedAt =:pinnedAt where chat_id =:channelId")
suspend fun updatePinState(channelId: Long, pinnedAt: Long?)
@Query("update channels set userRole =:role where chat_id =:channelId")
suspend fun updateUserRole(channelId: Long, role: String)
@Query("delete from channels where chat_id =:channelId")
suspend fun deleteChannel(channelId: Long)
@Query("delete from UserChatLink where chat_id =:channelId and user_id in (:userIds)")
suspend fun deleteUserChatLinks(channelId: Long, vararg userIds: String)
@Query("delete from UserChatLink where chat_id =:channelId")
suspend fun deleteChatLinks(channelId: Long)
@Query("delete from UserChatLink where chat_id =:channelId and user_id != :exceptUserId")
suspend fun deleteChatLinksExceptUser(channelId: Long, exceptUserId: String)
suspend fun deleteChannelAndLinks(channelId: Long) {