sirius.kernel.commons.Strings Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Made with all the love in the world
* by scireum in Remshalden, Germany
* Copyright by scireum GmbH
* http://www.scireum.de - [email protected]
package sirius.kernel.commons;
import com.google.common.base.Charsets;
import com.google.common.base.Objects;
import sirius.kernel.health.Exceptions;
import sirius.kernel.nls.NLS;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Provides various helper methods for dealing with Java Strings
* The {@link Value} class provides some additional methods for working with nullable strings like
* {@link Value#left(int)}, {@link Value#toLowerCase()} etc.
* This class can and should not be instantiated, as all methods are static.
* @see Value
public class Strings {
* Contains all characters which can safely be used for codes without too much confusion (e.g. 0 vs O are
* excluded).
private static final char[] VALID_CODE_CHARS = {'1',
private static Map unicodeMapping = new TreeMap<>();
static {
translateRange(0x00C0, "A", "A", "A", "A", "AE", "A", "AE", "C", "E", "E", "E", "E", "I", "I", "I", "I");
translateRange(0x00D0, "D", "N", "O", "O", "O", "O", "OE", null, null, "U", "U", "U", "UE", "Y", null, "ss");
translateRange(0x00E0, "a", "a", "a", "a", "ae", "a", "ae", "c", "e", "e", "e", "e", "i", "i", "i", "i");
translateRange(0x00F0, null, "n", "o", "o", "o", "o", "oe", null, null, "u", "u", "u", "ue", "y", null, "y");
translateRange(0x0130, null, null, "IJ", "ij", "J", "j", "K", "k", "k", "L", "l", "L", "l", "L", "l", "L");
* All methods are static, therefore no instances need to be created.
private Strings() {
* Checks if the string representation of the given object is "" or null.
* @param string the object which is to be checked
* @return true if string is null or "", false otherwise
public static boolean isEmpty(@Nullable Object string) {
if (string == null) {
return true;
return string.toString() == null || string.toString().isEmpty();
* Checks if the string representation of the given object is neither "" nor null.
* @param string the object which is to be checked
* @return true if string is not null and not "", false otherwise
public static boolean isFilled(@Nullable Object string) {
if (string == null) {
return false;
return string.toString() != null && !string.toString().isEmpty();
* Compares the given Strings while treating upper- and lowercase characters as equal.
* This is essentially the same as {@code left.equalsIgnoreCase(right)}
* while gracefully handling null values.
* @param left the first string to be compared
* @param right the second string to be compared with
* @return true if both values are empty or if both strings are equal
* while ignoring their case - false otherwise
public static boolean equalIgnoreCase(@Nullable String left, @Nullable String right) {
if (isEmpty(left)) {
return isEmpty(right);
return left.equalsIgnoreCase(right);
* Compares the given Strings just like {@link String#compareTo(String)}
* but with graceful handling for null values.
* @param left the first string to be compared
* @param right the second string to be compared with
* @return true if both values are empty or if both strings are equal - false otherwise
public static boolean areEqual(@Nullable Object left, @Nullable Object right) {
if (isEmpty(left) && isEmpty(right)) {
return true;
return Objects.equal(left, right);
* Returns a string representation of the given object while gracefully handling null values.
* Internally this method calls {@link Object#toString()}. For locale aware or locale fixed methods,
* {@link sirius.kernel.nls.NLS#toUserString(Object)} and
* {@link sirius.kernel.nls.NLS#toMachineString(Object)} can be used.
* @param object the object to be converted to string.
* @return the string representation of the given object or null if object was null.
public static String toString(@Nullable Object object) {
return object == null ? null : object.toString();
* Formats the given pattern string format with the given arguments.
* This is just a delegate to {@link String#format(String, Object...)}. It is however defined in this class to
* forces all framework parts to use the same formatting mechanism (and not MessageFormat etc.).
* This method is intended to be used for format short strings or non-translated log messages etc. For more
* complex messages and especially for translated strings, a {@link sirius.kernel.nls.Formatter} should be
* used.
* @param format the format pattern to be used
* @param arguments the parameters for be used for replacement
* @return a formatted string as defined in String#format
* @see String#format(String, Object...)
* @see sirius.kernel.nls.Formatter
* @see sirius.kernel.nls.NLS#fmtr(String)
public static String apply(String format, Object... arguments) {
return arguments.length == 0 ? format : String.format(format, arguments);
* Returns the first non empty value of the given array.
* This can be used to provide a default value or to check several sources for a value, e.g.:
* {@code
* String s = Strings.firstFilled(System.getProperty("foo.test"),
* System.getProperty("test"),
* "default");
* }
* @param values an array of string values to be scanned
* @return the first value of values which is filled.
* Returns null if all are empty or if no values where passed in
public static String firstFilled(String... values) {
if (values != null) {
for (String s : values) {
if (isFilled(s)) {
return s;
return null;
* Returns an url encoded representation of the given value with UTF-8 as character encoding.
* @param value the value to be encoded.
* @return an url encoded representation of value, using UTF-8 as character encoding.
public static String urlEncode(@Nullable String value) {
if (isFilled(value)) {
try {
return URLEncoder.encode(value, Charsets.UTF_8.name());
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// Cannot happen if Java-Version is > 1.4....
return value;
* Splits the given string at the first occurrence of the separator.
* If the given input is empty, a tuple with null as first and second component will be returned.
* @param input the input to be split
* @param separator the separator used to split at
* @return a Tuple containing the part before the separator as first
* and the part after the separator as second component
public static Tuple split(String input, String separator) {
Tuple result = Tuple.create();
if (isFilled(input)) {
int idx = input.indexOf(separator);
if (idx > -1) {
result.setFirst(input.substring(0, idx));
result.setSecond(input.substring(idx + separator.length()));
} else {
return result;
* Splits the given string at the last occurrence of the separator.
* If the given input is empty, a tuple with null as first and second component will be returned.
* @param input the input to be split
* @param separator the separator used to split at
* @return a Tuple containing the part before the separator as first
* and the part after the separator as second component
public static Tuple splitAtLast(String input, String separator) {
Tuple result = Tuple.create();
if (isFilled(input)) {
int idx = input.lastIndexOf(separator);
if (idx > -1) {
result.setFirst(input.substring(0, idx));
result.setSecond(input.substring(idx + separator.length()));
} else {
return result;
* Limits the length of the given string to the given length.
* @param input the object which string representation should be limited to the given length
* @param length the max. number of characters to return
* @return a part of the string representation of the given input. If input is shorter
* than length, the full value is returned. If input is null, "" is returned.
public static String limit(@Nullable Object input, int length) {
return limit(input, length, false);
* Limits the length of the given string to the given length.
* @param input the object which string representation should be limited to the given length
* @param length the max. number of characters to return
* @param showEllipsis whether to append three dots if input is longer than length
* @return a part of the string representation of the given input. If input is shorter
* than length, the full value is returned. If input is null, "" is returned.
public static String limit(@Nullable Object input, int length, boolean showEllipsis) {
if (isEmpty(input)) {
return "";
String str = String.valueOf(input).trim();
if (str.length() > length) {
return str.substring(0, length) + (showEllipsis ? "…" : "");
} else {
return str;
* Returns a string representation of the given map.
* Keys and values are separated by a colon (:) and entries by a new line.
* @param source to map to be converted to a string
* @return a string representation of the given map, or "" if the map was null
public static String join(@Nullable Map, ?> source) {
if (source == null) {
return "";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Map.Entry, ?> entry : source.entrySet()) {
sb.append(": ");
return sb.toString();
* Returns a string concatenation of the given lists items.
* Generates a string which contains the string representation of each item separated by the given separator.
* The conversion method for the list items used is {@link NLS#toMachineString(Object)}. This method will filter
* empty values ("" or null) and ignore those.
* @param list the list items to join
* @param separator the separator to place between the items
* @return a string of all items joined together and separated by the given separator. Returns "" is the list was
* null or empty.
public static String join(@Nullable Iterable> list, @Nonnull String separator) {
if (list == null) {
return "";
StringBuilder result = null;
for (Object item : list) {
if (Strings.isEmpty(item)) {
if (result != null) {
} else {
result = new StringBuilder();
return result != null ? result.toString() : "";
* Returns a string concatenation of the given array items.
* Generates a string which contains the string representation of each item separated by the given separator.
* This method will filter empty values ("" or null) and ignore those.
* @param separator the separator to place between the items
* @param parts the array of items to join
* @return a string of all items joined together and separated by the given separator. Returns "" is the array was
* empty.
public static String join(@Nonnull String separator, @Nonnull String... parts) {
return join(Arrays.asList(parts), separator);
* Generates a random password with 7 characters length.
* @return a randomly generated password.
public static String generatePassword() {
return generateCode(7);
* Generates a string of the given length, containing random character.
* @param length the desired length of the generated string.
* @return a string with the given length, consisting of random characters.
public static String generateCode(int length) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
SecureRandom rnd = new SecureRandom();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
return sb.toString();
* Replaces german umlauts to HTML entities as some email clients fail otherwise. Using UTF-8 as encoding this
* shouldn't normally be necessary and is just there to support legacy software.
* @param input the input to escape
* @return a string where all known (supported) umlauts are replaced by HTML entities
public static String replaceUmlautsToHtml(String input) {
String textToReplace = input;
textToReplace = textToReplace.replace("ö", "ö");
textToReplace = textToReplace.replace("ä", "ä");
textToReplace = textToReplace.replace("ü", "ü");
textToReplace = textToReplace.replace("ß", "ß");
textToReplace = textToReplace.replace("Ö", "Ö");
textToReplace = textToReplace.replace("Ä", "Ä");
textToReplace = textToReplace.replace("Ü", "Ü");
return textToReplace;
private static void translateRange(int offset, String... replacements) {
int index = offset;
for (String replacement : replacements) {
if (replacement != null) {
unicodeMapping.put(index, replacement);
* Removes all umlauts and other decorated latin characters.
* @param term the term to reduce characters in
* @return the term with all decorated latin characters replaced
public static String reduceCharacters(String term) {
if (Strings.isEmpty(term)) {
return term;
StringBuilder result = null;
for (int i = 0; i < term.length(); ++i) {
String replacement = unicodeMapping.get(term.codePointAt(i));
if (replacement == null) {
if (result != null) {
} else {
if (result == null) {
result = new StringBuilder().append(term, 0, i);
return result == null ? term : result.toString();
* Returns a trimmed version of the given object's string representation.
* And empty string '' will always be null.
* @param object the input to be converted into a string and then trimmed
* @return a trimmed version of the string representation of the given object.
* Returns null if an empty string was given.
public static String trim(Object object) {
if (isEmpty(object)) {
return null;
return object.toString().trim();
* shortens a string to the given number of chars, cutting of at most half of the string and adding ... if
* something
* has been cut of.
* @param string string to be cut of
* @param numChars new maximum length of string
* @return the shortened string
public static String shorten(String string, int numChars) {
if (isEmpty(string)) {
return "";
if (string.length() <= numChars) {
return string;
int index = numChars - 1;
int maxCutoff = Math.min(string.length() / 2, 10);
while (numChars > 0 && Character.isLetterOrDigit(string.charAt(index)) && maxCutoff > 0) {
return string.substring(0, index) + "...";
* Replaces all occurrences of the given regular expression by the result of the given replacement function.
* The regular expression is expected to have one explicit matching group which will be used as input for
* the replacement function.
* To replace all occurrences of {@code #{X}} by {@code NLS.get("X")} one could use:
* {@code Strings.replaceAll(Pattern.compile("#\\{([^\\}]+)\\}"), someText, NLS::get)}
* @param regEx the regular expression to replace in the given input
* @param input the input to scan
* @param replacement the replacement function which transforms the first group of the match into the string used
* as replacement for the whole match.
* @return the input string where are occurrences of the given regular expression have been replaced by the result
* of the replacement function.
public static String replaceAll(Pattern regEx, String input, Function replacement) {
if (isEmpty(input)) {
return input;
Matcher m = regEx.matcher(input);
boolean result = m.find();
if (result) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
do {
m.appendReplacement(sb, replacement.apply(m.group(1)));
result = m.find();
} while (result);
return sb.toString();
return input;
* Pads the given string on the left side to the given length using the given padding.
* Note that if padding consists of several characters, the final string might be longer than
* minLength as no substring but only the full value of padding is used to pad.
* Implementation detail: This method checks if padding is necessary at all. If not, it directly returns the
* given input. This should enable inlining and therefore create a fast path if no padding is necessary.
* @param input the input to pad
* @param padding the padding to use
* @param minLength the minimal length to reach
* @return a string which is at least minLength characters long
public static String leftPad(String input, String padding, int minLength) {
if (input != null && input.length() > minLength) {
return input;
return performPadding(input, padding, minLength, true);
* Pads the given string on the right side to the given length using the given padding.
* Note that if padding consists of several characters, the final string might be longer than
* minLength as no substring but only the full value of padding is used to pad.
* Implementation detail: This method checks if padding is necessary at all. If not, it directly returns the
* given input. This should enable inlining and therefore create a fast path if no padding is necessary.
* @param input the input to pad
* @param padding the padding to use
* @param minLength the minimal length to reach
* @return a string which is at least minLength characters long
public static String rightPad(String input, String padding, int minLength) {
if (input != null && input.length() > minLength) {
return input;
return performPadding(input, padding, minLength, false);
* Pads the given string either on the left or on the right side, to the min length using the given padding.
* Altough this method looks a bit complex and using a boolean parameter to determine which side to pad is fishy,
* this approach maximizes efficiency by using a single StringBuilder (if required at all).
* @param input the input to pad
* @param padding the padding to use
* @param minLength the minimal length to reach
* @param left determines if the padding should be placed on the left or on the right size
* @return a string which is at least minLength characters long
private static String performPadding(@Nullable String input, @Nonnull String padding, int minLength, boolean left) {
int numberOfPaddings = minLength;
if (input != null) {
numberOfPaddings -= input.length();
if (padding.length() > 1) {
numberOfPaddings = (int) Math.ceil((double) numberOfPaddings / padding.length());
if (numberOfPaddings <= 0) {
return input;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (!left && input != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPaddings; i++) {
if (left && input != null) {
return sb.toString();