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com.scudata.expression.mfn.sequence.Group Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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SPL(Structured Process Language) A programming language specially for structured data computing.
package com.scudata.expression.mfn.sequence;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.scudata.common.MessageManager;
import com.scudata.common.RQException;
import com.scudata.expression.Expression;
import com.scudata.expression.Gather;
import com.scudata.expression.IParam;
import com.scudata.expression.Node;
import com.scudata.expression.ParamInfo2;
import com.scudata.expression.SequenceFunction;
import com.scudata.expression.fn.algebra.Var;
import com.scudata.resources.EngineMessage;
* ??????????????߷??????
* @author RunQian
public class Group extends SequenceFunction {
public Object calculate(Context ctx) {
if (param == null) {
} else if (param.isLeaf()) {
Expression exp = param.getLeafExpression();
return, option, ctx);
} else if (param.getType() == IParam.Comma) { // ,
int size = param.getSubSize();
Expression []exps = new Expression[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
IParam sub = param.getSub(i);
if (sub == null || !sub.isLeaf()) {
MessageManager mm = EngineMessage.get();
throw new RQException("group" + mm.getMessage("function.invalidParam"));
exps[i] = sub.getLeafExpression();
return, option, ctx);
} else if (param.getType() == IParam.Semicolon) { // ;
if (param.getSubSize() != 2) {
MessageManager mm = EngineMessage.get();
throw new RQException("group" + mm.getMessage("function.invalidParam"));
IParam sub0 = param.getSub(0);
IParam sub1 = param.getSub(1);
Expression []exps = null;
String []names = null;
if (sub0 != null) {
ParamInfo2 pi0 = ParamInfo2.parse(sub0, "group", true, false);
exps = pi0.getExpressions1();
names = pi0.getExpressionStrs2();
Expression []newExps = null;
String []newNames = null;
if (sub1 != null) {
ParamInfo2 pi1 = ParamInfo2.parse(sub1, "group", true, false);
newExps = pi1.getExpressions1();
newNames = pi1.getExpressionStrs2();
if (option != null && option.indexOf('s') != -1) {
// ???????ʽ???Ⱥ;ۺϱ???ʽ????
int elen = exps == null ? 0 : exps.length;
int clen = newExps == null ? 0 : newExps.length;
ArrayList gathers = new ArrayList(); // ͳ?ƾۺϺ???
ArrayList poss = new ArrayList(); // ???????ʽ????Ӧ?ۺϺ????б??ĵڼ????ۺϺ???
// ????????ʽ?еľۺϺ???
for (int i = 0; i < clen; i++) {
int size = gathers.size();
gathers.addAll(Expression.getSpecFunc(newExps[i], Gather.class));
if (size == gathers.size()) {
Node home = newExps[i].getHome();
if (home instanceof Var) {
Var var = (Var)home;
String param = var.getParamString();
String opt = var.getOption();
String sumStr = "sum(" + param + ")";
Expression exp = new Expression(cs, ctx, sumStr);
String countStr = "count(" + param + ")";
exp = new Expression(cs, ctx, countStr);
String sum2Str = "sum(power(" + param + "))";
exp = new Expression(cs, ctx, sum2Str);
// sum2+count*power(sum/count) - 2*sum*sum/count
String expStr = sum2Str + "+" + countStr + "*power(" + sumStr + "/" + countStr +
")-2*" + sumStr + "*" + sumStr + "/" + countStr;
if (opt == null || opt.indexOf('s') == -1) {
expStr = "(" + expStr + ")/" + countStr;
} else {
expStr = "(" + expStr + ")/(" + countStr + "-1)";
newExps[i] = new Expression(cs, ctx, expStr);
if (newNames[i] == null || newNames[i].length() == 0) {
newNames[i] = "var";
} else {
// ?????м?ۺϱ???ʽ
Expression[] tempExps = new Expression[gathers.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < tempExps.length; i++) {
Object obj = gathers.get(i);
if (obj instanceof Gather) {
Gather gather = (Gather)gathers.get(i);
tempExps[i] = new Expression(cs, ctx, gather.getFunctionString());
} else {
tempExps[i] = (Expression)gathers.get(i);
// new ?α?ı???ʽ
Expression[] senExps = new Expression[elen+clen];
String strExp = null; // ?ϱ???ʽ?ַ?????
int index = 0; // ?ϱ???ʽ??????
// ?????ϱ???ʽ??ת??Ϊ?µ?new??ͳ???б???ʽ
boolean exCal = false; // ?ж??Ƿ??־ۺϱ???ʽ
if (newExps != null) {
strExp = newExps[index].toString();
for (int i = 0; i < tempExps.length; i++) {
if (i >= poss.get(index)) {
senExps[index+elen] = new Expression(cs, ctx, strExp);
strExp = newExps[index].toString();
String funStr = "#" + (i+elen+1);
strExp = Expression.replaceFunc(strExp, tempExps[i].toString(), funStr);
if (!strExp.equals(funStr)) {
exCal = true;
String[] senNames = null; // ͳһ??????
String[] tempNames = newNames; // ??ʱ??????
if (exCal) {
tempNames = null; // ????Ҫ??new????????????ʱ??????Ϊ??
// ??д???????ʽ
for (int i = 1; i <= elen; i++) {
String funStr = "#" + i;
senExps[i-1] = new Expression(cs, ctx, funStr);
if (senExps.length > 0) {// ???һ??????ʽ??????
senExps[index+elen] = new Expression(cs, ctx, strExp);
// ????ͳһ??????
senNames = new String[elen + newNames.length];
for (int i = 0; i < elen; i++) {
senNames[i] = names[i];
for (int i = 0; i < clen; i++) {
if (null == newNames[i]) {
senNames[i+elen] = newExps[i].toString();
} else {
senNames[i+elen] = newNames[i];
if (senNames == null) {
return, names, newExps, newNames, option, ctx);
} else {
Sequence result = srcSequence.groups(exps, names, tempExps, tempNames, option, ctx);
result = result.newTable(senNames, senExps, ctx);
if (elen > 0 && result instanceof Table) {
String []pk = new String[elen];
for (int i = 1; i <= elen; ++i) {
pk[i - 1] = "#" + i;
return result;
} else {
return, names, newExps, newNames, option, ctx);
} else {
ParamInfo2 pi0 = ParamInfo2.parse(param, "group", true, false);
Expression []exps0 = pi0.getExpressions1();
String []names0 = pi0.getExpressionStrs2();
return, names0, null, null, option, ctx);