com.scudata.resources.engineMessage_en.properties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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SPL(Structured Process Language) A programming language specially for structured data computing.
#Wed Jul 10 16:20:07 GMT+08:00 2024
engine.needIntSeries=Missing integer array
engine.optConflict=\: Option conflict
dot.cursorLeft=Cursor is required for the left operand
dw.lessDistribute=The partition expression has been lost when creating group table.
callx.error=Execute sub program {0} throws exception. Machine IP is \: {2}
dot.leftTypeError=The dot operator has an object type of {0} on the left, which doesn't match the right {1} function.
engine.memCountNotMatch=Unmatched array element number
callx.taskid=Task id
engine.enumFilterNull=Only the last group of the conditional expressions of enum group can be empty
pdm.arrayTypeError=The {0} array cannot be added with {1} data.
dw.mcsNotMatch=The multipath cursor's path count dosn't match.
engine.callNeedSub=Subfunctions are required for the Call statement
dw.dimTableError=Dimension table can not be cursor.
dw.oldVersion2=The old version of composite table does not support update and delete.
error.noListener=Failed to find IPagerListener Class\: {0}
engine.createTmpFile=Create temporary file\:
dw.needReadPassword=The group table need password to write.
FunctionLib.repeatedFunction=Duplicate function name\:
dw.segFieldNotMatch=The segment column dosn't match.
Expression.missingCs=Missing cell
Expression.unknownMacro=Unknown macro\:
function.paramTypeError=\: Wrong function param type
encrypt.nopadding=with @n option, nopadding algorithm requires {0} to be a multiple of {1} bytes
engine.mergeOrder=Same sorts are required for merging two arrays
grouptable.modifyPseudoKey=The pseudo key can't be modified.
file.deleteFailed=Delete file failed\:
engine.keyValCountNotMatch=Primary key values do not match the primary key in number
engine.needSeriesMember=The array member need to be array
engine.synGroupxCursorUsed=The group cursor has been used, can not append data to it
partitionmanager.nomainpath=No main path is specified on {0}.
engine.needIdxPmt=Missing list array
syncdata.invalidzs='s param 'zs' is invalid, 'zs' in sync(\:h,zs) can only be partition names. eg\: sync(\:h,[1,2]) means synchronize files in partition 1 and 2 to this computer.
engine.needPosIntSeries=Missing position array
callx.local=Local machine
engine.needIntInterval=Missing integer array interval
unitclient.exefetchdim=Dimension table\:{2} is not exist in space\:{1} of machine\:{0}.
partitionmanager.lackpartition=Can not find partition number\: {1} on node\:{0}
Expression.inExp=In expression \: \n{0}\n
partitionmanager.abspath=Only relative directories or file can be synchronied. Current path is {0}.
partitionutil.nopartition=Lack parameter 'dstPartition' while call function PartitionUtil.upload().
engine.unknownRet=Unknown Return statement
assign.needVar=Left operand of assignment operator \u201C\=\u201D should be a variable, record field, or cell.
SyncData.invalidPath=Param p[{0}] means path, it must be string.
engine.needIntExp=Missing expression returning int
encrypt.keylen=RSA keys must be at least {0} bits long\n
engine.areaOverlap=Overlapping range is forbidden
error.conClosed=Datasouce {0} has not launched or setup with error. Please check\:
engine.needBoolExp=Missing expression returning Boolean
partitionutil.nofrom=Empty source host while call PartitionUtil.syncFrom().
cellset.runTime=The program has been executed 48 hours, please restart it.
serialbytes.outOfLimit=The serial bytes size out of limit.
engine.seriesNotInStack=\: Array is not in the call stack.
pdm.unsupportedMethod=The pure table does not support the {0} method.
function.paramCountNotMatch=\: Params is unmatched in number
dw.appendAttachedTable=The records appended to attached table must be sorted.
cellset.pswError=The password is incorrect
unitclient.missunitxml=Config file\: {0} is not exist\!
engine.dbCloseError=The database cannot be disconnected by this method since not established with the Connect function
ds.colTypeDif=The compress memory table's column data type need to be the same.
error.argIndex=In the dataset {0}, an error occurs to param {1} for SQL
engine.indexOutofBound=\: Index is out of range
function.valueNoSmall=\: Function param must not be less than 0
function.missingParam=\: Missing parameter
ds.keyNotExist=\: key is not found
dw.needClusterCursor=Need Cluster cursor.
partitionutil.filenotexist=The file {0} is not exist to be uploaded.
dw.indexNotExist=\: The index does not exist
engine.needPurePmt=Missing pure record array
Expression.unknownSymbol=Unknown symbol\:
file.fileAlreadyExist=The file {0} already exist.
Variant2.longValue=Unable to get long value
dw.distributeError=The partition expression should return integer start from 1.
mfn.dbUpdateKey=the update fields should contain the primary keys
encrypt.wronglen=Wrong {0} length\: must be {1} bytes long
syncdata.errornode=function can only be executed on node machines.
error.cell=Error in cell {0}\n
Expression.unknownExpression=Unknown part \: \n
engine.exportRefField=Unable to export the guidance field
Expression.missingParam=Missing function params
operator.numberRightOperation=The right operand must be Real
engine.forVarTypeError=The For loop statement is of wrong variable type
ds.fieldNotExist=\: field is not found
engine.unknownGroupsMethod=\: Unknown aggregation
DataType.ByteArray=Byte array
dw.needMCursor=Need sorted group table multipath cursor.
pdm.modifyConstArrayError=The constant array cannot be modified.
grouptable.lessColumn=less column group.
engine.cmdFlowError=Wrong program flows
engine.needTablePmt=Missing table of record array
error.sqlException=In dataset {0}, an error occurs to SQL statement {1} resulting from SQL param or SQL syntax errors
function.paramError=The argument of function {0} is incorrect because {1}
dw.clusterCSNotMatch=The cluster cursor node do not match.
engine.needPmt=Missing array
engine.optError=\: Option error
engine.argStackEmpty=Unknown expression '?', the parameter stack is empty
function.invalidParamH=can only specify one source node,eg\: sync(["\:8281","\:8281"\:"\:8281"],2)
Expression.unknownCell=Unknown cell\:
engine.needCellExp=Need cell expression
partitionutil.notarget=Argument 'toHost' is not specified.
partitionutil.emptypartition=There is no partition defined on {0}.
engine.needZFile=The bin file is too small or not stored in the segmented format.
Expression.missingCtx=Missing context
function.notInCyclicalFunction=The function {0} can only be used in cyclical function.
dw.needDistributed=only distributed file can be appended
cellset.circleRef=Circular references
Expression.unknownFunction=Unknown function\:
file.needBlocked=Need blocked file.
pdm.modifyError=The pure table cannot be modified.
cellset.usRunCount=Unknown error in executing cellset, please save file and restart esProc
dw.needCloseTable=Operation failed, need close the table.
Variant2.illCompare=Unable to compare {2} and {3} because {0} and {1} are of different type
dw.columnNotEditable=\: The column is not editable.
file.colSeparatorError=The column separator should be a single charactor
cellset.cellNotExist=\: cell does not exist
drawpie.negativedata=DrawPie can not draw on negative data\: {0}
engine.unknownSentence=\: Unknown statements
ds.colSize=Number of fields of the data structure must not be zero
Variant2.with=\ and
partitionutil.samenode={0} is source node , also target node, ignored.
engine.needInFor=\: In For loop only
function.errorString=Invalid string\:
dw.oldVersion=The old version of composite table does not support column type calculation.
invoke.methodNotExist=\: Can't find the static method
Variant2.illDivide=Unable to divide
dw.indexNameAlreadyExist=\:The index already exists.
engine.dsNotMatch=The field names must be same.
Variant2.illSubtract=Unable to subtract
dw.needSerialBytes=Need SerialByte data type.
cellset.invalidGotoCell=The goto statement cannot jump to the blank area of the loop block.
engine.needNumberExp=Missing expression returning boolean
function.paramValNull=\: Function param must not be null
engine.illEverage=Averaging is only allowed for the number array
function.paramChanged=\: Invalid parameter.\nWe've changed the order of the parameters in Dec,2015. Please refer to document.
ds.lessKey=Missing primary key
cellset.executeOnly=This cellset can execute only
dot.tableLeft=Table is required for the left operand
engine.dupKeys=\: Duplicated primary keys
engine.needStringExp=Missing expressions returning string
engine.seriesStackEmpty=Illeagle expression\: array stack is empty
error.charset=Please check Charset {0} in error. An error occurs in conversion
license.fileFormatError=Wrong file format
Variant2.intValue=Unable to get integer
Variant2.doubleValue=Unable to get double values
file.rowDataError=\: Wrong format row data.
Variant2.macroTypeError=Strings are expected for the return values of macro expression
engine.dbsfNotExist=\: Missing the database connection factory
encrypt.lenless=Less than {0} length\: must be at least {1} bytes long
dot.seriesLeft=Array is required for the left operand
license.fpNotSupport=The current edition does not support the expression or calculating method\:
operator.cellLocation=The left operand cell must be ahead of the right operand cell
engine.paramNotVar=\: Param type is not variable
function.invalidParam=\: Invalid parameter
operator.missingRightOperation=\: Right operand is Missing
grouptable.invalidPseudoKeyPos=Invalid pseudo key position.
unitclient.errorconfig=The root node name is not 'Config', maybe you specified wrong file.
dw.tableAlreadyExist=\: The table already exists.
Variant2.illAdd=Unable to add
Variant2.illMod=Unable to get module
cellset.integration=run integrated dfx
dw.columnNotExist=\: The column does not exist
grouptable.invalidData=Invalid data in attached table
cellset.normal=run unintegrated dfx
engine.needRefField=Need guidance field
ds.idfTypeError=Strings are expected as the get value for the field
encrypt.autopadding={0} length must be {1} bytes long, with @a option, automatically perform padding operation
grouptable.keyType=The primary key type of group table need to be interger.
operator.missingLeftOperation=\: Left operand is missing
unitclient.invalidhost=Invalid host ip\:{0}
engine.invalidLoopsGroups=Loops function can't be used in multi-thread groups and file grojups.
Variant2.illNegate=Unable to get negative value
engine.needSubSeries=Missing subarray
serialbytes.biLenMismatch=The big integer's value and length mismatch.
dw.baseTableNull=Can not append data to attached table while the base table is empty.
encrypt.CBCnoiv=When using the @c option, CBC (Cipher Block Chaining Mode) mode is selected, and the iv parameter needs to be set. Otherwise, the default iv will be used (not recommended)
Expression.logicError=Expression logic error
partitionmanager.lackfile=Can not find file\: {1} on node\:{0}
dw.cuboidAlreadyExist=\: The pre-grouped cuboid already exists.
callx.interrupt=Callx function is canceled by interruption.
dw.appendPrimaryTable=The records appended to primary table must be sorted and unique when attached table exists.
error.toCharset=No target charset for conversion found in datasource {0}
Variant2.illAbs=Unable to get absolute values
dw.lessKey=Dim value is not unique
file.fileNotExist=The file {0} does't exist.
dw.syncSegNeedMCS=The multi-path cursor is need to do synchronous segmentation.
engine.unknownDBType=Unknown database type.
DataType.UnknownNum=Unknown number
dot.fileLeft=File object is required for the left operand
dw.appendNotMatch=The corresponding record not found in the primary table\:
dw.tableNotExist=\: The table does not exist.
engine.unknownType=\: Unknown type
operator.booleanRightOperation=The right operand must be boolean
operator.booleanLeftOperation=The left operand must be boolean
file.readOnly=The file is read only
error.fromCharset=No charset defined for datasource {0}
dw.needWritePassword=The group table need password to modify.
dw.fieldSameToPrimaryTable=\: The field of attached table cannot be the same as the field of primary table.
ds.colNameRepeat=\: Duplicate field name is not allowed
Variant2.illMultiply=Unable to multiply
cellset.runCount=The program has been executed 50 times, please restart it.
dw.needRollback=\: file is invalid, need call f.rollback()
dot.s2rLeft=Array/record is required for the left operand
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