com.datastax.driver.core.PreparedStatement Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright DataStax, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Copyright (C) 2020 ScyllaDB
* Modified by ScyllaDB
package com.datastax.driver.core;
import com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidTypeException;
import com.datastax.driver.core.policies.RetryPolicy;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Map;
* Represents a prepared statement, a query with bound variables that has been prepared (pre-parsed)
* by the database.
* A prepared statement can be executed once concrete values have been provided for the bound
* variables. A prepared statement and the values for its bound variables constitute a
* BoundStatement and can be executed (by {@link Session#execute}).
A {@code PreparedStatement} object allows you to define specific defaults for the different
* properties of a {@link Statement} (Consistency level, tracing, ...), in which case those
* properties will be inherited as default by every BoundedStatement created from the
* {PreparedStatement}. The default for those {@code PreparedStatement} properties is the same that
* in {@link Statement} if the PreparedStatement is created by {@link Session#prepare(String)} but
* will inherit of the properties of the {@link RegularStatement} used for the preparation if {@link
* Session#prepare(RegularStatement)} is used.
public interface PreparedStatement {
* Returns metadata on the bounded variables of this prepared statement.
* @return the variables bounded in this prepared statement.
public ColumnDefinitions getVariables();
* Creates a new BoundStatement object and bind its variables to the provided values.
While the number of {@code values} cannot be greater than the number of bound variables, the
* number of {@code values} may be fewer than the number of bound variables. In that case, the
* remaining variables will have to be bound to values by another mean because the resulting
* {@code BoundStatement} being executable.
This method is a convenience for {@code new BoundStatement(this).bind(...)}.
* @param values the values to bind to the variables of the newly created BoundStatement.
* @return the newly created {@code BoundStatement} with its variables bound to {@code values}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if more {@code values} are provided than there is of bound
* variables in this statement.
* @throws InvalidTypeException if any of the provided value is not of correct type to be bound to
* the corresponding bind variable.
* @throws NullPointerException if one of {@code values} is a collection (List, Set or Map)
* containing a null value. Nulls are not supported in collections by CQL.
* @see BoundStatement#bind
public BoundStatement bind(Object... values);
* Creates a new BoundStatement object for this prepared statement.
This method do not bind any values to any of the prepared variables. Said values need to be
* bound on the resulting statement using BoundStatement's setters methods ({@link
* BoundStatement#setInt}, {@link BoundStatement#setLong}, ...).
* @return the newly created {@code BoundStatement}.
public BoundStatement bind();
* Sets the routing key for this prepared statement.
While you can provide a fixed routing key for all executions of this prepared statement with
* this method, it is not mandatory to provide one through this method. This method should only be
* used if the partition key of the prepared query is not part of the prepared variables (that is
* if the partition key is fixed).
Note that if the partition key is part of the prepared variables, the routing key will be
* automatically computed once those variables are bound.
If the partition key is neither fixed nor part of the prepared variables (e.g. a composite
* partition key where only some of the components are bound), the routing key can also be set on
* each bound statement.
* @param routingKey the raw (binary) value to use as routing key.
* @return this {@code PreparedStatement} object.
* @see Statement#getRoutingKey
* @see BoundStatement#getRoutingKey
public PreparedStatement setRoutingKey(ByteBuffer routingKey);
* Sets the routing key for this query.
See {@link #setRoutingKey(ByteBuffer)} for more information. This method is a variant for
* when the query partition key is composite and the routing key must be built from multiple
* values.
* @param routingKeyComponents the raw (binary) values to compose to obtain the routing key.
* @return this {@code PreparedStatement} object.
* @see Statement#getRoutingKey
public PreparedStatement setRoutingKey(ByteBuffer... routingKeyComponents);
* Returns the routing key set for this query.
* @return the routing key for this query or {@code null} if none has been explicitly set on this
* PreparedStatement.
public ByteBuffer getRoutingKey();
* Sets a default consistency level for all bound statements created from this prepared statement.
If no consistency level is set through this method, the bound statement created from this
* object will use the default consistency level (LOCAL_ONE).
Changing the default consistency level is not retroactive, it only applies to BoundStatement
* created after the change.
* @param consistency the default consistency level to set.
* @return this {@code PreparedStatement} object.
public PreparedStatement setConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel consistency);
* Returns the default consistency level set through {@link #setConsistencyLevel}.
* @return the default consistency level. Returns {@code null} if no consistency level has been
* set through this object {@code setConsistencyLevel} method.
public ConsistencyLevel getConsistencyLevel();
* Sets a default serial consistency level for all bound statements created from this prepared
* statement.
If no serial consistency level is set through this method, the bound statement created from
* this object will use the default serial consistency level (SERIAL).
Changing the default serial consistency level is not retroactive, it only applies to
* BoundStatement created after the change.
* @param serialConsistency the default serial consistency level to set.
* @return this {@code PreparedStatement} object.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code serialConsistency} is not one of {@code
* ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL} or {@code ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_SERIAL}.
public PreparedStatement setSerialConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel serialConsistency);
* Returns the default serial consistency level set through {@link #setSerialConsistencyLevel}.
* @return the default serial consistency level. Returns {@code null} if no consistency level has
* been set through this object {@code setSerialConsistencyLevel} method.
public ConsistencyLevel getSerialConsistencyLevel();
* Returns the string of the query that was prepared to yield this {@code PreparedStatement}.
Note that a CQL3 query may be implicitly applied to the current keyspace (that is, if the
* keyspace is not explicitly qualified in the query itself). For prepared queries, the current
* keyspace used is the one at the time of the preparation, not the one at execution time. The
* current keyspace at the time of the preparation can be retrieved through {@link
* #getQueryKeyspace}.
* @return the query that was prepared to yield this {@code PreparedStatement}.
public String getQueryString();
* Returns the keyspace at the time that this prepared statement was prepared, (that is the one on
* which this statement applies unless it specified a keyspace explicitly).
* @return the keyspace at the time that this statement was prepared or {@code null} if no
* keyspace was set when the query was prepared (which is possible since keyspaces can be
* explicitly qualified in queries and so may not require a current keyspace to be set).
public String getQueryKeyspace();
* Convenience method to enables tracing for all bound statements created from this prepared
* statement.
* @return this {@code Query} object.
public PreparedStatement enableTracing();
* Convenience method to disable tracing for all bound statements created from this prepared
* statement.
* @return this {@code PreparedStatement} object.
public PreparedStatement disableTracing();
* Returns whether tracing is enabled for this prepared statement, i.e. if BoundStatement created
* from it will use tracing by default.
* @return {@code true} if this prepared statement has tracing enabled, {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean isTracing();
* Convenience method to set a default retry policy for the {@code BoundStatement} created from
* this prepared statement.
Note that this method is completely optional. By default, the retry policy used is the one
* returned {@link com.datastax.driver.core.policies.Policies#getRetryPolicy} in the cluster
* configuration. This method is only useful if you want to override this default policy for the
* {@code BoundStatement} created from this {@code PreparedStatement}. to punctually override the
* default policy for this request.
* @param policy the retry policy to use for this prepared statement.
* @return this {@code PreparedStatement} object.
public PreparedStatement setRetryPolicy(RetryPolicy policy);
* Returns the retry policy sets for this prepared statement, if any.
* @return the retry policy sets specifically for this prepared statement or {@code null} if none
* have been set.
public RetryPolicy getRetryPolicy();
* The partitioner for this prepared statement.
* @return the partitioner for this query, or {@code null} if no partitioner has been specified.
* In the latter case, the cluster-wide partitioner will be used.
public Token.Factory getPartitioner();
* Returns the prepared Id for this statement.
* @return the PreparedId corresponding to this statement.
public PreparedId getPreparedId();
* Return the incoming payload, that is, the payload that the server sent back with its {@code
* PREPARED} response, if any, or {@code null}, if the server did not include any custom payload.
Note that if an incoming payload is present, and if no outgoing payload has been {@link
* #setOutgoingPayload(Map) explicitly set}, then each time a {@link BoundStatement} is created
* (with either {@link #bind()} or {@link #bind(Object...)}), the resulting {@link BoundStatement}
* will inherit from this value as its default outgoing payload.
Implementors should return a read-only view of the original map, but even though, its values
* would remain inherently mutable. Callers should take care not to modify the returned map in any
* way.
This feature is only available with {@link ProtocolVersion#V4} or above; with lower
* versions, this method will always return {@code null}.
* @return the custom payload that the server sent back with its response, if any, or {@code
* null}, if the server did not include any custom payload.
* @since 2.2
public Map getIncomingPayload();
* Return the outgoing payload currently associated with this statement.
* If this is set to a non-null value, each time a {@link BoundStatement} is created (with
* either {@link #bind()} or {@link #bind(Object...)}), the resulting {@link BoundStatement} will
* inherit from this value as its default outgoing payload.
Implementors should return a read-only view of the original map, but even though, its values
* would remain inherently mutable. Callers should take care not to modify the returned map in any
* way.
This feature is only available with {@link ProtocolVersion#V4} or above.
* @return this statement's outgoing payload, if any, or {@code null} if no outgoing payload is
* set
* @since 2.2
public Map getOutgoingPayload();
* Associate the given payload with this prepared statement.
* If this is set to a non-null value, each time a {@link BoundStatement} is created (with
* either {@link #bind()} or {@link #bind(Object...)}), the resulting {@link BoundStatement} will
* inherit from this value as its default outgoing payload.
Implementors should make a defensive, thread-safe copy of the given map, but even though,
* its values would remain inherently mutable. Callers should take care not to modify the original
* map once it is passed to this method.
This feature is only available with {@link ProtocolVersion#V4} or above. Trying to include
* custom payloads in requests sent by the driver under lower protocol versions will result in an
* {@link com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.UnsupportedFeatureException} (wrapped in a {@link
* com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException}).
* @param payload the outgoing payload to associate with this statement, or {@code null} to clear
* any previously associated payload.
* @return this {@link Statement} object.
* @since 2.2
public PreparedStatement setOutgoingPayload(Map payload);
* Return the {@link CodecRegistry} instance associated with this prepared statement.
* Implementations should never return {@code null}; instead, they should always return the {@link
* CodecRegistry} instance registered with the {@link Cluster} instance this prepared statement
* belongs to.
* @return the {@link CodecRegistry} instance associated with this prepared statement.
public CodecRegistry getCodecRegistry();
* Sets whether this statement is idempotent.
* See {@link com.datastax.driver.core.Statement#isIdempotent} for more explanations about this
* property.
* @param idempotent the new value.
* @return this {@code IdempotenceAwarePreparedStatement} object.
public PreparedStatement setIdempotent(Boolean idempotent);
* Whether this statement is idempotent, i.e. whether it can be applied multiple times without
* changing the result beyond the initial application.
See {@link com.datastax.driver.core.Statement#isIdempotent} for more explanations about this
* property.
Please note that idempotence will be propagated to all {@link BoundStatement}s created from
* this prepared statement.
* @return whether this statement is idempotent, or {@code null} to use {@link
* QueryOptions#getDefaultIdempotence()}.
public Boolean isIdempotent();
/** Whether a prepared statement is LWT statement */
public boolean isLWT();