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package com.datastax.bdp.spark
import com.datastax.dse.driver.api.core.config.DseDriverOption
import com.datastax.dse.driver.api.core.cql.continuous.ContinuousResultSet
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.CqlSession
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.`type`.codec.TypeCodec
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.{BoundStatement, Statement}
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.servererrors.InvalidQueryException
import com.datastax.spark.connector.CassandraRowMetadata
import com.datastax.spark.connector.cql.{CassandraConnectorConf, _}
import com.datastax.spark.connector.rdd.ReadConf
import com.datastax.spark.connector.util.DriverUtil.toName
import com.datastax.spark.connector.util._
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
case class ContinuousPagingScanner(
readConf: ReadConf,
connConf: CassandraConnectorConf,
columnNames: IndexedSeq[String],
cqlSession: CqlSession) extends Scanner with Logging {
val TARGET_PAGE_SIZE_IN_BYTES: Int = 5000 * 50 // 5000 rows * 50 bytes per row
private lazy val cpProfile = readConf.throughputMiBPS match {
case Some(throughput) =>
val bytesPerSecond = (throughput * 1024 * 1024).toLong
val fallBackPagesPerSecond = math.max(MIN_PAGES_PER_SECOND, bytesPerSecond / TARGET_PAGE_SIZE_IN_BYTES)
val pagesPerSecond =
if (readConf.readsPerSec.isEmpty) {
logInfo(s"Using a pages per second of $pagesPerSecond since " +
s"${} is not set")
val bytesPerPage = bytesPerSecond / pagesPerSecond
if (bytesPerPage <= 0 || bytesPerPage > Int.MaxValue) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"""Read Throttling set to $throughput MBPS, but with the current
| ${} value of $pagesPerSecond that equates to
| $bytesPerPage bytes per page.
| This number must be positive, non-zero and smaller than ${Int.MaxValue}.
logDebug(s"Read Throttling set to $throughput mbps. Pages of $bytesPerPage with ${readConf.readsPerSec} max" +
s"pages per second. ${} will be ignored.")
.withBoolean(DseDriverOption.CONTINUOUS_PAGING_PAGE_SIZE_BYTES, true)
.withInt(DseDriverOption.CONTINUOUS_PAGING_PAGE_SIZE, bytesPerPage.toInt)
.withInt(DseDriverOption.CONTINUOUS_PAGING_MAX_PAGES_PER_SECOND, pagesPerSecond.toInt)
case None =>
.withBoolean(DseDriverOption.CONTINUOUS_PAGING_PAGE_SIZE_BYTES, false)
.withInt(DseDriverOption.CONTINUOUS_PAGING_PAGE_SIZE, readConf.fetchSizeInRows)
.withInt(DseDriverOption.CONTINUOUS_PAGING_MAX_PAGES_PER_SECOND, readConf.readsPerSec.getOrElse(0))
private val codecRegistry = cqlSession.getContext.getCodecRegistry
private def asBoundStatement(statement: Statement[_]): Option[BoundStatement] = {
statement match {
case s: BoundStatement => Some(s)
case _ => None
def isSolr(statement: Statement[_]): Boolean = {
* Calls SessionProxy Close which issues a deferred close request on the session if no
* references are requested to it in the next keep_alive ms
override def close(): Unit = cqlSession.close()
override def getSession(): CqlSession = cqlSession
override def scan[StatementT <: Statement[StatementT]](statement: StatementT): ScanResult = {
val authStatement = maybeExecutingAs(statement, readConf.executeAs)
if (isSolr(authStatement)) {
logDebug("Continuous Paging doesn't work with Search, Falling back to default paging")
val regularResult = cqlSession.execute(authStatement)
val regularIterator = regularResult.iterator().asScala
ScanResult(regularIterator, CassandraRowMetadata.fromResultSet(columnNames, regularResult, codecRegistry))
} else {
try {
val cpResult = cqlSession.executeContinuously(authStatement.setExecutionProfile(cpProfile))
val cpIterator = cpResult.iterator().asScala
ScanResult(cpIterator, getMetaData(cpResult))
} catch {
case e: InvalidQueryException if e.getMessage.contains("too many continuous paging sessions are already running") =>
throw new IOException(s"${e.getMessage}. This error may be intermittent, if there are other applications " +
s"using continuous paging wait for them to finish and re-execute. If the error persists adjust your DSE " +
s"server setting `continuous_paging.max_concurrent_sessions` or lower the parallelism level of this job " +
s"(reduce the number of executors and/or assigned cores) or disable continuous paging for this app " +
s"with ${}.", e)
private def getMetaData(result: ContinuousResultSet): CassandraRowMetadata = {
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
val columnDefs = result.getColumnDefinitions.asScala.toSeq
val rsColumnNames = => toName(c.getName))
val codecs = columnDefs
.map(col => codecRegistry.codecFor(col.getType))
CassandraRowMetadata(columnNames, Some(rsColumnNames.toIndexedSeq), codecs.toIndexedSeq)
object ContinuousPagingScanner {
def apply(
readConf: ReadConf,
connConf: CassandraConnectorConf,
columnNames: IndexedSeq[String]): ContinuousPagingScanner = {
* Attempts to get or create a session for this execution thread.
val cqlSession = new CassandraConnector(connConf).openSession()
new ContinuousPagingScanner(readConf, connConf, columnNames, cqlSession)