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package com.datastax.spark.connector.rdd
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.{ConsistencyLevel, DefaultConsistencyLevel}
import com.datastax.spark.connector.util.{ConfigCheck, ConfigParameter, DeprecatedConfigParameter, Logging}
import com.datastax.spark.connector.writer.WriteConf.{ReferenceSection, ThroughputMiBPSParam}
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
/** Read settings for RDD
* @param splitCount number of partitions to divide the data into; unset by default
* @param splitSizeInMB size of Cassandra data to be read in a single Spark task;
* determines the number of partitions, but ignored if `splitCount` is set
* @param fetchSizeInRows number of CQL rows to fetch in a single round-trip to Cassandra
* @param consistencyLevel consistency level for reads, default LOCAL_ONE;
* higher consistency level will disable data-locality
* @param taskMetricsEnabled whether or not enable task metrics updates (requires Spark 1.2+)
* @param readsPerSec maximum read throughput allowed per single core in requests/s while
* joining an RDD with C* table (joinWithCassandraTable operation)
* also used by enterprise integrations*/
case class ReadConf(
splitCount: Option[Int] = None,
splitSizeInMB: Int = ReadConf.SplitSizeInMBParam.default,
fetchSizeInRows: Int = ReadConf.FetchSizeInRowsParam.default,
consistencyLevel: ConsistencyLevel = ReadConf.ConsistencyLevelParam.default,
taskMetricsEnabled: Boolean = ReadConf.TaskMetricParam.default,
throughputMiBPS: Option[Double] = None,
readsPerSec: Option[Int] = ReadConf.ReadsPerSecParam.default,
parallelismLevel: Int = ReadConf.ParallelismLevelParam.default,
executeAs: Option[String] = None)
object ReadConf extends Logging {
val ReferenceSection = "Read Tuning Parameters"
val ThroughputMiBPSParam = ConfigParameter[Option[Double]] (
name = "spark.cassandra.input.throughputMBPerSec",
section = ReferenceSection,
default = None,
description = """*(Floating points allowed)* Maximum read throughput allowed
| per single core in MB/s. Effects point lookups as well as full
| scans.""".stripMargin)
val SplitSizeInMBParam = ConfigParameter[Int](
name = "spark.cassandra.input.split.sizeInMB",
section = ReferenceSection,
default = 512,
description =
"""Approx amount of data to be fetched into a Spark partition. Minimum number of resulting Spark
| partitions is 1 + 2 * SparkContext.defaultParallelism
|""".stripMargin.filter(_ >= ' '))
val DeprecatedSplitSizeInMBParam = DeprecatedConfigParameter(
name = "spark.cassandra.input.split.size_in_mb",
replacementParameter = Some(SplitSizeInMBParam),
deprecatedSince = "DSE 6.0.0"
val FetchSizeInRowsParam = ConfigParameter[Int](
name = "spark.cassandra.input.fetch.sizeInRows",
section = ReferenceSection,
default = 1000,
description = """Number of CQL rows fetched per driver request""")
val DeprecatedFetchSizeInRowsParam = DeprecatedConfigParameter(
name = "spark.cassandra.input.fetch.size_in_rows",
replacementParameter = Some(FetchSizeInRowsParam),
deprecatedSince = "DSE 6.0.0"
val ConsistencyLevelParam = ConfigParameter[ConsistencyLevel](
name = "spark.cassandra.input.consistency.level",
section = ReferenceSection,
default = DefaultConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_ONE,
description = """Consistency level to use when reading """)
val TaskMetricParam = ConfigParameter[Boolean](
name = "spark.cassandra.input.metrics",
section = ReferenceSection,
default = true,
description = """Sets whether to record connector specific metrics on write"""
val ReadsPerSecParam = ConfigParameter[Option[Int]] (
name = "spark.cassandra.input.readsPerSec",
section = ReferenceSection,
default = None,
description =
"""Sets max requests or pages per core per second, unlimited by default."""
val DeprecatedReadsPerSecParam = DeprecatedConfigParameter(
name = "spark.cassandra.input.reads_per_sec",
replacementParameter = Some(ReadsPerSecParam),
deprecatedSince = "DSE 6.0.0"
val ThroughputJoinQueryPerSecParam = DeprecatedConfigParameter (
name = "spark.cassandra.input.join.throughput_query_per_sec",
replacementParameter = Some(ReadsPerSecParam),
deprecatedSince = "DSE 5.1.5")
val ParallelismLevelParam = ConfigParameter[Int] (
name = "spark.cassandra.concurrent.reads",
section = ReferenceSection,
default = 512,
description =
"""Sets read parallelism for joinWithCassandra tables"""
def fromSparkConf(conf: SparkConf): ReadConf = {
fetchSizeInRows = conf.getInt(, FetchSizeInRowsParam.default),
splitSizeInMB = conf.getInt(, SplitSizeInMBParam.default),
consistencyLevel = DefaultConsistencyLevel.valueOf(
taskMetricsEnabled = conf.getBoolean(, TaskMetricParam.default),
throughputMiBPS = conf.getOption(,
readsPerSec = conf.getOption(,
parallelismLevel = conf.getInt(, ParallelismLevelParam.default)