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package com.datastax.spark.connector.writer
import{Closeable, IOException}
import java.util.function.Supplier
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.CqlSession
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.{DefaultBatchType, PreparedStatement, SimpleStatement}
import com.datastax.spark.connector._
import com.datastax.spark.connector.cql._
import com.datastax.spark.connector.rdd.partitioner.{CassandraPartition, CqlTokenRange}
import com.datastax.spark.connector.types.{ListType, MapType}
import com.datastax.spark.connector.util.Quote._
import com.datastax.spark.connector.util._
import com.datastax.spark.connector.writer.AsyncExecutor.Handler
import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.metrics.OutputMetricsUpdater
import scala.collection._
/** Writes RDD data into given Cassandra table.
* Individual column values are extracted from RDD objects using given [[RowWriter]]
* Then, data are inserted into Cassandra with batches of CQL INSERT statements.
* Each RDD partition is processed by a single thread. */
class TableWriter[T] private (
connector: CassandraConnector,
tableDef: TableDef,
columnSelector: IndexedSeq[ColumnRef],
rowWriter: RowWriter[T],
writeConf: WriteConf,
partitions: Array[Partition],
tokenRangeAcc: Option[TokenRangeAccumulator]) extends Serializable with Logging {
s"${} is a Materialized View and Views are not writable")
val keyspaceName = tableDef.keyspaceName
val tableName = tableDef.tableName
val columnNames = rowWriter.columnNames diff writeConf.optionPlaceholders
val columns =
private[connector] lazy val queryTemplateUsingInsert: String = {
val quotedColumnNames: Seq[String] =
val columnSpec = quotedColumnNames.mkString(", ")
val valueSpec =":" + _).mkString(", ")
val ifNotExistsSpec = if (writeConf.ifNotExists) "IF NOT EXISTS " else ""
val ttlSpec = writeConf.ttl match {
case TTLOption(PerRowWriteOptionValue(placeholder)) => Some(s"""TTL :$placeholder""")
case TTLOption(StaticWriteOptionValue(value)) => Some(s"TTL $value")
case _ => None
val timestampSpec = writeConf.timestamp match {
case TimestampOption(PerRowWriteOptionValue(placeholder)) => Some(s"""TIMESTAMP :$placeholder""")
case TimestampOption(StaticWriteOptionValue(value)) => Some(s"TIMESTAMP $value")
case _ => None
val options = List(ttlSpec, timestampSpec).flatten
val optionsSpec = if (options.nonEmpty) s"USING ${options.mkString(" AND ")}" else ""
s"INSERT INTO ${quote(keyspaceName)}.${quote(tableName)} ($columnSpec) VALUES ($valueSpec) $ifNotExistsSpec$optionsSpec".trim
private def deleteQueryTemplate(deleteColumns: ColumnSelector): String = {
val deleteColumnNames: Seq[String] = deleteColumns.selectFrom(tableDef).map(_.columnName)
val (primaryKey, regularColumns) = columns.partition(_.isPrimaryKeyColumn)
if (regularColumns.nonEmpty) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Only primary key columns can be used in delete. Regular columns found: ${regularColumns.mkString(", ")}")
TableWriter.checkMissingColumns(tableDef, deleteColumnNames)
def quotedColumnNames(columns: Seq[ColumnDef]) =
val deleteColumnsClause =", ")
val whereClause = quotedColumnNames(primaryKey).map(c => s"$c = :$c").mkString(" AND ")
s"DELETE ${deleteColumnsClause} FROM ${quote(keyspaceName)}.${quote(tableName)} WHERE $whereClause"
private lazy val queryTemplateUsingUpdate: String = {
val (primaryKey, regularColumns) = columns.partition(_.isPrimaryKeyColumn)
val (counterColumns, nonCounterColumns) = regularColumns.partition(_.isCounterColumn)
val nameToBehavior = (columnSelector collect {
case cn:CollectionColumnName => cn.columnName -> cn.collectionBehavior
val setNonCounterColumnsClause = for {
colDef <- nonCounterColumns
name = colDef.columnName
collectionBehavior = nameToBehavior.get(name)
quotedName = quote(name)
} yield collectionBehavior match {
case Some(CollectionAppend) => s"$quotedName = $quotedName + :$quotedName"
case Some(CollectionPrepend) => s"$quotedName = :$quotedName + $quotedName"
case Some(CollectionRemove) => s"$quotedName = $quotedName - :$quotedName"
case Some(CollectionOverwrite) | None => s"$quotedName = :$quotedName"
def quotedColumnNames(columns: Seq[ColumnDef]) =
val setCounterColumnsClause = quotedColumnNames(counterColumns).map(c => s"$c = $c + :$c")
val setClause = (setNonCounterColumnsClause ++ setCounterColumnsClause).mkString(", ")
val whereClause = quotedColumnNames(primaryKey).map(c => s"$c = :$c").mkString(" AND ")
s"UPDATE ${quote(keyspaceName)}.${quote(tableName)} SET $setClause WHERE $whereClause"
private val isCounterUpdate =
private val containsCollectionBehaviors =
private[connector] val isIdempotent: Boolean = {
//All counter operations are not Idempotent
if (columns.exists(_.isCounterColumn)) {
} else {
columnSelector.forall {
//Any appends or prepends to a list are non-idempotent
case cn: CollectionColumnName =>
val name = cn.columnName
val behavior = cn.collectionBehavior
val isNotList = !tableDef.columnByName(name).columnType.isInstanceOf[ListType[_]]
behavior match {
case CollectionPrepend => isNotList
case CollectionAppend => isNotList
case _ => true
//All other operations on regular columns are idempotent
case regularColumn: ColumnRef => true
private def prepareStatement(queryTemplate:String, session: CqlSession): PreparedStatement = {
try {
val stmt = SimpleStatement.newInstance(queryTemplate)
catch {
case t: Throwable =>
throw new IOException(s"Failed to prepare statement $queryTemplate: " + t.getMessage, t)
def batchRoutingKey(session: CqlSession)(bs: RichBoundStatementWrapper): Any = {
def missingMetadataException = new Supplier[IllegalArgumentException] {
override def get(): IllegalArgumentException = new IllegalArgumentException("TokenMap Metadata Missing")
writeConf.batchGroupingKey match {
case BatchGroupingKey.None => 0
case BatchGroupingKey.ReplicaSet =>
.getReplicas(keyspaceName, QueryUtils.getRoutingKeyOrError(bs.stmt))
case BatchGroupingKey.Partition => QueryUtils.getRoutingKeyOrError(bs.stmt)
* Main entry point
* if counter or collection column need to be updated Cql UPDATE command will be used
* INSERT otherwise
def write(taskContext: TaskContext, data: Iterator[T]): Unit = {
val asyncStatementWriter = getAsyncWriter()
writeInternal(asyncStatementWriter, taskContext, data)
* Cql DELETE statement
* @param columns columns to delete, the row will be deleted completely if the list is empty
* @param taskContext
* @param data primary key values to select delete rows
def delete(columns: ColumnSelector) (taskContext: TaskContext, data: Iterator[T]): Unit =
writeInternal(getAsyncWriterInternal(deleteQueryTemplate(columns)), taskContext, data)
def extractTokenRange(partitionId: Int): Iterable[CqlTokenRange[_, _]] =
partitions.lift(partitionId) match {
case Some(CassandraPartition(_, _, ranges, _)) => ranges
case _ => List()
def getAsyncWriter(): AsyncStatementWriter[T] = {
if (isCounterUpdate || containsCollectionBehaviors) {
else {
private def getAsyncWriterInternal(queryTemplate: String): AsyncStatementWriter[T] = {
connector.withSessionDo { session =>
val protocolVersion = session.getContext.getProtocolVersion
val stmt = prepareStatement(queryTemplate, session)
val batchType = if (isCounterUpdate) DefaultBatchType.COUNTER else DefaultBatchType.UNLOGGED
val boundStmtBuilder = new BoundStatementBuilder(
protocolVersion = protocolVersion,
ignoreNulls = writeConf.ignoreNulls)
val batchStmtBuilder = new BatchStatementBuilder(batchType, writeConf.consistencyLevel)
val batchKeyGenerator = batchRoutingKey(session) _
val batchBuilder = new GroupingBatchBuilderBase(boundStmtBuilder, batchStmtBuilder, batchKeyGenerator,
writeConf.batchSize, writeConf.batchGroupingBufferSize)
val maybeRateLimit: RichStatement => Unit = writeConf.throughputMiBPS match {
case Some(throughput) =>
val rateLimiter = new RateLimiter(
(throughput * 1024 * 1024).toLong,
1024 * 1024)
(stmt: RichStatement) => rateLimiter.maybeSleep(stmt.bytesCount)
case None =>
(stmt: RichStatement) => ()
AsyncStatementWriter(connector, writeConf, tableDef, stmt, batchBuilder, maybeRateLimit)
private def writeInternal(asyncStatementWriter: AsyncStatementWriter[T], taskContext: TaskContext, data: Iterator[T]) {
val updater = OutputMetricsUpdater(taskContext, writeConf)
val tokenRanges = extractTokenRange(taskContext.partitionId())
logInfo(s"Writing ranges: ${tokenRanges}")
val metricMonitoringWriter = asyncStatementWriter.copy(
successHandler = Some(updater.batchFinished(success = true, _, _, _)),
failureHandler = Some(updater.batchFinished(success = false, _, _, _)))
val rowIterator = new CountingIterator(data)
logDebug(s"Writing data partition to $keyspaceName.$tableName in batches of ${writeConf.batchSize}.")
for (stmtToWrite <- rowIterator) {
val duration = updater.finish() / 1000000000d
logInfo(f"Wrote ${rowIterator.count} rows to $keyspaceName.$tableName in $duration%.3f s.")
logInfo("Added token ranges to accumulator")
case class AsyncStatementWriter[T](
connector: CassandraConnector,
writeConf: WriteConf,
tableDef: TableDef,
preparedStatement: PreparedStatement,
groupingBatchBuilderBase: GroupingBatchBuilderBase[T],
maybeRateLimit: RichStatement => Unit,
successHandler: Option[Handler[RichStatement]] = None,
failureHandler: Option[Handler[RichStatement]] = None)
extends Closeable
with Logging {
//Don't grab a connection or queryExecutor unless we are using this statement writer
private lazy val session: CqlSession = connector.openSession()
private val keyspaceName: String = tableDef.keyspaceName
private val tableName: String = tableDef.tableName
private lazy val queryExecutor = new QueryExecutor(session, writeConf.parallelismLevel, successHandler, failureHandler)
def write(record: T): Unit= {
groupingBatchBuilderBase.batchRecord(record).foreach{ stmt =>
override def close(): Unit = {
for (statement <- groupingBatchBuilderBase.finish()) {
queryExecutor.getLatestException().map {
case exception =>
throw new IOException(
s"""Failed to write statements to $keyspaceName.$tableName. The
|latest exception was
| ${exception.getMessage}
|Please check the executor logs for more exceptions and information
object TableWriter {
private def checkMissingColumns(table: TableDef, columnNames: Seq[String]) {
val allColumnNames =
val missingColumns = columnNames.toSet -- allColumnNames
if (missingColumns.nonEmpty)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Column(s) not found: ${missingColumns.mkString(", ")}")
private def checkMissingPrimaryKeyColumns(table: TableDef, columnNames: Seq[String]) {
val primaryKeyColumnNames =
val missingPrimaryKeyColumns = primaryKeyColumnNames.toSet -- columnNames
if (missingPrimaryKeyColumns.nonEmpty)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Some primary key columns are missing in RDD or have not been selected: ${missingPrimaryKeyColumns.mkString(", ")}")
private def checkMissingPartitionKeyColumns(table: TableDef, columnNames: Seq[String]) {
val partitionKeyColumnNames =
val missingPartitionKeyColumns = partitionKeyColumnNames.toSet -- columnNames
if (missingPartitionKeyColumns.nonEmpty)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Some partition key columns are missing in RDD or have not been selected: ${missingPartitionKeyColumns.mkString(", ")}")
private def onlyPartitionKeyAndStatic(table: TableDef, columnNames: Seq[String]): Boolean = {
val nonPartitionKeyColumnNames = columnNames.toSet --
val nonPartitionKeyColumnRefs = table
.filter(columnDef => nonPartitionKeyColumnNames.contains(columnDef.columnName))
nonPartitionKeyColumnRefs.forall( columnDef => columnDef.columnRole == StaticColumn)
* Check whether a collection behavior is being applied to a non collection column
* Check whether prepend is used on any Sets or Maps
* Check whether remove is used on Maps
private def checkCollectionBehaviors(table: TableDef, columnRefs: IndexedSeq[ColumnRef]) {
val tableCollectionColumns = table.columns.filter(cd => cd.isCollection)
val tableCollectionColumnNames =
val tableListColumnNames = tableCollectionColumns
.map(c => (c.columnName, c.columnType))
.collect { case (name, x: ListType[_]) => name }
val tableMapColumnNames = tableCollectionColumns
.map(c => (c.columnName, c.columnType))
.collect { case (name, x: MapType[_, _]) => name }
val refsWithCollectionBehavior = columnRefs collect {
case columnName: CollectionColumnName => columnName
val collectionBehaviorColumnNames =
//Check for non-collection columns with a collection Behavior
val collectionBehaviorNormalColumn =
collectionBehaviorColumnNames.toSet -- tableCollectionColumnNames.toSet
if (collectionBehaviorNormalColumn.nonEmpty)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"""Collection behaviors (add/remove/append/prepend) are only allowed on collection columns.
|Normal Columns with illegal behavior: ${collectionBehaviorNormalColumn.mkString}"""
//Check that prepend is used only on lists
val prependBehaviorColumnNames = refsWithCollectionBehavior
.filter(_.collectionBehavior == CollectionPrepend)
val prependOnNonList = prependBehaviorColumnNames.toSet -- tableListColumnNames.toSet
if (prependOnNonList.nonEmpty)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"""The prepend collection behavior only applies to Lists. Prepend used on:
//Check that remove is not used on Maps
val removeBehaviorColumnNames = refsWithCollectionBehavior
.filter(_.collectionBehavior == CollectionRemove)
val removeOnMap = removeBehaviorColumnNames.toSet & tableMapColumnNames.toSet
if (removeOnMap.nonEmpty)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"The remove operation is currently not supported for Maps. Remove used on: ${removeOnMap
private def checkColumns(table: TableDef, columnRefs: IndexedSeq[ColumnRef], checkPartitionKey: Boolean) = {
val columnNames =
checkMissingColumns(table, columnNames)
if (checkPartitionKey) {
// For Deletes we only need a partition Key for a valid delete statement
checkMissingPartitionKeyColumns(table, columnNames)
else if (onlyPartitionKeyAndStatic(table, columnNames)) {
// Cassandra only requires a Partition Key Column on insert if all other columns are Static
checkMissingPartitionKeyColumns(table, columnNames)
else {
// For all other normal Cassandra writes we require the full primary key to be present
checkMissingPrimaryKeyColumns(table, columnNames)
checkCollectionBehaviors(table, columnRefs)
/** Columns that cannot actually be written to because they representt virtual endpoints
private val InternalColumns = Set("solr_query")
def apply[T : RowWriterFactory](
connector: CassandraConnector,
keyspaceName: String,
tableName: String,
columnNames: ColumnSelector,
writeConf: WriteConf,
checkPartitionKey: Boolean = false,
partitions: Array[Partition] = Array(),
tokenRangeAcc: Option[TokenRangeAccumulator] = None): TableWriter[T] = {
val tableDef = tableFromCassandra(connector, keyspaceName, tableName)
TableWriter(connector, tableDef, columnNames, writeConf, checkPartitionKey, partitions, tokenRangeAcc)
def apply[T : RowWriterFactory](
connector: CassandraConnector,
tableDef: TableDef,
columnNames: ColumnSelector,
writeConf: WriteConf,
checkPartitionKey: Boolean,
partitions: Array[Partition],
tokenRangeAcc: Option[TokenRangeAccumulator]): TableWriter[T] = {
val optionColumns = writeConf.optionsAsColumns(tableDef.keyspaceName, tableDef.tableName)
val tablDefWithMeta = tableDef.copy(regularColumns = tableDef.regularColumns ++ optionColumns)
val selectedColumns = columnNames
.filter(col => !InternalColumns.contains(col.columnName))
val rowWriter = implicitly[RowWriterFactory[T]].rowWriter(tablDefWithMeta, selectedColumns)
checkColumns(tablDefWithMeta, selectedColumns, checkPartitionKey)
new TableWriter[T](connector, tablDefWithMeta, selectedColumns, rowWriter, writeConf, partitions, tokenRangeAcc)