org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra.CassandraSQLRow.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra
import java.math.BigInteger
import java.sql.Timestamp
import java.time.{Instant, LocalTime}
import java.util.{Date, UUID}
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.`type`.codec.TypeCodecs
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.Row
import com.datastax.spark.connector.rdd.reader.{RowReader, ThisRowReaderAsFactory}
import com.datastax.spark.connector.types.TypeConverter
import com.datastax.spark.connector.{CassandraRow, CassandraRowMetadata, GettableData, TupleValue, UDTValue}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.Decimal
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row => SparkRow}
final class CassandraSQLRow(val metaData: CassandraRowMetadata, val columnValues: IndexedSeq[AnyRef])
extends GettableData with SparkRow with Serializable {
protected def fieldNames = metaData
private[spark] def this() = this(null, null) // required by Kryo for deserialization :(
/** Generic getter for getting columns of any type.
* Looks the column up by its index. First column starts at index 0. */
private def get[T](index: Int)(implicit c: TypeConverter[T]): T =
override def apply(i: Int) = columnValues(i)
override def copy() = this // immutable
override def size = super.size
override def getDouble(i: Int) = get[Double](i)
override def getFloat(i: Int) = get[Float](i)
override def getLong(i: Int) = get[Long](i)
override def getByte(i: Int) = get[Byte](i)
override def getBoolean(i: Int) = get[Boolean](i)
override def getShort(i: Int) = get[Short](i)
override def getInt(i: Int) = get[Int](i)
override def getString(i: Int) = get[String](i)
override def get(i: Int) = get[Any](i)
override def isNullAt(i: Int): Boolean = super[GettableData].isNullAt(i)
override def toSeq: Seq[Any] = columnValues
object CassandraSQLRow {
def fromJavaDriverRow(row: Row, metaData:CassandraRowMetadata): CassandraSQLRow = {
val data = CassandraRow.dataFromJavaDriverRow(row, metaData)
new CassandraSQLRow(metaData,
implicit object CassandraSQLRowReader extends RowReader[CassandraSQLRow] with ThisRowReaderAsFactory[CassandraSQLRow] {
override def read(row: Row, metaData:CassandraRowMetadata): CassandraSQLRow =
fromJavaDriverRow(row, metaData)
override def neededColumns = None
override def targetClass = classOf[CassandraSQLRow]
def toSparkSqlType(value: Any): AnyRef = {
val sparkSqlType: PartialFunction[Any, AnyRef] = {
case geo: Geometry => geo.asWellKnownText()
case date: Date => new Timestamp(date.getTime)
case localDate: org.joda.time.LocalDate =>
new java.sql.Date(localDate.toDateTimeAtStartOfDay().getMillis)
case localDate: java.time.LocalDate => java.sql.Date.valueOf(localDate)
case localTime: java.time.LocalTime => localTime.toNanoOfDay.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
case duration: java.time.Duration => duration.toMillis.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
case duration: CqlDuration => TypeCodecs.DURATION.format(duration)
case instant: java.time.Instant => new java.sql.Timestamp(instant.toEpochMilli)
case bigInteger: BigInteger => Decimal(bigInteger.toString)
case bigDecimal: java.math.BigDecimal => Decimal(bigDecimal)
case inetAddress: InetAddress => inetAddress.getHostAddress
case uuid: UUID => uuid.toString
case set: Set[_] =>
case list: List[_] =>
case map: Map[_, _] => map map { case(k, v) => (toSparkSqlType(k), toSparkSqlType(v))}
case udt: UDTValue => SparkRow( _*)
case tupleValue: TupleValue => SparkRow( _*)
case dateRange: DateRange => dateRange.toString
case _ => value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
def toUnsafeSqlType(value: Any): AnyRef = {
val sparkSqlType: PartialFunction[Any, AnyRef] = {
case geom: Geometry => geom.asWellKnownText()
case duration: CqlDuration => TypeCodecs.DURATION.format(duration)
case javaDate: java.util.Date => java.sql.Timestamp.from(javaDate.toInstant)
case localDate: java.time.LocalDate => java.sql.Date.valueOf(localDate)
case localDate: org.joda.time.LocalDate =>
java.time.LocalDate.of(localDate.getYear,localDate.getMonthOfYear, localDate.getDayOfMonth)
case inetAddress: InetAddress => inetAddress.getHostAddress
case uuid: UUID => uuid.toString
case set: Set[_] =>
case list: List[_] =>
case map: Map[_, _] => map map { case(k, v) => (toUnsafeSqlType(k), toUnsafeSqlType(v))}
case udt: UDTValue => UDTValue(udt.metaData,
case tupleValue: TupleValue => TupleValue( _*)
case dateRange: DateRange => dateRange.toString
case time: LocalTime => time.toNanoOfDay: java.lang.Long
case instant: Instant => java.sql.Timestamp.from(instant)
case _ => value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
val empty = new CassandraSQLRow(null, IndexedSeq.empty)