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* Copyright DataStax, Inc.
* Please see the included license file for details.
package org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra
import com.datastax.spark.connector.cql.{IndexDef, TableDef}
import com.datastax.spark.connector.types._
import com.datastax.spark.connector.util.Logging
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra.PredicateOps.FilterOps
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{EqualTo, Filter, IsNotNull}
import scala.collection.compat._
* A series of pushdown rules that only apply when connecting to Datastax Enterprise
object DsePredicateRules extends CassandraPredicateRules with Logging {
val StorageAttachedIndex = "StorageAttachedIndex"
private type PredicateRule = (AnalyzedPredicates, TableDef) => AnalyzedPredicates
private val saiTextTypes = Set[ColumnType[_]](TextType, AsciiType, VarCharType, UUIDType)
private val saiNumericTypes = Set[ColumnType[_]](IntType, BigIntType, SmallIntType, TinyIntType, FloatType, DoubleType,
VarIntType, DecimalType, TimestampType, DateType, InetType, TimeType, TimestampType, TimeUUIDType)
override def apply(
predicates: AnalyzedPredicates,
tableDef: TableDef,
sparkConf: SparkConf): AnalyzedPredicates = {
val pushDownRules = Seq[PredicateRule](
) ++ storageAttachedIndexPredicateRules(predicates, tableDef)
pushDownRules.foldLeft(predicates) { (p, rule) => rule(p, tableDef) }
* When using a "solr_query = clause" we need to remove all other predicates to be pushed down.
* Example : SparkSQL : "SELECT * FROM WHERE solr_query = data:pikachu and pkey = bob"
* In this example only the predicate solr_query can be handled in CQL. Passing pkey as well
* will cause an exception.
private def pushOnlySolrQuery(predicates: AnalyzedPredicates, tableDef: TableDef): AnalyzedPredicates = {
val allPredicates = predicates.handledByCassandra ++ predicates.handledBySpark
val solrQuery: Set[Filter] = allPredicates.collect {
case EqualTo(column, value) if column == "solr_query" => EqualTo(column, value)
//Spark 2.0 + generates an IsNotNull when we do "= literal"
val solrIsNotNull: Set[Filter] = allPredicates.collect {
case IsNotNull(column) if column == "solr_query" => IsNotNull(column)
if (solrQuery.nonEmpty) {
AnalyzedPredicates(solrQuery, allPredicates -- solrQuery -- solrIsNotNull)
} else {
// TODO: InClausePredicateRules is applied after DsePredicateRules, it may remove some of the IN clause from
// pushdown - we might consider applying SAI later then IN rules.
private def saiIndexes(table: TableDef): Seq[IndexDef] = {
private def pushDownPredicates(predicates: AnalyzedPredicates, table: TableDef)
(eligibleForPushDown: Filter => Boolean): AnalyzedPredicates = {
val indexColumns = saiIndexes(table).map(_.targetColumn)
val pushedEqualityPredicates = predicates.handledByCassandra.collect {
case f if FilterOps.isEqualToPredicate(f) => FilterOps.columnName(f)
val (handledByCassandra, handledBySpark) = predicates.handledBySpark.partition { filter =>
lazy val columnName = FilterOps.columnName(filter)
lazy val eligibleForSAIPushDown = eligibleForPushDown(filter) &&
indexColumns.contains(columnName) &&
val isEqualityPredicate = FilterOps.isEqualToPredicate(filter)
if (isEqualityPredicate && eligibleForSAIPushDown) {
pushedEqualityPredicates += columnName
AnalyzedPredicates(predicates.handledByCassandra ++ handledByCassandra, handledBySpark)
private def pushDownSAITextPredicates(predicates: AnalyzedPredicates, table: TableDef): AnalyzedPredicates =
pushDownPredicates(predicates, table) { filter =>
FilterOps.isEqualToPredicate(filter) &&
private def pushDownSAINumericPredicates(predicates: AnalyzedPredicates, table: TableDef): AnalyzedPredicates =
pushDownPredicates(predicates, table) { filter =>
(FilterOps.isEqualToPredicate(filter) || FilterOps.isRangePredicate(filter)) &&
* 1. IN clause for a partition key part prevents SAI push downs
* 2. OR clause prevents any push down
* 3. At most one equality is pushed
* 4. Only equality is pushed if equality and range are defined
* 5. Supported predicates:
* - numeric types: >, <, >=, <=, =
* - text types: =
* - set and list types: contains (non-frozen collections), = (frozen collections)
* - map type: contains key, contains value, key lookup result equality (map(key) == value), = (frozen collections)
* NOTE that collection types support is going to be introduces in SPARKC-630
private def storageAttachedIndexPredicateRules(predicates: AnalyzedPredicates, table: TableDef): Seq[PredicateRule] = {
val partitionKeyColumns =
val inClauseInPartitionKey = predicates.handledByCassandra
.find(f => FilterOps.isInPredicate(f) && f.references.exists(partitionKeyColumns.contains))
if (inClauseInPartitionKey.isDefined) {
logDebug(s"SAI pushdown is not possible, the query contains IN clause " +
s"on ${inClauseInPartitionKey.get.references.mkString(",")} partition key column(s).")
} else if (saiIndexes(table).isEmpty) {
logDebug(s"There are no SAI indexes on the given table: ${}")
} else {