com.sdicons.json.serializer.marshall.JSONMarshall Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Java JSON Tools core library. It is independent of third party libraries.
It is meant to minimize transitive dependencies.
Applications of the JSON tools which relate to other libraries will
be in separate optional pacakges.
package com.sdicons.json.serializer.marshall;
JSONTools - Java JSON Tools
Copyright (C) 2006 S.D.I.-Consulting BVBA
mailto://[email protected]
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import com.sdicons.json.model.JSONObject;
import com.sdicons.json.model.JSONString;
import com.sdicons.json.serializer.helper.MarshallHelper;
import com.sdicons.json.helper.HelperRepository;
import com.sdicons.json.serializer.helper.impl.*;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class JSONMarshall
implements Marshall
private static final String IDPREFIX = "id";
private long idCounter = 0;
public static final String RNDR_NULL = "null";
public static final String RNDR_OBJ = "O";
public static final String RNDR_OBJREF = "R";
public static final String RNDR_PRIM = "P";
public static final String RNDR_ARR = "A";
public static final String RNDR_ATTR_ID = "&";
public static final String RNDR_ATTR_KIND = ">";
public static final String RNDR_ATTR_TYPE = "t";
public static final String RNDR_ATTR_VALUE = "=";
public static final String RNDR_ATTR_CLASS = "c";
public static final String RNDR_ATTR_REF = "*";
public static final String RNDR_PRTITYP_BOOLEAN = "boolean";
public static final String RNDR_PRTITYP_BYTE = "byte";
public static final String RNDR_PRTITYP_CHAR = "char";
public static final String RNDR_PRTITYP_SHORT = "short";
public static final String RNDR_PRTITYP_INT = "int";
public static final String RNDR_PRTITYP_LONG = "long";
public static final String RNDR_PRTITYP_FLOAT = "float";
public static final String RNDR_PRTITYP_DOUBLE = "double";
public static final String ERR_MISSINGATTR = "Attribute is missing: ";
public static final String ERR_MISSINGATTRVAL = "Attribute value is missing: ";
public static final String ERR_MISSINGSTRING = "Attribute is not a string value: ";
private HelperRepository repo = new HelperRepository();
repo.addHelper(new ObjectHelper());
repo.addHelper(new StringHelper());
repo.addHelper(new BooleanHelper());
repo.addHelper(new ByteHelper());
repo.addHelper(new ShortHelper());
repo.addHelper(new IntegerHelper());
repo.addHelper(new LongHelper());
repo.addHelper(new FloatHelper());
repo.addHelper(new DoubleHelper());
repo.addHelper(new BigIntegerHelper());
repo.addHelper(new BigDecimalHelper());
repo.addHelper(new CharacterHelper());
repo.addHelper(new DateHelper());
repo.addHelper(new CollectionHelper());
repo.addHelper(new MapHelper());
repo.addHelper(new ColorHelper());
repo.addHelper(new FontHelper());
repo.addHelper(new EnumHelper());
public JSONObject marshall(boolean aValue)
return marshallPrimitive(RNDR_PRTITYP_BOOLEAN, "" + aValue);
public JSONObject marshall(byte aValue)
return marshallPrimitive(RNDR_PRTITYP_BYTE, "" + aValue);
public JSONObject marshall(short aValue)
return marshallPrimitive(RNDR_PRTITYP_SHORT, "" + aValue);
public JSONObject marshall(char aValue)
return marshallPrimitive(RNDR_PRTITYP_CHAR, "" + aValue);
public JSONObject marshall(int aValue)
return marshallPrimitive(RNDR_PRTITYP_INT, "" + aValue);
public JSONObject marshall(long aValue)
return marshallPrimitive(RNDR_PRTITYP_LONG, "" + aValue);
public JSONObject marshall(float aValue)
return marshallPrimitive(RNDR_PRTITYP_FLOAT, "" + aValue);
public JSONObject marshall(double aValue)
return marshallPrimitive(RNDR_PRTITYP_DOUBLE, "" + aValue);
private JSONObject marshallPrimitive(String aType, String aValue)
final JSONObject lElement = new JSONObject();
lElement.getValue().put(RNDR_ATTR_KIND, new JSONString(RNDR_PRIM));
lElement.getValue().put(RNDR_ATTR_TYPE, new JSONString(aType));
lElement.getValue().put(RNDR_ATTR_VALUE, new JSONString(aValue));
return lElement;
public JSONObject marshall(Object aObj)
throws MarshallException
return marshallImpl(aObj, new HashMap());
public JSONObject marshallImpl(Object aObj, HashMap aPool)
throws MarshallException
// Handle null references quickly.
if(aObj == null)
final JSONObject lElement = new JSONObject();
lElement.getValue().put(RNDR_ATTR_KIND, new JSONString(RNDR_NULL));
return lElement;
final Class lObjectClass = aObj.getClass();
final String lObjectClassName = lObjectClass.getName();
// A reference to the object will be used for storage as a key in the
// hashtable for identity reasons. Two objects are different if they
// are different in memory, even if they are equal().
// Serialization should not change the original layout of the objects.
final Reference lRef = new Reference(aObj);
// We already rendered this object in the past.
// We have to render to a reference.
final JSONObject lElement = new JSONObject();
lElement.getValue().put(RNDR_ATTR_KIND, new JSONString(RNDR_OBJREF));
lElement.getValue().put(RNDR_ATTR_REF, new JSONString((String) aPool.get(lRef)));
return lElement;
// We did not encounter this object before.
// We generate a new key and associate it with the object.
final String lObjectId = generateId();
aPool.put(lRef, lObjectId);
if(lObjectClass.isArray()) return marshallImplArray(aObj, aPool);
else return marshallImplObject(aObj, lObjectId, lObjectClass, lObjectClassName, aPool);
private JSONObject marshallImplArray(Object aObj, HashMap aPool)
throws MarshallException
final Class lClass = aObj.getClass();
final String lObjClassName = lClass.getName();
// Construct the component class name.
String lComponentClassName = "unknown";
// Array of objects.
lComponentClassName = lObjClassName.substring(2, lObjClassName.length() - 1);
// Array of array; Array of primitive types.
lComponentClassName = lObjClassName.substring(1);
final JSONObject lArrElement = new JSONObject();
lArrElement.getValue().put(RNDR_ATTR_KIND, new JSONString(RNDR_ARR));
lArrElement.getValue().put(RNDR_ATTR_CLASS, new JSONString(lComponentClassName));
final ArrayHelper lAh = new ArrayHelper();
lAh.renderValue(aObj, lArrElement, this, aPool);
return lArrElement;
private JSONObject marshallImplObject(Object aObj, String aObjId, Class aObjClass, String aObjClassName, HashMap aPool)
throws MarshallException
final JSONObject lObjElement = new JSONObject();
lObjElement.getValue().put(RNDR_ATTR_KIND, new JSONString(RNDR_OBJ));
lObjElement.getValue().put(RNDR_ATTR_ID, new JSONString(aObjId));
lObjElement.getValue().put(RNDR_ATTR_CLASS, new JSONString(aObjClassName));
final MarshallHelper lHelper = repo.findHelper(aObjClass);
lHelper.renderValue(aObj, lObjElement, this, aPool);
return lObjElement;
private String generateId()
String lId = IDPREFIX + idCounter;
return lId;
public MarshallValue unmarshall(JSONObject aElement)
throws MarshallException
requireStringAttribute(aElement, RNDR_ATTR_KIND);
final String lElementKind = ((JSONString) aElement.get(RNDR_ATTR_KIND)).getValue();
final Object lUnmarshalled = unmarshallImpl(aElement, new HashMap());
// Put primitive types in corresponding instance vars.
if (RNDR_PRIM.equals(lElementKind))
if (lUnmarshalled instanceof Boolean)
return new MarshallValueImpl(((Boolean) lUnmarshalled).booleanValue());
else if (lUnmarshalled instanceof Byte)
return new MarshallValueImpl(((Byte) lUnmarshalled).byteValue());
else if (lUnmarshalled instanceof Short)
return new MarshallValueImpl(((Short) lUnmarshalled).shortValue());
else if (lUnmarshalled instanceof Character)
return new MarshallValueImpl(((Character) lUnmarshalled).charValue());
else if (lUnmarshalled instanceof Integer)
return new MarshallValueImpl(((Integer) lUnmarshalled).intValue());
else if (lUnmarshalled instanceof Long)
return new MarshallValueImpl(((Long) lUnmarshalled).longValue());
else if (lUnmarshalled instanceof Float)
return new MarshallValueImpl(((Float) lUnmarshalled).floatValue());
else if (lUnmarshalled instanceof Double)
return new MarshallValueImpl(((Double) lUnmarshalled).doubleValue());
final String lMsg = "Unknown primitive type encountered: " + lUnmarshalled.getClass().getName() + aElement.getLine() + ":" + aElement.getCol() + ".";
throw new MarshallException(lMsg);
return new MarshallValueImpl(lUnmarshalled);
// Internal implementation. Always uses return objects, never primitives.
public Object unmarshallImpl(JSONObject aElement, HashMap aObjectPool)
throws MarshallException
requireStringAttribute(aElement, RNDR_ATTR_KIND);
final String lElementKind = ((JSONString) aElement.get(RNDR_ATTR_KIND)).getValue();
if (RNDR_OBJREF.equals(lElementKind))
requireStringAttribute(aElement, RNDR_ATTR_REF);
final String lRef = ((JSONString) aElement.get(RNDR_ATTR_REF)).getValue();
//noinspection SuspiciousMethodCalls
final Object lObjFromPool = aObjectPool.get(lRef);
if (lObjFromPool == null)
final String lMsg = "Unknown reference: " + lRef;
throw new MarshallException(lMsg);
return lObjFromPool;
if (RNDR_PRIM.equals(lElementKind))
return unmarshallImplPrimitive(aElement);
else if (RNDR_NULL.equals(lElementKind))
return null;
if (RNDR_ARR.equals(lElementKind))
final ArrayHelper lAh = new ArrayHelper();
return lAh.parseValue(aElement, this, aObjectPool);
else if (RNDR_OBJ.equals(lElementKind))
requireStringAttribute(aElement, RNDR_ATTR_CLASS);
final String lBeanClassName = ((JSONString) aElement.get(RNDR_ATTR_CLASS)).getValue();
if (lBeanClassName == null)
throw new MarshallException(lMsg);
String lId = null;
JSONMarshall.requireStringAttribute(aElement, JSONMarshall.RNDR_ATTR_ID);
lId = ((JSONString) aElement.get(JSONMarshall.RNDR_ATTR_ID)).getValue();
catch (Exception eIgnore)
final Class lBeanClass = Class.forName(lBeanClassName);
MarshallHelper lHelper = repo.findHelper(lBeanClass);
Object lResult = lHelper.parseValue(aElement, this, aObjectPool);
if(lId != null) aObjectPool.put(lId, lResult);
return lResult;
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
final String lMsg = "Tried to unmarshall unknown class.";
throw new MarshallException(lMsg);
final String lMsg = "Unknown type encountered: " + lElementKind;
throw new MarshallException(lMsg);
private Object unmarshallImplPrimitive(JSONObject aElement)
throws MarshallException
requireStringAttribute(aElement, RNDR_ATTR_TYPE);
requireStringAttribute(aElement, RNDR_ATTR_VALUE);
final String lType = ((JSONString) aElement.get(RNDR_ATTR_TYPE)).getValue();
final String lValue = ((JSONString) aElement.get(RNDR_ATTR_VALUE)).getValue();
if("boolean".equals(lType)) return new Boolean(lValue);
else if("byte".equals(lType)) return new Byte(lValue);
else if("short".equals(lType)) return new Short(lValue);
else if("char".equals(lType)) return new Character(lValue.charAt(0));
else if("int".equals(lType)) return new Integer(lValue);
else if("long".equals(lType)) return new Long(lValue);
else if("float".equals(lType)) return new Float(lValue);
else if("double".equals(lType)) return new Double(lValue);
final String lMsg = "Unknown primitive type encountered: " + lType;
throw new MarshallException(lMsg);
catch(MarshallException passtrough)
throw passtrough;
catch(Exception e)
final String lMsg = "Error while unmarshalling primitive type: " + lType + ", value: " + lValue;
throw new MarshallException(lMsg);
public static void requireStringAttribute(JSONObject aElement, String anAttribute)
throws MarshallException
final String lMsg = ERR_MISSINGATTRVAL + anAttribute + " for object at location " + aElement.getLine() + ":" + aElement.getCol() + ".";
throw new MarshallException(lMsg);
if(!(aElement.get(anAttribute) instanceof JSONString))
final String lMsg = ERR_MISSINGSTRING + anAttribute + " for object at location " + aElement.getLine() + ":" + aElement.getCol() + ".";
throw new MarshallException(lMsg);