com.seeq.utilities.SeeqNames Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.seeq.utilities;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public interface SeeqNames {
interface Properties {
// General to Items
String Guid = "GUID"; // (via item.getGuid)
String Name = "Name"; // (via item.getName)
String Id = "ID";
String Description = "Description";
String Unsearchable = "Unsearchable";
String Archived = "Archived";
String ArchivalId = "Archival ID"; // See CRAB-21964 design doc + CRAB-16544
String ArchivedAt = "Archived At"; // See CRAB-21964 design doc + CRAB-16544
String ArchivedReason = "Archived Reason"; // See CRAB-21964 design doc + CRAB-16544
String Dashboard = "Dashboard";
String SyncToken = "Sync Token";
String NumberFormat = "Number Format";
String SourceNumberFormat = "Source Number Format";
String StringFormat = "String Format";
String SourceStringFormat = "Source String Format";
String StorageLocation = "Storage Location";
String ExecutorId = "Executor ID";
String CreatorId = "Creator ID";
String CreatorFirstName = "Creator First Name";
String CreatorLastName = "Creator Last Name";
String HistoricalDataVersion = "Historical Data Version";
String ManualCdc = "Manual CDC";
// Indicates an Item is scoped to a Workbook, and maybe more. See CRAB-15749
String ScopedTo = "Scoped To";
String Asset = "asset";
String FullPath = "fullpath";
String Locked = "Locked";
String LockedMetadata = "Locked Metadata";
// Datafile
String ImportItemType = "Import Item Type";
String Filename = "Filename";
String NameRow = "Name Row";
String NamePrefix = "Name Prefix";
String NameSuffix = "Name Suffix";
String ConditionName = "Condition Name";
String FirstDataRow = "First Data Row";
String DescriptionRow = "Description Row";
String InterpolationMethodRow = "Interpolation Method Row";
String MaximumInterpolationRow = "Maximum Interpolation Row";
String ValueUomRow = "Value Unit of Measure Row";
String FieldDelimiter = "Field Delimiter";
String DayFirstDefault = "Day First Default";
String KeyColumnName = "Key Column Name";
String KeyColumnIndex = "Key Column Index";
String EndColumnName = "End Column Name";
String EndColumnIndex = "End Column Index";
String KeyFormat = "Key Format";
String TimeZone = "Time Zone";
String ValueColumnNames = "Value Column Names";
String ValueColumnIndices = "Value Column Indices";
String Append = "Append";
String ValidationMode = "Validation Mode";
String LenientDaylightSavings = "Lenient Daylight Savings";
// Datasource
String DatasourceClass = "Datasource Class";
String DatasourceName = "Datasource Name";
String DatasourceId = "Datasource ID";
String DatasourceHostId = "Datasource Host ID";
String DataId = "Data ID";
String PreviousDataId = "Previous Data ID";
String StoredInSeeq = "Stored In Seeq";
String ConnectionRequestTimeout = "Connection Request Timeout";
String MaxRequests = "Max Requests";
String WindowsAuthMode = "Windows Auth Mode";
String LdapAuthMode = "LDAP Auth Mode";
String UsernamePasswordCompatible = "Username/Password Compatible";
String UsernameHumanReadable = "Username Human Readable";
String ExpectDuplicatesDuringIndexing = "Expect Duplicates During Indexing";
String ReferencedDatasourceId = "Referenced Datasource ID";
String ReferencedDatasourceClass = "Referenced Datasource Class";
String AdditionalGroupsToSync = "Additional Groups To Sync";
String SignalLocation = "Signal Location";
String ConditionLocation = "Condition Location";
String CurrentIndexAt = "Current Index At";
String PreviousIndexAt = "Previous Index At";
String SyncResult = "Sync Result";
String IndexingScheduleSupported = "Indexing Schedule Supported";
String SyncMode = "Sync Mode";
String ItemsArchivedCount = "Items Archived Count";
String IndexingDuration = "Indexing Duration";
String ProvidesEveryoneGroupIdentities = "Provides Everyone Group Identities";
String DatasourceLabels = "Datasource Labels";
String DatasourceVendor = "Datasource Vendor";
// Datasource progress reporting
String IndexingProgressTimestamp = "Indexing Progress Timestamp";
String AssetProgress = "Asset Progress";
String AssetCount = "Asset Count";
String PreviousAssetCount = "Previous Asset Count";
String SignalProgress = "Signal Progress";
String SignalCount = "Signal Count";
String PreviousSignalCount = "Previous Signal Count";
String ConditionProgress = "Condition Progress";
String ConditionCount = "Condition Count";
String PreviousConditionCount = "Previous Condition Count";
String ScalarProgress = "Scalar Progress";
String ScalarCount = "Scalar Count";
String PreviousScalarCount = "Previous Scalar Count";
String RelationshipProgress = "Relationship Progress";
String RelationshipCount = "Relationship Count";
String PreviousRelationshipCount = "Previous Relationship Count";
String UserGroupProgress = "UserGroup Progress";
String UserGroupCount = "UserGroups Count";
String PreviousUserGroupCount = "Previous UserGroups Count";
// Series
String StaleMetadata = "Stale Metadata";
String InterpolationMethod = "Interpolation Method";
String SourceMaximumInterpolation = "Source Maximum Interpolation";
String OverrideMaximumInterpolation = "Override Maximum Interpolation";
String MaximumInterpolation = "Maximum Interpolation";
String ValueUom = "Value Unit Of Measure";
String SourceValueUom = "Source Value Unit Of Measure";
String DisplayUnit = "Display Unit";
String UnitsMigrated = "Units Migrated";
String MaximumDuration = "Maximum Duration";
String CacheEnabled = "Cache Enabled";
String UncertaintyOverride = "Uncertainty Override";
String MetadataProperties = "Metadata Properties";
String LastKeyWritten = "Last Key Written";
String RequestIntervalClamp = "Request Interval Clamp";
String CacheId = "Cache ID";
String DebounceDuration = "Debounce Duration";
String DebounceWindow = "Debounce Window";
String TombstonedProperties = "Tombstoned Properties"; // See CRAB-30363 design doc
String MultivaluedSamplesBehavior = "Multivalued Samples Behavior";
String CapsuleIdProperty = "Capsule ID Property"; // See CRAB-34051 design doc
String StoredSeriesCacheVersion = "Stored Series Cache Version";
// Capsule/marker series properties, scalar metaproperty
String ReplaceCapsuleProperties = "Replace Capsule Properties";
String Uom = "Unit Of Measure";
// Property on CalculatedXs
String FormulaVersion = "Formula Version";
String Formula = "Formula";
String SwapSourceId = "Swap Source ID";
String SwapKey = "Swap Key";
// CalculatedScalar
String CacheValue = "CacheValue";
// StoredScalar
String Value = "Value";
// Formula
String FormulaParameters = "FormulaParameters";
// FormulaFunctions
String ExpectedProvidedType = "ExpectedProvidedType";
// FormulaPackages
String VersionString = "Version String";
String CreatorName = "Creator Name";
String CreatorContactInfo = "Creator Contact Info";
// FormulaDocs
String Title = "Title";
String Examples = "Examples";
String SearchKeywords = "Search Keywords";
String ExperimentalPackageName = "Experimental";
String SeeqPackageName = "Seeq";
String IndexDocName = "index";
// Metric
String AggregationFunction = "AggregationFunction";
String Duration = "Duration";
String Period = "Period";
String MeasuredItemMaximumDuration = "MeasuredItemMaximumDuration";
// CRAB-32588: migrate threshold metrics.
String MetricConfigurationMigration = "MetricReconfigurationMigration";
String BoundingConditionMaximumDuration = "BoundingConditionMaximumDuration";
String NeutralColor = "NeutralColor";
String IsGenerated = "Is Generated";
// Tree
String TreeType = "Tree Type";
String ManuallyAdded = "Manually Added";
String CreatedBy = "Created By";
// Asset group items, created by the frontend
String AssetPath = "assetPath";
String ColumnType = "columnType";
String OriginalMapping = "originalMapping";
String ParameterToColumn = "parameterToColumn";
// Display
String SwapSourceAssetId = "Swap Source Asset ID";
// Export
String ExportData = "Export Data";
String IsCapsuleView = "Is Capsule View";
String IsExportCapsuleTable = "Is Export Capsule Table";
String IsChainView = "Is Chain View";
String IsAutoupdateTimeRange = "Is Autoupdate Time Range";
String GridSize = "Grid Size";
// User
String UserEmail = "User Email";
String Username = "Username";
String FirstName = "First Name";
String LastName = "Last Name";
String PasswordHash = "Password Hash";
String PasswordHashMethod = "Password Hash Method";
String PasswordSetDate = "Password Set Date";
String LastLoginAt = "Last Login At";
String FailedLoginAttemptCount = "Failed Login Attempt Count";
String SessionDuration = "Session Duration";
String AccessKeyValidityDuration = "Access Key Validity Duration";
String Enabled = "Enabled";
String Workbench = "Workbench";
String UserRole = "User Role";
String Site = "Site";
String UserLanguage = "userLanguage";
String RequirePasswordResetOnNextLogin = "Require Password Reset On Next Login";
String AgentAPIKeyPermissionsMigrated = "Agent API Key Permissions Migrated";
String AgentProvisioningStatus = "Agent Provisioning Status";
String AgentProvisioningSourceAddress = "Agent Provisioning Source Address";
String AgentProvisioningRequestedAt = "Agent Provisioning Requested At";
String PasswordResetTokenHash = "Password Reset Token Hash";
String PasswordResetTokenExpirationAt = "Password Reset Token Expiration At";
String LastPasswordResetRequestAt = "Last Password Reset Request At";
// UserGroups
String RemoteGroupEditable = "Remote Group Editable";
String RemovePermissions = "Remove Permissions";
// Work-things used by the frontend for persisting state.
String Data = "Data";
String CreatedAt = "Created At";
String UpdatedAt = "Updated At";
String Order = "Order";
String RemovedWorksheetWorkstepRelationships = "Removed Worksheet Workstep Relationships";
// Annotation, Journal, Reports
String Document = "Document";
String PlainTextDocument = "Plain Text Document";
String Discoverable = "Discoverable";
String PublishedAt = "Published At";
String LastViewedAt = "Last Viewed At";
// Access Control
String SourceSecurityString = "Source Security String";
String SecurityString = "Security String";
String PermissionsFromDatasource = "Permissions From Datasource"; // Permissions are managed by the datasource
String PermissionInheritanceDisabled = "Permission Inheritance Disabled";
String AssetGroupMember = "Asset Group Member";
// System State
String FirstAdminCreated = "First Admin Created";
// Property used by the frontend that is stored on calculated items. Even though the frontend sets it manually
// it has to be copied over when items are cloned.
String UIConfig = "UIConfig";
String DirtyCache = "Dirty Cache";
String Unmodifiable = "Unmodifiable";
// Content
String Height = "Height";
String Width = "Width";
String Scale = "Scale";
String Timezone = "Timezone";
String Selector = "Selector";
String LastScreenshotDuration = "Last Screenshot Duration";
String ScreenshotWarning = "Screenshot Warning";
String SummaryType = "Summary Type";
String SummaryValue = "Summary Value";
String HideUncertainty = "Hide Uncertainty";
String CurrentFilename = "Current Filename";
String LastResultHash = "Last Result Hash";
// Asset Selection
String AssetPathDepth = "Asset Path Depth";
// Condition Monitor
String LastRunAt = "Last Run At";
String LastRunState = "Last Run State";
String QueryRangeLookAhead = "Query Range Look Ahead";
String WebhookUrl = "Webhook Url";
String FirstRunLookBack = "First Run Look Back";
// Item Finder
String FinderConfigurations = "Finder Configurations";
String LastRunWarnings = "Last Run Warnings";
// Data Lab Projects
String ResourceSize = "Resource Size";
String ProjectType = "Project Type";
// Scheduled items
String CronSchedule = "Cron Schedule";
String Background = "Background";
String ConditionFormulaNow = "Condition Formula Now";
String NotebookPath = "Notebook Path";
String PreviousRunTime = "Previous Run Time";
String CronSchedulesToIndices = "Cron Schedules To Indices";
String Label = "Label";
String NotifyOnSkippedExecution = "Notify On Skipped Execution";
String NotifyOnAutomaticUnschedule = "Notify On Automatic Unschedule";
// Report
String TotalRunTime = "Total Run Time";
String AverageRunTime = "Average Run Time";
String IsFixedWith = "Is Fixed Width";
String MarginTop = "Margin Top";
String MarginBottom = "Margin Bottom";
String MarginLeft = "Margin Left";
String MarginRight = "Margin Right";
String Orientation = "Page Orientation";
String PageSize = "Page Size";
String IsCkEnabled = "Is CK Enabled";
String FroalaBackup = "Froala Backup";
// Used to migrate Content to new worksteps when duplicating a Folder
String OriginalHasWorkstepGuid = "Original HasWorkstep GUID";
// Used to indicate that Add-ons, Add-on Tools, or Plugins are in development mode
String InDevelopment = "In Development";
// Add-on Tool
String IconClass = "Icon Class";
String TargetUrl = "Target URL";
String LaunchLocation = "Launch Location";
String LinkType = "Link Type";
String WindowDetails = "Window Details";
String ReuseWindow = "Reuse Window";
String SortKey = "Sort Key";
// Add-ons
String AddOnIdentifier = "Add-on Identifier";
String AddOnComponents = "Add-on Components";
// Report Templates
String HtmlTemplate = "HTML Template";
String PlainTextTemplate = "Plain Text Template";
// Plugin
String Category = "Category";
String Identifier = "Identifier";
String Location = "Location";
String EntryPoint = "Entry Point";
String Icon = "Icon";
String LastUpdateTime = "Last Update Time";
String Host = "Host";
String Options = "Options";
String Version = "Version";
// Connector Configuration
String Json = "Json";
String PropagationPending = "Propagation Pending";
String DatasourceManaged = "Datasource Managed";
// Connection Configuration
String ConnectionId = "ConnectionId";
String IndexingConnection = "Indexing Connection";
String PullConnection = "Pull Connection";
String MaxConcurrentRequests = "Max Concurrent Requests";
String MaxResultsPerRequests = "Max Results Per Requests";
String Transforms = "Transforms";
String Type = "Type";
String IndexingFrequency = "Indexing Frequency";
String NextScheduledIndexAt = "Next Scheduled Index At";
String DisabledAt = "Disabled At";
String DisabledBy = "Disabled By";
String IndexingOnStartupAndConfigChange = "Indexing On Startup And Config Change";
// Table Definitions
String ColumnDefinitions = "Column Definitions";
String BatchAction = "Batch Action";
// Context Conditions
String IsContextCondition = "Is Context Condition";
interface CapsuleProperties {
String Start = "Start"; // (via capsule.getStart)
String End = "End"; // (via capsule.getEnd)
String Duration = "Duration"; // computed property using start/end
String IsUncertain = "IsUncertain"; // (via capsule.isUncertain)
String IsBounded = "IsBounded"; // (via capsule.isBounded)
String Middle = "Middle"; // computed property using start/end
// For use in bucketize()
String Count = "Count";
// Properties for JSON serialization
String Value = "Value"; // Also ToCapsules operator
String Unit = "Unit";
// Properties on Profile Search Capsules
String Distance = "Distance";
String Similarity = "Similarity";
String StandardDeviation = "Standard Deviation";
String SamplePeriod = "Sample Period";
/** Boolean indicating that this capsule corresponds with the reference profile of the profile search */
String ReferenceCapsule = "Reference Capsule";
// These are captured properties about capsules before they get clobbered by downstream operations.
// For instance, combineWith() might need to track the source condition or original uncertainty
String ConditionId = "Condition ID";
String CapsuleId = "Capsule ID";
String CapsuleIdSafe = "Capsule SortKey";
* Cursor Key
* Bounded conditions: if the cursor is before the original capsule start
* Unbounded conditions: if the cursor is before the original capsule end
* (null otherwise)
String OriginalUncertainty = "Original Uncertainty";
String IsSuppressed = "Is Suppressed";
interface TopicDocumentAttributes {
String DataSeeqContent = "data-seeq-content";
String DataSeeqContentPending = "data-seeq-content-pending";
String DataSeeqDateRangeId = "data-date-range-id";
String DataSeeqDateRangeFormat = "data-date-range-format";
String DataSeeqDateRangeContent = "data-date-range-content";
String DataSeeqContentPercentWidth = "data-seeq-content-percent-width";
String DataSeeqContentNoMargin = "data-seeq-content-no-margin";
String DataSeeqContentBorder = "data-seeq-content-border";
String DataSeeqContentHeight = "data-seeq-content-height";
String DataSeeqContentWidth = "data-seeq-content-width";
String DataSeeqRestrictContentHeight = "data-seeq-restrict-content-height";
String DataSeeqContentPropertyOverrides = "data-seeq-content-property-overrides";
String DataSeeqAssetSelectionId = "data-asset-selection-id";
String DataSeeqAssetSelectionDepthLevel = "data-asset-selection-depth-level";
String DataSeeqIframeContentUrl = "data-iframe-content-url";
String DataSeeqIframeContentHeight = "data-iframe-content-height";
String DataSeeqIframeContentWidth = "data-iframe-content-width";
interface Types {
String Asset = "Asset";
String AssetSelection = "AssetSelection";
String AccessControlEntry = "AccessControlEntry";
String StoredSignal = "StoredSignal"; // Formerly: StoredTimeSeries, StoredSeries, StoredSampleSeries
String Datasource = "Datasource";
String Datafile = "Datafile";
// Formerly: CalculatedTimeSeries, CalculatedSeries, CalculatedSampleSeries
String CalculatedSignal = "CalculatedSignal";
String Signal = "Signal"; // Formerly: TimeSeries, Series, SampleSeries
String TreeDefinition = "TreeDefinition";
String Identity = "Identity";
String User = "User";
String UserGroup = "UserGroup";
String AccessKey = "AccessKey";
String SystemState = "SystemState";
String Export = "Export";
String ProjectLink = "ProjectLink";
String AddOnTool = "AddOnTool";
String BaseAnnotation = "BaseAnnotation";
String Report = "Report";
String ReportTemplate = "ReportTemplate";
String Journal = "Journal";
String Reply = "Reply";
String ItemFinder = "ItemFinder";
String Condition = "Condition";
String ConditionMonitor = "ConditionMonitor";
String Capsule = "Capsule";
String StoredCondition = "StoredCondition";
String CalculatedCondition = "CalculatedCondition";
String Scalar = "ScalarItem";
String LiteralScalar = "LiteralScalar";
String CalculatedScalar = "CalculatedScalar";
String FormulaFunction = "FormulaFunction";
String AggregatingFormulaFunction = "AggregatingFormulaFunction";
String Chart = "Chart";
String UserDefinedFormulaFunction = "UserDefinedFormulaFunction";
String FormulaPackage = "FormulaPackage";
String FormulaDoc = "FormulaDoc";
String FormulaPackageDoc = "FormulaPackageDoc";
String ThresholdMetric = "ThresholdMetric";
String Display = "Display";
String DisplayTemplate = "DisplayTemplate";
String Folder = "Folder";
String Project = "Project";
String Content = "Content";
String ImageContent = "ImageContent";
String ReactJsonContent = "ReactJsonContent";
String DateRange = "DateRange";
String ScheduledNotebook = "ScheduledNotebook";
String AddOn = "AddOn";
String Plugin = "Plugin";
String Connection = "Connection";
String Connector = "Connector";
String Agent = "Agent";
// Work-things used by the frontend for persisting state.
String Analysis = "Analysis";
String Topic = "Topic";
String Vantage = "Vantage";
String Worksheet = "Worksheet";
String Workstep = "Workstep";
// Type System
String Item = "Item";
String ItemWithOwner = "ItemWithOwner";
String TypeDefinition = "TypeDefinition";
String TableDefinition = "TableDefinition";
interface Edges {
// NOTE: See if an edge should be protected by a database constraint of
// - a single parent (e.g. a subfolder can only be contained by one parent folder)
// - a single child (e.g. a Package or UDF can only be documented by one Formula Doc)
// Indicates a User owns access to another item
String Owns = "owns";
// Indicates a User created an item
String Created = "created";
// Indicates a User installed an item (such as a FormulaPackage)
String Installed = "installed";
// used for representing a tree hierarchy where an item can only have one parent, such as assets containing
// assets or series
String Contains = "contains";
// represents the hierarchy of folders containing workbench items (folders, analyses, topics, etc)
String FolderContains = "folder contains";
// used for representing a graph where a child can have many parents, such as user groups containing identities
String MemberOf = "member of";
// annotations
// Associates Annotation (e.g. Journal, Reply) to an Item. Not applicable for a Report
String InterestedIn = "interested in";
// Associates a Report to a Worksheet
String ReportsOn = "reports on";
// Indicates that an item (comment) is a reply to another
String RepliesTo = "replies to";
// Indicates an item was recently accessed from a Workbook
String RecentlyAccessed = "recently accessed";
// Work-things used by the frontend for persisting state.
String HasWorksheet = "has worksheet";
String HasWorkstep = "has workstep";
String CurrentWorkstep = "current workstep";
String TemplateWorkstep = "template workstep";
// Defines the parameters for the formula on CalculatedXs
String HasParameter = "has parameter";
String UsesFunction = "uses function";
// Used to connect Access Keys to users
String AssociatedTo = "associated to";
// Indicates which identity (user or user group) an Access Control Entry (ACE) defines access for
@SeeqNamesGeneratorOptions(deprecated = true)
String AccessFor = "access for";
// Indicates that an item has an Access Control Entry (ACE) defining who has access to the item
@SeeqNamesGeneratorOptions(deprecated = true)
String HasAce = "has access control entry";
// Indicates that a user has pinned a folder or a workbook has some other item pinned
String HasPinned = "has pinned";
// The primary item that a metric is measuring
String Measuring = "measuring";
// The aggregate signal created by a metric
String HasAggregationSignal = "has aggregation signal";
// The aggregate signal created by a metric
String HasAggregationCondition = "has aggregation condition";
// The FormulaFunction that can be used to generate the display item
String HasAggregationFormulaFunction = "has aggregation formula function";
// The condition that is used to bound the results of a metric
String BoundedBy = "bounded by";
// The items that are used to create the thresholds conditions for a metric
String HasThreshold = "has threshold";
// The conditions that can be used to find threshold excursions for a metric. Deprecated in CRAB-21988
String HasConditionThreshold = "has condition threshold";
// Users have a home folder if they've created any workbench items
String HomeFolder = "home folder";
String HasManager = "has manager";
// The User Defined Functions that are contained within the Package
String PackageContainsUDF = "package contains user defined function";
// The Formula Docs that are contained within the Package
String PackageContainsDoc = "package contains formula doc";
// The Package or User Defined Function(s) that are documented by a Formula Doc
String DocumentedBy = "documented by";
// The Connectors that are contained within the Agent
String AgentContainsConnector = "agent contains connector";
String ConnectionCreatedByConnector = "connection created by connector";
// Used by Report/Content/DateRange/ScheduledNotebook
// The user whose access rights are used for content rendering
String Renders = "renders";
// The user whose access rights are used for running ScheduledNotebooks
String RunsNotebook = "runs notebook";
String SourceWorksheet = "source worksheet";
String SourceWorkstep = "source workstep";
String HasAsset = "has asset";
// Only for Content since Content can only have one AssetSelection
String HasAssetSelection = "has asset selection";
// Only for Reports since Reports can have multiple AssetSelections
String HasAssetSelections = "has asset selections";
String HasCondition = "has condition";
String HasItemFinder = "has item finder";
String HasContent = "has content";
// Only for Content since Content can only have one date range
String HasDateRange = "has date range";
// Only for Reports since Reports can have multiple date ranges
String HasDateRanges = "has date ranges";
// Only for Auth Datasources
String HasDesignatedScimUser = "has designated scim user";
// Only for Projects/ScheduledNotebooks, somewhat equivalent to the HasDateRange relationship
String HasScheduledNotebook = "has scheduled notebook";
String HasTemplate = "has template";
String SubscribedTo = "subscribed to";
// Only for Context Conditions
String ContainsContextFor = "contains context for";
interface UnitTest {
String Timestamp1 = "1990-03-07T09:58:20.888888Z";
String Timestamp2 = "1990-04-08T10:59:21.999999Z";
String NonExistentGuid = "1CB64296-FC3E-4221-9A7F-947A0AB99807";
// Coding Standard: Multiple URI words should be delimited with hyphens.
interface API {
String Ace = "/ace";
String AddOns = "/add-ons";
String AddOnTools = "/addOnTools";
String Agents = "/agents";
String Audit = "/audit";
String Auth = "/auth";
String Assets = "/assets";
String GenAI = "/genai";
String Folders = "/folders";
String Networks = "/networks";
String Items = "/items";
String ItemFinders = "/finders";
String Reports = "/reports";
String Jobs = "/jobs";
String Logs = "/logs";
String Batch = "/batch";
String Trees = "/trees";
String AssetTrees = Trees + "/assets";
String Signals = "/signals";
String Samples = "/samples";
String PlotSamples = "/plot-samples";
String Capsules = "/capsules";
String Conditions = "/conditions";
String ConditionMonitors = "/condition-monitors";
String Metrics = "/metrics";
String Thresholds = "/thresholds";
String Formulas = "/formulas";
String Docs = "/docs";
String Functions = "/functions";
String Packages = "/packages";
String Scalars = "/scalars";
String Properties = "/properties";
String Requests = "/requests";
String Tables = "/tables";
String Workbooks = "/workbooks";
String Worksheets = "/worksheets";
String Worksteps = "/worksteps";
String Export = "/export";
String Annotations = "/annotations";
String Datasources = "/datasources";
String Datafiles = "/datafiles";
String Users = "/users";
String UserGroups = "/usergroups";
String AccessKeys = "/accesskeys";
String OData = "/odata.svc";
String ODataV4 = "/odata";
String System = "/system";
String Import = "/import";
String Status = "/status";
String Shutdown = "/shutdown";
String Screenshots = "/screenshots"; // This is actually an endpoint in the renderer that appserver calls
String Subscriptions = "/subscriptions";
String Monitors = System + "/monitors";
String Configuration = System + "/configuration";
String Installer = System + "/installer";
String Projects = "/projects";
String Content = "/content";
String ReportTemplates = "/report-templates";
String DateRanges = "/date-ranges";
String AssetSelections = "/asset-selections";
String Plugins = "/plugins";
String Displays = "/displays";
String DisplayTemplates = "/display-templates";
String Usage = "/usage";
String NotificationConfigurations = "/notification-configurations";
String Labels = "/labels";
String Context = "/context";
String ContextComments = "/comments";
String ContextLabels = "/labels";
String ContextOpaque = "/opaque";
String ContextNumeric = "/numeric";
String TableDefinitions = "/table-definitions";
String Models = "/models";
String GraphQL = "/graphql";
String Cache = "/cache";
String ScimUsers = "Users"; // Must be capitalized to respect SCIM spec
String ScimGroups = "Groups"; // Must be capitalized to respect SCIM spec
String ScimToken = "token";
interface Flags {
String AllProperties = "@allProperties";
String ExcludeGloballyScoped = "@excludeGloballyScoped";
String IncludeUnsearchable = "@includeUnsearchable";
* When adding a new header, please MAKE SURE to add the header to either the list of
* {@code RequestHeaders} (if it is a header that the API reads from a request) or {@code ResponseHeaders}
* (if it is a header that the API sets in a response to a request). If the header is used in both requests and
* responses, then add it to both lists. This will ensure that our API remains CORS compatible (see {@code
* CorsHandler} for more info).
interface Headers {
String AcceptRanges = "Accept-Ranges";
* 'true' if the client is willing to receive the response asynchronously via the websocket connection.
* Note: When set, the request could still be processed synchronously at appserver's discretion.
String Async = "x-sq-async";
* 'true' if the client is asking the server to process this request asynchronously as a Job. The server
* may ignore this header as support for this pattern is only available on select endpoints.
* If the server does trigger a job it will provide its information on the response and the client will
* then use that to retrieve the results for the original request from the job. The client will typically
* poll for job until it is complete (finished or errored).
String AsyncJob = "x-sq-async-job";
String Auth = "x-sq-auth";
String IdentityPath = "x-sq-identity-path";
String ContentRange = "Content-Range";
String Csrf = "x-sq-csrf";
String ForwardedFor = "x-forwarded-for";
String InteractiveSessionId = "Session-Id";
String PoolId = "x-sq-pool-id";
String PoolConnectedOnDegradedState = "x-sq-pool-connected-on-degraded-state";
String Range = "Range";
String RequestId = "x-sq-request-id";
String RequestOrigin = "x-sq-origin";
String RequestOriginURL = "x-sq-origin-url";
String RequestOriginLabel = "x-sq-origin-label";
String Server = "Server";
String ServerMeters = "Server-Meters";
String ServerTiming = "Server-Timing";
String Expect = "Expect";
String DateRangeStart = "x-sq-daterange-start";
String DateRangeEnd = "x-sq-daterange-end";
/** Headers that are read from incoming requests. */
@SeeqNamesGeneratorOptions(noJavascript = true, noPython = true, noTypescript = true)
List RequestHeaders = Arrays.asList(
* Headers that are set in outgoing responses.
@SeeqNamesGeneratorOptions(noJavascript = true, noPython = true, noTypescript = true)
List ResponseHeaders = Arrays.asList(
* Names of meters Server-Meters headers
interface Meters {
String DatasourceSamplesRead = "Datasource Samples Read";
String DatasourceCapsulesRead = "Datasource Capsules Read";
String CacheSamplesRead = "Cache Samples Read";
String CacheCapsulesRead = "Cache Capsules Read";
String CacheInMemorySamplesRead = "Cache In-Memory Samples Read";
String CacheInMemoryCapsulesRead = "Cache In-Memory Capsules Read";
String DatabaseItemsRead = "Database Items Read";
String DatabaseRelationshipsRead = "Database Relationships Read";
* Names of timings in Server-Timing headers
interface Timings {
String Datasource = "Datasource";
String Cache = "Cache";
String Processing = "Processing";
String GC = "GC";
String RequestQueue = "Request Queue";
String CalcEngineQueue = "Calc Engine Queue";
String SeeqDatabase = "Seeq Database";
String Total = "Total";
interface QueryParams {
String Admin = "admin";
String ClientInteractiveSessionId = "interactiveId";
String Creator = "creator";
String Name = "name";
String requestId = "requestId";
// Used when saving off final version of PDF to indicate to renderer to perform additional monitoring
String ContentCount = "contentCount";
interface Cookies {
String Auth = "sq-auth";
String Csrf = "sq-csrf";
interface PropertyIds {
String RequestInformation = "com.seeq.requestinformation";
/** Add-on tool launch location */
interface AddOnToolLaunchLocation {
String Homescreen = "homescreen";
String ToolsPane = "toolsPane";
/** Add-on tool link display type */
interface AddOnToolLinkType {
String Window = "window";
String Tab = "tab";
String None = "none";
/** Useful when specific error messages must be handled in API clients **/
interface ErrorMessages {
String AttemptedToSetScopeOnAGloballyScopedItem = "Attempted to set scope on a globally scoped item";
String CancelledDueToTooManyRetries = "The request was canceled due to being retried too many times";
interface Channels {
String AgentsStatus = "agents-status";
String DatasourcesStatus = "datasources-status";
String Broadcast = "broadcast";
String LiveScreenshot = "live-screenshot";
String AsyncResponse = "async-response";
String RequestsProgress = "requests-progress";
String WorkbookChannel = "workbook";
String WorkstepChannel = "workstep";
String ReportUpdateChannel = "report-update";
String TableMaterializerChannel = "table-materializer";
// Used by Swagger Codegen to determine the names of classes in the generated SDKs.
// We used to use the API names directly but would get funny capitalization.
// For example, the API /sample-series was translated into the class SampleseriesApi in the Java SDK.
interface SwaggerApiNames {
String Agents = "Agents";
String AddOns = "AddOns";
String Audit = "Audit";
String Auth = "Auth";
String Assets = "Assets";
String Folders = "Folders";
String Networks = "Networks";
String Items = "Items";
String Reports = "Reports";
String Jobs = "Jobs";
String Logs = "Logs";
String Trees = "Trees";
String SampleSeries = "SampleSeries";
String Signals = "Signals";
String Capsules = "Capsules";
String Conditions = "Conditions";
String Metrics = "Metrics";
String Formulas = "Formulas";
String Functions = "Functions";
String Requests = "Requests";
String Tables = "Tables";
String Workbooks = "Workbooks";
String Worksheets = "Worksheets";
String Export = "Export";
String Annotations = "Annotations";
String Datasources = "Datasources";
String Datafiles = "Datafiles";
String Users = "Users";
String UserGroups = "UserGroups";
String AccessKeys = "AccessKeys";
String Usage = "Usage";
String Scalars = "Scalars";
String Subscriptions = "Subscriptions";
String System = "System";
String Import = "Import";
String Monitors = "Monitors";
String Projects = "Projects";
String Content = "Content";
String ReportTemplates = "ReportTemplates";
String ConditionMonitors = "ConditionMonitors";
String Plugins = "Plugins";
String Displays = "Displays";
String DisplayTemplates = "DisplayTemplates";
String NotificationConfigurations = "NotificationConfigurations";
String Label = "Label";
String Context = "Context";
String TableDefinitions = "TableDefinitions";
String Models = "Models";
String TableOverrides = "TableOverrides";
String GraphQL = "GraphQL";
String Unstable = "Unstable";
String Scim = "SCIM";
* Note that a list of local item storage datasources is maintained as LOCAL_DATASOURCE_CLASSES
* in webserver/app/src/search/baseSearchStore.service.ts and in Datasource#isLocalDatasource.
* If these datasources are changed/swapped out, please update those lists as well.
interface LocalDatasources {
* The datasource for Stored-In-Seeq CSV Datafiles and CSV-generated items.
interface Datafile {
String DatasourceClass = "Imported CSV Files";
String DatasourceId = "Imported CSV Files";
String DatasourceName = "Imported CSV Files";
* The datasource for Conditions whose capsules are stored in Postgres.
interface PostgresDatums {
String DatasourceClass = "Postgres Datums";
String DatasourceId = "default";
String DatasourceName = "Seeq Conditions Database";
interface ContextDatumStorage {
String DatasourceClass = "Context Datum Storage";
String DatasourceId = "Context Datum Storage";
String DatasourceName = "Context Datum Storage";
* The datasource for Stored-In-Seeq StoredSignals whose samples are accessed using the FileSignalDriver.
interface FileSignalStorage {
String DatasourceClass = "Seeq - Signal Datasource";
String DatasourceId = "Signal Datasource";
String DatasourceName = "Seeq Signal Datasource";
* The datasource for Stored-In-Seeq Identities.
interface Authentication {
String DatasourceClass = IdentityProviderDatasourceClasses.SeeqAuth;
String DatasourceId = "Seeq";
String DatasourceName = "Seeq";
String PasswordSpecialCharacters = "!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{}|;:,.<>?/";
* The datasource for Signals that have been created by Seeq’s Monitor functionality.
interface Monitors {
String DatasourceClass = "Monitors";
String DatasourceId = "monitors";
String DatasourceName = "Seeq Monitors";
* The datasource for Stored-In-Seeq items that relate to the Calc Engine.
interface SeeqCalculationItemStorage {
String DatasourceClass = "Seeq Calculations";
String DatasourceId = "Seeq Calculations";
String DatasourceName = "Seeq Calculations";
* The datasource for Stored-In-Seeq items that provide context to other items.
interface SeeqMetadataItemStorage {
String DatasourceClass = "Seeq Metadata";
String DatasourceId = "Seeq Metadata";
String DatasourceName = "Seeq Metadata";
* The datasource class used by SPy.
interface SeeqDataLab {
String DatasourceClass = "Seeq Data Lab";
interface MaterializedTables {
String DatasourceClass = "Seeq Materialized Tables";
interface IdentityProviderDatasourceClasses {
String LDAP = "LDAP";
String OAuth2 = "OAuth 2.0";
String SeeqAuth = "Auth";
String WindowsAuth = "Windows Auth";
interface RemoteDatasourceClasses {
// Authentication Datasources
String LDAP = IdentityProviderDatasourceClasses.LDAP;
String OAuth2 = IdentityProviderDatasourceClasses.OAuth2;
String WindowsAuth = IdentityProviderDatasourceClasses.WindowsAuth;
// Data Datasources
String ADX = "ADX";
String APRM = "AspenTech APRM";
String BigQuery = "BigQuery";
String ChaosMonkey = "Chaos Monkey";
String Cognite = "Cognite";
String CygNet = "CygNet";
String ExampleData = "Time Series CSV Files";
String AddOnCalcPython = "Add-on Calculation Python";
String AddOnCalcWebhook = "Add-on Calculation Webhook";
String AddOnCalcExcel = "Add-on Calculation Excel VBA";
String FileFolders = "FileFolders";
String GEProficy = "GE Proficy";
String GPM = "GreenPowerMonitor";
String IBAHD = "IbaHD";
String Ignition = "Ignition Gateway";
String InfluxDB = "InfluxDB";
String InfluxDB2 = "InfluxDB 2";
String IP21 = "AspenTech IP21";
String MetNet = "MetNet";
String NOAAWeather = "NOAA Weather Service";
String Omnia = "Equinor Omnia Plant";
String OPCHDA = "OPC-HDA";
String OPCUA = "OPC-UA";
String OSIsoftAF = "OSIsoft AF";
String OSIsoftAFEventFrames = "OSIsoft AF Event Frames";
String OSIsoftPI = "OSIsoft PI";
String SeeqToSeeq = "Seeq to Seeq";
String SQL = "SQL";
String StressTest = "Stress Test";
String TimeStream = "TimeStream";
String TreeFile = "Tree File";
String Wonderware = "Wonderware";
String XHQ = "XHQ";
interface Logging {
interface Appserver {
String MDCFilenameKey = "logfilename";
String DefaultFile = "appserver";
String StartupFile = "appserver-startup";
String UpgradeFile = "appserver-upgrade";
String AsyncUpgradeFile = "appserver-async-upgrade";
String LicensingFile = "appserver-licensing";
String Requests = "appserver-requests";
String RequestMonitors = "appserver-requestmonitors";
String Units = "appserver-units";
String Users = "appserver-users";
interface IntervalAnalysis {
String FetchCritic = "appserver-intervalanalysis-fetchcritic";
interface RemoteAgents {
String MDCFilenameKey = "agentlogfilename";
String MigrationsCompleteFile = "migrations_complete_";
interface JobGroup {
String Screenshot = "ScreenshotCapture";
String DateRange = "DateRangeJobs";
String Report = "ReportJobs";
String Notebook = "NotebookJobs";
String CleanUp = "CleanUpJobs";
String ReportTemplate = "ReportTemplateJobs";
interface CleanUpJobsGroup {
String AnnotationImages = "AnnotationOrphanedImageCleanerJob";
String WorksheetMaintenance = "WorksheetMaintenanceJob";
interface OData {
String ExportEntitySetSuffix = "_DataSet";
String ODataV4ServiceSuffix = ".svc/";
interface TreeType {
String SeeqWorkbench = "Seeq Workbench";
interface Agents {
String AgentKeysFolderName = "agent-keys";
String ConnectorsJsonKey = "Connectors";
interface Connectors {
String NameJsonKey = "Name";
String EnabledJsonKey = "Enabled";
interface Status {
String Connecting = "CONNECTING";
String Connected = "CONNECTED";
String Disconnected = "DISCONNECTED";
String PreProvisioned = "PREPROVISIONED";
interface WebSockets {
String PingPrefix = "SEEQ-WS-PING-MSG-";
interface Connectors {
String SeeqDeveloperName = "Seeq";
String UnknownThirdPartyDeveloperName = "third-party developer";
String ConnectionsJsonKey = "Connections";
String DatasourceManagedJsonKey = "DatasourceManaged";
interface Connections {
String NameJsonKey = "Name";
String DatasourceIdJsonKey = "Id";
String EnabledJsonKey = "Enabled";
String IndexingJsonKey = "Indexing";
String FrequencyJsonKey = "Frequency";
String NextIndexingAtJsonKey = "Next";
String OnStartupAndConfigChangeJsonKey = "OnStartupAndConfigChange";
String TransformsJsonKey = "Transforms";
String MaxConcurrentRequestsJsonKey = "MaxConcurrentRequests";
String MaxResultsPerRequestJsonKey = "MaxResultsPerRequest";
String FieldConfigurationsJsonKey = "FieldConfigurations";
interface MultivaluedSamplesBehavior {
String KeepLast = "Keep Last";
String Stagger = "Stagger";
interface SyncResult {
String InProgress = "IN_PROGRESS";
String Success = "SUCCESS";
String Failed = "FAILED";
String Interrupted = "INTERRUPTED";
interface SyncMode {
String None = "NONE";
String Incremental = "INCREMENTAL";
String Full = "FULL";
interface Status {
String Connecting = "CONNECTING";
String Connected = "CONNECTED";
String Disconnected = "DISCONNECTED";
String Disabled = "DISABLED";
interface SyncStatus {
String Unknown = "SYNC_UNKNOWN";
String Initializing = "SYNC_INITIALIZING";
String InProgress = "SYNC_IN_PROGRESS";
String ArchivingDeletedItems = "SYNC_ARCHIVING_DELETED_ITEMS";
String Complete = "SYNC_COMPLETE";
String Success = "SYNC_SUCCESS";
String Failed = "SYNC_FAILED";
interface Ignition {
String AgentName = "Ignition Module Agent";
interface Injection {
String SystemState = Types.SystemState;
String SystemUser = "SystemUser";
String TreeDefinition = Types.TreeDefinition;
interface MaterializedTables {
String DatumIdColumn = "datum id";
String ItemIdColumn = "item id";
String EventDataColumn = "event data";
String ContextTablePrefix = "context_";
String CreatedAtColumn = "created at";
interface Rules {
String Ancestor = "ancestor";
String AssetCreator = "assetCreator";
String ConcatColumns = "concatColumns";
String Descendant = "descendant";
String EventProperty = "eventProperty";
String FormulaCreator = "formulaCreator";
String GetItemProperty = "getItemProperty";
String ItemSearch = "itemSearch";
String Path = "path";
String PathSearch = "pathSearch";
String NumericScalarCreator = "numericScalarCreator";
String SetItemProperty = "setItemProperty";
String StringScalarCreator = "stringScalarCreator";
String TextExtractor = "textExtractor";
String TextReplacement = "textReplacement";
String TreePathCreator = "treePathCreator";
interface Constant {
String BaseConstant = "constant";
String BooleanConstant = "booleanConstant";
String NumericConstant = "numericConstant";
String StringConstant = "stringConstant";
String TimestampConstant = "timestampConstant";
String UUIDConstant = "uuidConstant";
interface Overrides {
String Override = "Override";
String BooleanOverride = "booleanOverride";
String NumericOverride = "numericOverride";
String StringOverride = "stringOverride";
String TimestampOverride = "timestampOverride";
String UUIDOverride = "uuidOverride";
interface ScalarCreator {
String BaseScalarCreator = "scalarCreator";
String NumericScalarCreator = "numericScalarCreator";
String StringScalarCreator = "stringScalarCreator";
interface Parameters {
String PropertyName = "propertyName";
String PropertyValue = "propertyValue";
String PropertyMatchOperator = "propertyMatchOperator";
String Level = "level";
String Separator = "separator";
String Formula = "formula";
String ExcludeGloballyScoped = "excludeGloballyScoped";
String ParametersName = "parameters";
String Name = "name";
String Description = "description";
String ColumnIndexDataId = "columnIndexDataId";
String ScopedTo = "scopedTo";
String IdentityId = "identityId";
String PermissionString = "permissionString";
String SecurityString = "securityString";
String ColumnIndex = "columnIndex";
String ColumnIndexes = "columnIndexes";
String ColumnIndexItem = "columnIndexItem";
String ColumnIndexValue = "columnIndexValue";
String ColumnIndexSourceText = "columnIndexSourceText";
String ColumnIndexReplacement = "columnIndexReplacement";
String ColumnIndexUnitOfMeasure = "columnIndexUnitOfMeasure";
String Constant = "constant";
String IsRoot = "isRoot";
String ItemType = "itemType";
String ItemTypes = "itemTypes";
String Regex = "regex";
String Replacement = "replacement";
String RemoveNonMatches = "removeNonMatches";
interface Database {
interface Schemas {
String MaterializedTables = "materialized_tables";
interface Utils {
String EmptyGuid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";
interface PdfSettings {
interface Defaults {
String PageOrientation = "Portrait";
String PageSize = "Letter";
String PageMargin = "0.5in";
interface PageOrientation {
String Portrait = "Portrait";
String Landscape = "Landscape";
interface PageSize {
String Letter = "Letter";
String Legal = "Legal";
String A5 = "A5";
String A4 = "A4";
String A3 = "A3";
String Tabloid = "Tabloid";
interface MarginUnits {
String Inches = "in";
String Millimeters = "mm";
String Centimeters = "cm";
String Pixels = "px";
interface RequestIdPrefixes {
String Unique = "R^";
String Screenshot = "ScreenshotCapture^";
String Invocation = "Invocation^";
interface Capabilities {
interface Administration {
String DataId = "Administrators";
String CollectiveName = "administrators";
interface AnalyticsAdministration {
String DataId = "AnalyticsAdministrationCapability";
String CollectiveName = "analytics administrators";
interface AuditTrail {
String DataId = "AuditTrailCapability";
String CollectiveName = "audit trail viewers";
interface UserAdministration {
String DataId = "UserAdministrationCapability";
String CollectiveName = "user administrators";
interface DatasourceAdministration {
String DataId = "DatasourceAdministrationCapability";
String CollectiveName = "datasource administrators";
interface LogViewer {
String DataId = "LogViewerCapability";
String CollectiveName = "log viewers";
interface Consumption {
String Screenshot = "Screenshot";
String Topic = "Topic";