com.seeq.model.ContextLabelInputV1 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen
* OpenAPI spec version: 65.1.3-v202408082312
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.
* Do not edit the class manually.
package com.seeq.model;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Arrays;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonValue;
import java.util.UUID;
* ContextLabelInputV1
public class ContextLabelInputV1 {
private String datumId = null;
private String endTime = null;
private UUID labelId = null;
private String startTime = null;
public ContextLabelInputV1 datumId(String datumId) {
this.datumId = datumId;
return this;
* If provided, the ID of a more specific aspect of the Item to associate with the label, such as the ID of a capsule
* @return datumId
@Schema(description = "If provided, the ID of a more specific aspect of the Item to associate with the label, such as the ID of a capsule")
public String getDatumId() {
return datumId;
public void setDatumId(String datumId) {
this.datumId = datumId;
public ContextLabelInputV1 endTime(String endTime) {
this.endTime = endTime;
return this;
* The end time of the label in the form of an ISO8601 timestamp. If provided, start time must also be provided.
* @return endTime
@Schema(description = "The end time of the label in the form of an ISO8601 timestamp. If provided, start time must also be provided.")
public String getEndTime() {
return endTime;
public void setEndTime(String endTime) {
this.endTime = endTime;
public ContextLabelInputV1 labelId(UUID labelId) {
this.labelId = labelId;
return this;
* The ID of the label
* @return labelId
@Schema(description = "The ID of the label")
public UUID getLabelId() {
return labelId;
public void setLabelId(UUID labelId) {
this.labelId = labelId;
public ContextLabelInputV1 startTime(String startTime) {
this.startTime = startTime;
return this;
* The start time of the label in the form of an ISO8601 timestamp. If provided, end time must also be provided.
* @return startTime
@Schema(description = "The start time of the label in the form of an ISO8601 timestamp. If provided, end time must also be provided.")
public String getStartTime() {
return startTime;
public void setStartTime(String startTime) {
this.startTime = startTime;
public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
ContextLabelInputV1 contextLabelInputV1 = (ContextLabelInputV1) o;
return Objects.equals(this.datumId, contextLabelInputV1.datumId) &&
Objects.equals(this.endTime, contextLabelInputV1.endTime) &&
Objects.equals(this.labelId, contextLabelInputV1.labelId) &&
Objects.equals(this.startTime, contextLabelInputV1.startTime);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(datumId, endTime, labelId, startTime);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("class ContextLabelInputV1 {\n");
sb.append(" datumId: ").append(toIndentedString(datumId)).append("\n");
sb.append(" endTime: ").append(toIndentedString(endTime)).append("\n");
sb.append(" labelId: ").append(toIndentedString(labelId)).append("\n");
sb.append(" startTime: ").append(toIndentedString(startTime)).append("\n");
return sb.toString();
* Convert the given object to string with each line indented by 4 spaces
* (except the first line).
private String toIndentedString(java.lang.Object o) {
if (o == null) {
return "null";
return o.toString().replace("\n", "\n ");