com.signalcollect.DefaultGraph.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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A framework for parallel and distributed graph processing.
The newest version!
* @author Philip Stutz
* Copyright 2010 University of Zurich
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.signalcollect
import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
import scala.Array.canBuildFrom
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import com.signalcollect.configuration.ExecutionMode
import com.signalcollect.configuration.GraphConfiguration
import com.signalcollect.configuration.TerminationReason
import com.signalcollect.console.BreakCondition
import com.signalcollect.console.BreakConditionsAggregator
import com.signalcollect.console.ConsoleServer
import com.signalcollect.console.Execution
import com.signalcollect.coordinator.DefaultCoordinator
import com.signalcollect.coordinator.IsIdle
import com.signalcollect.coordinator.OnIdle
import com.signalcollect.interfaces.ComplexAggregation
import com.signalcollect.interfaces.Coordinator
import com.signalcollect.interfaces.EdgeId
import com.signalcollect.interfaces.MapperFactory
import com.signalcollect.interfaces.MessageBusFactory
import com.signalcollect.interfaces.MessageRecipientRegistry
import com.signalcollect.interfaces.NodeActor
import com.signalcollect.interfaces.SchedulerFactory
import com.signalcollect.interfaces.StorageFactory
import com.signalcollect.interfaces.WorkerFactory
import com.signalcollect.interfaces.WorkerStatistics
import com.signalcollect.messaging.AkkaProxy
import com.signalcollect.messaging.DefaultVertexToWorkerMapper
import com.signalcollect.util.AkkaUtil.getActorRefFromSelection
import com.sun.management.OperatingSystemMXBean
import akka.actor.ActorRef
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.actor.PoisonPill
import akka.actor.Props
import akka.actor.actorRef2Scala
import akka.japi.Creator
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.util.Timeout
import com.signalcollect.worker.AkkaWorker
import com.signalcollect.interfaces.UndeliverableSignalHandlerFactory
import com.signalcollect.interfaces.EdgeAddedToNonExistentVertexHandlerFactory
import com.signalcollect.interfaces.ExistingVertexHandlerFactory
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
import com.signalcollect.configuration.Akka
* Creator in separate class to prevent excessive closure-capture of the DefaultGraph class (Error[java.io.NotSerializableException DefaultGraph])
case class WorkerCreator[Id: ClassTag, Signal: ClassTag](
workerId: Int,
workerFactory: WorkerFactory[Id, Signal],
numberOfWorkers: Int,
numberOfNodes: Int,
messageBusFactory: MessageBusFactory[Id, Signal],
mapperFactory: MapperFactory[Id],
storageFactory: StorageFactory[Id, Signal],
schedulerFactory: SchedulerFactory[Id, Signal],
existingVertexHandlerFactory: ExistingVertexHandlerFactory[Id, Signal],
undeliverableSignalHandlerFactory: UndeliverableSignalHandlerFactory[Id, Signal],
edgeAddedToNonExistentVertexHandlerFactory: EdgeAddedToNonExistentVertexHandlerFactory[Id, Signal],
statsReportingIntervalInMilliseconds: Int,
eagerIdleDetection: Boolean,
throttlingEnabled: Boolean,
throttlingDuringLoadingEnabled: Boolean,
supportBlockingGraphModificationsInVertex: Boolean) {
def create: () => AkkaWorker[Id, Signal] = {
() =>
* Creator in separate class to prevent excessive closure-capture of the DefaultGraph class (Error[java.io.NotSerializableException DefaultGraph])
case class CoordinatorCreator[Id: ClassTag, Signal: ClassTag](
numberOfWorkers: Int,
numberOfNodes: Int,
throttlingEnabled: Boolean,
messageBusFactory: MessageBusFactory[Id, Signal],
mapperFactory: MapperFactory[Id])
extends Creator[DefaultCoordinator[Id, Signal]] {
def create: DefaultCoordinator[Id, Signal] = new DefaultCoordinator[Id, Signal](
* Default graph implementation.
* Provisions the resources and initializes the workers and the coordinator.
class DefaultGraph[Id: ClassTag: TypeTag, Signal: ClassTag: TypeTag](
val config: GraphConfiguration[Id, Signal]) extends Graph[Id, Signal] {
val akkaConfig = Akka.config(
override def toString: String = "DefaultGraph"
val system: ActorSystem = {
config.actorSystem.getOrElse(ActorSystem("SignalCollect", akkaConfig))
val log = system.log
val console = {
if (config.consoleEnabled) {
new ConsoleServer[Id, Signal](config)
} else {
log.debug("Provisioning nodes ...")
val nodeActors = if (config.preallocatedNodes.isDefined) {
} else {
config.nodeProvisioner.getNodes(system, config.actorNamePrefix, akkaConfig)
log.debug(s"Received ${nodeActors.length} nodes.")
// Bootstrap => sent and received messages are not counted for termination detection.
val bootstrapNodeProxies = nodeActors.map(AkkaProxy.newInstance[NodeActor[Id, Signal]](_)) // MessageBus not initialized at this point.
val parallelBootstrapNodeProxies = bootstrapNodeProxies.par
val numberOfNodes = bootstrapNodeProxies.length
val numberOfWorkers = bootstrapNodeProxies.par.map(_.numberOfCores).sum
parallelBootstrapNodeProxies foreach (_.initializeMessageBus(numberOfWorkers, numberOfNodes, config.messageBusFactory, config.mapperFactory))
val mapper = new DefaultVertexToWorkerMapper(numberOfNodes, numberOfWorkers / numberOfNodes)
val workerActors: Array[ActorRef] = {
val actors = new Array[ActorRef](numberOfWorkers)
var workerId = 0
for (node <- bootstrapNodeProxies) {
for (core <- 0 until node.numberOfCores) {
val workerCreator = WorkerCreator[Id, Signal](
val workerName = node.createWorker(workerId, workerCreator.create)
actors(workerId) = getActorRefFromSelection(system.actorSelection(workerName))
workerId += 1
val coordinatorActor: ActorRef = {
val coordinatorCreator = CoordinatorCreator[Id, Signal](
config.throttlingEnabled: Boolean,
system.actorOf(Props(coordinatorCreator.create).withDispatcher("akka.io.pinned-dispatcher"), name = config.actorNamePrefix + "Coordinator")
if (console != null) { console.setCoordinator(coordinatorActor) }
// Bootstrap => sent and received messages are not counted for termination detection.
val bootstrapWorkerProxies = workerActors map (AkkaProxy.newInstance[MessageRecipientRegistry](_)) // MessageBus not initialized at this point.
val coordinatorProxy = AkkaProxy.newInstance[Coordinator[Id, Signal]](coordinatorActor) // MessageBus not initialized at this point.
lazy val graphEditor = coordinatorProxy.getGraphEditor
lazy val workerApi = coordinatorProxy.getWorkerApi
/** Returns the ConsoleServer */
def getConsole = console
def initializeMessageBuses(): Unit = {
log.debug("Default graph is initializing registries ...")
val registries: List[MessageRecipientRegistry] = coordinatorProxy :: bootstrapWorkerProxies.toList ++ bootstrapNodeProxies.toList
for (registry <- registries.par) {
for (workerId <- (0 until numberOfWorkers).par) {
registry.registerWorker(workerId, workerActors(workerId))
for (nodeId <- (0 until numberOfNodes).par) {
registry.registerNode(nodeId, nodeActors(nodeId))
log.debug("All registries have been fully initialized.")
/** GraphApi */
def execute: ExecutionInformation[Id, Signal] = execute(ExecutionConfiguration[Id, Signal]())
* Returns the time it took to execute `operation`
* @note Only works if operation is blocking
def measureTime(operation: () => Unit): Duration = {
val startTime = System.nanoTime
val stopTime = System.nanoTime
new FiniteDuration(stopTime - startTime, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
private[signalcollect] def getWorkerStatistics: List[WorkerStatistics] = {
def execute(parameters: ExecutionConfiguration[Id, Signal]): ExecutionInformation[Id, Signal] = {
if (console != null) { console.setExecutionConfiguration(parameters) }
val executionStartTime = System.nanoTime
val stats = ExecutionStatistics()
if (console != null) { console.setExecutionStatistics(stats) }
val jvmCpuStartTime = getJVMCpuTime
parameters.executionMode match {
case ExecutionMode.Synchronous =>
stats.computationTime = measureTime(() => synchronousExecution(stats, parameters.timeLimit, parameters.stepsLimit, parameters.globalTerminationDetection))
case ExecutionMode.OptimizedAsynchronous =>
stats.computationTime = measureTime(() => optimizedAsynchronousExecution(stats, parameters.timeLimit, parameters.globalTerminationDetection))
case ExecutionMode.PureAsynchronous =>
stats.computationTime = measureTime(() => pureAsynchronousExecution(stats, parameters.timeLimit, parameters.globalTerminationDetection))
case ExecutionMode.ContinuousAsynchronous =>
stats.terminationReason = TerminationReason.Ongoing
case ExecutionMode.Interactive =>
new InteractiveExecution(this, console, stats, parameters).run()
if (console != null) { console.shutdown }
stats.jvmCpuTime = new FiniteDuration(getJVMCpuTime - jvmCpuStartTime, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
val executionStopTime = System.nanoTime
stats.totalExecutionTime = new FiniteDuration(executionStopTime - executionStartTime, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
val workerStatistics = workerApi.getIndividualWorkerStatistics // TODO: Refactor to use cached values in order to reduce latency.
ExecutionInformation(config, numberOfWorkers, parameters, stats, workerStatistics.fold(WorkerStatistics())(_ + _), workerStatistics)
protected def synchronousExecution(
stats: ExecutionStatistics,
timeLimit: Option[Long],
stepsLimit: Option[Long],
GlobalTerminationDetection: Option[GlobalTerminationDetection[Id, Signal]]) {
var converged = false
var globalTermination = false
var interval = 0l
if (GlobalTerminationDetection.isDefined) {
interval = GlobalTerminationDetection.get.aggregationInterval
val startTime = System.nanoTime
val nanosecondLimit = timeLimit.getOrElse(0l) * 1000000l
log.debug("Starting synchronous execution.")
while (!converged && !isTimeLimitReached && !isStepsLimitReached && !globalTermination) {
log.debug(s"Starting signal step #${stats.signalSteps + 1}.")
stats.signalSteps += 1
log.debug(s"Signal step #${stats.signalSteps} completed.")
log.debug(s"Starting collect step #${stats.collectSteps + 1}.")
converged = workerApi.collectStep
stats.collectSteps += 1
log.debug(s"Collect step #${stats.collectSteps} completed.")
if (shouldCheckGlobalCondition) {
log.debug(s"Checking global termination condition.")
globalTermination = isGlobalTerminationDetectionMet(GlobalTerminationDetection.get)
log.debug(s"Global termination condition met: $globalTermination.")
if (converged) {
stats.terminationReason = TerminationReason.Converged
} else if (globalTermination) {
stats.terminationReason = TerminationReason.GlobalConstraintMet
} else if (isStepsLimitReached) {
stats.terminationReason = TerminationReason.ComputationStepLimitReached
} else {
stats.terminationReason = TerminationReason.TimeLimitReached
def shouldCheckGlobalCondition = interval > 0 && stats.collectSteps % interval == 0
def isGlobalTerminationDetectionMet[ResultType](gtd: GlobalTerminationDetection[Id, Signal]): Boolean = {
def remainingTimeLimit = nanosecondLimit - (System.nanoTime - startTime)
def isTimeLimitReached = timeLimit.isDefined && remainingTimeLimit <= 0
def isStepsLimitReached = stepsLimit.isDefined && stats.collectSteps >= stepsLimit.get
* The interactive execution mode as used by the Console.
* To use this mode, instantiate it and call its 'run' method, which is the
* main execution loop for the computation. The instance accepts calls to
* functions which allow the client to interact with the computation. It
* supports the following features:
* - Resetting the graph
* - Performing a partial step (e.g. signal or collect)
* - Performing all steps up until before the next signal step
* - Continuously running the computation
* - Pausing the computation if it is continuously running
* - Terminating the computation and Signal/Collect
* - Setting and getting multiple break conditions
* - GlobalTerminationDetection checking at intervals
* @constructor create a new InteractiveExecution
* @param graph the Graph instance
* @param console the Console instance (may be null)
* @param stats the ExecutionStatistics instance
* @param parameters the ExecutionConfiguration instance
class InteractiveExecution(
graph: Graph[Id, Signal],
console: ConsoleServer[Id, Signal],
stats: ExecutionStatistics,
parameters: ExecutionConfiguration[Id, Signal]) extends Execution {
var state = "initExecution"
var iteration = 0
var converged = false
var resetting = false
var globalTermination = false
@volatile var stepTokens = 0
@volatile var userTermination = false
val lock: AnyRef = new Object()
val infinite = -1
// Inform the console of our presence if it's enabled
if (console != null) { console.setExecution(this) }
else {
"Warning: using interactive execution mode without console. To use the console,\n" +
" build the graph with: val graph = GraphBuilder.withConsole(true).build")
// Create an initial snapshot of the graph (to be able to reset later)
// Set the interval at which to perform global termination condition checks.
var globalCheckInterval = 0l
if (parameters.globalTerminationDetection.isDefined) {
globalCheckInterval =
* Return true if the global condition is met.
* @param gtc the GlobalTerminationDetection to check
private def isGlobalTerminationDetectionMet[ResultType](
gtd: GlobalTerminationDetection[Id, Signal]): Boolean = {
/** Returns true if a global condition check should be performed */
private def shouldCheckGlobalCondition = (globalCheckInterval > 0 &&
stats.collectSteps % globalCheckInterval == 0)
// Store a map of break conditions and a map of reached break conditions.
// These are checked after each signal and collect step.
var conditions = Map[String, BreakCondition]()
var conditionsReached = Map[String, String]()
var conditionCounter = 0
/** Add a BreakCondition. */
def addCondition(condition: BreakCondition) {
conditionCounter += 1
conditions += (conditionCounter.toString -> condition)
/** Remove a BreakCondition. */
def removeCondition(id: String) {
conditions -= id
/** Perform a single, partial step. */
def step(): Unit = {
lock.synchronized {
stepTokens = 1
/** Complete the current iteration and pause before the next signal step. */
def collect(): Unit = {
lock.synchronized {
stepTokens = state match {
case "pausedBeforeSignal" => 4
case "pausedBeforeChecksAfterSignal" => 3
case "pausedBeforeCollect" => 2
case "pausedBeforeChecksAfterCollect" => 1
case "pausedBeforeGlobalChecks" => 0
if (shouldCheckGlobalCondition) { stepTokens += 1 }
/** Continue computation until paused by the user or a break condition. */
def continue(): Unit = {
lock.synchronized {
stepTokens = infinite
/** Pause the computation. */
def pause(): Unit = {
stepTokens = 0
/** Reset the graph to its initial state and pause the computation. */
def reset(): Unit = {
lock.synchronized {
resetting = true
conditionsReached = Map[String, String]()
converged = false
stepTokens = 0
iteration = 0
/** Terminate the computation and Signal/Collect. */
def terminate(): Unit = {
userTermination = true
resetting = true
* Set current state and if the Console is enabled, inform all clients.
* @param s the new state
private def setState(s: String): Unit = {
state = s
if (console != null) { console.sockets.updateClientState() }
* Do nothing until there are new stepTokens or the computation is reset.
* @param s the state to be published to clients
private def waitAs(s: String): Unit = {
while (stepTokens == 0 && !resetting) {
try { lock.wait } catch {
case e: InterruptedException =>
* Publish the state s and perform function f, using one stepToken.
* @param s the state to be published to clients
* @param f the function to perform
private def performStep(s: String, f: () => Unit): Unit = {
if (!resetting) {
if (stepTokens > 0) { stepTokens -= 1 }
* Check user break conditions and pause if one of them was reached.
* The current state is passed along to the BreakConditionsAggregator
* because not all conditions make sense depending on the type. See the
* BreakConditionsAggregator documentation.
private def checkBreakConditions(): Unit = {
conditionsReached = workerApi.aggregateAll(
new BreakConditionsAggregator(conditions, state))
if (conditionsReached.size > 0) {
stepTokens = 0
* Start the main execution loop.
* The loop consists of five phases: 1) Signalling, 2) checks after
* signalling, 3) collecting, 4) checks after collecting and 5) global
* termination condition checks. Each phase decrements the stepToken
* counter by 1. If stepTokens is 0, the computation is paused. The
* counter is increased by 1 when performing a partial step, and by the
* required amount to complete the iteration whe performing a full step.
* When continuing the computation, stepTokens is set to infinite, which
* is simply an alias for -1.
def run(): Unit = {
println("Entering interactive execution mode")
lock.synchronized {
while (!userTermination) {
iteration += 1
// Signalling
performStep("signalling", () => {
stats.signalSteps += 1
// Checks after signalling
performStep("checksAfterSignal", checkBreakConditions)
// Collecting
performStep("collecting", () => {
converged = workerApi.collectStep
stats.collectSteps += 1
if (converged) {
stepTokens = 0
// Checks after collecting
performStep("checksAfterCollect", checkBreakConditions)
// Global condition checks
if (shouldCheckGlobalCondition) {
performStep("globalChecks", () => {
globalTermination = isGlobalTerminationDetectionMet(
if (globalTermination) {
stepTokens = 0
resetting = false
// Record the termination reason
if (converged) {
stats.terminationReason = TerminationReason.Converged
} else if (userTermination) {
stats.terminationReason = TerminationReason.TerminatedByUser
println("Exiting interactive execution mode")
protected def optimizedAsynchronousExecution(
stats: ExecutionStatistics,
timeLimit: Option[Long],
globalTerminationDetection: Option[GlobalTerminationDetection[Id, Signal]]): Unit = {
val startTime = System.nanoTime
stats.signalSteps += 1
val millisecondsSpentAlready = (System.nanoTime - startTime) / 1000000l
var adjustedTimeLimit: Option[Long] = None
if (timeLimit.isDefined) {
adjustedTimeLimit = Some(timeLimit.get - millisecondsSpentAlready)
pureAsynchronousExecution(stats, adjustedTimeLimit, globalTerminationDetection)
protected def pureAsynchronousExecution(
stats: ExecutionStatistics,
timeLimit: Option[Long],
globalTerminationDetection: Option[GlobalTerminationDetection[Id, Signal]]): Unit = {
(timeLimit, globalTerminationDetection) match {
case (None, None) =>
case (Some(limit), None) =>
val converged = awaitIdle(limit * 1000000l)
if (converged) {
stats.terminationReason = TerminationReason.Converged
} else {
stats.terminationReason = TerminationReason.TimeLimitReached
case (None, Some(globalDetection)) =>
val interval = globalDetection.aggregationInterval * 1000000l
var lastAggregationOperationTime = System.nanoTime - interval
var converged = false
var globalTermination = false
while (!converged && !globalTermination) {
if (intervalHasPassed) {
lastAggregationOperationTime = System.nanoTime
globalTermination = isGlobalTerminationDetectionMet(globalDetection)
// waits for whichever remaining time interval/limit is shorter
converged = awaitIdle(remainingIntervalTime)
if (converged) {
stats.terminationReason = TerminationReason.Converged
} else {
stats.terminationReason = TerminationReason.GlobalConstraintMet
def intervalHasPassed = remainingIntervalTime <= 0
def remainingIntervalTime = interval - (System.nanoTime - lastAggregationOperationTime)
def isGlobalTerminationDetectionMet[ValueType](gtd: GlobalTerminationDetection[Id, Signal]): Boolean = {
val shouldTerminate = gtd.shouldTerminate(this)
case (Some(limit), Some(globalDetection)) =>
val timeLimitNanoseconds = limit * 1000000l
val interval = globalDetection.aggregationInterval * 1000000l
val startTime = System.nanoTime
var lastAggregationOperationTime = System.nanoTime - interval
var converged = false
var globalTermination = false
while (!converged && !globalTermination && !isTimeLimitReached) {
if (intervalHasPassed) {
lastAggregationOperationTime = System.nanoTime
globalTermination = isGlobalTerminationDetectionMet(globalDetection)
// waits for whichever remaining time interval/limit is shorter
println("Remaining interval time " + remainingIntervalTime)
converged = awaitIdle(math.min(remainingIntervalTime, remainingTimeLimit))
if (converged) {
stats.terminationReason = TerminationReason.Converged
} else if (globalTermination) {
stats.terminationReason = TerminationReason.GlobalConstraintMet
} else {
stats.terminationReason = TerminationReason.TimeLimitReached
def intervalHasPassed = remainingIntervalTime <= 0
def isGlobalTerminationDetectionMet[ValueType](gtd: GlobalTerminationDetection[Id, Signal]): Boolean = {
val shouldTerminate = gtd.shouldTerminate(this)
def remainingIntervalTime = interval - (System.nanoTime - lastAggregationOperationTime)
def elapsedTimeNanoseconds = System.nanoTime - startTime
def remainingTimeLimit = timeLimitNanoseconds - elapsedTimeNanoseconds
def isTimeLimitReached = remainingTimeLimit <= 0
def awaitIdle(): Unit = {
awaitIdle(Duration.create(1, TimeUnit.DAYS).toNanos)
def awaitIdle(timeoutNanoseconds: Long): Boolean = {
if (timeoutNanoseconds > 1000000) { // Give the coordinator at least 1ms to reply, or do not even try.
implicit val timeout = Timeout(new FiniteDuration(timeoutNanoseconds, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS))
// Add a new "on idle" action to the coordinator actors. The action is to send a message back to ourselves.
val resultFuture = coordinatorActor ? OnIdle((c: DefaultCoordinator[_, _], s: ActorRef) => s ! IsIdle(true))
try {
val result = Await.result(resultFuture, timeout.duration)
} catch {
case timeout: TimeoutException => false
} else {
def getJVMCpuTime = {
val bean = ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean
if (!bean.isInstanceOf[OperatingSystemMXBean]) {
} else {
/** WorkerApi */
def recalculateScores(): Unit = workerApi.recalculateScores
def recalculateScoresForVertexWithId(vertexId: Id): Unit = {
def shutdown(): Unit = {
if (console != null) { console.shutdown }
// Only shut down the actor system if it was not passed to us and if it's still running.
if (config.actorSystem.isEmpty && !system.whenTerminated.isCompleted) {
try {
// The node proxies also shutdown their respective actor systems.
} catch {
case t: Throwable =>
try {
if (!system.whenTerminated.isCompleted) {
Await.ready(system.terminate(), Duration.Inf)
} catch {
case t: Throwable =>
} else {
// If the system is preserved, just cleanup the actors.
if (!system.whenTerminated.isCompleted) {
workerActors.foreach(_ ! PoisonPill)
nodeActors.foreach(_ ! PoisonPill)
coordinatorActor ! PoisonPill
def forVertexWithId[VertexType <: Vertex[Id, _, Id, Signal], ResultType](
vertexId: Id, f: VertexType => ResultType): ResultType = {
workerApi.forVertexWithId(vertexId, f)
def foreachVertex(f: (Vertex[Id, _, Id, Signal]) => Unit): Unit = {
def foreachVertexWithGraphEditor(
f: GraphEditor[Id, Signal] => Vertex[Id, _, Id, Signal] => Unit) {
def aggregate[ResultType](
aggregationOperation: ComplexAggregation[_, ResultType]): ResultType = {
* Resets operation statistics and removes all the vertices and edges in this graph.
* Leaves the message counters untouched.
def reset(): Unit = {
* Sends `signal` to the vertex with id `vertexId` using the virtual edge id 'edgeId'.
* Blocks until the operation has completed if `blocking` is true.
def sendSignal(signal: Signal, targetId: Id, sourceId: Option[Id], blocking: Boolean) {
graphEditor.sendSignal(signal, targetId, sourceId, blocking)
* Adds `vertex` to the graph.
* @note If a vertex with the same id already exists, then this operation will be ignored and NO warning is logged.
def addVertex(vertex: Vertex[Id, _, Id, Signal], blocking: Boolean = false) {
graphEditor.addVertex(vertex, blocking)
* Adds `edge` to the graph.
* @note If no vertex with the required source id is found, then the operation is ignored and a warning is logged.
* @note If an edge with the same id already exists, then this operation will be ignored and NO warning is logged.
def addEdge(sourceVertexId: Id, edge: Edge[Id], blocking: Boolean) {
graphEditor.addEdge(sourceVertexId, edge, blocking)
* Removes the vertex with id `vertexId` from the graph.
* @note If no vertex with this id is found, then the operation is ignored and a warning is logged.
def removeVertex(vertexId: Id, blocking: Boolean = false) {
graphEditor.removeVertex(vertexId, blocking)
* Removes the edge with id `edgeId` from the graph.
* @note If no vertex with the required source id is found, then the operation is ignored and a warning is logged.
* @note If no edge with with this id is found, then this operation will be ignored and a warning is logged.
def removeEdge(edgeId: EdgeId[Id], blocking: Boolean = false) {
graphEditor.removeEdge(edgeId, blocking)
* Loads a graph using the provided `graphModification` function.
* Blocks until the operation has completed if `blocking` is true.
* @note The vertexIdHint can be used to supply a characteristic vertex ID to give a hint to the system on which worker
* the loading function will be able to exploit locality.
* @note For distributed graph loading use separate calls of this method with vertexIdHints targeting different workers.
def modifyGraph(graphModification: GraphEditor[Id, Signal] => Unit, vertexIdHint: Option[Id] = None, blocking: Boolean = false) {
graphEditor.modifyGraph(graphModification, vertexIdHint, blocking)
* Loads a graph using the provided iterator of `graphModification` functions.
* @note Does not block.
* @note The vertexIdHint can be used to supply a characteristic vertex ID to give a hint to the system on which worker
* the loading function will be able to exploit locality.
* @note For distributed graph loading use separate calls of this method with vertexIdHints targeting different workers.
def loadGraph(graphModifications: Iterator[GraphEditor[Id, Signal] => Unit], vertexIdHint: Option[Id]) {
graphEditor.loadGraph(graphModifications, vertexIdHint)
private[signalcollect] def sendToWorkerForVertexIdHash(message: Any, vertexIdHash: Int) {
graphEditor.sendToWorkerForVertexIdHash(message, vertexIdHash)
private[signalcollect] def flush {
private[signalcollect] def sendToActor(actor: ActorRef, message: Any) {
graphEditor.sendToActor(actor, message)
* Creates a snapshot of all the vertices in all workers.
* Does not store the toSignal/toCollect collections or pending messages.
* Should only be used when the workers are idle.
* Overwrites any previous snapshot that might exist.
private[signalcollect] def snapshot = workerApi.snapshot
* Restores the last snapshot of all the vertices in all workers.
* Does not store the toSignal/toCollect collections or pending messages.
* Should only be used when the workers are idle.
private[signalcollect] def restore = workerApi.restore
* Deletes the worker snapshots if they exist.
private[signalcollect] def deleteSnapshot = workerApi.deleteSnapshot
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