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com.signalcollect.console.AggregationOperation.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
 *  @author Carol Alexandru
 *  Copyright 2013 University of Zurich
 *  Licensed below the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed below the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations below the License.

package com.signalcollect.console

import scala.language.postfixOps
import com.signalcollect.DataGraphVertex
import com.signalcollect.interfaces.AggregationOperation
import com.signalcollect.interfaces.ModularAggregationOperation
import org.json4s._
import org.json4s.JsonDSL._
import com.signalcollect.TopKFinder
import com.signalcollect.Edge
import com.signalcollect.Vertex
import BreakConditionName._

 * Aggregator that loads a JObject representation of vertices and their edges.
 * Given the set of IDs, the aggregator retrieves the corresponding vertices and the
 * edges between the vertices. The aggregator returns a JObject, which contains
 * two objects, one for vertices, one for edges. The data structure is best
 * explained by an example:
 * {{{
 * {"vertices":{"id1":{"s":"0.15","ss":0.0,"cs":1.0},
 *           "id2":{"s":"0.16","ss":1.0,"cs":1.0},
 *           "id3":{"s":"0.17","ss":1.0,"cs":1.0}},
 *  "edges":{"id1":["id2","id3"]}}}
 * }}}
 * The vertices object uses a vertex id as key and stores the state, signal and
 * collect scores. The edges object uses a vertex id as key and stores the list
 * of target vertices.
 * @constructor create the aggregator
 * @param vertexIds set of vertex IDs to be loaded
 * @param exposeVertices whether or not to call expose() on each vertex and put
 *     the return value into the "info" property. If true, may increase
 *     graph loading time significantly.
class GraphAggregator[Id](
  vertexIds: Set[Id] = Set[Id](),
  exposeVertices: Boolean = false)
  extends AggregationOperation[(Double, Double, JObject)] {

  def interpretState(s: Any): Double = {
    s match {
      case x: Double => x
      case x: Int => x.toDouble
      case x: Long => x.toDouble
      case x: Float => x.toDouble
      case otherwise => 0.0

  def extract(v: Vertex[_, _, _, _]): ((Double, Double, JObject)) = {
    def state: Double = interpretState(v.state)
    try {
      if (vertexIds.contains([Id])) {
        // Get the list of target vertices that this vertex' edges point at
        val targetVertices = v.targetIds.filter { targetId => vertexIds.contains(targetId.asInstanceOf[Id])
        } map { targetId => JString(targetId.toString) } toList

        val stateString = v.state match {
          case null => "null"
          case other => other.toString
        def vertexProperties: List[JField] = (List(JField("s", stateString),
          JField("es", targetVertices.size),
          JField("ss", v.scoreSignal),
          JField("cs", v.scoreCollect),
          JField("t", v.getClass.toString.split("""\.""").last),
            if (exposeVertices) {
                (for ((k, v) <- v.expose) yield {
                  JField(k, Toolkit.serializeAny(v))
            } else { JNothing })))
        def verticesObj: (String, JObject) = ("vertices",
          JObject(List(JField(, JObject(vertexProperties)))))

        def edgesObj: (String, JObject) = ("edges", JObject(List(JField(, JArray(targetVertices)))))
        (state, state, verticesObj ~ edgesObj)
      } else { (state, state, JObject(List())) }
    } catch {
      case t: Throwable =>
        throw t

  def reduce(subGraphs: Stream[(Double, Double, JObject)]): (Double, Double, JObject) = {
    // Determine the lowest and highest state and merge the sub-graphs
    subGraphs.size match {
      case 0 => (0.0, 0.0, JObject(List()))
      case otherwise =>
        subGraphs.foldLeft((subGraphs.head._1, subGraphs.head._2, JObject(List()))) { (acc, v) =>
          (if (acc._1 < v._1) acc._1 else v._1,
            if (acc._2 > v._2) acc._2 else v._2,
            acc._3 merge v._3)

 * Aggregator that retrieves a random sample of vertex IDs.
 * @constructor create the aggregator
 * @param sampleSize the number of vertex IDs to retrieve
class SampleAggregator[Id](sampleSize: Int)
  extends ModularAggregationOperation[Set[Id]] {

  val neutralElement = Set[Id]()

  def aggregate(a: Set[Id], b: Set[Id]): Set[Id] = {
    val combinedSet = a ++ b
    combinedSet.slice(0, math.min(sampleSize, combinedSet.size)).toSet

  def extract(v: Vertex[_, _, _, _]): Set[Id] = {

 * Aggregator that retrieves vertices with the highest degree.
 * The aggregator produces a map of vertex IDs to degrees.
 * @constructor create the aggregator
 * @param n the number of top elements to find
class TopDegreeAggregator[Id](n: Int)
  extends AggregationOperation[Map[Id, Int]] {

  def extract(v: Vertex[_, _, _, _]): Map[Id, Int] = {
    // Create one map from this id to the number of outgoing edges
    Map([Id] -> v.targetIds.size) ++
      // Create several maps, one for each target id to 1
      v.targetIds map { _.asInstanceOf[Id] -> 1 } toMap

  def reduce(vertexToDegreeMap: Stream[Map[Id, Int]]): Map[Id, Int] = {
    // Combine the maps created above to count the total number of edges
    Toolkit.mergeMaps(vertexToDegreeMap)((v1, v2) => v1 + v2)

 * Aggregator that retrieves vertices with the highest or lowest state.
 * The aggregator produces a list of tuples, each containing the state and the
 * vertex ID with that state.
 * @constructor create the aggregator
 * @param n the number of top elements to find
 * @param inverted gather by lowest, not highest state
class TopStateAggregator[Id](n: Int, inverted: Boolean)
  extends AggregationOperation[List[(Double, Id)]] {

  def extract(v: Vertex[_, _, _, _]): List[(Double, Id)] = {
    // Try to interpret different types of numberic states
    val state: Option[Double] = v.state match {
      case x: Double => Some(x)
      case x: Int => Some(x.toDouble)
      case x: Long => Some(x.toDouble)
      case x: Float => Some(x.toDouble)
      case otherwise => None
    state match {
      case Some(number) =>
        List[(Double, Id)]((number,[Id]))
      case otherwise => List[(Double, Id)]()

  def reduce(statesAndIds: Stream[List[(Double, Id)]]): List[(Double, Id)] = {
    // Sort the tuples by descending/ascending value and take the first n tuples
    statesAndIds.foldLeft(List[(Double, Id)]()) { (acc, n) => acc ++ n }
      .sortWith({ (t1, t2) =>
        if (inverted) { t1._1 < t2._1 }
        else { t1._1 > t2._1 }

 * Aggregator that retrieves vertices with the highest signal or collect scores.
 * The aggregator produces a list of tuples, each containing the score and the
 * vertex ID with that score.
 * @constructor create the aggregator
 * @param n the number of top elements to find
 * @param scoreType the score to look at (signal or collect)
class AboveThresholdAggregator[Id](n: Int, scoreType: String, threshold: Double)
  extends AggregationOperation[List[(Double, Id)]] {

  def extract(v: Vertex[_, _, _, _]): List[(Double, Id)] = {
    val score = scoreType match {
      case "signal" => v.scoreSignal
      case "collect" => v.scoreCollect
    // Yield score and id only if the score is above the threshold
    if (score > threshold) {
      List[(Double, Id)]((score,[Id]))
    } else {
      List[(Double, Id)]()

  def reduce(thresholdsAndIds: Stream[List[(Double, Id)]]): List[(Double, Id)] = {
    // Sort the tuples by descending thresholds and take the first n tuples
    thresholdsAndIds.foldLeft(List[(Double, Id)]()) { (acc, n) => acc ++ n }
      .sortWith({ (t1, t2) => t1._1 > t2._1 })


 * Aggregator that loads the IDs of vertices in the vicinity of other vertices.
 * The aggregator produces a new set of IDs representing the vertices that are
 * connected to any of the vertices in the given set, be it incoming or outgoing.
 * @constructor create the aggregator
 * @param ids set of vertex IDs to be loaded
class FindVertexVicinitiesByIdsAggregator[Id](ids: Set[Id])
  extends AggregationOperation[Set[Id]] {

  def extract(v: Vertex[_, _, _, _]): Set[Id] = {
    if (!(v.targetIds.toStream.filter(targetId => ids.contains(targetId.asInstanceOf[Id])) isEmpty)) {
      // If this has an outgoing edge to a primary vertex, it's a vicinity vertex.
    } else if (ids.contains([Id])) {
      // If this vertex is a primary vertex, all its targets are vicinity vertices
    } else {
      // If neither is true, this vertex is irrelevant

  def reduce(vertexIds: Stream[Set[Id]]): Set[Id] = {

 * Aggregator that translates a list of strings to a list of vertices.
 * The aggregator compares the string representation of the id of any vertex
 * to the strings supplied to it.
 * @constructor create the aggregator
 * @param idsList the list of IDs to compare vertex IDs with
class FindVerticesByIdsAggregator[Id](idsList: List[String])
  extends AggregationOperation[List[Vertex[Id, _, _, _]]] {

  def ids: Set[String] = idsList.toSet

  def extract(v: Vertex[_, _, _, _]): List[Vertex[Id, _, _, _]] = {
    if (ids.contains( { List(v.asInstanceOf[Vertex[Id, _, _, _]]) }
    else { List() }

  def reduce(vertices: Stream[List[Vertex[Id, _, _, _]]]): List[Vertex[Id, _, _, _]] = {


 * Aggregator that finds a list of node IDs which contain a given substring.
 * @constructor create the aggregator
 * @param s the substring that should be contained in the node ID
 * @param limit maximum number of nodes to find
class FindVertexIdsBySubstringAggregator[Id](s: String, limit: Int)
  extends ModularAggregationOperation[Set[Id]] {

  val neutralElement = Set[Id]()

  def extract(v: Vertex[_, _, _, _]): Set[Id] = {
    if ( { Set([Id]) }
    else { Set() }

  def aggregate(a: Set[Id], b: Set[Id]): Set[Id] = {
    val combinedSet = a ++ b
    combinedSet.slice(0, math.min(limit, combinedSet.size)).toSet

 * Aggregator that checks if any of the break conditions apply
 * The aggregator takes a map of IDs (strings used to identify break
 * conditions) to BreakCondition items. It produces a map of the same IDs to
 * strings which represent the reason for the condition firing. For example,
 * one result item may be ("3" -> "0.15"), which would mean that the condition
 * identified as "3" fired because of a value "0.15". Depending on the state,
 * not all condition checks are performed. For example, the signal threshold
 * is only ever checked before the signaling step, because else it will be 0
 * anyway.
 * @constructor create the aggregator
 * @param conditions map of conditions
 * @param state string denoting the current state
class BreakConditionsAggregator(conditions: Map[String, BreakCondition], state: String)
  extends AggregationOperation[Map[String, String]] {

  val relevantVertexIds ="vertexId")).toSet

  def extract(v: Vertex[_, _, _, _]): Map[String, String] = {
    var results = Map[String, String]()
    if (relevantVertexIds.contains( {
      conditions.foreach {
        case (id, c) =>
          if ( == c.props("vertexId")) {
            // It depends on the state which checks are performed, because
            // some checks would falsely return true during some states. For
            // example, checking the signal scores right after a signal step
            // would yield a value below the threshold every time. In this
            // case, we only check the signal scores after a collect step.
            state match {
              case "checksAfterSignal" => match {
                case CollectScoreBelowThreshold =>
                  if (v.scoreCollect < c.props("collectThreshold").toDouble) {
                    results += (id -> v.scoreCollect.toString)
                case CollectScoreAboveThreshold =>
                  if (v.scoreCollect > c.props("collectThreshold").toDouble) {
                    results += (id -> v.scoreCollect.toString)
                case otherwise =>
              case "checksAfterCollect" => match {
                case StateChanges =>
                  if (v.state.toString != c.props("currentState")) {
                    results += (id -> v.state.toString)
                case StateAbove =>
                  if (v.state.toString.toDouble > c.props("expectedState").toDouble) {
                    results += (id -> v.state.toString)
                case StateBelow =>
                  if (v.state.toString.toDouble < c.props("expectedState").toDouble) {
                    results += (id -> v.state.toString)
                case SignalScoreBelowThreshold =>
                  if (v.scoreSignal < c.props("signalThreshold").toDouble) {
                    results += (id -> v.scoreSignal.toString)
                case SignalScoreAboveThreshold =>
                  if (v.scoreSignal > c.props("signalThreshold").toDouble) {
                    results += (id -> v.scoreSignal.toString)
                case otherwise =>

  def reduce(results: Stream[Map[String, String]]): Map[String, String] = {
    Toolkit.mergeMaps(results.toList)((v1, v2) => v1 + v2)

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