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com.signalcollect.console.DataProvider.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
 *  @author Carol Alexandru
 *  @author Silvan Troxler
 *  Copyright 2013 University of Zurich
 *  Licensed below the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed below the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations below the License.

package com.signalcollect.console


import scala.collection.JavaConversions.propertiesAsScalaMap
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._

import org.json4s.DefaultFormats
import org.json4s.Extraction.decompose
import org.json4s.JObject
import org.json4s.JString
import org.json4s.JValue
import org.json4s.JsonDSL.double2jvalue
import org.json4s.JsonDSL.int2jvalue
import org.json4s.JsonDSL.jobject2assoc
import org.json4s.JsonDSL.long2jvalue
import org.json4s.JsonDSL.pair2Assoc
import org.json4s.JsonDSL.pair2jvalue
import org.json4s.JsonDSL.seq2jvalue
import org.json4s.JsonDSL.string2jvalue
import org.json4s.jvalue2extractable
import org.json4s.jvalue2monadic
import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods.compact
import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods.parse
import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods.render
import org.json4s.string2JsonInput

import com.signalcollect.ExecutionConfiguration
import com.signalcollect.ExecutionStatistics
import com.signalcollect.Vertex
import com.signalcollect.interfaces.Coordinator
import com.signalcollect.interfaces.Logger
import com.signalcollect.interfaces.NodeStatistics
import com.signalcollect.interfaces.WorkerStatistics

/** Abstract class defining the interface every DataProvider has to implement. */
abstract class DataProvider {
  def fetch(): JObject
  def fetchInvalid(msg: JValue = JString(""),
    comment: String): JObject = {
    new InvalidDataProvider(msg, comment).fetch

 * DataProvider that wraps a stack trace.
 * @constructor create a new ErrorDataProvider
 * @param e the exception that has been thrown
class ErrorDataProvider(e: Exception) extends DataProvider {
  def fetchStacktrace(): String = {
    val sw = new StringWriter()
    e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw))
  def fetch(): JObject = {
    ("provider" -> "error") ~
      ("msg" -> "An exception occured") ~
      ("stacktrace" -> fetchStacktrace())

 * DataProvider used when invalid communication occurs.
 * When an invalid request is received, this provider is used to supply the
 * original message that caused the problem plus a comment that could further
 * explain the problem.
 * @constructor create a new InvalidDataProvider
 * @param msg the original request that caused the problem
 * @param comment more information on why the request is invalid
class InvalidDataProvider(msg: JValue, comment: String = "No comment") extends DataProvider {
  def fetch(): JObject = {
    ("provider" -> "invalid") ~
      ("msg" -> compact(render(msg))) ~
      ("comment" -> comment)

 * DataProvider used when another data provider can't satisfy the request.
 * It can occur that a valid request cannot be satisfied, for example because
 * the underlying data is not available yet. In that case, this data provider
 * is used to inform the client of the problem
 * @constructor create a new NotReadyDataProvider
 * @param msg the original request
class NotReadyDataProvider(msg: String) extends DataProvider {
  implicit val formats = DefaultFormats
  val j = parse(msg)
  val p = (j \ "requestor").extract[String]
  def fetch(): JObject = {
    ("provider" -> "notready") ~
      ("requestor" -> p) ~
      ("msg" -> "The signal/collect computation is not ready yet") ~
      ("request" -> msg)

 * DataProvider used to fetch the current state of the computation.
 * @constructor create a new StateDataProvider
 * @param socket the WebSocketConsoleServer
class StateDataProvider[Id, Signal](socket: WebSocketConsoleServer[Id, Signal])
  extends DataProvider {
  def fetch(): JObject = {
    val reply: JObject = socket.execution match {
      case Some(e) =>
        ("state", e.state) ~
          (("steps", e.stepTokens)) ~
          (("iteration", e.iteration))
      case None => socket.executionConfiguration match {
        case Some(ec: ExecutionConfiguration[Id, Signal]) => socket.executionStatistics match {
          case Some(es: ExecutionStatistics) =>
            ("mode", ec.executionMode.toString) ~
              (("state", es.terminationReason.toString)) ~
              (("totalExecutionTime", es.totalExecutionTime.toString)) ~
              (("computationTime", es.computationTime.toString))
          case other =>
            ("mode", ec.executionMode.toString())
        case other =>
          ("state", "undetermined")
    ("provider", "state") ~ reply

 * DataProvider which serves execution, graph and system configurations.
 * The execution configuration is taken from the WebSocketConsoleServer which
 * owns the execution mode object. The graph configuration is taken from the
 * coordinator. Finally, the system information is taken from the Java
 * System.getProperties collection.
 * @constructor create a new ConfigurationDataProvider
 * @param socket the WebSocketConsoleServer (who knows the exec conf)
 * @param coordinator the Coordinator (who knows the graph conf)
class ConfigurationDataProvider[Id: TypeTag, Signal: TypeTag](socket: WebSocketConsoleServer[Id, Signal],
  coordinator: Coordinator[Id, Signal])
  extends DataProvider {
  def fetch(): JObject = {
    val executionConfiguration = socket.executionConfiguration match {
      case Some(e: ExecutionConfiguration[Id, Signal]) => Toolkit.unpackObject(e)
      case otherwise => JString("unknown")
    ("provider" -> "configuration") ~
      ("executionConfiguration" -> executionConfiguration) ~
      ("graphConfiguration" -> Toolkit.unpackObjects(Array[AnyRef](socket.graphConfiguration))) ~
      ("systemProperties" -> propertiesAsScalaMap(System.getProperties))

 * DataProvider which serves akka log messages from the coordinator.
 * @constructor create a new LogDataProvider
 * @param coordinator the Coordinator
class LogDataProvider[Id](logger: Logger) extends DataProvider {
  def fetch(): JObject = {
    ("provider" -> "log") ~
      ("messages" -> logger.getLogMessages)

/** Data structure used to model client control requests */
case class ControlsRequest(
  control: Option[String])

 * Provider that accepts execution commands.
 * @constructor create a new ControlsProvider
 * @param socket the WebSocketConsoleServer
 * @param msg the request by the client
class ControlsProvider[Id, Signal](socket: WebSocketConsoleServer[Id, Signal],
  msg: JValue) extends DataProvider {

  implicit val formats = DefaultFormats
  var execution: Option[Execution] = socket.execution

  def command(e: Execution, command: String): JObject = {
    command match {
      case "step" => e.step
      case "collect" => e.collect
      case "pause" => e.pause
      case "continue" => e.continue
      case "reset" => e.reset
      case "terminate" => e.terminate
    ("msg" -> "command accepted")

  def fetch(): JObject = {
    val request = (msg).extract[ControlsRequest]
    val reply = execution match {
      case Some(e) => request.control match {
        case Some(action) => action match {
          case "step" | "collect" | "pause" | "continue" | "reset" | "terminate" =>
            command(e, action)
          case otherwise => fetchInvalid(msg, "invalid control!")
        case None => fetchInvalid(msg, "missing command!")
      case None => fetchInvalid(msg, "interactive execution is unavailable!")
    ("provider" -> "controls") ~

/** Data structure used to model client break condition requests */
case class BreakConditionsRequest(
  action: Option[String],
  name: Option[String],
  id: Option[String],
  props: Option[Map[String, String]])

/** Data structure used to model replies to the client */
case class BreakConditionContainer(
  id: String,
  name: String,
  props: Map[String, String])

 * Provider that can be used to add, remove and check on break conditions.
 * The break conditions are stored with the interactive execution mode. Each
 * condition has a unique ID which it receives when it's being created. During
 * the computation, various break conditions will be checked at different
 * times.
 * Whether the client supplies an action (to add or remove a condition) or not,
 * the provider will always answer with a list of configured conditions and a
 * list of reached conditions. If the action could not be performed (e.g. if
 * an invalid vertex ID has been supplied) an error message will be included.
 * @constructor create a new BreakConditionsProvider
 * @param coordinator the Coordinator
 * @param socket the WebSocketConsoleServer
 * @param msg the request by the client
class BreakConditionsProvider[Id, Signal](coordinator: Coordinator[Id, Signal],
  socket: WebSocketConsoleServer[Id, Signal],
  msg: JValue) extends DataProvider {

  implicit val formats = DefaultFormats
  var execution: Option[Execution] = socket.execution
  val workerApi = coordinator.getWorkerApi

  def fetchConditions(e: Execution): JObject = {
    val active = {
      case (id, c) =>
        Toolkit.unpackObject(BreakConditionContainer(id,, c.props.toMap))
    val reached = decompose(e.conditionsReached)
    ("provider" -> "breakconditions") ~
      ("active" -> active) ~
      ("reached" -> reached)

  def fetch(): JObject = {
    execution match {
      case Some(e) =>
        // add or remove conditions
        val request = (msg).extract[BreakConditionsRequest]
        request.action match {
          case Some(action) => action match {
            case "add" => match {
              case Some(name) =>
                try {
                  val n = BreakConditionName.withName(name)
                  request.props match {
                    case Some(props) =>
                      socket.executionConfiguration match {
                        case Some(c) =>
                          try {
                            // Create the condition. The input is validated
                            // inside the constructor of BreakCondition and
                            // when a requirement fails, an exception is thrown
                            val condition = new BreakCondition(socket.graphConfiguration,
                              c, n, props, workerApi)
                          } catch {
                            case ex: IllegalArgumentException =>
                              fetchConditions(e) ~
                                ("error" -> ex.getMessage.toString)
                        case None => fetchInvalid(msg, "executionConfiguration unavailable!")
                    case None => fetchInvalid(msg, "missing props!")
                } catch {
                  case e: NoSuchElementException =>
                    fetchInvalid(msg, "invalid Name!")
              case None => fetchInvalid(msg, "missing name!")
            case "remove" => match {
              case Some(id) =>
              case None => fetchInvalid(msg, "Missing id!")
          case None => fetchConditions(e)
      case None =>
        ("provider" -> "breakconditions") ~
          ("status" -> "noExecution")

/** Data structure used to model client graph data requests */
case class GraphDataRequest(
  vertexIds: Option[List[String]],
  vicinityRadius: Option[Int],
  vicinityIncoming: Option[Boolean],
  exposeVertices: Option[Boolean],
  query: Option[String],
  targetCount: Option[Int],
  topCriterium: Option[String],
  substring: Option[String],
  signalThreshold: Option[Double],
  collectThreshold: Option[Double])

 * Provider that can be used to query the graph.
 * @constructor create a new GraphDataProvider
 * @param coordinator the Coordinator
 * @param msg the request by the client
class GraphDataProvider[Id, Signal](coordinator: Coordinator[Id, Signal], msg: JValue)
  extends DataProvider {

  implicit val formats = DefaultFormats

  val workerApi = coordinator.getWorkerApi
  var vertexIdStrings = List[String]()
  var targetCount = 5
  var vicinityRadius = 0
  var vicinityIncoming = false
  var exposeVertices = false
  var signalThreshold = 0.01
  var collectThreshold = 0.0

   * Recursively load the vicinity of a vertex.
   * The vicinity of a vertex is the set of vertices that can be reached by
   * traveling a maximum of {{radius}} times along the edges leading away
   * from the vertex. A {{radius}} of 1 denotes only the vertices that share
   * an edge with the node. Because a vertex already knows its outgoing edges,
   * it is cheap to find the outgoing vicinity. However, for the incoming
   * vicinity, an aggregation has to be performed to find the vertices that
   * target one of the vertices we're interested in, hence it's an expensive
   * operation.
   * @param sourceIds set of vertex IDs to use in the search
   * @param radius how far to travel from the source vertices
   * @param incoming also consider incoming edges (costs {{radius}} aggregations)
   * @return the original set plus the set of vertex IDs in the vicinity
  def findVicinity(sourceIds: Set[Id], radius: Int = 3,
    incoming: Boolean = false): Set[Id] = {
    if (radius == 0) { sourceIds }
    else {
      if (incoming) {
        val vicinityIds = workerApi.aggregateAll(
          new FindVertexVicinitiesByIdsAggregator[Id](sourceIds))
        sourceIds ++ findVicinity(vicinityIds, radius - 1, true)
      } else {
        sourceIds ++ findVicinity( { id =>
          workerApi.forVertexWithId(id, { vertex: Vertex[Id, _, _, _] =>
        }.flatten, radius - 1, false)

   * Fetch a JObject representation of the vertices and edges of the graph.
   * This function will load the vertices as supplied by the {{vertexIds}}
   * set but also any vertices in the object-scope variable
   * {{vertexIdStrings}}. The client will usually request a specific part of
   * the graph, but also supply a list of vertices that should be loaded.
   * All the other fetch functions make use of this function to finalize
   * the request.
   * @param vertexIds set of vertex IDs to load
   * @return the JObject containing the requested vertices and their edges
  def fetchGraph(vertexIds: Set[Id] = Set[Id]()): JObject = {
    val vertices = workerApi.aggregateAll(
      new FindVerticesByIdsAggregator[Id](vertexIdStrings))
    val vicinityIds = findVicinity(vertexIds ++ { }.toSet,
      vicinityRadius, vicinityIncoming)
    val (lowestState, highestState, graph) =
      workerApi.aggregateAll(new GraphAggregator[Id](vicinityIds, exposeVertices))
    ("highestState" -> highestState) ~
      ("lowestState" -> lowestState) ~

  /** Fetch vertices ordered by their highest or lowest state. */
  def fetchByTopState(inverted: Boolean = false): JObject = {
    val topState = workerApi.aggregateAll(
      new TopStateAggregator[Id](targetCount, inverted)).take(targetCount)
    val vertexIds = topState.foldLeft(Set[Id]()) { (acc, m) => acc + m._2 }

  /** Fetch vertices ordered by their degree. */
  def fetchByTopDegree(): JObject = {
    val vertexIds = workerApi.aggregateAll(new TopDegreeAggregator[Id](targetCount))
      .map { _._1 }

  /** Fetch vertices with a {{scoreType}} score above the threshold. */
  def fetchByAboveThreshold(scoreType: String): JObject = {
    val threshold = if (scoreType == "signal") signalThreshold else collectThreshold
    val aboveThreshold = workerApi.aggregateAll(
      new AboveThresholdAggregator[Id](targetCount, scoreType, threshold)).take(targetCount)
    val vertexIds = aboveThreshold.foldLeft(Set[Id]()) { (acc, m) => acc + m._2 }

  /** Fetch vertices whose IDs contain the given substring {{s}}. */
  def fetchBySubstring(s: String): JObject = {
    val vertexIds = workerApi.aggregateAll(
      new FindVertexIdsBySubstringAggregator[Id](s, targetCount))

  /** Fetch a random sample of vertices. */
  def fetchSample: JObject = {
    val vertexIds = workerApi.aggregateAll(new SampleAggregator[Id](targetCount))

  def fetch(): JObject = {
    val request = (msg).extract[GraphDataRequest]

    // Override default values if any
    request.vertexIds match {
      case Some(ids) => vertexIdStrings = ids.take(1000)
      case otherwise =>
    request.targetCount match {
      case Some(t) => targetCount = List(t, 1000).min
      case otherwise =>
    request.vicinityRadius match {
      case Some(r) => vicinityRadius = List(r, 4).min
      case otherwise =>
    request.vicinityIncoming match {
      case Some(b) => vicinityIncoming = b
      case otherwise =>
    request.exposeVertices match {
      case Some(b) => exposeVertices = b
      case otherwise =>
    request.signalThreshold match {
      case Some(t) => signalThreshold = t
      case otherwise =>
    request.collectThreshold match {
      case Some(t) => collectThreshold = t
      case otherwise =>

    // route request and fetch graph data
    val graphData = request.query match {
      case Some("substring") => request.substring match {
        case Some(s) => fetchBySubstring(s)
        case otherwise => fetchInvalid(msg, "missing substring")
      case Some("vertexIds") => request.vertexIds match {
        case Some(ids) => fetchGraph()
        case otherwise => fetchInvalid(msg, "missing vertexIds")
      case Some("top") => request.topCriterium match {
        case Some("Highest state") => fetchByTopState()
        case Some("Lowest state") => fetchByTopState(true)
        case Some("Highest degree") => fetchByTopDegree
        case Some("Above signal thresh.") => fetchByAboveThreshold("signal")
        case Some("Above collect thresh.") => fetchByAboveThreshold("collect")
        case Some("Sample") => fetchSample
        case otherwise => new InvalidDataProvider(msg, "invalid top criterium").fetch
      case otherwise => fetchInvalid(msg, "missing query")

    ("provider" -> "graph") ~

 * Provider offering resource and other statistics on workers and nodes.
 * @constructor create a new ReourcesDataProvider
 * @param coordinator the Coordinator
 * @param msg the request by the client
class ResourcesDataProvider(coordinator: Coordinator[_, _], msg: JValue)
  extends DataProvider {

  def fetch(): JObject = {
    val inboxSize: Long = coordinator.getGlobalInboxSize

    val ws: Array[WorkerStatistics] =
    val wstats = Toolkit.unpackObjects(ws)
    val ns: Array[NodeStatistics] =
    val nstats = Toolkit.unpackObjects(ns)

    ("provider" -> "resources") ~
      ("timestamp" -> System.currentTimeMillis) ~
      ("inboxSize" -> inboxSize) ~
      ("workerStatistics" -> wstats) ~
      ("nodeStatistics" -> nstats)

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