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# Copyright 2010-2014,,
# Released under the MIT License.
# modified RaiMan 2013

from __future__ import with_statement
from org.sikuli.basics import Debug
from org.sikuli.script import RunTime
RUNTIME = RunTime.get()
Debug.log(3, "Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: starting init")
import time
import __builtin__
#import __main__
import types
import sys
import os
import inspect

Debug.log(4, "Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: constants")
import org.sikuli.script.FindFailed as FindFailed
from org.sikuli.script.FindFailedResponse import *
from org.sikuli.script.Constants import *
import org.sikuli.script.Button as Button
from org.sikuli.script.Button import WHEEL_UP, WHEEL_DOWN
from org.sikuli.basics import OS

Debug.log(4, "Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: import Region")
from org.sikuli.script import Region as JRegion
from Region import *
from org.sikuli.script import Observing

Debug.log(4, "Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: import Screen")
from org.sikuli.script import Screen as JScreen
from Screen import *

Debug.log(4, "Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: Env.addHotkey")
from Env import *

Debug.log(4, "Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: import Match")
from org.sikuli.script import Match
Debug.log(4, "Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: import Pattern")
from org.sikuli.script import Pattern
Debug.log(4, "Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: import Location")
from org.sikuli.script import Location
Debug.log(4, "Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: import ScreenUnion")
from org.sikuli.script import ScreenUnion
Debug.log(4, "Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: import Finder")
from org.sikuli.script import Finder
from org.sikuli.script import ImageFinder
from org.sikuli.script import ImageFind

Debug.log(4, "Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: import Image")
from org.sikuli.script import Image
from org.sikuli.script import ImageGroup

Debug.log(4, "Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: import ImagePath")
from org.sikuli.script import ImagePath

Debug.log(4, "Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: import App")
from org.sikuli.script import App
Debug.log(4, "Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: import KeyBoard/Mouse")
from org.sikuli.script import Key
from org.sikuli.script import KeyModifier
from org.sikuli.script.KeyModifier import KEY_CTRL, KEY_SHIFT, KEY_META, KEY_CMD, KEY_WIN, KEY_ALT
from org.sikuli.script import Device
from org.sikuli.script import Mouse
from org.sikuli.script import Keys

Debug.log(4, "Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: import from Basics")
from org.sikuli.basics import Settings
from org.sikuli.basics import ExtensionManager

Debug.log(4, "Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: import from compare")
from import DistanceComparator
from import VerticalComparator
from import HorizontalComparator

Debug.log(4, "Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: init SikuliImporter")
import SikuliImporter

Debug.log(4, "Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: import Sikulix")
from org.sikuli.script import Sikulix

Debug.log(4, "Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: import ScriptingSupport")
	from org.sikuli.scriptrunner import ScriptingSupport

from org.sikuli.script import Runner
from org.sikuli.util import JythonHelper

RUNTIME = RunTime.get()

def show():

# a token to check the availability
SIKULIX_IS_WORKING = sys.version.split("(")[0]

# some support for handling unicode and strings
## use instead of print if unicode strings present
# usage: uprint(s1, u1, u2, u3, s3, ...)
def uprint(*args):
    for e in args[:-1]:
        if isinstance(e, str): print e,
        else: print e.encode("utf8"),
    if isinstance(args[-1], str): print args[-1]
    else: print args[-1].encode("utf8")

# to make an utf8-encoded string from a str object
def unicd(s):
    return ucode(s)

def ucode(s):
    return (unicode(s, "utf8"))

# loads a Sikuli extension (.jar) from
#  1. user's sikuli data path
#  2. bundle path
def load(jar):
    return JythonHelper.get().load(jar)

# unzips the given input (string) to the given folder (string)
# relative paths are resolved against the working folder
def unzip(zip, target):
    import org.sikuli.basics.FileManager as FM
    return FM.unzip(str(zip), str(target))

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# append the given path sys.path if not yet contained
def addImportPath(path):

# append the given path image path list if not yet contained
def addImagePath(path):

# return the current image path list
def getImagePath():
    return [e for e in ImagePath.get()]

# remove the given path from the image path
def removeImagePath(path):

# reset the image path, so it only contains the bundlepath
def resetImagePath(path = None):
    if not path:
      path = getBundlePath();

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sets the path for searching images in all Sikuli Script methods. 
# Sikuli IDE sets this to the path of the bundle of source code (.sikuli) # automatically. If you write Sikuli scripts using Sikuli IDE, you should # know what you are doing. # returns true if path is valid and exists, false otherwise (no changes) # def setBundlePath(path): return ImagePath.setBundlePath(path) ## # return the current bundlepath (usually the folder .sikuli) # or None if no bundlepath is defined # no trailing path sep # def getBundlePath(): return ImagePath.getBundlePath() ## # return the current bundlepath (usually the folder .sikuli) # or None if no bundlepath is defined # with a trailing path separator (for string concatenation) # def getBundleFolder(): path = ImagePath.getBundlePath() if not path: return None return path + Settings.getFilePathSeperator(); ## # return the parent folder of the current bundlepath # (usually the folder containing the current script folder.sikuli) # or None if no bundlepath is defined # no trailing path sep # def getParentPath(): path = ImagePath.getBundlePath() if not path: return None return os.path.dirname(makePath(getBundlePath())); ## # return the parent folder of the current bundlepath # (usually the folder containing the current script folder.sikuli) # or None if no bundlepath is defined # no trailing path sep # def getParentFolder(): path = getParentPath() if not path: return None return path + Settings.getFilePathSeperator(); ## # make a valid path by by using os.path.join() with the given elements # always without a trailing path separator # def makePath(*paths): if len(paths) == 0: return None path = paths[0] if len(paths) > 1: for p in paths[1:]: path = os.path.join(path, p) if path[-1] == Settings.getFilePathSeperator(): return os.path.dirname(path) return path ## # make a valid path by by using os.path.join() with the given elements # with a trailing path separator (for string concatenation) # def makeFolder(*paths): path = makePath(*paths) if not path: return None path = path + Settings.getFilePathSeperator() return path ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Sikuli shows actions (click, dragDrop, ... etc.) if this flag is set to True. # The default setting is False. # def setShowActions(flag): Settings.setShowActions(flag) def highlightOff(): import org.sikuli.util.ScreenHighlighter as SH SH.closeAll() ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Shows a message dialog containing the given message. # @param msg The given message string. # @param title gets the window title. def popup(msg, title="Sikuli Info"): Sikulix.popup(msg, title) # Show error popup (special icon) containing the given message. # @param msg The given message string. # @param title gets the window title. def popError(msg, title="Sikuli Error"): Sikulix.popError(msg, title) # Show a popup containing the given message asking for yes or no # @param msg The given message string. # @param title gets the window title. # @return True if answered Yes, else False def popAsk(msg, title="Sikuli Decision"): return Sikulix.popAsk(msg, title) ## # Shows a question-message dialog requesting input from the user. # @param msg The message to display. # @param default The preset text of the input field (default empty). # @param title the title for the dialog (default: Sikuli input request) # @param hidden =true makes the dialog run as a password input (input hidden with bullets) # @return The user's input string. # def input(msg="", default="", title="Sikuli Input", hidden=False): if (hidden): default = "" return Sikulix.input(msg, default, title, hidden) ## # Shows a dialog request to enter text in a multiline text field # Though not all text might be visible, everything entered is delivered with the returned text # The main purpose for this feature is to allow pasting text from somewhere # @param msg the message to display. # @param title the title for the dialog (default: Sikuli input request) # @param lines the maximum number of lines visible in the text field (default 9) # @param width the maximum number of characters visible in one line (default 20) # @return The user's input including the line breaks. def inputText(msg="", title="Sikuli Text", lines=0, width=0): return Sikulix.inputText(msg, title, width, lines) ## # Shows a dialog requesting to select an entry from the drop down list # @param msg the message to display. # @param title the title for the dialog def select(msg="", title="Sikuli Selection", options=(), default=None): if len(options) == 0: return "" if default: if not __builtin__.type(default) is types.StringType: try: default = options[default] except: default = None return Sikulix.popSelect(msg, title, options, default) ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def capture(*args): scr = ScreenUnion() if len(args) == 0: simg = scr.userCapture() if simg: return simg.getFilename() else: return None elif len(args) == 1: if __builtin__.type(args[0]) is types.StringType or __builtin__.type(args[0]) is types.UnicodeType: simg = scr.userCapture(args[0]) if simg: return simg.getFilename() else: return None else: return scr.capture(args[0]).getFilename() elif len(args) == 4: return scr.capture(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]).getFilename() else: return None def saveCapture(*args): scr = ScreenUnion() if len(args) == 1: return scr.saveCapture(args[0]) elif len(args) == 2: return scr.saveCapture(args[0], args[1]) elif len(args) == 5: return scr.saveCapture(args[0], Region.create(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4])) else: return None def selectRegion(msg=None): if msg: r = ScreenUnion().selectRegion(msg) else: r = ScreenUnion().selectRegion() if r: return Region(r) else: return None ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # set the default screen to given or primary screen # # TODO where else to remember an opened remote screen? remoteScreen = None def use(scr = None, remote = False): if remote: theGlobals = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back.f_globals else: theGlobals = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_globals global remoteScreen if remoteScreen: remoteScreen.close() remoteScreen = None if not scr: SCREEN = Screen() else: SCREEN = scr Debug.log(3, "Jython: requested to use as default region: " + SCREEN.toStringShort()) globals()['SIKULISAVED'] = _exposeAllMethods(SCREEN, globals().get('SIKULISAVED'), theGlobals, None) theGlobals['SCREEN'] = SCREEN if remote: remoteScreen = SCREEN return SCREEN ## # set the default screen to given remote screen # def useRemote(adr, port = 0): global remoteScreen import org.sikuli.script.ScreenRemote as SR SCREEN = SR(adr, str(port)) if SCREEN.isValid(): return use(SCREEN, True) else: return None ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Switches the frontmost application to the given application. # If the given application is not running, it will be launched by openApp() # automatically.
# Note: On Windows, Sikule searches in the text on the title bar # instead of the application name. # @param app The name of the application. (case-insensitive) # def switchApp(app): return App.focus(app) ## # Opens the given application.
# @param app The name of an application if it is in the environment variable PATH, or the full path to an application. # def openApp(app): return ## # Closes the given application.
# @param app The name of the application. (case-insensitive) # def closeApp(app): return App.close(app) ## # Sleeps until the given amount of time in seconds has elapsed. # @param sec The amount of sleeping time in seconds. def sleep(sec): time.sleep(sec) ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def reset(): JScreen.resetMonitors(); use(); ALL = SCREEN.all().getRegion() ## # shutdown and return given exit code # def exit(code=0): global remoteScreen if remoteScreen: remoteScreen.close() remoteScreen = None Sikulix.cleanUp(code) sys.exit(code) ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Runs the given string command. # @param cmd The given string command. # @return Returns the output from the executed command. def run(cmd): return # Runs the script given by absolute or relative path (./ same folder as calling script) # @param script The given script path. # @args the parameters for the called script (sys.argv) # @return returns the scripts return code given with exit(n) def runScript(script, *args): if SCRIPT_SUPPORT: return, args) else: return, args) def getLastReturnCode(): if SCRIPT_SUPPORT: return ScriptingSupport.getLastReturnCode() else: return Runner.getLastReturnCode() ## # helper functions, that can be used when sorting lists of regions # def byDistanceTo(x, y=None): """ Method to compare two Region objects by distance of their top left. or a regions top left to the given point by coordinates""" return DistanceComparator(x, y) def byX(m): """ Method to compare two Region objects by x value. """ return HorizontalComparator().compare def byY(m): """ Method to compare two Region objects by y value. """ return VerticalComparator().compare def verticalComparator(): """ Method to compare two Region objects by y value. """ return VerticalComparator().compare def horizontalComparator(): """ Method to compare two Region objects by x value. """ return HorizontalComparator().compare def distanceComparator(x, y=None): """ Method to compare two Region objects by distance of their top left. or a regions top left to the given point by coordinates""" if y is None: return DistanceComparator(x).compare # x is Region or Location return DistanceComparator(x, y).compare # x/y as coordinates ## ################## internal use only ########################################### # def _addModPath(path): if path[-1] == Settings.getFilePathSeperator(): path = path[:-1] if not path in sys.path: sys.path.append(path) def _exposeAllMethods(anyObject, saved, theGlobals, exclude_list): if not exclude_list: exclude_list = [ 'class', 'classDictInit', 'clone', 'equals', 'finalize', 'getClass', 'hashCode', 'notify', 'notifyAll', 'toGlobalCoord', 'toString', 'getLocationFromPSRML', 'getRegionFromPSRM', 'capture', 'selectRegion', 'create', 'observeInBackground', 'waitAll', 'updateSelf', 'findNow', 'findAllNow', 'getEventManager', 'lastMatch', 'lastMatches', 'lastScreenImage', 'lastScreenImageFile'] #Debug.log(3, "Sikuli: _exposeAllMethods: %s called from: %s", anyObject, theGlobals['__name__']) tosave = [] if not saved: saved = [] for name in dir(anyObject): if name in exclude_list: continue try: if not inspect.ismethod(getattr(anyObject,name)): continue except: continue if name[0] != '_' and name[:7] != 'super__': try: saved.remove(name) except: pass tosave.append(name) #print "added:", name theGlobals[name] = eval("anyObject."+name) if name == 'checkWith': Debug.log(3, "%s %s", name, str(dict[name])[1:]) for name in saved: if name in theGlobals: #print "removed:", name theGlobals.pop(name) return tosave ############### set SCREEN as primary screen at startup ################ use() ALL = SCREEN.all().getRegion() Debug.log(3, "Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: ending init")

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