Many resources are needed to download a project. Please understand that we have to compensate our server costs. Thank you in advance. Project price only 1 $
You can buy this project and download/modify it how often you want.
fixAll(settings, output, task, ui, api)
} catch (e: Exception) {
task.error(ui, e)
return output
private fun fixAll(
settings: Settings,
output: OutputResult,
task: SessionTask,
ui: ApplicationInterface,
api: OpenAIClient,
) {
Retryable(ui, task) { content ->
settings = settings,
output = output,
task = task,
ui = ui,
changed = mutableSetOf(),
api = api
private fun fixAllInternal(
settings: Settings,
output: OutputResult,
task: SessionTask,
ui: ApplicationInterface,
changed: MutableSet,
api: OpenAIClient,
) {
val plan = ParsedActor(
resultClass =,
prompt = """
|You are a helpful AI that helps people with coding.
|You will be answering questions about the following project:
|Project Root: ${settings.workingDirectory?.absolutePath ?: ""}
|Given the response of a build/test process, identify one or more distinct errors.
|For each error:
| 1) predict the files that need to be fixed
| 2) predict related files that may be needed to debug the issue
| 3) specify a search string to find relevant files - be as specific as possible
|${if (settings.additionalInstructions.isNotBlank()) "Additional Instructions:\n ${settings.additionalInstructions}\n" else ""}
model = model
|The following command was run and produced an error:
), api = api
"Text" to MarkdownUtil.renderMarkdown(plan.text, ui = ui),
"JSON" to MarkdownUtil.renderMarkdown(
ui = ui
val progressHeader = task.header("Processing tasks")
plan.obj.errors?.forEach { error ->
task.header("Processing error: ${error.message}")
task.verbose(MarkdownUtil.renderMarkdown("```json\n${JsonUtil.toJson(error)}\n```", tabs = false, ui = ui))
// Search for files using the provided search strings
val searchResults = error.searchStrings?.flatMap { searchString ->
FileValidationUtils.filteredWalk(settings.workingDirectory!!) { !FileValidationUtils.isGitignore(it.toPath()) }
.filter { FileValidationUtils.isLLMIncludable(it) }
.filter { it.readText().contains(searchString, ignoreCase = true) }
.map { it.toPath() }
}?.toSet() ?: emptySet()
|Search results:
|${searchResults.joinToString("\n") { "* `$it`" }}
""".trimMargin(), tabs = false, ui = ui
Retryable(ui, task) { content ->
error, searchResults.toList().map { it.toFile().absolutePath },
output, ui, content, settings.autoFix, changed, api
task.append("", false)
private fun fix(
error: ParsedError,
additionalFiles: List? = null,
output: OutputResult,
ui: ApplicationInterface,
content: StringBuilder,
autoFix: Boolean,
changed: MutableSet,
api: OpenAIClient,
) {
val paths =
(error.fixFiles ?: emptyList()) +
(error.relatedFiles ?: emptyList()) +
(additionalFiles ?: emptyList())
).map {
try {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
log.warn("Error: root=${root} ", e)
val prunedPaths = prunePaths(paths, 50 * 1024)
val summary = codeSummary(prunedPaths)
val response = SimpleActor(
prompt = """
|You are a helpful AI that helps people with coding.
|You will be answering questions about the following code:
|Response should use one or more code patches in diff format within ${tripleTilde}diff code blocks.
|Each diff should be preceded by a header that identifies the file being modified.
|The diff format should use + for line additions, - for line deletions.
|The diff should include 2 lines of context before and after every change.
|Here are the patches:
|### src/utils/exampleUtils.js
| // Utility functions for example feature
| const b = 2;
| function exampleFunction() {
|- return b + 1;
|+ return b + 2;
| }
|### tests/exampleUtils.test.js
| // Unit tests for exampleUtils
| const assert = require('assert');
| const { exampleFunction } = require('../src/utils/exampleUtils');
| describe('exampleFunction', () => {
|- it('should return 3', () => {
|+ it('should return 4', () => {
| assert.equal(exampleFunction(), 3);
| });
| });
|If needed, new files can be created by using code blocks labeled with the filename in the same manner.
model = model
|The following command was run and produced an error:
|Focus on and Fix the Error:
| ${error.message?.replace("\n", "\n ") ?: ""}
|${if (settings.additionalInstructions.isNotBlank()) "Additional Instructions:\n ${settings.additionalInstructions}\n" else ""}
), api = api
var markdown = ui.socketManager?.addApplyFileDiffLinks(
root = root.toPath(),
response = response,
ui = ui,
api = api,
shouldAutoApply = { path ->
if (autoFix && !changed.contains(path)) {
} else {