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com.simiacryptus.skyenet.apps.plan.PlanCoordinator.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.simiacryptus.skyenet.apps.plan
import com.simiacryptus.diff.FileValidationUtils
import com.simiacryptus.jopenai.API
import com.simiacryptus.jopenai.ApiModel
import com.simiacryptus.jopenai.describe.Description
import com.simiacryptus.jopenai.util.ClientUtil.toContentList
import com.simiacryptus.jopenai.util.JsonUtil
import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.AgentPatterns
import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.Discussable
import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.TabbedDisplay
import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.core.actors.ParsedResponse
import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.core.platform.ApplicationServices
import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.core.platform.Session
import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.core.platform.StorageInterface
import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.core.platform.User
import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.set
import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.webui.application.ApplicationInterface
import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.webui.session.SessionTask
import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.webui.util.MarkdownUtil
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.Future
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor
class PlanCoordinator(
val user: User?,
val session: Session,
val dataStorage: StorageInterface,
val ui: ApplicationInterface,
val api: API,
val settings: Settings,
val root: Path
) {
private val taskBreakdownActor by lazy { settings.planningActor() }
data class TaskBreakdownResult(
val tasksByID: Map? = null,
val finalTaskID: String? = null,
val pool: ThreadPoolExecutor by lazy { ApplicationServices.clientManager.getPool(session, user) }
data class Task(
val description: String? = null,
val taskType: TaskType? = null,
var task_dependencies: List? = null,
val input_files: List? = null,
val output_files: List? = null,
var state: AbstractTask.TaskState? = null,
@Description("Command and arguments (in list form) for the task")
val command: List? = null,
val virtualFiles: Array by lazy {
private val codeFiles: Map
get() = virtualFiles
.filter { it.exists() && it.isFile }
.filter { !".") }
.associate { file -> getKey(file) to getValue(file) }
private fun getValue(file: File) = try {
file.inputStream().bufferedReader().use { it.readText() }
} catch (e: Exception) {
log.warn("Error reading file", e)
private fun getKey(file: File) = root.relativize(file.toPath())
fun startProcess(userMessage: String) {
val codeFiles = codeFiles
val eventStatus = if (!codeFiles.all { it.key.toFile().isFile } || codeFiles.size > 2) """
${codeFiles.keys.joinToString("\n") { "* $it" }}
""".trimMargin() else {
virtualFiles.joinToString("\n\n") {
val path = root.relativize(it.toPath())
## $path
${(codeFiles[path] ?: "").let { "$TRIPLE_TILDE\n${it/*.indent(" ")*/}\n$TRIPLE_TILDE" }}
val task = ui.newTask()
val toInput = { it: String ->
val highLevelPlan = Discussable(
task = task,
heading = MarkdownUtil.renderMarkdown(userMessage, ui = ui),
userMessage = { userMessage },
initialResponse = { it: String -> taskBreakdownActor.answer(toInput(it), api = api) },
outputFn = { design: ParsedResponse ->
"Text" to MarkdownUtil.renderMarkdown(design.text, ui = ui),
"JSON" to MarkdownUtil.renderMarkdown(
"${TRIPLE_TILDE}json\n${JsonUtil.toJson(design.obj)/*.indent(" ")*/}\n$TRIPLE_TILDE",
ui = ui
ui = ui,
reviseResponse = { userMessages: List> ->
messages = ( { ApiModel.ChatMessage(it.second, it.first.toContentList()) }
input = toInput(userMessage),
api = api
initPlan(highLevelPlan, userMessage, task)
fun initPlan(
plan: ParsedResponse,
userMessage: String,
task: SessionTask
) {
try {
val tasksByID =
plan.obj.tasksByID?.entries?.toTypedArray()?.associate { it.key to it.value } ?: mapOf()
val genState = GenState(tasksByID.toMutableMap())
val diagramTask = ui.newTask(false).apply { task.add(placeholder) }
val diagramBuffer =
"## Task Dependency Graph\n${TRIPLE_TILDE}mermaid\n${buildMermaidGraph(genState.subTasks)}\n$TRIPLE_TILDE",
ui = ui
val taskIdProcessingQueue = genState.taskIdProcessingQueue
val subTasks = genState.subTasks
} catch (e: Throwable) {
log.warn("Error during incremental code generation process", e)
task.error(ui, e)
fun executePlan(
task: SessionTask,
diagramBuffer: StringBuilder?,
subTasks: Map,
diagramTask: SessionTask,
genState: GenState,
taskIdProcessingQueue: MutableList,
pool: ThreadPoolExecutor,
userMessage: String,
plan: ParsedResponse
) {
val taskTabs = object : TabbedDisplay(ui.newTask(false).apply { task.add(placeholder) }) {
override fun renderTabButtons(): String {
|## Task Dependency Graph
""".trimMargin(), ui = ui
return buildString {
super.tabs.withIndex().forEach { (idx, t) ->
val (taskId, taskV) = t
val subTask = genState.tasksByDescription[taskId]
if (null == subTask) {
log.warn("Task tab not found: $taskId")
val isChecked = if (taskId in taskIdProcessingQueue) "checked" else ""
val style = when (subTask?.state) {
AbstractTask.TaskState.Completed -> " style='text-decoration: line-through;'"
null -> " style='opacity: 20%;'"
AbstractTask.TaskState.Pending -> " style='opacity: 30%;'"
else -> ""
append(" $taskId \n")
// Initialize task tabs
taskIdProcessingQueue.forEach { taskId ->
val newTask = ui.newTask(false)
genState.uitaskMap[taskId] = newTask
val subtask = genState.subTasks[taskId]
val description = subtask?.description
log.debug("Creating task tab: $taskId ${System.identityHashCode(subtask)} $description")
taskTabs[description ?: taskId] = newTask.placeholder
while (taskIdProcessingQueue.isNotEmpty()) {
val taskId = taskIdProcessingQueue.removeAt(0)
val subTask = genState.subTasks[taskId] ?: throw RuntimeException("Task not found: $taskId")
genState.taskFutures[taskId] = pool.submit {
subTask.state = AbstractTask.TaskState.Pending
log.debug("Awaiting dependencies: ${subTask.task_dependencies?.joinToString(", ") ?: ""}")
?.associate { it to genState.taskFutures[it] }
?.forEach { (id, future) ->
try {
future?.get() ?: log.warn("Dependency not found: $id")
} catch (e: Throwable) {
log.warn("Error", e)
subTask.state = AbstractTask.TaskState.InProgress
log.debug("Running task: ${System.identityHashCode(subTask)} ${subTask.description}")
val task1 = genState.uitaskMap.get(taskId) ?: ui.newTask(false).apply {
taskTabs[taskId] = placeholder
try {
val dependencies = subTask.task_dependencies?.toMutableSet() ?: mutableSetOf()
dependencies += getAllDependencies(
subTask = subTask,
subTasks = genState.subTasks,
visited = mutableSetOf()
## Task `${taskId}`
${subTask.description ?: ""}
|${JsonUtil.toJson(data = subTask)/*.indent(" ")*/}
|### Dependencies:
|${dependencies.joinToString("\n") { "- $it" }}
""".trimMargin(), ui = ui
agent = this,
taskId = taskId,
userMessage = userMessage,
plan = plan,
genState = genState,
task = task1,
taskTabs = taskTabs
} catch (e: Throwable) {
log.warn("Error during task execution", e)
task1.error(ui, e)
} finally {
genState.completedTasks.add(element = taskId)
subTask.state = AbstractTask.TaskState.Completed
log.debug("Completed task: $taskId ${System.identityHashCode(subTask)}")
genState.taskFutures.forEach { (id, future) ->
try {
future.get() ?: log.warn("Dependency not found: $id")
} catch (e: Throwable) {
log.warn("Error", e)
private fun getAllDependencies(
subTask: Task,
subTasks: Map,
visited: MutableSet
): List {
val dependencies = subTask.task_dependencies?.toMutableList() ?: mutableListOf()
subTask.task_dependencies?.forEach { dep ->
if (dep in visited) return@forEach
val subTask = subTasks[dep]
if (subTask != null) {
dependencies.addAll(getAllDependencies(subTask, subTasks, visited))
return dependencies
companion object {
val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
fun executionOrder(tasks: Map): List {
val taskIds: MutableList = mutableListOf()
val taskMap = tasks.toMutableMap()
while (taskMap.isNotEmpty()) {
val nextTasks =
taskMap.filter { (_, task) -> task.task_dependencies?.all { taskIds.contains(it) } ?: true }
if (nextTasks.isEmpty()) {
throw RuntimeException("Circular dependency detected in task breakdown")
nextTasks.keys.forEach { taskMap.remove(it) }
return taskIds
val isWindows = System.getProperty("").lowercase(Locale.getDefault()).contains("windows")
private fun sanitizeForMermaid(input: String) = input
.replace(" ", "_")
.replace("\"", "\\\"")
.replace("[", "\\[")
.replace("]", "\\]")
.replace("(", "\\(")
.replace(")", "\\)")
.let { "`$it`" }
private fun escapeMermaidCharacters(input: String) = input
.replace("\"", "\\\"")
.let { '"' + it + '"' }
fun buildMermaidGraph(subTasks: Map): String {
val graphBuilder = StringBuilder("graph TD;\n")
subTasks.forEach { (taskId, task) ->
val sanitizedTaskId = sanitizeForMermaid(taskId)
val taskType = task.taskType?.name ?: "Unknown"
val escapedDescription = escapeMermaidCharacters(task.description ?: "")
val style = when (task.state) {
AbstractTask.TaskState.Completed -> ":::completed"
AbstractTask.TaskState.InProgress -> ":::inProgress"
else -> ":::$taskType"
graphBuilder.append(" ${sanitizedTaskId}[$escapedDescription]$style;\n")
task.task_dependencies?.forEach { dependency ->
val sanitizedDependency = sanitizeForMermaid(dependency)
graphBuilder.append(" $sanitizedDependency --> ${sanitizedTaskId};\n")
graphBuilder.append(" classDef default fill:#f9f9f9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;\n")
graphBuilder.append(" classDef NewFile fill:lightblue,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;\n")
graphBuilder.append(" classDef EditFile fill:lightgreen,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;\n")
graphBuilder.append(" classDef Documentation fill:lightyellow,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;\n")
graphBuilder.append(" classDef Inquiry fill:orange,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;\n")
graphBuilder.append(" classDef TaskPlanning fill:lightgrey,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;\n")
graphBuilder.append(" classDef completed fill:#90EE90,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;\n")
graphBuilder.append(" classDef inProgress fill:#FFA500,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;\n")
return graphBuilder.toString()
data class GenState(
val subTasks: Map,
val tasksByDescription: MutableMap = subTasks.entries.toTypedArray()
.associate { it.value.description to it.value }.toMutableMap(),
val taskIdProcessingQueue: MutableList = executionOrder(subTasks).toMutableList(),
val taskResult: MutableMap = mutableMapOf(),
val completedTasks: MutableList = mutableListOf(),
val taskFutures: MutableMap> = mutableMapOf(),
val uitaskMap: MutableMap = mutableMapOf()
const val TRIPLE_TILDE = "```"