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com.simiacryptus.diff.AddApplyFileDiffLinks.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.simiacryptus.diff
import com.simiacryptus.diff.FileValidationUtils.Companion.isGitignore
import com.simiacryptus.jopenai.API
import com.simiacryptus.jopenai.OpenAIClient
import com.simiacryptus.jopenai.models.ChatModels
import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.AgentPatterns.displayMapInTabs
import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.core.actors.SimpleActor
import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.set
import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.webui.application.ApplicationInterface
import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.webui.session.SocketManagerBase
import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.webui.util.MarkdownUtil.renderMarkdown
import java.nio.file.Path
// Function to reverse the order of lines in a string
private fun String.reverseLines(): String = lines().reversed().joinToString("\n")
// Main function to add apply file diff links to the response
fun SocketManagerBase.addApplyFileDiffLinks(
root: Path,
response: String,
handle: (Map) -> Unit = {},
ui: ApplicationInterface,
api: API,
shouldAutoApply: (Path) -> Boolean = { false },
): String {
// Check if there's an unclosed code block and close it if necessary
val initiator = "(?s)```\\w*\n".toRegex()
if (response.contains(initiator) && !response.split(initiator, 2)[1].contains("\n```(?![^\n])".toRegex())) {
// Single diff block without the closing ``` due to LLM limitations... add it back and recurse
return addApplyFileDiffLinks(
response + "\n```",
// Define regex patterns for headers and code blocks
val headerPattern = """(?
val header = headers.lastOrNull { it.first.last <= block.range.first }
if (header == null) {
return@filter false
val filename = resolve(root, header.second)
}.map { it.range to it }.toList()
val patchBlocks = findAll.filter { block ->
val header = headers.lastOrNull { it.first.last <= block.range.first }
if (header == null) {
return@filter false
val filename = resolve(root, header.second)
}.map { it.range to it }.toList()
// Process diff blocks and add patch links
val withPatchLinks: String = patchBlocks.fold(response) { markdown, diffBlock ->
val value = diffBlock.second.groupValues[2].trim()
val header = headers.lastOrNull { it.first.last < diffBlock.first.first }
val filename = resolve(root, header?.second ?: "Unknown")
val newValue = renderDiffBlock(root, filename, value, handle, ui, api, shouldAutoApply)
markdown.replace(diffBlock.second.value, newValue)
// Process code blocks and add save links
val withSaveLinks = codeblocks.fold(withPatchLinks) { markdown, codeBlock ->
val lang = codeBlock.second.groupValues[1]
val value = codeBlock.second.groupValues[2].trim()
val header = headers.lastOrNull { it.first.last < codeBlock.first.first }?.second
val newMarkdown = renderNewFile(header, root, ui, shouldAutoApply, value, handle, lang)
markdown.replace(codeBlock.second.value, newMarkdown)
return withSaveLinks
private fun SocketManagerBase.renderNewFile(
header: String?,
root: Path,
ui: ApplicationInterface,
shouldAutoApply: (Path) -> Boolean,
codeValue: String,
handle: (Map) -> Unit,
codeLang: String
): String {
val filename = resolve(root, header ?: "Unknown")
val filepath = root.resolve(filename)
if (shouldAutoApply(filepath) && !filepath.toFile().exists()) {
try {
filepath.toFile().writeText(codeValue, Charsets.UTF_8)
handle(mapOf(File(filename).toPath() to codeValue))
return """
|Automatically Saved ${filename}
} catch (e: Throwable) {
return """
|Error Auto-Saving ${filename}: ${e.message}
} else {
val commandTask = ui.newTask(false)
lateinit var hrefLink: StringBuilder
hrefLink = commandTask.complete(hrefLink("Save File", classname = "href-link cmd-button") {
try {
filepath.toFile().writeText(codeValue, Charsets.UTF_8)
handle(mapOf(File(filename).toPath() to codeValue))
hrefLink.set("""Saved ${filename}
} catch (e: Throwable) {
hrefLink.append("""Error: ${e.message}
commandTask.error(null, e)
return """
private val pattern_backticks = "`(.*)`".toRegex()
fun resolve(root: Path, filename: String): String {
var filename = filename.trim()
filename = if (pattern_backticks.containsMatchIn(filename)) {
} else {
filename = try {
val path = File(filename).toPath()
if (root.contains(path)) root.relativize(path).toString() else filename
} catch (e: Throwable) {
if (!root.resolve(filename).toFile().exists()) {
root.toFile().listFilesRecursively().find { it.toString().replace("\\", "/").endsWith(filename.replace("\\", "/")) }
?.toString()?.apply {
filename = root.relativize(File(this).toPath()).toString()
return filename
private fun File.listFilesRecursively(): List {
val files = mutableListOf()
this.listFiles().filter { !isGitignore(it.toPath()) }.forEach {
if (it.isDirectory) {
return files.toTypedArray().toList()
// Function to render a diff block with apply and revert options
private fun SocketManagerBase.renderDiffBlock(
root: Path,
filename: String,
diffVal: String,
handle: (Map) -> Unit,
ui: ApplicationInterface,
api: API?,
shouldAutoApply: (Path) -> Boolean,
): String {
val filepath = root.resolve(filename)
val prevCode = load(filepath)
val relativize = try {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
val applydiffTask = ui.newTask(false)
lateinit var hrefLink: StringBuilder
var newCode = patch(prevCode, diffVal)
val echoDiff = try {
IterativePatchUtil.generatePatch(prevCode, newCode.newCode)
} catch (e: Throwable) {
renderMarkdown("```\n${e.stackTraceToString()}\n```", ui = ui)
if (echoDiff.isNotBlank() && newCode.isValid && shouldAutoApply(filepath ?: root.resolve(filename))) {
try {
filepath.toFile().writeText(newCode.newCode, Charsets.UTF_8)
handle(mapOf(relativize to newCode.newCode))
return "```diff\n$diffVal\n```" + """Diff Automatically Applied to ${filepath}
} catch (e: Throwable) {
log.error("Error auto-applying diff", e)
return "```diff\n$diffVal\n```" + """Error Auto-Applying Diff to ${filepath}: ${e.message}
val diffTask = ui.newTask(root = false)
diffTask.complete(renderMarkdown("```diff\n$diffVal\n```", ui = ui))
// Create tasks for displaying code and patch information
val prevCodeTask = ui.newTask(root = false)
val prevCodeTaskSB = prevCodeTask.add("")
val newCodeTask = ui.newTask(root = false)
val newCodeTaskSB = newCodeTask.add("")
val patchTask = ui.newTask(root = false)
val patchTaskSB = patchTask.add("")
val fixTask = ui.newTask(root = false)
val verifyFwdTabs = if (!newCode.isValid) displayMapInTabs(
"Code" to prevCodeTask.placeholder,
"Preview" to newCodeTask.placeholder,
"Echo" to patchTask.placeholder,
"Fix" to fixTask.placeholder,
) else displayMapInTabs(
"Code" to prevCodeTask.placeholder,
"Preview" to newCodeTask.placeholder,
"Echo" to patchTask.placeholder,
val prevCode2Task = ui.newTask(root = false)
val prevCode2TaskSB = prevCode2Task.add("")
val newCode2Task = ui.newTask(root = false)
val newCode2TaskSB = newCode2Task.add("")
val patch2Task = ui.newTask(root = false)
val patch2TaskSB = patch2Task.add("")
val verifyRevTabs = displayMapInTabs(
"Code" to prevCode2Task.placeholder,
"Preview" to newCode2Task.placeholder,
"Echo" to patch2Task.placeholder,
lateinit var revert: String
var originalCode = prevCode // For reverting changes
// Create "Apply Diff" button
var apply1 = hrefLink("Apply Diff", classname = "href-link cmd-button") {
try {
originalCode = load(filepath)
newCode = patch(originalCode, diffVal)
filepath.toFile()?.writeText(newCode.newCode, Charsets.UTF_8) ?: log.warn("File not found: $filepath")
handle(mapOf(relativize to newCode.newCode))
hrefLink.set("""Diff Applied
""" + revert)
} catch (e: Throwable) {
hrefLink.append("""Error: ${e.message}
applydiffTask.error(null, e)
if (echoDiff.isNotBlank()) {
// Add "Fix Patch" button if the patch is not valid
if (!newCode.isValid) {
val fixPatchLink = hrefLink("Fix Patch", classname = "href-link cmd-button") {
try {
val header = fixTask.header("Attempting to fix patch...")
val patchFixer = SimpleActor(
prompt = """
|You are a helpful AI that helps people with coding.
|Response should use one or more code patches in diff format within ```diff code blocks.
|Each diff should be preceded by a header that identifies the file being modified.
|The diff format should use + for line additions, - for line deletions.
|The diff should include 2 lines of context before and after every change.
|Here are the patches:
|### src/utils/exampleUtils.js
| // Utility functions for example feature
| const b = 2;
| function exampleFunction() {
|- return b + 1;
|+ return b + 2;
| }
|### tests/exampleUtils.test.js
| // Unit tests for exampleUtils
| const assert = require('assert');
| const { exampleFunction } = require('../src/utils/exampleUtils');
| describe('exampleFunction', () => {
|- it('should return 3', () => {
|+ it('should return 4', () => {
| assert.equal(exampleFunction(), 3);
| });
| });
model = ChatModels.GPT4o,
temperature = 0.3
val echoDiff = try {
IterativePatchUtil.generatePatch(prevCode, newCode.newCode)
} catch (e: Throwable) {
renderMarkdown("```\n${e.stackTraceToString()}\n```", ui = ui)
var answer = patchFixer.answer(
|```${filename.split('.').lastOrNull() ?: ""}
|Effective Patch:
| $echoDiff
|Please provide a fix for the diff above in the form of a diff patch.
), api as OpenAIClient
answer = ui.socketManager?.addApplyFileDiffLinks(root, answer, handle, ui, api) ?: answer
} catch (e: Throwable) {
log.error("Error in fix patch", e)
//apply1 += fixPatchLink
// Create "Apply Diff (Bottom to Top)" button
val apply2 = hrefLink("(Bottom to Top)", classname = "href-link cmd-button") {
try {
originalCode = load(filepath)
val originalLines = originalCode.reverseLines()
val diffLines = diffVal.reverseLines()
val patch1 = patch(originalLines, diffLines)
val newCode2 = patch1.newCode.reverseLines()
filepath.toFile()?.writeText(newCode2, Charsets.UTF_8) ?: log.warn("File not found: $filepath")
handle(mapOf(relativize to newCode2))
hrefLink.set("""Diff Applied (Bottom to Top)
""" + revert)
} catch (e: Throwable) {
hrefLink.append("""Error: ${e.message}
applydiffTask.error(null, e)
// Create "Revert" button
revert = hrefLink("Revert", classname = "href-link cmd-button") {
try {
filepath.toFile()?.writeText(originalCode, Charsets.UTF_8)
handle(mapOf(relativize to originalCode))
""" + apply1 + apply2)
} catch (e: Throwable) {
hrefLink.append("""Error: ${e.message}
applydiffTask.error(null, e)
hrefLink = applydiffTask.complete(apply1 + "\n" + apply2)!!
"# $filename\n\n```${filename.split('.').lastOrNull() ?: ""}\n${newCode}\n```",
ui = ui, tabs = false
"# $filename\n\n```${filename.split('.').lastOrNull() ?: ""}\n${prevCode}\n```",
ui = ui, tabs = false
"# $filename\n\n```diff\n ${echoDiff}\n```",
ui = ui,
tabs = false
val newCode2 = patch(
val echoDiff2 = try {
IterativePatchUtil.generatePatch(prevCode, newCode2)
} catch (e: Throwable) {
renderMarkdown("```\n${e.stackTraceToString()}\n```", ui = ui)
"# $filename\n\n```${filename.split('.').lastOrNull() ?: ""}\n${newCode2}\n```",
ui = ui, tabs = false
"# $filename\n\n```${filename.split('.').lastOrNull() ?: ""}\n${prevCode}\n```",
ui = ui, tabs = false
"# $filename\n\n```diff\n ${echoDiff2}\n```",
ui = ui,
tabs = false
// Create main tabs for displaying diff and verification information
val mainTabs = displayMapInTabs(
"Diff" to diffTask.placeholder,
"Verify" to displayMapInTabs(
"Forward" to verifyFwdTabs,
"Reverse" to verifyRevTabs,
val newValue = if (newCode.isValid) {
mainTabs + "\n" + applydiffTask.placeholder
} else {
mainTabs + """
Warning: The patch is not valid. Please fix the patch before applying.
""".trimIndent() + applydiffTask.placeholder
return newValue
// Function to apply a patch to a code string
private val patch = { code: String, diff: String ->
val isCurlyBalanced = FileValidationUtils.isCurlyBalanced(code)
val isSquareBalanced = FileValidationUtils.isSquareBalanced(code)
val isParenthesisBalanced = FileValidationUtils.isParenthesisBalanced(code)
val isQuoteBalanced = FileValidationUtils.isQuoteBalanced(code)
val isSingleQuoteBalanced = FileValidationUtils.isSingleQuoteBalanced(code)
var newCode = IterativePatchUtil.applyPatch(code, diff)
newCode = newCode.replace("\r", "")
val isCurlyBalancedNew = FileValidationUtils.isCurlyBalanced(newCode)
val isSquareBalancedNew = FileValidationUtils.isSquareBalanced(newCode)
val isParenthesisBalancedNew = FileValidationUtils.isParenthesisBalanced(newCode)
val isQuoteBalancedNew = FileValidationUtils.isQuoteBalanced(newCode)
val isSingleQuoteBalancedNew = FileValidationUtils.isSingleQuoteBalanced(newCode)
val isError = ((isCurlyBalanced && !isCurlyBalancedNew) ||
(isSquareBalanced && !isSquareBalancedNew) ||
(isParenthesisBalanced && !isParenthesisBalancedNew) ||
(isQuoteBalanced && !isQuoteBalancedNew) ||
(isSingleQuoteBalanced && !isSingleQuoteBalancedNew))
PatchResult(newCode, !isError)
// Function to load file contents
private fun load(
filepath: Path?
) = try {
if (true != filepath?.toFile()?.exists()) {
log.warn("""File not found: $filepath""".trimMargin())
} else {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
log.error("Error reading file: $filepath", e)
// Function to apply file diffs from a response string
fun applyFileDiffs(
root: Path,
response: String,
): String {
val headerPattern = """(?s)(?> =
diffPattern.findAll(response).map { it.range to it.groupValues[1] }.toList()
val codeblocks = codeblockPattern.findAll(response).filter {
when (it.groupValues[1]) {
"diff" -> false
else -> true
}.map { it.range to it }.toList()
diffs.forEach { diffBlock ->
val header = headers.lastOrNull { it.first.last < diffBlock.first.first }
val filename = resolve(root, header?.second ?: "Unknown")
val diffVal = diffBlock.second
val filepath = root.resolve(filename)
try {
val originalCode = filepath.readText(Charsets.UTF_8)
val newCode = patch(originalCode, diffVal)
filepath.toFile().writeText(newCode.newCode, Charsets.UTF_8)
} catch (e: Throwable) {
log.warn("Error", e)
codeblocks.forEach { codeBlock ->
val header = headers.lastOrNull { it.first.last < codeBlock.first.first }
val filename = resolve(root, header?.second ?: "Unknown")
val filepath: Path? = root.resolve(filename)
val codeValue = codeBlock.second.groupValues[2].trim()
lateinit var hrefLink: StringBuilder
try {
try {
filepath?.toFile()?.writeText(codeValue, Charsets.UTF_8)
} catch (e: Throwable) {
log.error("Error writing file: $filepath", e)
hrefLink.set("""Saved ${filename}
} catch (e: Throwable) {
log.error("Error", e)
return response
private val log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(