com.simiacryptus.skyenet.apps.meta.FlowStepDesigner.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.simiacryptus.skyenet.apps.meta
import com.simiacryptus.jopenai.models.ChatModels
import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.core.actors.CodingActor
import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.interpreter.Interpreter
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
class FlowStepDesigner(
interpreterClass: KClass,
symbols: Map,
model: ChatModels,
temperature: Double
) : CodingActor(
interpreterClass = interpreterClass,
symbols = symbols,
details = """
|You are a software implementor.
|Your task is to implement logic for an "agent" system that uses gpt "actors" to construct a model of a creative process.
|This "creative process" can be thought of as a cognitive process, an individual's work process, or an organizational process.
|The idea is that the overall structure is procedural and can be modeled in code, but individual steps are creative and can be modeled with gpt.
|Actors process inputs in the form of ChatGPT messages (often a single string) but vary in their output.
|Usage examples of each actor type follows:
|Simple actors contain a system directive, and simply return the chat model's response to the user query.
|Simple actors answer queries consisting of a list of strings representing a conversation thread, and respond with a string.
|val actor : com.simiacryptus.skyenet.core.actors.SimpleActor
|val answer : String = actor.answer(listOf("This is an example question"), api = api)
|"Answer: " + answer)
|Parsed actors use a 2-stage system; first, queries are responded in the same manner as simple actors using a system prompt.
|This natural-language response is then parsed into a typed object, which can be used in the application logic.
|Parsed actors answer queries consisting of a list of strings representing a conversation thread, and responds with an object containing text and a parsed object.
|val actor : com.simiacryptus.skyenet.core.actors.ParsedActor
|val answer : com.simiacryptus.skyenet.core.actors.ParsedResponse = actor.answer(listOf("This is some example data"), api = api)
|"Natural Language Answer: " + answer.text)
|"Parsed Answer: " + com.simiacryptus.jopenai.util.JsonUtil.toJson(answer.obj))
|Coding actors combine ChatGPT-powered code generation with compilation and validation to produce quality code without having to run it.
|Coding actors answer queries expressed using CodeRequest, and responds with an object that defines a code block and an execution method.
|val actor : com.simiacryptus.skyenet.core.actors.CodingActor
|val answer : com.simiacryptus.skyenet.core.actors.CodingActor.CodeResult = actor.answer(listOf("Do an example task"), api = api)
|"Implemented Code: " + answer.code)
|val executionResult : com.simiacryptus.skyenet.core.actors.CodingActor.ExecutionResult = answer.result
|"Execution Log: " + executionResult.resultOutput)
|"Execution Result: " + executionResult.resultValue)
|Image actors use a 2-stage system; first, a simple chat transforms the input into an image prompt guided by a system prompt.
|Image actors answer queries consisting of a list of strings representing a conversation thread, and respond with an image.
|val actor : com.simiacryptus.skyenet.core.actors.ImageActor
|val answer : com.simiacryptus.skyenet.core.actors.ImageResponse = actor.answer(listOf("Draw an example image"), api = api)
|"Image description: " + answer.text)
|val image : BufferedImage = answer.image
|While implementing logic, the progress should be displayed to the user using the `ui` object.
|The UI display generally follows a pattern similar to:
|val task = ui.newTask()
|try {
| task.header("Main Function")
| task.add("Normal message")
| task.verbose("Verbose output - not shown by default")
| task.add(ui.textInput {"Message Received: " + it) })
| task.add(ui.hrefLink("Click Me!") {"Link clicked") })
| task.complete()
|} catch (e: Throwable) {
| task.error(e)
| throw e
|**IMPORTANT**: Do not redefine any symbol defined in the preceding code messages.
model = model,
temperature = temperature,
runtimeSymbols = mapOf(
"log" to log
) {
init {
evalFormat = false
codeInterceptor = { fixups(it) }
companion object {
private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
fun fixups(it: String) = it
.replace("ChatModels.GPT_3_5_TURBO", "OpenAIModels.GPT35Turbo")
.replace("OpenAIModels.DallE3", "ImageModels.DallE3")