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**It's agents all the way down!**
Welcome to the MetaAgentAgent, an innovative tool designed to streamline the process of creating custom AI agents.
This powerful system leverages the capabilities of OpenAI's language models to assist you in designing and implementing your very own AI agent tailored to your specific needs and preferences.
Here's how it works:
1. **Provide a Prompt**: Describe the purpose of your agent.
2. **High Level Design**: A multi-step high-level design process will guide you through the creation of your agent. During each phase, you can provide feedback and iterate. When you're satisfied with the design, you can move on to the next step.
3. **Implementation**: The MetaAgentAgent will generate the code for your agent, which you can then download and tailor to your needs.
Get started with MetaAgentAgent today and bring your custom AI agent to life with ease!
Whether you're looking to automate customer service, streamline data analysis, or create an interactive chatbot, MetaAgentAgent is here to help you make it happen.
data class Settings(
val model: ChatModels = OpenAIModels.GPT4o,
val validateCode: Boolean = true,
val temperature: Double = 0.2,
val budget: Double = 2.0,
override val settingsClass: Class<*> get() =
override fun initSettings(session: Session): T? = Settings() as T
override fun userMessage(
session: Session,
user: User?,
userMessage: String,
ui: ApplicationInterface,
api: API
) {
val task = ui.newTask()
task.add("User Message Processing")
try {
val settings = getSettings(session, user)
val agent = MetaAgentAgent(
user = user,
session = session,
dataStorage = dataStorage,
api = api,
ui = ui,
model = settings?.model ?: OpenAIModels.GPT4oMini,
autoEvaluate = settings?.validateCode ?: true,
temperature = settings?.temperature ?: 0.3,
try {
agent.buildAgent(userMessage = userMessage)
} catch (e: SocketTimeoutException) {
log.error("Network timeout during agent building", e)
task.add("The operation timed out. Please check your network connection and try again.")
} catch (e: IOException) {
log.error("I/O error during agent building", e)
task.add("An I/O error occurred. Please try again later.")
} catch (e: Exception) {
log.error("Unexpected error during agent building", e)
task.add("An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.")
} catch (e: Throwable) {
log.error("Error in userMessage", e)
task.error(ui, e)
when (e) {
is IllegalArgumentException -> task.add("Invalid input: ${e.message}")
is IllegalStateException -> task.add("Operation failed: ${e.message}")
else -> task.add("An unexpected error occurred: ${e.message}. Please try again later.")
companion object {
private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
open class MetaAgentAgent(
user: User?,
session: Session,
dataStorage: StorageInterface,
val ui: ApplicationInterface,
val api: API,
model: ChatModels = OpenAIModels.GPT4oMini,
var autoEvaluate: Boolean = true,
temperature: Double = 0.3,
) : PoolSystem(
dataStorage, user, session
) {
private val highLevelDesigner by lazy { HighLevelDesigner(model, temperature) }
private val detailDesigner by lazy { DetailDesigner(model, temperature) }
private val interpreterClass: KClass = KotlinInterpreter::class
val symbols = mapOf(
"ui" to ui,
"api" to api,
"pool" to ApplicationServices.clientManager.getPool(session, user),
private val actorDesigner by lazy { ActorDesigner(model, temperature) }
private val simpleActorDesigner by lazy { SimpleActorDesigner(interpreterClass, symbols, model, temperature) }
private val imageActorDesigner by lazy { ImageActorDesigner(interpreterClass, symbols, model, temperature) }
private val parsedActorDesigner by lazy { ParsedActorDesigner(interpreterClass, symbols, model, temperature) }
private val codingActorDesigner by lazy { CodingActorDesigner(interpreterClass, symbols, model, temperature) }
private val flowStepDesigner by lazy { FlowStepDesigner(interpreterClass, symbols, model, temperature) }
val standardImports = """
|import com.simiacryptus.jopenai.API
|import com.simiacryptus.jopenai.models.ChatModels
|import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.core.actors.BaseActor
|import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.core.actors.ActorSystem
|import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.core.actors.CodingActor
|import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.core.actors.ParsedActor
|import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.core.actors.ImageActor
|import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.core.platform.file.DataStorage
|import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.core.platform.Session
|import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.core.platform.StorageInterface
|import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.core.actors.PoolSystem
|import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.core.platform.User
|import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.webui.application.ApplicationServer
|import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.webui.session.*
|import com.simiacryptus.skyenet.webui.application.ApplicationInterface
|import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
|import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
|import javax.imageio.ImageIO
fun buildAgent(userMessage: String) {
val design = initialDesign(userMessage)
val actImpls = implementActors(userMessage, design)
val flowImpl = getFlowStepCode(userMessage, design, actImpls)
val mainImpl = getMainFunction(userMessage, design, actImpls, flowImpl)
buildFinalCode(actImpls, flowImpl, mainImpl, design)
private fun buildFinalCode(
actImpls: Map,
flowImpl: Map,
mainImpl: String, design: ParsedResponse
) {
val task = ui.newTask()
task.add("Building Final Code")
try {
task.header("Final Code")
val imports = (actImpls.values + flowImpl.values + listOf(mainImpl)).flatMap { it.imports() }.toSortedSet()
val classBaseName = ( ?: "MyAgent").replace("[^A-Za-z0-9]".toRegex(), "")
val actorInits = design.obj.actors?.joinToString("\n") { actImpls[] ?: "" } ?: ""
@Language("kotlin") val appCode = """
|open class ${classBaseName}App(
| applicationName: String = "${}",
| path: String = "/${design.obj.path ?: ""}",
|) : ApplicationServer(
| applicationName = applicationName,
| path = path,
|) {
| data class Settings(
| val model: ChatModels = OpenAIModels.GPT4oMini,
| val temperature: Double = 0.1,
| )
| override val settingsClass: Class<*> get() =
| @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") override fun initSettings(session: Session): T? = Settings() as T
| override fun userMessage(
| session: Session,
| user: User?,
| userMessage: String,
| ui: ApplicationInterface,
| api: API
| ) {
| try {
| val settings = getSettings(session, user)
| ${classBaseName}Agent(
| user = user,
| session = session,
| dataStorage = dataStorage,
| api = api,
| ui = ui,
| model = settings?.model ?: OpenAIModels.GPT4oMini,
| temperature = settings?.temperature ?: 0.3,
| ).${}(userMessage)
| } catch (e: Throwable) {
| log.warn("Error", e)
| }
| }
| companion object {
| private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(${classBaseName}
| }
@Language("kotlin") val agentCode = """
|open class ${classBaseName}Agent(
| user: User?,
| session: Session,
| dataStorage: StorageInterface,
| val ui: ApplicationInterface,
| val api: API,
| model: ChatModels = OpenAIModels.GPT4oMini,
| temperature: Double = 0.3,
|) : PoolSystem(dataStorage, user, session) {
| ${actorInits.indent(" ")}
| ${mainImpl.trimIndent().stripImports().indent(" ")}
| ${flowImpl.values.joinToString("\n\n") { flowStep -> flowStep.trimIndent() }.stripImports().indent(" ")}
| companion object {
| private val log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(${classBaseName}
| }
val code = """
task.complete(renderMarkdown(code, ui = ui))
} catch (e: IOException) {
task.complete("An I/O error occurred. Please try again later.")
} catch (e: Throwable) {
task.error(ui, e)
throw e
private fun initialDesign(input: String): ParsedResponse {
val toInput = { it: String -> listOf(it) }
val highLevelDesign = Discussable(
task = ui.newTask(),
userMessage = { input },
heading = renderMarkdown(input, ui = ui),
initialResponse = { it: String -> highLevelDesigner.answer(toInput(it), api = api) },
outputFn = { design -> renderMarkdown(design.toString(), ui = ui) },
ui = ui,
reviseResponse = { userMessages: List> ->
messages = ( { ApiModel.ChatMessage(it.second, it.first.toContentList()) }
input = toInput(input),
api = api
val toInput1 = { it: String -> listOf(it) }
val flowDesign = Discussable(
task = ui.newTask(),
userMessage = { highLevelDesign },
heading = "Flow Design",
initialResponse = { it: String -> detailDesigner.answer(toInput1(it), api = api) },
outputFn = { design: ParsedResponse ->
try {
""".trimMargin(), ui = ui
} catch (e: Throwable) {
renderMarkdown(e.message ?: e.toString(), ui = ui)
ui = ui,
reviseResponse = { userMessages: List> ->
messages = ( { ApiModel.ChatMessage(it.second, it.first.toContentList()) }
input = toInput1(highLevelDesign),
api = api
val actorDesignParsedResponse: ParsedResponse = Discussable(
task = ui.newTask(),
userMessage = { flowDesign.text },
heading = "Actor Design",
initialResponse = { it: String -> actorDesigner.answer(listOf(it), api = api) },
outputFn = { design: ParsedResponse ->
try {
""".trimMargin(), ui = ui
} catch (e: Throwable) {
renderMarkdown(e.message ?: e.toString(), ui = ui)
ui = ui,
reviseResponse = { userMessages: List> ->
messages = ( { ApiModel.ChatMessage(it.second, it.first.toContentList()) }
.toTypedArray()), input = listOf(flowDesign.text),
api = api
return object : ParsedResponse( {
override val text get() = flowDesign.text + "\n" + actorDesignParsedResponse.text
override val obj
get() = AgentDesign(
name =,
description = flowDesign.obj.description,
mainInput = flowDesign.obj.mainInput,
logicFlow = flowDesign.obj.logicFlow,
actors = actorDesignParsedResponse.obj.actors,
private fun getMainFunction(
userMessage: String, design: ParsedResponse,
actorImpls: Map,
flowStepCode: Map
): String {
val task = ui.newTask()
try {
task.header("Main Function")
val codeRequest = CodingActor.CodeRequest(
messages = listOf(
userMessage to Role.user,
design.text to Role.assistant,
"Implement `fun ${}(${
.joinToString(", ") { ( ?: "") + " : " + (it.type ?: "") }
})`" to Role.user
), codePrefix = ((standardImports.lines() + actorImpls.values + flowStepCode.values)
.joinToString("\n\n") { it.trimIndent() }).sortCode(),
autoEvaluate = autoEvaluate
val mainFunction = execWrap { flowStepDesigner.answer(codeRequest, api = api).code }
""".trimMargin(), ui = ui
), tag = "div"
return mainFunction
} catch (e: CodingActor.FailedToImplementException) {
task.verbose(e.code ?: throw e)
task.error(ui, e)
return e.code ?: throw e
} catch (e: Throwable) {
task.error(ui, e)
throw e
private fun implementActors(
userMessage: String,
design: ParsedResponse,
) = design.obj.actors?.map { actorDesign ->
pool.submit> {
val task = ui.newTask()
try {
implementActor(task, actorDesign, userMessage, design)
} catch (e: Throwable) {
task.error(ui, e)
throw e
}?.toTypedArray()?.associate { it.get() } ?: mapOf()
private fun implementActor(
task: SessionTask, actorDesign: ActorDesign,
userMessage: String, design: ParsedResponse
): Pair {
val api = (api as ChatClient).getChildClient().apply {
val createFile = task.createFile(".logs/api-${UUID.randomUUID()}.log")
createFile.second?.apply {
logStreams += this.outputStream().buffered()
task.verbose("API log: $this")
task.header("Actor: ${}")
val type = actorDesign.type
val codeRequest = CodingActor.CodeRequest(
messages = listOf(
userMessage to Role.user,
design.text to Role.assistant,
"Implement `val ${(} : ${
when (type.lowercase()) {
"simple" -> "SimpleActor"
"parsed" -> "ParsedActor<${actorDesign.simpleClassName}>"
"coding" -> "CodingActor"
"image" -> "ImageActor"
"tts" -> "TextToSpeechActor"
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown actor type: $type")
}`" to Role.user
), autoEvaluate = autoEvaluate, codePrefix = standardImports.sortCode()
var code = ""
val onComplete = java.util.concurrent.Semaphore(0)
Retryable(ui, task) {
try {
val response = execWrap {
when (type.lowercase()) {
"simple" -> simpleActorDesigner.answer(codeRequest, api = api)
"parsed" -> parsedActorDesigner.answer(codeRequest, api = api)
"coding" -> codingActorDesigner.answer(codeRequest, api = api)
"image" -> imageActorDesigner.answer(codeRequest, api = api)
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown actor type: $type")
code = response.code
""".trimMargin(), ui = ui
} catch (e: CodingActor.FailedToImplementException) {
task.error(ui, e)
code = e.code ?: ""
ui.hrefLink("Accept", classname = "href-link cmd-button") {
autoEvaluate = false
""".trimMargin(), ui = ui
return to code
private fun execWrap(fn: () -> T): T {
val classLoader = Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader
val prevCL = KotlinInterpreter.classLoader
KotlinInterpreter.classLoader = classLoader //req.javaClass.classLoader
return try {
WebAppClassLoader.runWithServerClassAccess {
require(null != classLoader.loadClass("org.eclipse.jetty.server.Response"))
require(null != classLoader.loadClass("org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request"))
} finally {
KotlinInterpreter.classLoader = prevCL
private fun getFlowStepCode(
userMessage: String,
design: ParsedResponse,
actorImpls: Map,
): Map {
val flowImpls = HashMap()
design.obj.logicFlow?.items?.forEach { logicFlowItem ->
val message = ui.newTask()
try {
val api = (api as ChatClient).getChildClient().apply {
val createFile = message.createFile(".logs/api-${UUID.randomUUID()}.log")
createFile.second?.apply {
logStreams += this.outputStream().buffered()
message.verbose("API log: $this")
message.header("Logic Flow: ${}")
var code: String? = null
val onComplete = java.util.concurrent.Semaphore(0)
Retryable(ui, message) {
try {
code = execWrap {
flowStepDesigner.answer(CodingActor.CodeRequest(messages = listOf(userMessage to Role.user,
design.text to Role.assistant,
"Implement `fun ${(!!).camelCase()}(${
logicFlowItem.inputs?.joinToString(", ") { ( ?: "") + " : " + (it.type ?: "") } ?: ""
})`" to Role.user),
autoEvaluate = autoEvaluate,
codePrefix = (actorImpls.values + flowImpls.values).joinToString("\n\n") { it.trimIndent() }
), api = api
""".trimMargin(), ui = ui
} catch (e: CodingActor.FailedToImplementException) {
message.error(ui, e)
code = e.code ?: ""
ui.hrefLink("Accept", classname = "href-link cmd-button") {
autoEvaluate = false
""".trimMargin(), ui = ui
flowImpls[!!] = code!!
} catch (e: Throwable) {
message.error(ui, e)
throw e
return flowImpls
companion object
class MetaAgentActors(
val symbols: Map = mapOf(),
val model: ChatModels = OpenAIModels.GPT4o,
val temperature: Double = 0.3,
) {
companion object {
val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
fun T.notIn(vararg examples: T) = !examples.contains(this)
data class AgentFlowDesign(
val name: String? = null,
val description: String? = null,
val mainInput: DataInfo? = null,
val logicFlow: LogicFlow? = null,
) : ValidatedObject {
override fun validate(): String? = when {
null == logicFlow -> "logicFlow is required"
null != logicFlow.validate() -> logicFlow.validate()
else -> null
data class AgentDesign(
val name: String? = null,
val path: String? = null,
val description: String? = null,
val mainInput: DataInfo? = null,
val logicFlow: LogicFlow? = null,
val actors: List? = null,
) : ValidatedObject {
override fun validate(): String? = when {
null == logicFlow -> "logicFlow is required"
null == actors -> "actors is required"
actors.isEmpty() -> "actors is required"
null != logicFlow.validate() -> logicFlow.validate()
!actors.all { null == it.validate() } -> { it.validate() }.filter { null != it }.joinToString("\n")
else -> null
data class AgentActorDesign(
val actors: List? = null,
) : ValidatedObject {
override fun validate(): String? = when {
null == actors -> "actors is required"
actors.isEmpty() -> "actors is required"
!actors.all { null == it.validate() } -> { it.validate() }.filter { null != it }.joinToString("\n")
else -> null
data class ActorDesign(
@Description("Java class name of the actor") val name: String = "",
val description: String? = null,
@Description("simple, parsed, image, tts, or coding") val type: String = "",
@Description("Simple actors: string; Image actors: image; Coding actors: code; Text-to-speech actors: mp3; Parsed actors: a simple java class name for the data structure") val resultClass: String = "",
) : ValidatedObject {
val simpleClassName: String get() = resultClass.split(".").last()
override fun validate(): String? = when {
name.isEmpty() -> "name is required"
name.chars().anyMatch { !Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(it) } -> "name must be a valid java identifier"
type.isEmpty() -> "type is required"
"simple", "parsed", "coding", "image", "tts"
) -> "type must be simple, parsed, coding, tts, or image"
resultClass.isEmpty() -> "resultType is required"
"string", "code", "image", "mp3"
) && !validClassName(resultClass) -> "resultType must be string, code, image, mp3, or a valid class name"
else -> null
private fun validClassName(resultType: String): Boolean {
return when {
resultType.isEmpty() -> false
validClassNamePattern.matches(resultType) -> true
else -> false
companion object {
val validClassNamePattern = "[A-Za-z][a-zA-Z0-9_<>.]{3,}".toRegex()
data class LogicFlow(
val items: List? = null,
) : ValidatedObject {
override fun validate(): String? = items?.map { it.validate() }?.firstOrNull { !it.isNullOrBlank() }
data class LogicFlowItem(
val name: String? = null,
val description: String? = null,
val actors: List? = null,
@Description("symbol names of variables/values used as input to this step") val inputs: List? = null,
@Description("description of the output of this step") val output: DataInfo? = null,
) : ValidatedObject {
override fun validate(): String? = when {
null == name -> "name is required"
name.isEmpty() -> "name is required"
//inputs?.isEmpty() != false && inputs?.isEmpty() != false -> "inputs is required"
else -> null
data class DataInfo(
val name: String? = null,
val description: String? = null,
val type: String? = null,
) : ValidatedObject {
override fun validate(): String? = when {
null == name -> "name is required"
name.isEmpty() -> "name is required"
null == type -> "type is required"
type.isEmpty() -> "type is required"
else -> null