com.simiacryptus.mindseye.art.examples.NeuronDeconstructionRotors.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2020 by Andrew Charneski.
* The author licenses this file to you under the
* Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance
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* of the License at
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package com.simiacryptus.mindseye.art.examples
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
import java.awt.{Font, Graphics2D}
import java.net.URI
import com.simiacryptus.mindseye.art.models.Inception5H
import com.simiacryptus.mindseye.art.ops._
import com.simiacryptus.mindseye.art.registry.JobRegistration
import com.simiacryptus.mindseye.art.util.ArtSetup.{ec2client, s3client}
import com.simiacryptus.mindseye.art.util.{BasicOptimizer, _}
import com.simiacryptus.mindseye.lang.{Layer, Tensor}
import com.simiacryptus.mindseye.layers.java.AffineImgViewLayer
import com.simiacryptus.mindseye.util.ImageUtil
import com.simiacryptus.notebook.NotebookOutput
import com.simiacryptus.ref.wrappers.RefAtomicReference
import com.simiacryptus.sparkbook.NotebookRunner
import com.simiacryptus.sparkbook.NotebookRunner._
import com.simiacryptus.sparkbook.util.Java8Util._
import com.simiacryptus.sparkbook.util.LocalRunner
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
object NeuronDeconstructionRotors extends NeuronDeconstructionRotors with LocalRunner[Object] with NotebookRunner[Object]
class NeuronDeconstructionRotors extends RotorArt {
type pipelineType = Inception5H
override val rotationalSegments = 6
override val rotationalChannelPermutation: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3)
val sourceUrl: String = "upload:Source"
val initUrl: String = "50 + noise * 0.5"
val s3bucket: String = ""
val srcResolution = 1800
val aspectRatio = 0.5774
val repeat = 1
val min_padding = 8
val max_padding = 32
val border_factor = 0.125
override def indexStr = "202"
override def description =
Creates a tiled and rotationally symmetric texture based on a style using:
- Random noise initialization
- Standard Inception5H layers
- Operators constraining and enhancing style
- Progressive resolution increase
- Kaleidoscopic view layer in addition to tiling layer
override def inputTimeoutSeconds = 3600
override def postConfigure(log: NotebookOutput) = {
log.eval[() => Unit](() => {
() => {
implicit val implicitLog = log
// First, basic configuration so we publish to our s3 site
if (Option(s3bucket).filter(!_.isEmpty).isDefined)
log.onComplete(() => upload(log): Unit)
val srcImage = ImageArtUtil.loadImage(log, sourceUrl, srcResolution)
log.p(log.jpg(srcImage, "Source"))
val animationDelay = 1000
val renderedCanvases = new ArrayBuffer[() => BufferedImage]
// Execute the main process while registered with the site index
val registration = registerWithIndexGIF(renderedCanvases.filter(_ != null).map(_ ()).toList, delay = animationDelay)
try {
withMonitoredGif(() => renderedCanvases.filter(_ != null).map(_ ()).toList, delay = animationDelay) {
val allData: List[(pipelineType, Int, Double, Double)] = (for (
res <- new GeometricSequence {
override def min: Double = 256
override def max: Double = srcResolution
override def steps: Int = 10
layer <- Inception5H.values()
) yield {
val layerProduct: Tensor = simpleEval(layer.getPipeline.get(layer.name()), Tensor.fromRGB(ImageUtil.resize(srcImage, res.toInt, true)))
(0 until layerProduct.getDimensions()(2)).map(band => (layer, band, res, layerProduct.selectBand(band).getDoubleStatistics().getAverage()))
val adj = allData.groupBy(_._1).mapValues(_.map(_._4).toArray).mapValues(x => x.sum.toDouble / x.size)
val bestPerResolution: Array[(pipelineType, Int, Double, Double)] = allData.groupBy(x => (x._1, x._2))
.mapValues(_.maxBy(_._4)).values.toArray.sortBy(t => t._4 / adj(t._1)).reverse.take(20)
for ((layer, rows) <- bestPerResolution.groupBy(_._1)) {
log.subreport("Neurons in " + layer.name(), (sub: NotebookOutput) => {
for ((_, band, res, _) <- rows) {
sub.h2(layer.name() + " " + band + " at " + res.floor.toInt)
sub.eval(() => {
allData.filter(_._1 == layer).filter(_._2 == band).map(t => t._3.toInt -> t._4).toMap
val size = renderedCanvases.size
(1 to repeat).map(_ => {
val image = test(layer, band, layer.name() + " " + band + " @ " + res.floor.toInt, 512)(sub)
if (renderedCanvases.size > size) {
renderedCanvases(size) = () => image
} else {
renderedCanvases += (() => image)
} finally {
registration.foreach(_.stop()(s3client, ec2client))
def simpleEval(layer: Layer, tensor: Tensor) = {
def test(layer: pipelineType, dimensionSelected: Int, imageLabel: String, resolutions: Int*)(log: NotebookOutput): BufferedImage = {
val registration: Option[JobRegistration[Tensor]] = None
try {
val canvas = new RefAtomicReference[Tensor](null)
def rotatedCanvas = {
var input = canvas.get()
if (null == input) input else {
val viewLayer = getKaleidoscope(input.getDimensions).head
val result = viewLayer.eval(input)
val data = result.getData
val tensor = data.get(0)
// Kaleidoscope+Tiling layer used by the optimization engine.
// Expands the canvas by a small amount, using tile wrap to draw in the expanded boundary.
def viewLayer(dims: Seq[Int]) = {
for(rotor <- getKaleidoscope(dims.toArray)) yield {
val paddingX = Math.min(max_padding, Math.max(min_padding, dims(0) * border_factor)).toInt
val paddingY = Math.min(max_padding, Math.max(min_padding, dims(1) * border_factor)).toInt
val tiling = new AffineImgViewLayer(dims(0) + paddingX, dims(1) + paddingY, true)
tiling.setOffsetX(-paddingX / 2)
tiling.setOffsetY(-paddingY / 2)
// Display a pre-tiled image inside the report itself
withMonitoredJpg(() => Option(rotatedCanvas).map(tensor => {
val image = tensor.toRgbImage
}).orNull) {
log.subreport("Painting", (sub: NotebookOutput) => {
contentUrl = initUrl,
initUrl = initUrl,
canvas = canvas.addRef(),
network = new VisualStyleNetwork(
styleLayers = List(
styleModifiers = List(
new SingleChannelEnhancer(dimensionSelected, dimensionSelected + 1)
styleUrls = Seq(""),
viewLayer = viewLayer
optimizer = new BasicOptimizer {
override val trainingMinutes: Int = 60
override val trainingIterations: Int = 150
override val maxRate = 1e9
//override def trustRegion(layer: Layer): TrustRegion = null
override def renderingNetwork(dims: Seq[Int]) = getKaleidoscope(dims.toArray).head
aspect = Option(aspectRatio),
resolutions = resolutions.toList.map(_.round.toDouble))(sub)
val image = rotatedCanvas.toImage
if (null == image) image else {
val graphics = image.getGraphics.asInstanceOf[Graphics2D]
graphics.setFont(new Font("Calibri", Font.BOLD, 24))
graphics.drawString(imageLabel, 10, 25)
} finally {
registration.foreach(_.stop()(s3client, ec2client))
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