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 * Copyright (c) 2020 by Andrew Charneski.
 * The author licenses this file to you under the
 * Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy
 * of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.


import java.awt.image.BufferedImage

import{ec2client, s3client}
import{BasicOptimizer, _}
import com.simiacryptus.mindseye.eval.{ArrayTrainable, Trainable}
import com.simiacryptus.mindseye.lang.cudnn.{CudaSettings, Precision}
import com.simiacryptus.mindseye.lang.{Layer, Tensor}
import com.simiacryptus.mindseye.layers.cudnn._
import com.simiacryptus.mindseye.layers.cudnn.conv.SimpleConvolutionLayer
import com.simiacryptus.mindseye.opt.IterativeTrainer
import com.simiacryptus.mindseye.util.ImageUtil
import com.simiacryptus.notebook.NotebookOutput
import com.simiacryptus.ref.lang.RefUtil
import com.simiacryptus.sparkbook.NotebookRunner
import com.simiacryptus.sparkbook.NotebookRunner._
import com.simiacryptus.sparkbook.util.LocalRunner

object StyleTransferPainting extends StyleTransferPainting with LocalRunner[Object] with NotebookRunner[Object]

class StyleTransferPainting extends ArtSetup[Object] {

//  val contentUrl  = "upload:Content"
//  val styleUrl = "upload:Style"
//  val initUrl: String = "upload:Content"
  val styleUrl = "file:///C:/Users/andre/code/all-projects/report/StyleTransferPainting/4c11a2e7-b667-4ae3-b2b6-c3e6fac27099/etc/9016004_fullsize.jpg,file:///C:/Users/andre/code/all-projects/report/StyleTransferPainting/4c11a2e7-b667-4ae3-b2b6-c3e6fac27099/etc/mgid_ao_image_logotv.jpg"
  val contentUrl = "file:///C:/Users/andre/code/all-projects/report/StyleTransferPainting/4c11a2e7-b667-4ae3-b2b6-c3e6fac27099/etc/20150712_142550.jpg"
//  val initUrl: String = "file:///C:/Users/andre/code/all-projects/report/StyleTransferPainting/7d8a97ac-eaaa-4062-8401-58a80840d420/etc/Taj-Mahal.jpg"
    val initUrl: String = "10 + noise * 0.2 "
  val s3bucket: String = ""
  val contentWeight = 1e2
  val adjustColors = true
  val skipResolution = -1
  val tiles = List(
    // For failed runs, put tiles here

  override def indexStr = "301"

  override def inputTimeoutSeconds = 1

  private val tileBuffer =

  override def description = 
Paints an image in the style of another using:
  1. Random noise initialization
  2. Standard VGG19 layers
  3. Operators to match content and constrain and enhance style
  4. Progressive resolution increase
.toString.trim def updateCanvas(prev: Tensor, reference: BufferedImage)(implicit log: NotebookOutput) = { val width = reference.getWidth val height = reference.getHeight if (width == prev.getDimensions()(0) && height == prev.getDimensions()(1)) { prev } else { val image = prev.toRgbImage prev.freeRef() Tensor.fromRGB(ImageUtil.resize(image, width, height)) } } override def postConfigure(log: NotebookOutput) = { implicit val implicitLog = log if (Option(s3bucket).filter(!_.isEmpty).isDefined) log.setArchiveHome(URI.create(s"s3://$s3bucket/$className/${log.getId}/")) log.onComplete(() => upload(log): Unit) val contentImage = ImageArtUtil.loadImage(log, contentUrl, 3395) val styleAdjustedFiles = for (styleImage <- ImageArtUtil.loadImages(log, styleUrl, (1600 * Math.sqrt(2)).toInt)) yield { lazy val colorMappingLayer = { val colorMappingLayer = colorMapper() val trainable = new ArrayTrainable(lossFunctionColors(colorMappingLayer.addRef()), 1) trainable.setTrainingData(Array(Array(Tensor.fromRGB(contentImage), Tensor.fromRGB(styleImage)))) val trainer = new IterativeTrainer(trainable) trainer.setMaxIterations(100) colorMappingLayer.freeze() colorMappingLayer } val img = if (adjustColors) colorMappingLayer.eval(Tensor.fromRGB(styleImage)).getData.get(0) else Tensor.fromRGB(styleImage) log.p(log.jpg(img.toRgbImage, "Adjusted Style")) "file:///" + log.jpgFile(img.toRgbImage).getAbsolutePath } log.p(log.jpg(contentImage, "Input Content")) var canvas: Tensor = null val registration = registerWithIndexJPG(() => canvas) try { withMonitoredJpg(() => canvas.toImage) { // Initial Phase { def res = 126 val styleContentNetwork = new VisualStyleContentNetwork( styleLayers = List( VGG19.VGG19_1a, VGG19.VGG19_1b1, VGG19.VGG19_1b2, VGG19.VGG19_1c1, VGG19.VGG19_1c2, VGG19.VGG19_1c3, VGG19.VGG19_1c4, VGG19.VGG19_1d1, VGG19.VGG19_1d2, VGG19.VGG19_1d3, VGG19.VGG19_1d4, // VGG19.VGG19_1e1, // VGG19.VGG19_1e2, // VGG19.VGG19_1e3, // VGG19.VGG19_1e4 ), styleModifiers = List( new GramMatrixEnhancer(), new GramMatrixMatcher() ), styleUrls = styleAdjustedFiles, magnification = Array(128.0), contentModifiers = List( new ContentMatcher().scale(contentWeight) ), contentLayers = List( VGG19.VGG19_1c1 ) ) log.h1("Resolution " + res) val (currentCanvas: Tensor, trainable: Trainable) = { CudaSettings.INSTANCE().setDefaultPrecision(Precision.Float) val content: BufferedImage = ImageArtUtil.loadImage(log, contentUrl, res.toInt) if (null == canvas) { canvas = ImageArtUtil.getImageTensor(initUrl, log, content.getWidth, content.getHeight) } else { canvas = updateCanvas(canvas, content) } val trainable: Trainable = styleContentNetwork.apply(canvas.addRef(), Tensor.fromRGB(content)) ArtUtil.resetPrecision(trainable.addRef().asInstanceOf[Trainable], styleContentNetwork.precision) (canvas.addRef(), trainable) } new BasicOptimizer { override val trainingMinutes: Int = 90 override val trainingIterations: Int = 100 override val maxRate = 1e9 }.optimize(currentCanvas, trainable) } // Mid-Phase val styleContentNetwork = new VisualStyleContentNetwork( styleLayers = List( VGG19.VGG19_1a, VGG19.VGG19_1b1, VGG19.VGG19_1b2, VGG19.VGG19_1c1, VGG19.VGG19_1c2, VGG19.VGG19_1c3, VGG19.VGG19_1c4, VGG19.VGG19_1d1, VGG19.VGG19_1d2, VGG19.VGG19_1d3, VGG19.VGG19_1d4, // VGG19.VGG19_1e1, // VGG19.VGG19_1e2, // VGG19.VGG19_1e3, // VGG19.VGG19_1e4 ), styleModifiers = List( new GramMatrixEnhancer().setMinMax(-10, 10), new GramMatrixMatcher() ), styleUrls = styleAdjustedFiles, magnification = Array(8.0), contentModifiers = List( new ContentMatcher().scale(contentWeight) ), contentLayers = List( VGG19.VGG19_1c1 ) ) for (res <- new GeometricSequence { override val min: Double = 400 override val max: Double = 800 override val steps = 2 }.toStream .dropWhile(x => skipResolution >= x) .map(_.round.toDouble).toArray) yield { log.h1("Resolution " + res) val (currentCanvas: Tensor, trainable: Trainable) = { CudaSettings.INSTANCE().setDefaultPrecision(Precision.Float) val content: BufferedImage = ImageArtUtil.loadImage(log, contentUrl, res.toInt) if (null == canvas) { canvas = ImageArtUtil.getImageTensor(initUrl, log, content.getWidth, content.getHeight) } else { canvas = updateCanvas(canvas, content) } val trainable: Trainable = styleContentNetwork.apply(canvas.addRef(), Tensor.fromRGB(content)) ArtUtil.resetPrecision(trainable.addRef().asInstanceOf[Trainable], styleContentNetwork.precision) (canvas.addRef(), trainable) } new BasicOptimizer { override val trainingMinutes: Int = 90 override val trainingIterations: Int = 100 override val maxRate = 1e9 }.optimize(currentCanvas, trainable) } // Final Phase val tile_padding = 64 val tile_size = 800 val rawContent = ImageArtUtil.getImageTensor(contentUrl, log, -1) for ( content <- new GeometricSequence { override val min: Double = 1400 override val max: Double = 4000 override val steps = 3 }.toStream .dropWhile(x => null == x || (null != skipResolution && skipResolution >= x.toInt)) .map(w => { if(rawContent==null) null else { val image = rawContent.toRgbImage if(null==w) image else { val width = w.toInt ImageUtil.resize(image, width, true) } } }) ) { canvas = updateCanvas(canvas, content.getWidth, content.getHeight) log.out(log.jpg(canvas.toRgbImage, "Canvas")) val selectors_fade = TiledTrainable.selectors(tile_padding, content.getWidth, content.getHeight, tile_size, true) val selectors_sharp = TiledTrainable.selectors(tile_padding, content.getWidth, content.getHeight, tile_size, false) val styleContentNetwork = new VisualStyleContentNetwork( styleLayers = List( VGG19.VGG19_1a, VGG19.VGG19_1b1, VGG19.VGG19_1b2, VGG19.VGG19_1c1, VGG19.VGG19_1c2, VGG19.VGG19_1c3, VGG19.VGG19_1c4, VGG19.VGG19_1d1, VGG19.VGG19_1d2, VGG19.VGG19_1d3, VGG19.VGG19_1d4, // VGG19.VGG19_1e1, // VGG19.VGG19_1e2, // VGG19.VGG19_1e3, // VGG19.VGG19_1e4 ), styleModifiers = List( new GramMatrixEnhancer().setMinMax(-0.1, 0.1), new GramMatrixMatcher() ), styleUrls = styleAdjustedFiles, //maxWidth = 2048, magnification = Array(Math.pow(4000 / tile_size, 2.0)), contentLayers = List( VGG19.VGG19_1c1 ).map(_.appendMaxPool(1).prependAvgPool(1)), contentModifiers = List( new ContentMatcher().scale(contentWeight) ) ) { //override def maxImageSize = 2048 } val styleTensors = styleContentNetwork.loadImages(content.getWidth * content.getHeight) val styleNetwork: Map[String, PipelineNetwork] = styleContentNetwork.buildStyle( Array(content.getWidth, content.getHeight, 3), styleTensors, styleContentNetwork.styleModifier ) val tiles: Array[Tensor] = for ((tileView_sharp, tileView_fade) <- yield withRetry() { val prior: Tensor = if (tileBuffer.isEmpty) null else tileBuffer.remove(0) if (null != prior) { log.out(log.jpg(prior.toRgbImage, "Tile Product")) prior } else { val canvasTensor = tileView_sharp.eval(canvas.addRef()).getData.get(0) val trainable = { CudaSettings.INSTANCE().setDefaultPrecision(Precision.Float) //canvasTensor = updateCanvas(canvasTensor, canvasDims(0), canvasDims(1)) val trainable: Trainable = styleContentNetwork.trainable_sharedStyle( canvasTensor.addRef(), tileView_sharp.eval(Tensor.fromRGB(content)).getData.get(0), styleContentNetwork.contentModifiers.reduce(_ combine _), styleNetwork.filter(t => t._1 != null && t._2 != null).mapValues(RefUtil.addRef(_)) ) ArtUtil.resetPrecision(trainable.addRef().asInstanceOf[Trainable], styleContentNetwork.precision) trainable } new BasicOptimizer { override val trainingMinutes: Int = 40 override val trainingIterations: Int = 20 override val maxRate = 1e9 }.optimize(canvasTensor.addRef(), trainable) //log.out(log.jpg(canvasTensor.toRgbImage, "Canvas Tile")) val maskTile = tileView_fade.eval( => 1)).getData.get(0) val product = canvasTensor.mapCoords(c => canvasTensor.get(c) * maskTile.get(c)) log.out(log.jpg(product.toRgbImage, "Tile Product")) product } } canvas = TiledTrainable.reassemble(content.getWidth, content.getHeight, tiles, tile_padding, tile_size, true, false) //canvas = TileUtil.reassemble(canvas, selectors_fade, tiles, log) log.out(log.jpg(canvas.toRgbImage, "Reassembled")) } } null } finally { registration.foreach(_.stop()(s3client, ec2client)) } } def updateCanvas(canvas: Tensor, width: Int, height: Int)(implicit log: NotebookOutput) = { if (canvas == null) { Tensor.fromRGB(ImageArtUtil.loadImage(log, initUrl, width, height)) } else if (canvas.getDimensions()(0) != width) { Tensor.fromRGB(ImageUtil.resize(canvas.toRgbImage, width, height)) } else { canvas } } def withRetry[T](n: Int = 3)(fn: => T): T = { try { fn } catch { case e: Throwable if n > 0 => System.gc() withRetry(n - 1)(fn) } } def colorMapper() = { val colorMappingLayer = new PipelineNetwork(1) val colorProduct = new SimpleConvolutionLayer(1, 1, 3, 3) colorMappingLayer.add(new ImgBandBiasLayer(3)).freeRef() colorMappingLayer.add(colorProduct.addRef()).freeRef() val boundedActivationLayer = new BoundedActivationLayer() boundedActivationLayer.setMinValue(0) boundedActivationLayer.setMaxValue(255) colorMappingLayer.add(boundedActivationLayer).freeRef() val kernel = colorProduct.getKernel kernel.setByCoord(c => { val b = c.getCoords()(2) if ((b / 3) == (b % 3)) 1.0 else 0.0 }) kernel.freeRef colorMappingLayer } def lossFunctionColors(colorMappingLayer: Layer) = { val network = new PipelineNetwork(2) network.add( new BinarySumLayer(1.0, 1.0), network.add( TileUtil.lossFunction(colorMappingLayer.addRef().asInstanceOf[Layer], () => new GramianLayer()), network.getInput(0), network.getInput(1) ), network.add( TileUtil.lossFunction(colorMappingLayer, () => new BandAvgReducerLayer()), network.getInput(0), network.getInput(1) ) ).freeRef() network } }

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