typequux.ArityIndexOps.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2019 Harshad Deo
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package typequux
import constraint._
import Dense.DenseIntRep
import language.higherKinds
import Typequux.Id
/** Provides scala collection like operations on sequantially indexed arbitrary arity types, like [[HList]] and tuple
* @tparam Z Type on which the operations are defined
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
class ArityIndexOps[Z](z: Z) {
/** Length of the collection
* @tparam L Typelevel marker of length
* @group Basic
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def length[L <: Dense](implicit ev0: LengthConstraint[Z, L], ev1: DenseIntRep[L]): Int = ev1.v
/** Reverses the collection
* @tparam R Type of the reverse of the collection
* @group Basic
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def reverse[R](implicit ev: ReverseConstraint[Z, R]): R = ev(z)
/**Element at the index from left
* @tparam At Type of the element at the index position
* @group Index Based
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def apply[At](i: LiteralHash[Int])(implicit ev: AtConstraint[i.ValueHash, Z, At]): At = ev(z)
/**Element at the index from the right
* @tparam At Type of the element at the index position
* @group Index Based
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def right[At](i: LiteralHash[Int])(implicit ev: AtRightConstraint[i.ValueHash, Z, At]): At = ev(z)
/** Drop the first i elements
* @tparam R Type of the resultant collection
* @group Index Based
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def drop[R](i: LiteralHash[Int])(implicit ev: DropConstraint[i.ValueHash, Z, R]): R = ev(z)
/** Drop the last i elements
* @tparam R Type of the resultant collection
* @group Index Based
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def dropRight[R](i: LiteralHash[Int])(implicit ev: DropRightConstraint[i.ValueHash, Z, R]): R = ev(z)
/** Take the first i elements
* @tparam R Type of the resultant collection
* @group Index Based
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def take[R](i: LiteralHash[Int])(implicit ev: TakeConstraint[i.ValueHash, Z, R]): R = ev(z)
/** Take the last i elements
* @tparam R Type of the resultant collection
* @group Index Based
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def takeRight[R](i: LiteralHash[Int])(implicit ev: TakeRightConstraint[i.ValueHash, Z, R]): R = ev(z)
/** Updated the element at index i from the left
* @tparam A Type of the new element at the index position
* @tparam R Type of the resultant collection
* @group Index Based
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def updated[A, R](i: LiteralHash[Int], a: A)(implicit ev: UpdatedConstraint[i.ValueHash, Z, A, R]): R = ev(z, a)
/** Update element at index i from the right
* @tparam A Type of the new element at the index position
* @tparam R Type of the resultant collection
* @group Index Based
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def updatedRight[A, R](i: LiteralHash[Int], a: A)(implicit ev: UpdatedRightConstraint[i.ValueHash, Z, A, R]): R =
ev(z, a)
/** Remove element at index i from the left
* @tparam R Type of the resultant collection
* @group Index Based
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def remove[R](i: LiteralHash[Int])(implicit ev: RemoveConstraint[i.ValueHash, Z, R]): R = ev(z)
/** Remove element at index i from the right
* @tparam R Type of the resultant collection
* @group Index Based
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def removeRight[R](i: LiteralHash[Int])(implicit ev: RemoveRightConstraint[i.ValueHash, Z, R]): R = ev(z)
/** Map the element at index i from the left
* @tparam At Type of the old element at the index position
* @tparam T Type of the new element at the index position
* @tparam R Type of the resultant collection
* @group Index Based
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def indexMap[At, T, R](i: LiteralHash[Int], f: At => T)(
implicit ev: IndexMapConstraint[i.ValueHash, Z, At, T, R]): R = ev(z, f)
/** Map the element at index i from the right
* @tparam At Type of the old element at the index position
* @tparam T Type of the new element at the index position
* @tparam R Type of the resultant collection
* @group Index Based
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def indexMapRight[At, T, R](i: LiteralHash[Int], f: At => T)(
implicit ev: IndexMapRightConstraint[i.ValueHash, Z, At, T, R]): R = ev(z, f)
/** Map the element at index i from the left and then "flatten" the result
* @tparam At Type of the old element at the index position
* @tparam T Type of the new element at the index position
* @tparam R Type of the resultant collection
* @group Index Based
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def indexFlatMap[At, T, R](i: LiteralHash[Int], f: At => T)(
implicit ev: IndexFlatMapConstraint[i.ValueHash, Z, At, T, R]): R = ev(z, f)
/** Map the element at index i from the right and then "flatten" the result
* @tparam At Type of the old element at the index position
* @tparam T Type of the new element at the index position
* @tparam R Type of the resultant collection
* @group Index Based
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def indexFlatMapRight[At, T, R](i: LiteralHash[Int], f: At => T)(
implicit ev: IndexFlatMapRightConstraint[i.ValueHash, Z, At, T, R]): R = ev(z, f)
/** Insert an element at index i from the left
* @tparam T Type of the element to be inserted
* @tparam R Type of the resultant collection
* @group Index Based
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def insert[T, R](i: LiteralHash[Int], t: T)(implicit ev: InsertConstraint[i.ValueHash, Z, T, R]): R = ev(z, t)
/** Insert element at index i from the right
* @tparam T Type of the element to be inserted
* @tparam R Type of the resultant collection
* @group Index Based
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def insertRight[T, R](i: LiteralHash[Int], t: T)(implicit ev: InsertRightConstraint[i.ValueHash, Z, T, R]): R =
ev(z, t)
/** Insert element at index i from the left and then "flatten" the result
* @tparam T Type of the element to be inserted
* @tparam R Type of the resultant collection
* @group Index Based
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def insertM[T, R](i: LiteralHash[Int], tp: T)(implicit ev: InsertMConstraint[i.ValueHash, Z, T, R]): R = ev(z, tp)
/** Insert element at index i from the right and then "flatten" the result
* @tparam T Type of the element to be inserted
* @tparam R Type of the resultant collection
* @group Index Based
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def insertMRight[T, R](i: LiteralHash[Int], tp: T)(implicit ev: InsertMRightConstraint[i.ValueHash, Z, T, R]): R =
ev(z, tp)
/** Split at index i from the left
* @tparam L Type of the object to the left of the index position
* @tparam R Type of the object to the right of the index position
* @group Index Based
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def splitAt[L, R](i: LiteralHash[Int])(implicit ev: SplitAtConstraint[i.ValueHash, Z, L, R]): (L, R) = ev(z)
/** Split at index i from the right
* @tparam L Type of the element to the left of the index position
* @tparam R Type of the element to the right of the index position
* @group Index Based
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def splitAtRight[L, R](i: LiteralHash[Int])(implicit ev: SplitAtRightConstraint[i.ValueHash, Z, L, R]): (L, R) =
/** Zip with the elements of another object
* @tparam C Type of the collection to be zipped with
* @tparam R Type of the resultant collection
* @group Transformation
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def zip[C, R](c: C)(implicit ev: ExternalZipConstraint[Z, C, R]): R = ev(z, c)
/** Unzip the elements to form two objects
* @tparam R1 Type of the first collection obtained by unzipping
* @tparam R2 Type of the second collection obtained by unzipping
* @group Transformation
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def unzip[R1, R2](implicit ev: ExternalUnzipConstraint[Z, R1, R2]): (R1, R2) = ev(z)
/** Apply a natural transformation
* @tparam M Source context
* @tparam N Destination context
* @tparam R Type of the resultant collection
* @group Transformation
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def transform[M[_], N[_], R](f: M ~> N)(implicit ev: TransformConstraint[Z, R, M, N]): R = ev(f, z)
/** Apply a down transformation. For details, see [[constraint.DownTransformConstraint]]
* @tparam M Source context
* @tparam R Type of the resultant collection
* @group Transformation
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def down[M[_], R](f: M ~> Id)(implicit ev: DownTransformConstraint[Z, R, M]): R = ev(f, z)
/** Apply function to the argument. If Z is a HList, In is a HList of functions, if it is a tuple, IN is an tuple
* of the same arity of functions
* @tparam In Type of the input
* @tparam R Type of the resultant collection
* @group Transformation
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def fapply[In, R](in: In)(implicit ev: ApplyConstraint[Z, In, R]): R = ev(z, in)
/** Yoda apply, like fapply except with the order of the arguments reversed
* @tparam F Type of the function
* @tparam Out Type of the resultant collection
* @group Transformation
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def yapply[F, Out](f: F)(implicit ev: ApplyConstraint[F, Z, Out]): Out = ev(f, z)
/** Apply a function for each element of the object, provided that all can be implicitly converted to
* an object of type C
* @tparam C Type on which the operation is defined
* @group Common View
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def foreach[C](f: C => Unit)(implicit ev: ForeachConstraint[Z, C]): Unit = ev(z)(f)
/** Check if the predicate holds for at least one element of the object, provided that all can be implicitly
* converted to an object of type C
* @tparam C Type on which the operation is defined
* @group Common View
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def exists[C](f: C => Boolean)(implicit ev: ExistsConstraint[Z, C]): Boolean = ev(z, f)
/** Check if a preficate holds for all elements of the object, provided that all can be implicitly converted
* to an object of type C
* @group Common View
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def forall[C](f: C => Boolean)(implicit ev: ForallConstraint[Z, C]): Boolean = ev(z, f)
/** Count the number of elements of the object for which the predicate holds, provided that each element can be
* implicitly converted to an object of type C
* @tparam C Type on which the operation is defined
* @group Common View
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def count[C](f: C => Boolean)(implicit ev: CountConstraint[Z, C]): Int = ev(z, f)
/** Apply a fold-left like operation on all elements of the object, provided that each element can be implicitly
* converted to an object of type C
* @tparam ZT Type of the zero (and the resultant object)
* @tparam C Type on which the operation is defined
* @group Common View
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def foldLeft[ZT, C](zero: ZT)(f: (ZT, C) => ZT)(implicit ev: FoldLeftConstraint[Z, ZT, C]): ZT = ev(z, zero, f)
/** Convert the object to a list, with the element type being the least upper bound of the individual types of
* the elements
* @tparam R Element type of the resultant list
* @group Transformation
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def toList[R](implicit ev: ToListConstraint[Z, R]): List[R] = ev(z)
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