typequux.StringIndexedCollection.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2019 Harshad Deo
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package typequux
import Bool.False
import constraint._
import Dense._
import DenseMap.EmptyDenseMap
import language.implicitConversions
/** String indexed collection in which all the elements are of the same type.
* Uses [[scala.collection.immutable.Vector]] and [[DenseMap]] as backing datastructures
* @tparam T Type of the collection
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
sealed trait StringIndexedCollection[+T]
/** Contains implementations of [[StringIndexedCollection]] and implicit definitions for building typeclasses necessary
* for the operations on string indexed collections
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
object StringIndexedCollection {
/** Implementation of a non-empty [[StringIndexedCollection]], equivalent to a cons cell of a list
* @tparam MP Type of the DenseMap that stores the indices
* @tparam T Type of the elements of the collection
* @group Implementation
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
final class NonEmptySI[MP <: DenseMap, +T] private[typequux] (private[typequux] val backing: Vector[T],
private[typequux] val keys: Vector[String])
extends StringIndexedCollection[T] {
override def hashCode: Int = this.toMap.##
@SuppressWarnings(Array("org.wartremover.warts.Equals", "org.wartremover.warts.Any"))
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = (other.## == this.##) && {
other match {
case that: NonEmptySI[_, _] => (this eq that) || this.toMap == that.toMap
case _ => false
override def toString: String = {
val kvs = (keys zip backing) map (kv => s"${kv._1} -> ${kv._2}")
s"StringIndexedCollection${kvs.mkString("(", ", ", ")")}"
/** Implementation of an empty [[StringIndexedCollection]], equivalent to a Nil
* @group Implementation
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
final class SINil private[StringIndexedCollection] () extends StringIndexedCollection[Nothing]
val SINil: SINil = new SINil
/** Converts a [[StringIndexedCollection]] to an [[SiOps]] object
* @tparam S Type of the Collection
* @tparam T Element type of the collection
* @group Ops Converter
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def toOps[S, T](s: S)(implicit ev: S <:< StringIndexedCollection[T]): SiOps[S] = new SiOps[S](s)
/** Builds [[constraint.SIAddConstraint]] for an empty [[StringIndexedCollection]]
* @tparam N Type Index at which to add (i.e. String Value Hash)
* @tparam U Type of the value to add
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def siNIlAddConstraint[N <: Dense, U]
: SIAddConstraint[N, SINil, U, NonEmptySI[EmptyDenseMap#Add[N, _0], U]] =
new SIAddConstraint[N, SINil, U, NonEmptySI[EmptyDenseMap#Add[N, _0], U]] {
override def apply(s: SINil, u: U, k: String) = {
new NonEmptySI[EmptyDenseMap#Add[N, _0], U](Vector(u), Vector(k))
/** Builds [[constraint.SIAddConstraint]] for non-empty [[StringIndexedCollection]]
* @tparam N Type index at which to add (i.e. String Value Hash)
* @tparam MP [[DenseMap]] of the existing collection
* @tparam T Type of the existing collection
* @tparam U Type of the element to be added
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def buildNonEmptySIAddConstraint[N <: Dense, MP <: DenseMap, T, U >: T](
implicit ev0: False =:= MP#Contains[N])
: SIAddConstraint[N, NonEmptySI[MP, T], U, NonEmptySI[MP#Add[N, MP#Size], U]] =
new SIAddConstraint[N, NonEmptySI[MP, T], U, NonEmptySI[MP#Add[N, MP#Size], U]] {
override def apply(s: NonEmptySI[MP, T], u: U, k: String) = {
new NonEmptySI[MP#Add[N, MP#Size], U](s.backing :+ u, s.keys :+ k)
/** Builds [[constraint.AtConstraint]] for [[StringIndexedCollection]]
* @tparam MP [[DenseMap]] of the collection
* @tparam T Element type of the collection
* @tparam N Index at which to find the th element (i.e. String Value Hash)
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def buildSiAtConstraint[MP <: DenseMap, T, N <: Dense](
implicit ev0: TrueConstraint[MP#Contains[N]],
ev1: MP#Get[N] <:< Dense,
ev2: DenseIntRep[MP#Get[N]]): AtConstraint[N, NonEmptySI[MP, T], T] =
new AtConstraint[N, NonEmptySI[MP, T], T] {
override def apply(s: NonEmptySI[MP, T]) = s.backing(ev2.v)
/** Implements [[constraint.LengthConstraint]] for empty [[StringIndexedCollection]]
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit object SINilSizeConstraint extends LengthConstraint[SINil, _0]
/** Implements [[constraint.LengthConstraint]] for non-empty [[StringIndexedCollection]]
* @tparam MP [[DenseMap]] of the collection
* @tparam T Element type of the collection
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def nonEmptySiSizeConstraint[MP <: DenseMap, T]: LengthConstraint[NonEmptySI[MP, T], MP#Size] =
new LengthConstraint[NonEmptySI[MP, T], MP#Size] {}
/** Builds [[constraint.UpdatedConstraint]] for [[StringIndexedCollection]]
* @tparam N Index to update (i.e. String Value Hash)
* @tparam MP [[DenseMap]] of the collection
* @tparam T Element type of the collection
* @tparam U Type of the element to be inserted
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def buildSIUpdatedConstraint[N <: Dense, MP <: DenseMap, T, U >: T](
implicit ev0: TrueConstraint[MP#Contains[N]],
ev1: MP#Get[N] <:< Dense,
ev2: DenseIntRep[MP#Get[N]]): UpdatedConstraint[N, NonEmptySI[MP, T], U, NonEmptySI[MP, U]] =
new UpdatedConstraint[N, NonEmptySI[MP, T], U, NonEmptySI[MP, U]] {
override def apply(s: NonEmptySI[MP, T], u: U) =
new NonEmptySI[MP, U](s.backing.updated(ev2.v, u), s.keys)
/** Implements [[constraint.ToMapConstraint]] for empty [[StringIndexedCollection]]
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit object SINilMapConstraint extends ToMapConstraint[SINil, Map[String, Nothing]] {
override def apply(s: SINil): Map[String, Nothing] = Map.empty
/** Builds [[constraint.ToMapConstraint]] for non-empty [[StringIndexedCollection]]
* @tparam MP [[DenseMap]] of the collection
* @tparam T Element type of the collection
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def buildNonEmptyToMapConstraint[MP <: DenseMap, T]: ToMapConstraint[NonEmptySI[MP, T], Map[String, T]] =
new ToMapConstraint[NonEmptySI[MP, T], Map[String, T]] {
override def apply(s: NonEmptySI[MP, T]) = {
(s.keys zip s.backing).toMap
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