typequux.TupleOps.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2019 Harshad Deo
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package typequux
import constraint._
import HList.:+:
import language.{higherKinds, implicitConversions}
import Typequux.Id
/** Provides scala collection-like operations on tuples.
* @tparam Z Type of the tuple for which the operation is defined
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
class TupleIndexOps[Z](z: Z) extends ArityIndexOps(z) {
/** Adds an element to the head of the tuple
* @tparam T Type of the element to add
* @tparam R Type of the result
* @group Basic
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def :*:[T, R](t: T)(implicit ev: ConsConstraint[Z, T, R]): R = ev(z, t)
/** Appends the two tuples
* @tparam A Type of the tuple to which Z is appended
* @tparam R Type of the result
* @group Basic
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
def :**:[A, R](a: A)(implicit ev: AppendConstraint[A, Z, R]): R = ev(a, z)
/** Provides implicit definitions to build constraint typeclasses for tuples. To do so, converts the tuple to
* the corresponding [[HList]], applies the operation on the HList and converts the result back to a tuple.
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
object TupleOps {
/** Builds a [[TupleIndexOps]] object for the tuple
* @tparam T Type of the tuple being converted
* @group Ops Converter
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tuple2IndexOps[T](t: T): TupleIndexOps[T] = new TupleIndexOps(t)
/** Builds a [[ArityIndexOps]] object for the tuple
* @tparam Z Type of the tuple being converted
* @tparam F Down Converted type of Z. For details, see [[constraint.DownTransformConstraint]]
* @group Ops Converter
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tuple2ArityZipOps[Z, F](z: Z)(
implicit ev: DownTransformConstraint[Z, F, Traversable]): ArityZipOps[Z, F] = new ArityZipOps[Z, F](z)
/** Builder of [[constraint.LengthConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam Z Type of the tuple
* @tparam HL Type of the HList correspoding to Z
* @tparam L Length
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpLengthConstraint[Z, HL <: HList, L <: Dense](implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[Z, HL],
ev1: LengthConstraint[HL, L]): LengthConstraint[Z, L] =
new LengthConstraint[Z, L] {}
/** Builder of [[constraint.AppendConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam A left hand tuple
* @tparam B right hand tuple
* @tparam HLA HList equivalent of A
* @tparam HLB HList equivalent of B
* @tparam HLR HLB appended to HLA
* @tparam R Tuple equivalent of HLR
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpAppendConstraint[A, B, HLA <: HList, HLB <: HList, HLR <: HList, R](
implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[A, HLA],
ev1: Tuple2HListConverter[B, HLB],
ev2: AppendConstraint[HLA, HLB, HLR],
ev3: HList2TupleConverter[R, HLR]): AppendConstraint[A, B, R] = new AppendConstraint[A, B, R] {
override def apply(a: A, b: B) = {
val hla = ev0(a)
val hlb = ev1(b)
val hlr = ev2(hla, hlb)
/** Builder of [[constraint.ApplyConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam F Tuple of functions
* @tparam FIN HList equivalent of F
* @tparam IN Tuple of inputs
* @tparam HIN HList equivalent of IN
* @tparam HOUT HList equivalent of the tuple of outputs
* @tparam OUT Tuple of outputs
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpApplyConstraint[F, FIN <: HList, IN, HIN <: HList, HOUT <: HList, OUT](
implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[F, FIN],
ev1: Tuple2HListConverter[IN, HIN],
ev2: ApplyConstraint[FIN, HIN, HOUT],
ev3: HList2TupleConverter[OUT, HOUT]): ApplyConstraint[F, IN, OUT] = new ApplyConstraint[F, IN, OUT] {
override def apply(f: F, in: IN) = {
val fin = ev0(f)
val hin = ev1(in)
val res = ev2(fin, hin)
/** Builder of [[constraint.AtConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam N Type Index at which to get the element
* @tparam T Type of the Tuple
* @tparam HL Type of the HList corresponding to T
* @tparam A Type of the element at index N
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpAtConstraint[N, T, HL <: HList, A](implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[T, HL],
ev1: AtConstraint[N, HL, A]): AtConstraint[N, T, A] =
new AtConstraint[N, T, A] {
override def apply(t: T) = {
val hl = ev0(t)
/** Builder of [[constraint.AtRightConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam N Index at which to get the element (from the right)
* @tparam T Type of the tuple
* @tparam HL Type of the HList corresponding to T
* @tparam A Type of the element at index N
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpAtRightConstraint[N <: Dense, T, HL <: HList, A](
implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[T, HL],
ev1: AtRightConstraint[N, HL, A]): AtRightConstraint[N, T, A] =
new AtRightConstraint[N, T, A] {
override def apply(t: T) = {
val hl = ev0(t)
/** Builder of [[constraint.ConsConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam T Type of the input typle
* @tparam HL Type of the HList corresponding to T
* @tparam U Type of the element to be consed
* @tparam R Type of the resultant tuple
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpConsConstraint[T, HL <: HList, U, R](implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[T, HL],
ev1: HList2TupleConverter[R, U :+: HL]): ConsConstraint[T, U, R] =
new ConsConstraint[T, U, R] {
override def apply(t: T, u: U) = {
val hl = ev0(t)
ev1(u :+: hl)
/** Builder of [[constraint.DownTransformConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam T Type of the input Tuple
* @tparam HLI Type of the HList corresponding to T
* @tparam M Common context of the elements of HLI
* @tparam HLO Type of the result of applying a down transformation on HLI with context M
* @tparam R Type of the resultant tuple
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpDownTransformConstraint[T, HLI <: HList, M[_], HLO <: HList, R](
implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[T, HLI],
ev1: DownTransformConstraint[HLI, HLO, M],
ev2: HList2TupleConverter[R, HLO]): DownTransformConstraint[T, R, M] = new DownTransformConstraint[T, R, M] {
override def apply(f: M ~> Id, t: T) = {
val hl = ev0(t)
val tr = ev1(f, hl)
/** Builder of [[constraint.DropConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam N Type index of the number of elements to drop
* @tparam T Type of the input tuple
* @tparam HL Type of the HList corresponding to T
* @tparam HLD Type of the HList obtained by dropping N elements
* @tparam U Type of the resultant tuple
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpDropConstraint[N, T, HL <: HList, HLD <: HList, U](
implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[T, HL],
ev1: DropConstraint[N, HL, HLD],
ev2: HList2TupleConverter[U, HLD]): DropConstraint[N, T, U] = new DropConstraint[N, T, U] {
override def apply(t: T) = {
val hl = ev0(t)
val hld = ev1(hl)
/** Builder of [[constraint.DropRightConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam N Type index of the number of elements to drop (from the right)
* @tparam T Type of the input tuple
* @tparam HL Type of the HList corresponding to tuple T
* @tparam HLD Type of the HList obtained by dropping N elements (from the right)
* @tparam U Type of the resultant tuple
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpDropRightConstraint[N, T, HL <: HList, HLD <: HList, U](
implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[T, HL],
ev1: DropRightConstraint[N, HL, HLD],
ev2: HList2TupleConverter[U, HLD]): DropRightConstraint[N, T, U] = new DropRightConstraint[N, T, U] {
override def apply(t: T) = {
val hl = ev0(t)
val hld = ev1(hl)
/** Builder of [[constraint.ExternalUnzipConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam P Type of the input tuple
* @tparam HP Type of the HList corresponding to P
* @tparam HQ Type of the first HList obtained by unzipping HP
* @tparam HR Type of the second HList obtained by unzipping HP
* @tparam Q Type of tuple corresponding to HQ
* @tparam R Type of the tuple corresponding to HR
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpExternalUnzipConstraint[P, HP <: HList, HQ <: HList, HR <: HList, Q, R](
implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[P, HP],
ev1: ExternalUnzipConstraint[HP, HQ, HR],
ev2: HList2TupleConverter[Q, HQ],
ev3: HList2TupleConverter[R, HR]): ExternalUnzipConstraint[P, Q, R] = new ExternalUnzipConstraint[P, Q, R] {
override def apply(p: P) = {
val hp = ev0(p)
val (l, r) = ev1(hp)
(ev2(l), ev3(r))
/** Builder of [[constraint.ExternalZipConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam P Type of the first input tuple
* @tparam Q Type of the second input tuple
* @tparam HLP Type of the HList corresponding to P
* @tparam HLQ Type of the HList corresponding to Q
* @tparam HLR Type of the HList obtained by zipping HLP and HLQ
* @tparam R Type of the tuple corresponding to HLR
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpExternalZipConstraintBuilder[P, Q, HLP <: HList, HLQ <: HList, HLR <: HList, R](
implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[P, HLP],
ev1: Tuple2HListConverter[Q, HLQ],
ev2: ExternalZipConstraint[HLP, HLQ, HLR],
ev3: HList2TupleConverter[R, HLR]): ExternalZipConstraint[P, Q, R] = new ExternalZipConstraint[P, Q, R] {
override def apply(p: P, q: Q) = {
val hlp = ev0(p)
val hlq = ev1(q)
val hlr = ev2(hlp, hlq)
/** Builder of [[constraint.ForeachConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam INP Type of the input tuple
* @tparam HL Type of the HList corresponding to INP
* @tparam C Common type on which the operation is defined
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpForeachConstraint[INP, HL <: HList, C](implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[INP, HL],
ev1: ForeachConstraint[HL, C]): ForeachConstraint[INP, C] =
new ForeachConstraint[INP, C] {
override def apply(t: INP)(f: C => Unit) = {
val hl = ev0(t)
/** Builder of [[constraint.IndexFlatMapConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam N Index of the element to flatmap
* @tparam Z Type of the input tuple
* @tparam HL Type of the HList corresponding to Z
* @tparam A Type of the element at index N
* @tparam T Type of the tuple obtained by flatmapping the element at index N
* @tparam HLF Type of the HList corresponding to T
* @tparam HLM Type of the HList obtained by flatmapping element at index N of HL to type HLF
* @tparam R Type of tuple corresponding to HLM
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpIndexFlatMapConstraint[N, Z, HL <: HList, A, T, HLF <: HList, HLM <: HList, R](
implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[Z, HL],
ev1: Tuple2HListConverter[T, HLF],
ev2: IndexFlatMapConstraint[N, HL, A, HLF, HLM],
ev3: HList2TupleConverter[R, HLM]): IndexFlatMapConstraint[N, Z, A, T, R] =
new IndexFlatMapConstraint[N, Z, A, T, R] {
override def apply(z: Z, f: A => T) = {
val hl = ev0(z)
val hlm = ev2(hl, f andThen ev1.apply)
/** Builder of [[constraint.IndexFlatMapRightConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam N Index of the element to flatmap (from the right)
* @tparam Z Type of the input tuple
* @tparam HL Type of the HList corresponding to Z
* @tparam A Type of the element at index N
* @tparam T Type of the tuple obtained by flatmapping the element at index N
* @tparam HLF Type of the HList corresponding to T
* @tparam HLM Type of the HList obtained by flatmapping element at index N of HL to type HLF
* @tparam R Type of tuple corresponding to HLM
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpIndexFlatMapRightConstraint[N, Z, HL <: HList, A, T, HLF <: HList, HLM <: HList, R](
implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[Z, HL],
ev1: Tuple2HListConverter[T, HLF],
ev2: IndexFlatMapRightConstraint[N, HL, A, HLF, HLM],
ev3: HList2TupleConverter[R, HLM]): IndexFlatMapRightConstraint[N, Z, A, T, R] =
new IndexFlatMapRightConstraint[N, Z, A, T, R] {
override def apply(z: Z, f: A => T) = {
val hl = ev0(z)
val hlm = ev2(hl, f andThen ev1.apply)
/** Builder of [[constraint.IndexMapConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam N Index of the element to map
* @tparam Z Type of the input tuple
* @tparam HL Type of the HList corresponding to Z
* @tparam A Type of the element at index N
* @tparam T Type of the element obtained by mapping A
* @tparam HLM Type of the HList obtained by mapping element at index N of HL to type T
* @tparam R Type of the tuple corresponding to HLM
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpIndexMapConstraint[N, Z, HL <: HList, A, T, HLM <: HList, R](
implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[Z, HL],
ev1: IndexMapConstraint[N, HL, A, T, HLM],
ev2: HList2TupleConverter[R, HLM]): IndexMapConstraint[N, Z, A, T, R] = new IndexMapConstraint[N, Z, A, T, R] {
override def apply(z: Z, f: A => T) = {
val hl = ev0(z)
val hlm = ev1(hl, f)
/** Builder of [[constraint.IndexMapRightConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam N Index of the element to map (from the right)
* @tparam Z Type of the input tuple
* @tparam HL Type of the HList corresponding to Z
* @tparam A Type of the element at index N (from the right)
* @tparam T Type of the element obtained by mapping A
* @tparam HLM Type of the HList obtained by mapping element at index N of HL to type T
* @tparam R Type of the tuple corresponding to HLM
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpIndexMapRightConstraint[N, Z, HL <: HList, A, T, HLM <: HList, R](
implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[Z, HL],
ev1: IndexMapRightConstraint[N, HL, A, T, HLM],
ev2: HList2TupleConverter[R, HLM]): IndexMapRightConstraint[N, Z, A, T, R] =
new IndexMapRightConstraint[N, Z, A, T, R] {
override def apply(z: Z, f: A => T) = {
val hl = ev0(z)
val hlm = ev1(hl, f)
/** Builder of [[constraint.InsertConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam N Index at which to insert
* @tparam T Type of the input tuple
* @tparam HL Type of the HList corresponding to T
* @tparam A Type of the element to insert
* @tparam HLA Type of the HList obtained by inserting element of type A at index N in HL
* @tparam R Type of the result
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpInsertConstraint[N, T, HL <: HList, A, HLA <: HList, R](
implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[T, HL],
ev1: InsertConstraint[N, HL, A, HLA],
ev2: HList2TupleConverter[R, HLA]): InsertConstraint[N, T, A, R] = new InsertConstraint[N, T, A, R] {
override def apply(t: T, a: A) = {
val hl = ev0(t)
val hla = ev1(hl, a)
/** Builder of [[constraint.InsertRightConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam N Index at which to insert (from the right)
* @tparam T Type of the input tuple
* @tparam HL Type of the HList corresponding to T
* @tparam A Type of the element to insert
* @tparam HLA Type of the HList obtained by inserting element of type A at index N in HL
* @tparam R Type of the result
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpInsertRightConstraint[N, T, HL <: HList, A, HLA <: HList, R](
implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[T, HL],
ev1: InsertRightConstraint[N, HL, A, HLA],
ev2: HList2TupleConverter[R, HLA]): InsertRightConstraint[N, T, A, R] =
new InsertRightConstraint[N, T, A, R] {
override def apply(t: T, a: A) = {
val hl = ev0(t)
val hla = ev1(hl, a)
/** Builder of [[constraint.InsertMConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam N Type index at which to insert
* @tparam Z Type of the input tuple
* @tparam HL Type of the HList corresponding to Z
* @tparam T Type of the Tuple to insert
* @tparam HLI Type of HList corresponding to T
* @tparam HLA Type of HList obtained by inserting HLI at index N in HL
* @tparam R Type of the tuple corresponding to HLR
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpInsertMConstraint[N, Z, HL <: HList, T, HLI <: HList, HLA <: HList, R](
implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[Z, HL],
ev1: Tuple2HListConverter[T, HLI],
ev2: InsertMConstraint[N, HL, HLI, HLA],
ev3: HList2TupleConverter[R, HLA]): InsertMConstraint[N, Z, T, R] = new InsertMConstraint[N, Z, T, R] {
override def apply(z: Z, t: T) = {
val hl = ev0(z)
val hli = ev1(t)
val hla = ev2(hl, hli)
/** Builder of [[constraint.InsertMRightConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam N Type index at which to insert (from the right)
* @tparam Z Type of the input tuple
* @tparam HL Type of the HList corresponding to Z
* @tparam T Type of the Tuple to insert
* @tparam HLI Type of HList corresponding to T
* @tparam HLA Type of HList obtained by inserting HLI at index N in HL
* @tparam R Type of the tuple corresponding to HLR
* *
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpInsertMRightConstraint[N, Z, HL <: HList, T, HLI <: HList, HLA <: HList, R](
implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[Z, HL],
ev1: Tuple2HListConverter[T, HLI],
ev2: InsertMRightConstraint[N, HL, HLI, HLA],
ev3: HList2TupleConverter[R, HLA]): InsertMRightConstraint[N, Z, T, R] = new InsertMRightConstraint[N, Z, T, R] {
override def apply(z: Z, t: T) = {
val hl = ev0(z)
val hli = ev1(t)
val hla = ev2(hl, hli)
/** Builder of [[constraint.TakeConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam N Type index of the number of elements to take
* @tparam T Type of the input tuple
* @tparam HL Type of the HList corresponding to T
* @tparam HLT Type of the HList obtained by taking N elements from HL
* @tparam U Type of the tuple corresponding to HLT
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpTakeConstraint[N, T, HL <: HList, HLT <: HList, U](
implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[T, HL],
ev1: TakeConstraint[N, HL, HLT],
ev2: HList2TupleConverter[U, HLT]): TakeConstraint[N, T, U] = new TakeConstraint[N, T, U] {
override def apply(t: T) = {
val hl = ev0(t)
val hlt = ev1(hl)
/** Builder of [[constraint.TakeRightConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam N Type index of the number of elements to take (from the right)
* @tparam T Type of the input tuple
* @tparam HL Type of the HList corresponding to T
* @tparam HLT Type of the HList obtained by taking N elements from HL (from the right)
* @tparam U Type of the tuple corresponding to HLT
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpTakeRightConstraint[N, T, HL <: HList, HLT <: HList, U](
implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[T, HL],
ev1: TakeRightConstraint[N, HL, HLT],
ev2: HList2TupleConverter[U, HLT]): TakeRightConstraint[N, T, U] = new TakeRightConstraint[N, T, U] {
override def apply(t: T) = {
val hl = ev0(t)
val hlt = ev1(hl)
/** Builder of [[constraint.RemoveConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam N Type index of the element to remove
* @tparam T Type of the input tuple
* @tparam HL Type of the HList corresponding to T
* @tparam HLR Type of the HList obtained by removing element at index N from HL
* @tparam R Type of tuple corresponding to HLR
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpRemoveConstraint[N, T, HL <: HList, HLR <: HList, R](
implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[T, HL],
ev1: RemoveConstraint[N, HL, HLR],
ev2: HList2TupleConverter[R, HLR]): RemoveConstraint[N, T, R] = new RemoveConstraint[N, T, R] {
override def apply(t: T) = {
val hl = ev0(t)
val hlr = ev1(hl)
/** Builder of [[constraint.RemoveRightConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam N Type index of the element to remove (from the right)
* @tparam T Type of the input tuple
* @tparam HL Type of the HList corresponding to T
* @tparam HLR Type of the HList obtained by removing element at index N from HL
* @tparam R Type of tuple corresponding to HLR
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpRemoveRightConstraint[N, T, HL <: HList, HLR <: HList, R](
implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[T, HL],
ev1: RemoveRightConstraint[N, HL, HLR],
ev2: HList2TupleConverter[R, HLR]): RemoveRightConstraint[N, T, R] = new RemoveRightConstraint[N, T, R] {
override def apply(t: T) = {
val hl = ev0(t)
val hlr = ev1(hl)
/** Builder of [[constraint.UpdatedConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam N Type index of the element to update
* @tparam T Type of the input tuple
* @tparam HL Type of the HList corresponding to T
* @tparam A Type of the element to insert
* @tparam HLR Type of the HList obtained by inserting A at index N in HL
* @tparam R Type of tuple corresponding to HLR
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpUpdatedConstraint[N, T, HL <: HList, A, R, HLR <: HList](
implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[T, HL],
ev1: UpdatedConstraint[N, HL, A, HLR],
ev2: HList2TupleConverter[R, HLR]): UpdatedConstraint[N, T, A, R] = new UpdatedConstraint[N, T, A, R] {
override def apply(t: T, a: A) = {
val hl = ev0(t)
val hla = ev1(hl, a)
/** Builder of [[constraint.UpdatedRightConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam N Type index of the element to update (from the right)
* @tparam T Type of the input tuple
* @tparam HL Type of the HList corresponding to T
* @tparam A Type of the element to insert
* @tparam R Type of tuple corresponding to HLR
* @tparam HLA Type of the HList obtained by inserting A at index N in HL
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpUpdatedRightConstraint[N, T, HL <: HList, A, HLA <: HList, R](
implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[T, HL],
ev1: UpdatedRightConstraint[N, HL, A, HLA],
ev2: HList2TupleConverter[R, HLA]): UpdatedRightConstraint[N, T, A, R] = new UpdatedRightConstraint[N, T, A, R] {
override def apply(t: T, a: A) = {
val hl = ev0(t)
val hla = ev1(hl, a)
/** Builder of [[constraint.SplitAtConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam N Index at which to split
* @tparam T Type of the input tuple
* @tparam HL Type of HList corresponding to T
* @tparam HLL Type of the first HList obtained by splitting HL at index N
* @tparam HLR Type of the second HList obtained by splitting HL at index N
* @tparam L Type of the tuple corresponding to HLL
* @tparam R Type of the tuple corresponding to HLR
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpSplitAtConstraint[N, T, HL <: HList, HLL <: HList, HLR <: HList, L, R](
implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[T, HL],
ev1: SplitAtConstraint[N, HL, HLL, HLR],
ev2: HList2TupleConverter[L, HLL],
ev3: HList2TupleConverter[R, HLR]): SplitAtConstraint[N, T, L, R] = new SplitAtConstraint[N, T, L, R] {
override def apply(t: T) = {
val hl = ev0(t)
val (l, r) = ev1(hl)
(ev2(l), ev3(r))
/** Builder of [[constraint.SplitAtRightConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam N Index at which to split (from the right)
* @tparam T Type of the input tuple
* @tparam HL Type of HList corresponding to T
* @tparam HLL Type of the first HList obtained by splitting HL at index N
* @tparam HLR Type of the second HList obtained by splitting HL at index N
* @tparam L Type of the tuple corresponding to HLL
* @tparam R Type of the tuple corresponding to HLR
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpSplitAtRightConstraint[N, T, HL <: HList, HLL <: HList, HLR <: HList, L, R](
implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[T, HL],
ev1: SplitAtRightConstraint[N, HL, HLL, HLR],
ev2: HList2TupleConverter[L, HLL],
ev3: HList2TupleConverter[R, HLR]): SplitAtRightConstraint[N, T, L, R] =
new SplitAtRightConstraint[N, T, L, R] {
override def apply(t: T) = {
val hl = ev0(t)
val (l, r) = ev1(hl)
(ev2(l), ev3(r))
/** Builder of [[constraint.InternalZipConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam Z Type of the input tuple
* @tparam HLZ Type of HList corresponding to Z
* @tparam F Down converted type of Z. For details, see [[constraint.DownTransformConstraint]]
* @tparam HLF Type of HList corresponding to F
* @tparam V Type of the output collection
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpInternalZipConstraint[Z, HLZ <: HList, F, HLF <: HList, T, V](
implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[Z, HLZ],
ev1: HList2TupleConverter[F, HLF],
ev2: InternalZipConstraint[HLZ, HLF, T, V]): InternalZipConstraint[Z, F, T, V] =
new InternalZipConstraint[Z, F, T, V] {
override def apply(z: Z, f: F => T) = {
val hl = ev0(z)
val g: HLF => T = (ev1.apply _) andThen f
ev2(hl, g)
/** Builder of [[constraint.ReverseConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam T Type of the input tuple
* @tparam HL Type of HList corresponding to T
* @tparam HLR Type of reverse of HL
* @tparam R Type of tuple corresponding to HLR
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpReverseConstraint[T, HL <: HList, HLR <: HList, R](
implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[T, HL],
ev1: ReverseConstraint[HL, HLR],
ev2: HList2TupleConverter[R, HLR]): ReverseConstraint[T, R] = new ReverseConstraint[T, R] {
override def apply(t: T) = {
val hl = ev0(t)
val hlr = ev1(hl)
/** Builder of [[constraint.TransformConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam I Type of the input Tuple
* @tparam HLI Type of HList corresponding to I
* @tparam M Type of the input context
* @tparam N Type of the output context
* @tparam HLO Type of the result of applying M ~> N on HLI
* @tparam O Type of tuple corresponding to HLO
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpTransformConstraint[I, HLI <: HList, M[_], N[_], HLO <: HList, O](
implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[I, HLI],
ev1: TransformConstraint[HLI, HLO, M, N],
ev2: HList2TupleConverter[O, HLO]): TransformConstraint[I, O, M, N] = new TransformConstraint[I, O, M, N] {
override def apply(f: M ~> N, t: I) = {
val hl = ev0(t)
val tr = ev1(f, hl)
/** Builder of [[constraint.ToListConstraint]] for tuples
* @tparam Z Type of the input tuple
* @tparam HL Type of HList corresponding to Z
* @tparam R Element type of resultant List
* @group Constraint Constructor
* @author Harshad Deo
* @since 0.1
implicit def tpToListConstraint[Z, HL, R](implicit ev0: Tuple2HListConverter[Z, HL],
ev1: ToListConstraint[HL, R]): ToListConstraint[Z, R] =
new ToListConstraint[Z, R] {
override def apply(z: Z): List[R] = ev1(ev0(z))
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