com.simtechdata.otpuri.OTPURI Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.simtechdata.otpuri;
import com.warrenstrange.googleauth.GoogleAuthenticator;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static com.simtechdata.otpuri.OTPParts.*;
public class OTPURI {
private static final String resource = "otpauth";
private static final String protocol = "totp";
private final int dbId;
private String labelIssuer;
private String labelAccount;
private String userTitle;
private String paramSecret;
private String paramIssuer;
private Algorithm paramAlgorithm; //Options: SHA1, SHA256, SHA512; default = SHA1
private String paramDigits; //Number of digits to return, default = 6
private String paramPeriod; //In Seconds, default = 30
private String loginURL;
private String loginUsername;
private String loginPassword;
private String notes;
private final GoogleAuthenticator gAuth;
* Builder class
public static class Builder {
* Default Constructor
public Builder() {
* Constructor where you can pass in the OTPAuth code retrieved from a QR code
* @param otpAuthString - OTPAuth String from QR Code
public Builder(String otpAuthString) {
this.otpAuthString = otpAuthString;
public Builder(int dbId, String otpAuthString) {
this.dbId = dbId;
this.otpAuthString = otpAuthString;
* This constructor can be used to create a new instance based on an existing instance
* where the values are identical to the instance passed in as argument.
* @param otpuri an instance of this class
public Builder(OTPURI otpuri) {
this.dbId = otpuri.dbId;
this.labelIssuer = otpuri.labelIssuer;
this.labelAccount = otpuri.labelAccount;
this.paramSecret = otpuri.paramSecret;
this.paramIssuer = otpuri.paramIssuer;
this.paramAlgorithm = otpuri.paramAlgorithm;
this.paramDigits = otpuri.paramDigits;
this.paramPeriod = otpuri.paramPeriod;
this.loginURL = otpuri.loginURL;
this.notes = otpuri.notes;
private String[] parseData(String data) {
String[] parsed = new String[2];
String regex = "(.+)(\\()(.+)(\\))";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex);
Matcher m = p.matcher(data);
if (m.matches()) {
parsed[0] =;
parsed[1] =;
else {
parsed[0] = "";
parsed[1] = "";
return parsed;
private Map getPartsMap() {
Map map = new HashMap<>();
String finalString = URLDecoder.decode(otpAuthString, StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1);
if (!finalString.contains(resource)) {
return null;
String[] lines = finalString.replaceFirst(resource + "://(hotp|totp)/", "").replaceFirst(resource + "://(hotp|totp)", "").split("\\?");
String first = lines[0];
String last = lines[1];
if (first.contains("(") && first.contains(")")) {
String[] parsed = parseData(first);
map.put(LABEL_ISSUER, parsed[0]);
map.put(LABEL_ACCOUNT, parsed[1]);
else if (first.contains(":")) {
String[] labelParts = first.split(":");
map.put(LABEL_ISSUER, labelParts[LABEL_ISSUER.index()]);
map.put(LABEL_ACCOUNT, labelParts[LABEL_ACCOUNT.index()]);
else if (first.length() > 2) {
if (assume.equals(Assume.ISSUER)) {
map.put(LABEL_ISSUER, first);
else {
map.put(LABEL_ACCOUNT, first);
String[] otpParameterArray = last.split("&");
for (String otpParameter : otpParameterArray) {
String[] parameterLabelValue = otpParameter.split("=");
String parameterLabel = parameterLabelValue[0].toLowerCase();
String parameterValue = parameterLabelValue[1];
switch (parameterLabel) {
case "secret" -> map.put(PARAM_SECRET, parameterValue);
case "issuer" -> map.put(PARAM_ISSUER, parameterValue);
case "algorithm" -> map.put(PARAM_ALGORITHM, parameterValue.toUpperCase());
case "digits" -> map.put(PARAM_DIGITS, parameterValue);
case "period" -> map.put(PARAM_PERIOD, parameterValue);
boolean hasIssuerParameter = map.containsKey(PARAM_ISSUER);
boolean hasIssuerLabel = map.containsKey(LABEL_ISSUER);
boolean addIssuerParameter = hasIssuerLabel && !hasIssuerParameter;
if (addIssuerParameter) {
map.put(PARAM_ISSUER, map.get(LABEL_ISSUER));
if (hasIssuerParameter) {
if (hasIssuerLabel) {
map.replace(LABEL_ISSUER, map.get(PARAM_ISSUER));
else {
map.put(LABEL_ISSUER, map.get(PARAM_ISSUER));
setFromAuthString = true;
return map;
private String labelIssuer = "";
private String labelAccount = "";
private String userTitle;
private String otpAuthString = "";
private String paramSecret = "";
private String paramIssuer = "";
private Algorithm paramAlgorithm = Algorithm.SHA1; //Options: SHA1, SHA256, SHA512; default = SHA1
private String paramDigits = "6"; //Number of digits to return, default = 6
private String paramPeriod = "30"; //In Seconds, default = 30
private String loginURL = "";
private String loginUsername = "";
private String loginPassword = "";
private String notes = "";
private boolean setFromAuthString = false;
private Assume assume = Assume.USERNAME;
private int dbId;
* This lets you set the id number in situations where you might have the auth string stored
* in a database table and you need to be able to reference this object by a unique id number.
* @param dbId - int
* @return Builder
public Builder dbId(int dbId) {
this.dbId = dbId;
return this;
* This lets you chose the behavior if only one element is provided in an otpAuth String.
* You can tell the library to Assume.USERNAME or Assume.COMPANY which will then place the
* single Label element under that specific label.
* @param assume - Assume
* @return Builder
public Builder assume(Assume assume) {
this.assume = assume;
return this;
* Pass in the name of Issuer to be assigned to the Label portion of the OTPAuth String
* @param issuer - String
* @return Builder
public Builder labelIssuer(String issuer) {
this.labelIssuer = issuer;
return this;
* Pass in the Issuer from the Parameter portion of the OTPAuth String.
* This might be different under unknown special cases
* @param issuer - String
* @return Builder
public Builder paramIssuer(String issuer) {
this.paramIssuer = issuer;
return this;
* Pass in the name of the issuer to be used on both the Label and Parameter oprtion of the OTPAuth String
* @param issuer - String
* @return Builder
public Builder issuer(String issuer) {
this.labelIssuer = issuer;
this.paramIssuer = issuer;
return this;
* Pass in the String for the User Title which can be used to assign a unique identifier of the users choosing. Could be useful for differentiating multiple accounts that exist at the same service provider.
* @param userTitle - String
* @return Builder
public Builder userTitle(String userTitle) {
this.userTitle = userTitle;
return this;
* Pass in the account name of the account that logs into the web site
* @param accountName - String
* @return Builder
public Builder accountName(String accountName) {
this.labelAccount = accountName;
return this;
* Pass in the secret that was generated at the time two factor authentication was enabled on the website.
* @param secret - String
* @return Builder
public Builder secret(String secret) {
this.paramSecret = secret;
return this;
* Pass in the algorithm that is used to generate the One Time Password
* This must be of the Algorithm enum datatype
* @param algorithm - Algorithm enum
* @return Builder
public Builder algorithm(Algorithm algorithm) {
this.paramAlgorithm = algorithm;
return this;
* Pass in the number of One Time Password digits what will be returned when the OTP is generated
* @param returnDigits - int (6, 7, or 8)
* @return Builder
public Builder digits(int returnDigits) {
if (returnDigits < 6 || returnDigits > 8) {
System.err.println("digits (in Builder sentence) must be one of these numbers: 6, 7, or 8");
else {
this.paramDigits = String.valueOf(returnDigits);
return this;
* Pass in the amount of time that the One Time Password will be valid
* @param period - int (15, 30 or 60)
* @return Builder
public Builder period(int period) {
boolean valid = (period == 15) || (period == 30) || (period == 60);
if (!valid) {
System.err.println("period (in Builder sentence) can only be 15, 30, or 60");
else {
this.paramPeriod = String.valueOf(period);
return this;
* Set the URL that has the login controls for the OTP account
* @param loginURL - String
* @return Builder
public Builder loginURL(String loginURL) {
this.loginURL = loginURL;
return this;
* Set the Login Username for the service that uses the OTP
* @param loginUsername - String
* @return Builder
public Builder loginUsername(String loginUsername) {
this.loginUsername = loginUsername;
return this;
* Set the Login Password for the service that uses the OTP
* @param loginPassword - String
* @return Builder
public Builder loginPassword(String loginPassword) {
this.loginPassword = loginPassword;
return this;
* Set any misc notes that you wish to attach to this OTPURI object.
* @param notes - String
* @return Builder
public Builder notes(String notes) {
this.notes = notes;
return this;
* This returns the OTPURI class that has been built with this Builder class
* @return OTPURI
public OTPURI build() {
if (!otpAuthString.isEmpty()) {
Map partsMap = getPartsMap();
if (partsMap != null) {
for (OTPParts part : partsMap.keySet()) {
switch (part) {
case LABEL_ISSUER -> labelIssuer = partsMap.get(LABEL_ISSUER);
case LABEL_ACCOUNT -> labelAccount = partsMap.get(LABEL_ACCOUNT);
case PARAM_SECRET -> paramSecret = partsMap.get(PARAM_SECRET);
case PARAM_ISSUER -> paramIssuer = partsMap.get(PARAM_ISSUER);
paramAlgorithm = Algorithm.getAlgorithm(partsMap.get(PARAM_ALGORITHM));
case PARAM_DIGITS -> paramDigits = partsMap.get(PARAM_DIGITS);
case PARAM_PERIOD -> paramPeriod = partsMap.get(PARAM_PERIOD);
if (paramSecret.isEmpty()) {
System.err.println("No secret (in OTPURI Build sentence) was provided yet it is mandatory.");
return null;
if (labelAccount.isEmpty()) {
labelAccount = "UnknownUsername";
if (setFromAuthString) {
String issuer = randomCompany();
boolean issuerEmpty = (labelIssuer == null) ? true : labelIssuer.isEmpty();
boolean paramIssuerEmpty = (paramIssuer == null) ? true : paramIssuer.isEmpty();
if (issuerEmpty) {
labelIssuer = issuer;
if (paramIssuerEmpty) {
paramIssuer = issuer;
return new OTPURI(this);
private String randomCompany() {
Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
int num = random.nextInt(1000, 9998);
return "Unknown Company " + num;
private OTPURI(Builder build) {
this.dbId = build.dbId;
this.labelIssuer = build.labelIssuer;
this.labelAccount = build.labelAccount;
this.userTitle = build.userTitle;
this.paramSecret = build.paramSecret;
this.paramIssuer = build.paramIssuer;
this.paramAlgorithm = build.paramAlgorithm;
this.paramDigits = build.paramDigits;
this.paramPeriod = build.paramPeriod;
this.loginURL = build.loginURL;
this.loginUsername = build.loginUsername;
this.loginPassword = build.loginPassword;
this.notes = build.notes;
this.gAuth = new GoogleAuthenticator();
public static OTPURI fromImage(File qrCodeFile) throws NotFoundException, IOException {
String otpAuth = decodeBufferedQRImage(qrCodeFile);
OTPURI otpuri = null;
if (!otpAuth.isEmpty()) {
otpuri = new OTPURI.Builder(otpAuth).build();
return otpuri;
private static String decodeBufferedQRImage(File qrCodeFile) throws IOException, NotFoundException {
Result result;
BufferedImage bufferedImage =;
LuminanceSource source = new BufferedImageLuminanceSource(bufferedImage);
BinaryBitmap bitmap = new BinaryBitmap(new HybridBinarizer(source));
result = new MultiFormatReader().decode(bitmap);
return (result == null) ? "" : result.getText();
private static String decodeBufferedQRImage(BufferedImage bufferedImage) {
Result result;
try {
LuminanceSource source = new BufferedImageLuminanceSource(bufferedImage);
BinaryBitmap bitmap = new BinaryBitmap(new HybridBinarizer(source));
result = new MultiFormatReader().decode(bitmap);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
return "";
return (result == null) ? "" : result.getText();
private String cleanSecret() {
String sb = paramSecret;
sb = sb.replaceFirst("\\s+", "");
sb = sb.replaceFirst("\\.", "");
sb = sb.replaceFirst("_", "");
sb = sb.replaceFirst("-", "");
sb = sb.replaceFirst("//g", "");
sb = sb.replaceFirst("/g", "");
return sb;
private String getLabel() {
return "/" + labelIssuer + ":" + labelAccount;
private String getParameters() {
return "secret=" + cleanSecret() +
((paramIssuer.isEmpty()) ? paramIssuer : "&issuer=" + paramIssuer) +
((paramAlgorithm.get().isEmpty()) ? paramAlgorithm : "&algorithm=" + paramAlgorithm) +
((paramDigits.isEmpty()) ? paramDigits : "&digits=" + paramDigits) +
((paramPeriod.isEmpty()) ? paramPeriod : "&period=" + paramPeriod);
private String zeroPadding(String otpString) {
int digits = Integer.parseInt(paramDigits);
int delta = digits - otpString.length();
return "0".repeat(Math.max(0, delta)) + otpString;
private String splitOTP(String otpString) {
String otpLeft = "";
String otpRight = "";
switch (paramDigits) {
case "6" -> {
otpLeft = otpString.substring(0, 3);
otpRight = otpString.substring(3, 6);
case "7" -> {
otpLeft = otpString.substring(0, 3);
otpRight = otpString.substring(3, 7);
case "8" -> {
otpLeft = otpString.substring(0, 4);
otpRight = otpString.substring(4, 8);
return otpLeft + "-" + otpRight;
* It can be beneficial in the interest of ensuring you do not keep duplicate OTPAuth Strings in memory,
* to be able to compare this class instance against another instance of this class to find out if the
* OTPAuth Strings are the same. And that is what this methods does.
* @param otpuri - an OTPURI instance
* @return - true if argument is same as instance
public boolean equals(OTPURI otpuri) {
return this.toString().equals(otpuri.toString());
* Sometimes it's nice to know if two OTPURI objects have the same secret where other aspects
* of the object might be different from one another. This will tell you with absolute certainty
* if teo OTPURI objects are the same at their core level.
* @param otpuri - an OTPURI instance
* @return - true if this secret is same as instance
public boolean sameSecret(OTPURI otpuri) {
return this.getSecret().equals(otpuri.getSecret());
* Optional database ID that you can set on this object.
* @return - int
public int getDbId() {
return dbId;
* gets the HTML formatted OTPAuth
* @return - String
public String getOTPAuthString() throws URISyntaxException {
URI uri = new URI(resource, protocol, getLabel(), getParameters(), null);
return uri.toASCIIString();
* gets the friendly formatted OTPAuth (not HTML formatted)
* @return - String
public String getOTPAuthStringDecoded() throws URISyntaxException {
return URLDecoder.decode(getOTPAuthString(), StandardCharsets.US_ASCII);
* gets the account name portion of the OTPAuth
* @return - String
public String getLabelAccount() {
return labelAccount;
* gets the User Title String from the OTP
* @return - String
public String getUserTitle() {
return userTitle;
* gets the secret key used to generate the synchronized One Time Password
* @return - String
public String getSecret() {
return paramSecret;
* gets the Issuer from the OTPAuth String
* @return - String
public String getIssuer() {
return (labelIssuer.isEmpty() ? paramIssuer : labelIssuer);
* gets the Issuer assigned to the label
* @return - String
public String getLabelIssuer() {
return labelIssuer;
* gets the Issuer assigned to the parameter
* @return - String
public String getParamIssuer() {
return paramIssuer;
* gets the algorithm from the OTPAuth String
* @return - String
public String getAlgorithmString() {
return paramAlgorithm.get();
* gets the algorithm from the OTPAuth String
* @return - Algorithm
public Algorithm getAlgorithm() {
return paramAlgorithm;
* gets the number of digits that the One Time Password algorithm should generate
* @return - int (6, 7 or 8)
public int getDigits() {
return Integer.parseInt(paramDigits);
* gets the period of time when the user can enter the One Time Password before the password expires
* @return - int (15, 30 or 60)
public int getPeriod() {
return Integer.parseInt(paramPeriod);
* gets the current One Time Password for the assigned secret.
* @return - String
public String getOTPString() {
return zeroPadding(String.valueOf(gAuth.getTotpPassword(this.paramSecret)));
* gets the One Time Password for the assigned secret, based on the time value passed in as argument.
* @param time - long
* @return - String
public String getOTPString(long time) {
return zeroPadding(String.valueOf(gAuth.getTotpPassword(this.paramSecret, time)));
* Same as getOTPString() only it will insert a dash(-) at the mid-point.
* @return - String
public String getOTPSplit() {
String otpString = zeroPadding(String.valueOf(gAuth.getTotpPassword(this.paramSecret)));
return splitOTP(otpString);
* Same as getOTPString(long time) only it will insert a dash(-) at the mid-point.
* @return - String
public String getOTPSplit(long time) {
String otpString = zeroPadding(String.valueOf(gAuth.getTotpPassword(this.paramSecret, time)));
return splitOTP(otpString);
* gets the login URL that was assigned with setLoginURL()
* @return - String
public String getLoginURL() {
return (loginURL != null && !loginURL.isEmpty()) ? loginURL : "";
* gets the login Username for the service that issued the OTP
* @return - String
public String getLoginUsername() {
return (loginUsername != null && !loginUsername.isEmpty()) ? loginUsername : "";
* gets the login Password for the service that issued the OTP
* @return - String
public String getLoginPassword() {
return (loginPassword != null && !loginPassword.isEmpty()) ? loginPassword : "";
* gets whatever text is currently in the assigned notes for the object.
* @return String
public String getNotes() {
return notes;
* Set the Issuer for the Label
* @param issuer - String
public void setLabelIssuer(String issuer) {
this.labelIssuer = issuer;
* Set the String for the User Title, which could be useful for differentiating between multiple accounts that exist with the same service provider.
* @param userTitle - String
public void setUserTitle(String userTitle) {
this.userTitle = userTitle;
* Set the user login name for the Label
* @param account - String
public void setAccount(String account) {
this.labelAccount = account;
* Set the Secret for the OTP
* @param secret - String
public void setSecret(String secret) {
this.paramSecret = secret;
* Set the Issuer for the parameter
* @param issuer - String
public void setParamIssuer(String issuer) {
this.paramIssuer = issuer;
* Set the algorithm
* @param algorithm - Algorithm
public void setAlgorithm(Algorithm algorithm) {
this.paramAlgorithm = algorithm;
* set the number of digits
* Must be either 6, 7, or 8
* @param digits - Integer
public void setDigits(Integer digits) {
this.paramDigits = String.valueOf(digits);
* Set the period of time before password times out
* Must be either 15, 30, or 60
* @param period - Integer
public void setPeriod(Integer period) {
this.paramPeriod = String.valueOf(period);
* Use this to set the loginURL for the site this OTPAuth was generated for.
* @param loginURL - String
public void setLoginURL(String loginURL) {
this.loginURL = loginURL;
* Use this to set the loginURL for the site this OTPAuth was generated for.
* @param loginUsername - String
public void setLoginUsername(String loginUsername) {
this.loginUsername = loginUsername;
* Use this to set the loginURL for the site this OTPAuth was generated for.
* @param loginPassword - String
public void setLoginPassword(String loginPassword) {
this.loginPassword = loginPassword;
* Use this to set any misc notes you wish to assign to this OTPURI object.
* @param notes - String
public void setNotes(String notes) {
this.notes = notes;
* Use this to set BOTH the issuer for the Label and the Parameter
* @param issuer - String
public void setIssuer(String issuer) {
this.labelIssuer = issuer;
this.paramIssuer = issuer;
* gets the current One Time Password for the assigned secret.
* @return - int
public int getOTP() {
return gAuth.getTotpPassword(this.paramSecret);
* gets the One Time Password for the assigned secret, based on the time value passed in as argument.
* @param time - long
* @return - int
public int getOTP(long time) {
return gAuth.getTotpPassword(this.paramSecret, time);
* Overriden toString which will return the HTML formatted version of the OTPAuth String
* @return - String
public String toString() {
try {
return getOTPAuthString();
} catch (URISyntaxException ignored) {
return "";
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