lang.en_US.yml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
plugin-prefix: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] '
plugin-debug: '&d[&9Pouvoir-Debug&d] '
command-reload: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &aPouvoir have been reloaded!'
command-script-invoke: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &aInvoking Script &6{0} &a!'
command-script-invoke-end: "&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &eInvocation of &6{0} &ereturn: &b{0} &e, in &9{1}"
command-script-wrong: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &cThere was an error during invoking the script &6{0} &c!'
static-class-not-found: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &cThe class &6{0} &cdosen`t exist!'
script-compile-start: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &aStart to compile &6{0}&a...'
script-compile-end: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &aCompiled &6{0} &asuccessfully in &9{1}!'
script-compile-fail: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &cThere was an error during compiling the script &6{0} &c! Please check.'
script-file-not-found: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &cCan t found the script file &6{0} &c! Please check.'
script-invoke-wrong-format: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &cIf you wanna invoke script file`s function, you should write it in this format: &6{file`s path}.js::{function`s name} &c instead of &4{0}!'
script-engine-not-found: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &cCan t found the PouScriptEngine &6{0} &c! Please check.'
script-engine-valid-suffix: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &cCan t found the PouScriptEngine with suffix &6{0} &c! Please check. &7({1})'
function-wrong-arguments: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &cWrong arguments while calling the function &6{0} &c!'
pou-placeholder-register: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &ePouPlaceholder &6{0} &ehas successfully registered! From: &d{1} &9{2} &eBy: &a{3}'
- '&f&m─&6&m────────────────────────────────&6&f&m─'
- ' &9Command List:'
- ' &d- &ehelp &5—— &aShow the help of command'
- ' &d- &einfo &5—— &aShow the info of Pouvoir.'
- ' &d- &erun &btype path function (args) &5—— &aRun a function of a script'
- ' &d- &eeval &btype script &5—— &aEval script'
- ' &d- report &5—— &aCheck Mirror Data.'
- ' &d- clear &5—— &aClear Mirror Data'
- ' &d- &ereload &5—— &aReload Pouvoir'
- '&f&m─&6&m────────────────────────────────&6&f&m─'
wrong-command-message: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &cWrong command!'
command-clear: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &aMirrorData has been cleared!'
command-switch-message: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &aYou selected the message type &6{0} &a!'
command-script-eval: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &aEvaluating Script &6Eval-{0} &a!'
command-script-eval-done: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &aThe Script &6Eval-{0} &ahas been evaluated! return: &b{1}&a, in &9{2} &a!'
command-debug-on: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &aTurn on &bDebug Mode&a.'
command-debug-off: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &cTurn off &bDebug Mode&c.'
script-invoking-info: "&eInvoking script &6{0} &e's function &d{1}"
script-invoking-arguments: "&eArguments: "
script-invoking-parameters: "&eParameters: "
script-invoking-error: "&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &cError occurred while invoking script &6{0} &c's function &d{1}"
script-global-js-not-found: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &cNo such file called &6{0} &c!'
annotation-listener-register: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &aScript Listener &6{0} &ahas been registered!'
annotation-listener-unregister: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &cScript Listener &6{0} &chas been unregistered!'
annotation-asahi-prefix-register: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &aScript Asahi Prefix Parser &6{0} &ahas been registered!'
annotation-asahi-prefix-unregister: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &cScript Asahi Prefix Parser &6{0} &chas been unregistered!'
annotation-asahi-infix-register: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &aScript Asahi Infix Parser &6{0} &ahas been registered!'
annotation-asahi-infix-unregister: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &cScript Asahi Infix Parser &6{0} &chas been unregistered!'
annotation-awake-register: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &aScript Awake &6{0} &d{1} &ahas been registered!'
annotation-awake-unregister: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &cScript Awake &6{0} &chas been unregistered!'
annotation-awake-running: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &aScript Awake &6{0} &ais running!'
annotation-annotation-register: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &aScript Annotation &6{0} &ahas been registered!'
annotation-annotation-unregister: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &cScript Annotation &6{0} &chas been unregistered!'
annotation-placeholder-register: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &aScript Placeholder &6{0} &ahas been registered!'
annotation-placeholder-unregister: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &cScript Placeholder &6{0} &chas been unregistered!'
annotation-mechanic-register: '&d[&9AttributeSystem&d] &aMechanic &6{0} &ahas been registered!'
annotation-mechanic-unregister: '&d[&9AttributeSystem&d] &cMechanic &6{0} &chas been unregistered!'
annotation-condition-register: '&d[&9AttributeSystem&d] &aCondition &6{0} &ahas been registered!'
annotation-condition-unregister: '&d[&9AttributeSystem&d] &cCondition &6{0} &chas been unregistered!'
annotation-string-operation-register: '&d[&9AttributeSystem&d] &aString Operation &6{0} &ahas been registered!'
annotation-string-operation-unregister: '&d[&9AttributeSystem&d] &cString Operation &6{0} &chas been unregistered!'
annotation-number-operation-register: '&d[&9AttributeSystem&d] &aNumber Operation &6{0} &ahas been registered!'
annotation-number-operation-unregister: '&d[&9AttributeSystem&d] &cNumber Operation &6{0} &chas been unregistered!'
kotlin-unit: '&7null'
class-not-found: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &cClass &6{0} &cdosen`t exist!'
wrong-config: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &cConfig &6{0} &cis wrong!'
wrong-config-cause: '&d[&9Pouvoir&d] &cCause: &f{0}'
plugin-load: '&d[&9{0}&d] &6{0} &ahas been loaded!'
plugin-enable: '&d[&9{0}&d] &6{0} &ahas been enabled!'
plugin-disable: '&d[&9{0}&d] &6{0} &chas been disabled!'
asahi-potion-unsupportable: '&d[&9Asahi&d] Unsupportable Potion Type {0}'
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