com.sksamuel.avro4s.decoders.strings.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.sksamuel.avro4s.decoders
import com.sksamuel.avro4s.avroutils.ByteBufferHelper
import com.sksamuel.avro4s.{Avro4sConfigurationException, Avro4sDecodingException, Decoder}
import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericFixed
import org.apache.avro.util.Utf8
import org.apache.avro.Schema
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.util.UUID
trait StringDecoders:
given Decoder[String] = StringDecoder
given Decoder[Utf8] = UTF8Decoder
given Decoder[CharSequence] = CharSequenceDecoder
given Decoder[UUID] =
* A [[Decoder]] for Strings that pattern matches on the incoming type to decode.
* The schema is not used, meaning this decoder is forgiving of types that do not conform to
* the schema, but are nevertheless useable.
object StringDecoder extends Decoder[String] :
override def decode(schema: Schema): Any => String = { string =>
string match {
case utf8: Utf8 => utf8.toString
case string: String => string
case charseq: CharSequence => charseq.toString
case b: Array[Byte] => new Utf8(b).toString
case bytes: ByteBuffer => new Utf8(ByteBufferHelper.asArray(bytes)).toString
case fixed: GenericFixed => new Utf8(fixed.bytes()).toString
case _ => throw new Avro4sDecodingException(s"Unsupported type $string ${string.getClass} for StringDecoder", string)
object CharSequenceDecoder extends Decoder[CharSequence]:
override def decode(schema: Schema): Any => CharSequence = { string =>
string match {
case utf8: Utf8 => utf8
case string: String => string
case charseq: CharSequence => charseq
case b: Array[Byte] => new Utf8(b)
case bytes: ByteBuffer => new Utf8(ByteBufferHelper.asArray(bytes))
case fixed: GenericFixed => new Utf8(fixed.bytes())
* A [[Decoder]] for UTF8 that pattern matches on the incoming type to decode.
* The schema is not used, meaning this decoder is forgiving of types that do not conform to
* the schema, but are nevertheless useable.
object UTF8Decoder extends Decoder[Utf8] :
override def decode(schema: Schema): Any => Utf8 = { string =>
string match {
case utf8: Utf8 => utf8
case string: String => new Utf8(string)
case b: Array[Byte] => new Utf8(b)
case bytes: ByteBuffer => new Utf8(ByteBufferHelper.asArray(bytes))
case fixed: GenericFixed => new Utf8(fixed.bytes())
object StrictStringDecoder extends Decoder[String] :
override def decode(schema: Schema): Any => String = schema.getType match {
case Schema.Type.STRING => UTF8StringDecoder.decode(schema)
case Schema.Type.BYTES => ByteStringDecoder.decode(schema)
case Schema.Type.FIXED => GenericFixedStringDecoder.decode(schema)
case _ => throw new Avro4sConfigurationException(s"Unsupported type for string schema: $schema")
* A [[Decoder]] for Strings that decodes from avro's [[Utf8]]s.
object UTF8StringDecoder extends Decoder[String] :
override def decode(schema: Schema): Any => String = { input =>
input match {
case utf8: Utf8 => utf8.toString
* A [[Decoder]] for Strings that decodes from [[ByteBuffer]]s.
object ByteStringDecoder extends Decoder[String] :
override def decode(schema: Schema): Any => String = { input =>
input match {
case b: Array[Byte] => new Utf8(b).toString
case bytes: ByteBuffer => new Utf8(ByteBufferHelper.asArray(bytes)).toString
* A [[Decoder]] for Strings that decodes from [[GenericFixed]]s.
object GenericFixedStringDecoder extends Decoder[String] :
override def decode(schema: Schema): Any => String = {
require(schema.getType == Schema.Type.FIXED)
{ input =>
input match {
case fixed: GenericFixed => new Utf8(fixed.bytes()).toString
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