kafka.controller.ControllerChannelManager.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
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package kafka.controller
import kafka.network.{Receive, BlockingChannel}
import kafka.utils.{Logging, ShutdownableThread}
import collection.mutable.HashMap
import kafka.cluster.Broker
import java.util.concurrent.{LinkedBlockingQueue, BlockingQueue}
import kafka.server.KafkaConfig
import collection.mutable
import kafka.api._
import org.apache.log4j.Logger
import kafka.common.TopicAndPartition
class ControllerChannelManager (private val controllerContext: ControllerContext, config: KafkaConfig) extends Logging {
private val brokerStateInfo = new HashMap[Int, ControllerBrokerStateInfo]
private val brokerLock = new Object
this.logIdent = "[Channel manager on controller " + config.brokerId + "]: "
def startup() = {
brokerLock synchronized {
brokerStateInfo.foreach(brokerState => startRequestSendThread(brokerState._1))
def shutdown() = {
brokerLock synchronized {
brokerStateInfo.foreach(brokerState => removeExistingBroker(brokerState._1))
def sendRequest(brokerId : Int, request : RequestOrResponse, callback: (RequestOrResponse) => Unit = null) {
brokerLock synchronized {
val stateInfoOpt = brokerStateInfo.get(brokerId)
stateInfoOpt match {
case Some(stateInfo) =>
stateInfo.messageQueue.put((request, callback))
case None =>
warn("Not sending request %s to broker %d, since it is offline.".format(request, brokerId))
def addBroker(broker: Broker) {
// be careful here. Maybe the startup() API has already started the request send thread
brokerLock synchronized {
if(!brokerStateInfo.contains(broker.id)) {
def removeBroker(brokerId: Int) {
brokerLock synchronized {
private def addNewBroker(broker: Broker) {
val messageQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue[(RequestOrResponse, (RequestOrResponse) => Unit)](config.controllerMessageQueueSize)
debug("Controller %d trying to connect to broker %d".format(config.brokerId,broker.id))
val channel = new BlockingChannel(broker.host, broker.port,
val requestThread = new RequestSendThread(config.brokerId, controllerContext, broker.id, messageQueue, channel)
brokerStateInfo.put(broker.id, new ControllerBrokerStateInfo(channel, broker, messageQueue, requestThread))
private def removeExistingBroker(brokerId: Int) {
try {
}catch {
case e: Exception => error("Error while removing broker by the controller", e)
private def startRequestSendThread(brokerId: Int) {
val requestThread = brokerStateInfo(brokerId).requestSendThread
if(requestThread.getState == Thread.State.NEW)
class RequestSendThread(val controllerId: Int,
val controllerContext: ControllerContext,
val toBrokerId: Int,
val queue: BlockingQueue[(RequestOrResponse, (RequestOrResponse) => Unit)],
val channel: BlockingChannel)
extends ShutdownableThread("Controller-%d-to-broker-%d-send-thread".format(controllerId, toBrokerId)) {
private val lock = new Object()
private val stateChangeLogger = Logger.getLogger(KafkaController.stateChangeLogger)
override def doWork(): Unit = {
val queueItem = queue.take()
val request = queueItem._1
val callback = queueItem._2
var receive: Receive = null
lock synchronized {
channel.connect() // establish a socket connection if needed
receive = channel.receive()
var response: RequestOrResponse = null
request.requestId.get match {
case RequestKeys.LeaderAndIsrKey =>
response = LeaderAndIsrResponse.readFrom(receive.buffer)
case RequestKeys.StopReplicaKey =>
response = StopReplicaResponse.readFrom(receive.buffer)
case RequestKeys.UpdateMetadataKey =>
response = UpdateMetadataResponse.readFrom(receive.buffer)
stateChangeLogger.trace("Controller %d epoch %d received response correlationId %d for a request sent to broker %d"
.format(controllerId, controllerContext.epoch, response.correlationId, toBrokerId))
if(callback != null){
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
warn("Controller %d fails to send a request to broker %d".format(controllerId, toBrokerId), e)
// If there is any socket error (eg, socket timeout), the channel is no longer usable and needs to be recreated.
class ControllerBrokerRequestBatch(controllerContext: ControllerContext, sendRequest: (Int, RequestOrResponse, (RequestOrResponse) => Unit) => Unit,
controllerId: Int, clientId: String)
extends Logging {
val leaderAndIsrRequestMap = new mutable.HashMap[Int, mutable.HashMap[(String, Int), PartitionStateInfo]]
val stopReplicaRequestMap = new mutable.HashMap[Int, Seq[(String, Int)]]
val stopAndDeleteReplicaRequestMap = new mutable.HashMap[Int, Seq[(String, Int)]]
val updateMetadataRequestMap = new mutable.HashMap[Int, mutable.HashMap[TopicAndPartition, PartitionStateInfo]]
private val stateChangeLogger = Logger.getLogger(KafkaController.stateChangeLogger)
def newBatch() {
// raise error if the previous batch is not empty
if(leaderAndIsrRequestMap.size > 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("Controller to broker state change requests batch is not empty while creating " +
"a new one. Some LeaderAndIsr state changes %s might be lost ".format(leaderAndIsrRequestMap.toString()))
if(stopReplicaRequestMap.size > 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("Controller to broker state change requests batch is not empty while creating a " +
"new one. Some StopReplica state changes %s might be lost ".format(stopReplicaRequestMap.toString()))
if(updateMetadataRequestMap.size > 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("Controller to broker state change requests batch is not empty while creating a " +
"new one. Some UpdateMetadata state changes %s might be lost ".format(updateMetadataRequestMap.toString()))
if(stopAndDeleteReplicaRequestMap.size > 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("Controller to broker state change requests batch is not empty while creating a " +
"new one. Some StopReplica with delete state changes %s might be lost ".format(stopAndDeleteReplicaRequestMap.toString()))
def addLeaderAndIsrRequestForBrokers(brokerIds: Seq[Int], topic: String, partition: Int,
leaderIsrAndControllerEpoch: LeaderIsrAndControllerEpoch,
replicas: Seq[Int]) {
brokerIds.foreach { brokerId =>
leaderAndIsrRequestMap.getOrElseUpdate(brokerId, new mutable.HashMap[(String, Int), PartitionStateInfo])
leaderAndIsrRequestMap(brokerId).put((topic, partition),
PartitionStateInfo(leaderIsrAndControllerEpoch, replicas.toSet))
addUpdateMetadataRequestForBrokers(controllerContext.liveOrShuttingDownBrokerIds.toSeq, Set(TopicAndPartition(topic, partition)))
def addStopReplicaRequestForBrokers(brokerIds: Seq[Int], topic: String, partition: Int, deletePartition: Boolean) {
brokerIds.foreach { brokerId =>
stopReplicaRequestMap.getOrElseUpdate(brokerId, Seq.empty[(String, Int)])
stopAndDeleteReplicaRequestMap.getOrElseUpdate(brokerId, Seq.empty[(String, Int)])
if (deletePartition) {
val v = stopAndDeleteReplicaRequestMap(brokerId)
stopAndDeleteReplicaRequestMap(brokerId) = v :+ (topic, partition)
else {
val v = stopReplicaRequestMap(brokerId)
stopReplicaRequestMap(brokerId) = v :+ (topic, partition)
def addUpdateMetadataRequestForBrokers(brokerIds: Seq[Int],
partitions:scala.collection.Set[TopicAndPartition] = Set.empty[TopicAndPartition]) {
val partitionList =
if(partitions.isEmpty) {
} else {
partitionList.foreach { partition =>
val leaderIsrAndControllerEpochOpt = controllerContext.partitionLeadershipInfo.get(partition)
leaderIsrAndControllerEpochOpt match {
case Some(leaderIsrAndControllerEpoch) =>
val replicas = controllerContext.partitionReplicaAssignment(partition).toSet
val partitionStateInfo = PartitionStateInfo(leaderIsrAndControllerEpoch, replicas)
brokerIds.foreach { brokerId =>
updateMetadataRequestMap.getOrElseUpdate(brokerId, new mutable.HashMap[TopicAndPartition, PartitionStateInfo])
updateMetadataRequestMap(brokerId).put(partition, partitionStateInfo)
case None =>
info("Leader not assigned yet for partition %s. Skip sending udpate metadata request".format(partition))
def sendRequestsToBrokers(controllerEpoch: Int, correlationId: Int, liveBrokers: Set[Broker]) {
leaderAndIsrRequestMap.foreach { m =>
val broker = m._1
val partitionStateInfos = m._2.toMap
val leaderIds = partitionStateInfos.map(_._2.leaderIsrAndControllerEpoch.leaderAndIsr.leader).toSet
val aliveLeaders = liveBrokers.filter(b => leaderIds.contains(b.id))
val leaderAndIsrRequest = new LeaderAndIsrRequest(partitionStateInfos, aliveLeaders, controllerId, controllerEpoch, correlationId,
for (p <- partitionStateInfos) {
val typeOfRequest = if (broker == p._2.leaderIsrAndControllerEpoch.leaderAndIsr.leader) "become-leader" else "become-follower"
stateChangeLogger.trace(("Controller %d epoch %d sending %s LeaderAndIsr request with correlationId %d to broker %d " +
"for partition [%s,%d]").format(controllerId, controllerEpoch, typeOfRequest, correlationId, broker,
p._1._1, p._1._2))
sendRequest(broker, leaderAndIsrRequest, null)
updateMetadataRequestMap.foreach { m =>
val broker = m._1
val partitionStateInfos = m._2.toMap
val updateMetadataRequest = new UpdateMetadataRequest(controllerId, controllerEpoch, correlationId, clientId,
partitionStateInfos, controllerContext.liveOrShuttingDownBrokers)
partitionStateInfos.foreach(p => stateChangeLogger.trace(("Controller %d epoch %d sending UpdateMetadata request with " +
"correlationId %d to broker %d for partition %s").format(controllerId, controllerEpoch, correlationId, broker, p._1)))
sendRequest(broker, updateMetadataRequest, null)
Seq((stopReplicaRequestMap, false), (stopAndDeleteReplicaRequestMap, true)) foreach {
case(m, deletePartitions) => {
m foreach {
case(broker, replicas) =>
if (replicas.size > 0) {
debug("The stop replica request (delete = %s) sent to broker %d is %s"
.format(deletePartitions, broker, replicas.mkString(",")))
val stopReplicaRequest = new StopReplicaRequest(deletePartitions, Set.empty[(String, Int)] ++ replicas, controllerId,
controllerEpoch, correlationId)
sendRequest(broker, stopReplicaRequest, null)
case class ControllerBrokerStateInfo(channel: BlockingChannel,
broker: Broker,
messageQueue: BlockingQueue[(RequestOrResponse, (RequestOrResponse) => Unit)],
requestSendThread: RequestSendThread)
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