kafka.log.Log.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package kafka.log
import kafka.api.OffsetRequest
import java.io.{IOException, File}
import java.util.{Comparator, Collections, ArrayList}
import java.util.concurrent.atomic._
import kafka.utils._
import scala.math._
import java.text.NumberFormat
import kafka.server.BrokerTopicStats
import kafka.message._
import kafka.common._
import kafka.metrics.KafkaMetricsGroup
import com.yammer.metrics.core.Gauge
object Log {
val LogFileSuffix = ".log"
val IndexFileSuffix = ".index"
* Search for the greatest range with start <= the target value.
def findRange[T <: Range](ranges: Array[T], value: Long, arraySize: Int): Option[T] = {
if(ranges.size < 1)
return None
// check out of bounds
if(value < ranges(0).start)
return None
var low = 0
var high = arraySize - 1
while(low < high) {
val mid = ceil((high + low) / 2.0).toInt
val found = ranges(mid)
if(found.start == value)
return Some(found)
else if (value < found.start)
high = mid - 1
low = mid
def findRange[T <: Range](ranges: Array[T], value: Long): Option[T] =
findRange(ranges, value, ranges.length)
* Make log segment file name from offset bytes. All this does is pad out the offset number with zeros
* so that ls sorts the files numerically
def filenamePrefixFromOffset(offset: Long): String = {
val nf = NumberFormat.getInstance()
def logFilename(dir: File, offset: Long) =
new File(dir, filenamePrefixFromOffset(offset) + LogFileSuffix)
def indexFilename(dir: File, offset: Long) =
new File(dir, filenamePrefixFromOffset(offset) + IndexFileSuffix)
def getEmptyOffsets(timestamp: Long): Seq[Long] =
if (timestamp == OffsetRequest.LatestTime || timestamp == OffsetRequest.EarliestTime)
else Nil
* An append-only log for storing messages.
* The log is a sequence of LogSegments, each with a base offset denoting the first message in the segment.
* New log segments are created according to a configurable policy that controls the size in bytes or time interval
* for a given segment.
private[kafka] class Log(val dir: File,
val maxLogFileSize: Int,
val maxMessageSize: Int,
val flushInterval: Int = Int.MaxValue,
val rollIntervalMs: Long = Long.MaxValue,
val needsRecovery: Boolean,
val maxIndexSize: Int = (10*1024*1024),
val indexIntervalBytes: Int = 4096,
time: Time = SystemTime,
brokerId: Int = 0) extends Logging with KafkaMetricsGroup {
this.logIdent = "[Kafka Log on Broker " + brokerId + "], "
import kafka.log.Log._
/* A lock that guards all modifications to the log */
private val lock = new Object
/* The current number of unflushed messages appended to the write */
private val unflushed = new AtomicInteger(0)
/* last time it was flushed */
private val lastflushedTime = new AtomicLong(System.currentTimeMillis)
/* the actual segments of the log */
private[log] val segments: SegmentList[LogSegment] = loadSegments()
/* Calculate the offset of the next message */
private var nextOffset: AtomicLong = new AtomicLong(segments.view.last.nextOffset())
info("Completed load of log %s with log end offset %d".format(name, logEndOffset))
newGauge(name + "-" + "NumLogSegments",
new Gauge[Int] { def value = numberOfSegments })
newGauge(name + "-" + "LogEndOffset",
new Gauge[Long] { def value = logEndOffset })
/* The name of this log */
def name = dir.getName()
/* Load the log segments from the log files on disk */
private def loadSegments(): SegmentList[LogSegment] = {
// open all the segments read-only
val logSegments = new ArrayList[LogSegment]
val ls = dir.listFiles()
if(ls != null) {
for(file <- ls if file.isFile) {
val filename = file.getName()
if(!file.canRead) {
throw new IOException("Could not read file " + file)
} else if(filename.endsWith(IndexFileSuffix)) {
// ensure that we have a corresponding log file for this index file
val log = new File(file.getAbsolutePath.replace(IndexFileSuffix, LogFileSuffix))
if(!log.exists) {
warn("Found an orphaned index file, %s, with no corresponding log file.".format(file.getAbsolutePath))
} else if(filename.endsWith(LogFileSuffix)) {
val offset = filename.substring(0, filename.length - LogFileSuffix.length).toLong
// TODO: we should ideally rebuild any missing index files, instead of erroring out
if(!Log.indexFilename(dir, offset).exists)
throw new IllegalStateException("Found log file with no corresponding index file.")
logSegments.add(new LogSegment(dir = dir,
startOffset = offset,
indexIntervalBytes = indexIntervalBytes,
maxIndexSize = maxIndexSize))
if(logSegments.size == 0) {
// no existing segments, create a new mutable segment
logSegments.add(new LogSegment(dir = dir,
startOffset = 0,
indexIntervalBytes = indexIntervalBytes,
maxIndexSize = maxIndexSize))
} else {
// there is at least one existing segment, validate and recover them/it
// sort segments into ascending order for fast searching
Collections.sort(logSegments, new Comparator[LogSegment] {
def compare(s1: LogSegment, s2: LogSegment): Int = {
if(s1.start == s2.start) 0
else if(s1.start < s2.start) -1
else 1
// reset the index size of the last (current active) log segment to its maximum value
logSegments.get(logSegments.size() - 1).index.resize(maxIndexSize)
// run recovery on the last segment if necessary
if(needsRecovery) {
var activeSegment = logSegments.get(logSegments.size - 1)
try {
} catch {
case e: InvalidOffsetException =>
val startOffset = activeSegment.start
warn("Found invalid offset during recovery of the active segment for topic partition " + dir.getName +". Deleting the segment and " +
"creating an empty one with starting offset " + startOffset)
// truncate the active segment to its starting offset
val segmentList = logSegments.toArray(new Array[LogSegment](logSegments.size))
// Check for the index file of every segment, if it's empty or its last offset is greater than its base offset.
for (s <- segmentList) {
require(s.index.entries == 0 || s.index.lastOffset > s.index.baseOffset,
"Corrupt index found, index file (%s) has non-zero size but the last offset is %d and the base offset is %d"
.format(s.index.file.getAbsolutePath, s.index.lastOffset, s.index.baseOffset))
new SegmentList(segmentList)
* Run recovery on the given segment. This will rebuild the index from the log file and lop off any invalid bytes from the end of the log.
private def recoverSegment(segment: LogSegment) {
info("Recovering log segment %s".format(segment.messageSet.file.getAbsolutePath))
var validBytes = 0
var lastIndexEntry = 0
val iter = segment.messageSet.iterator
try {
while(iter.hasNext) {
val entry = iter.next
if(validBytes - lastIndexEntry > indexIntervalBytes) {
// we need to decompress the message, if required, to get the offset of the first uncompressed message
val startOffset =
entry.message.compressionCodec match {
case NoCompressionCodec =>
case _ =>
segment.index.append(startOffset, validBytes)
lastIndexEntry = validBytes
validBytes += MessageSet.entrySize(entry.message)
} catch {
case e: InvalidMessageException =>
logger.warn("Found invalid messages in log " + name)
val truncated = segment.messageSet.sizeInBytes - validBytes
if(truncated > 0)
warn("Truncated " + truncated + " invalid bytes from the log " + name + ".")
* The number of segments in the log
def numberOfSegments: Int = segments.view.length
* Close this log
def close() {
debug("Closing log " + name)
lock synchronized {
for(seg <- segments.view)
* Append this message set to the active segment of the log, rolling over to a fresh segment if necessary.
* This method will generally be responsible for assigning offsets to the messages,
* however if the assignOffsets=false flag is passed we will only check that the existing offsets are valid.
* Returns a tuple containing (first_offset, last_offset) for the newly appended of the message set,
* or (-1,-1) if the message set is empty
def append(messages: ByteBufferMessageSet, assignOffsets: Boolean = true): (Long, Long) = {
val messageSetInfo = analyzeAndValidateMessageSet(messages)
// if we have any valid messages, append them to the log
if(messageSetInfo.count == 0) {
(-1L, -1L)
} else {
// trim any invalid bytes or partial messages before appending it to the on-disk log
var validMessages = trimInvalidBytes(messages)
try {
// they are valid, insert them in the log
val offsets = lock synchronized {
val firstOffset = nextOffset.get
// maybe roll the log if this segment is full
val segment = maybeRoll(segments.view.last)
// assign offsets to the messageset
val lastOffset =
if(assignOffsets) {
val offsetCounter = new AtomicLong(nextOffset.get)
try {
validMessages = validMessages.assignOffsets(offsetCounter, messageSetInfo.codec)
} catch {
case e: IOException => throw new KafkaException("Error in validating messages while appending to log '%s'".format(name), e)
val assignedLastOffset = offsetCounter.get - 1
val numMessages = assignedLastOffset - firstOffset + 1
} else {
require(messageSetInfo.offsetsMonotonic, "Out of order offsets found in " + messages)
require(messageSetInfo.firstOffset >= nextOffset.get,
"Attempt to append a message set beginning with offset %d to a log with log end offset %d."
.format(messageSetInfo.firstOffset, nextOffset.get))
// Check if the message sizes are valid. This check is done after assigning offsets to ensure the comparison
// happens with the new message size (after re-compression, if any)
for(messageAndOffset <- validMessages.shallowIterator) {
if(MessageSet.entrySize(messageAndOffset.message) > maxMessageSize)
throw new MessageSizeTooLargeException("Message size is %d bytes which exceeds the maximum configured message size of %d."
.format(MessageSet.entrySize(messageAndOffset.message), maxMessageSize))
// now append to the log
segment.append(firstOffset, validMessages)
// advance the log end offset
nextOffset.set(lastOffset + 1)
trace("Appended message set to log %s with first offset: %d, next offset: %d, and messages: %s"
.format(this.name, firstOffset, nextOffset.get(), validMessages))
// return the offset at which the messages were appended
(firstOffset, lastOffset)
// maybe flush the log and index
val numAppendedMessages = (offsets._2 - offsets._1 + 1).toInt
// return the first and last offset
} catch {
case e: IOException => throw new KafkaStorageException("I/O exception in append to log '%s'".format(name), e)
/* struct to hold various quantities we compute about each message set before appending to the log */
case class MessageSetAppendInfo(firstOffset: Long, lastOffset: Long, codec: CompressionCodec, count: Int, offsetsMonotonic: Boolean)
* Validate the following:
* 1. each message matches its CRC
* Also compute the following quantities:
* 1. First offset in the message set
* 2. Last offset in the message set
* 3. Number of messages
* 4. Whether the offsets are monotonically increasing
* 5. Whether any compression codec is used (if many are used, then the last one is given)
private def analyzeAndValidateMessageSet(messages: ByteBufferMessageSet): MessageSetAppendInfo = {
var messageCount = 0
var firstOffset, lastOffset = -1L
var codec: CompressionCodec = NoCompressionCodec
var monotonic = true
for(messageAndOffset <- messages.shallowIterator) {
// update the first offset if on the first message
if(firstOffset < 0)
firstOffset = messageAndOffset.offset
// check that offsets are monotonically increasing
if(lastOffset >= messageAndOffset.offset)
monotonic = false
// update the last offset seen
lastOffset = messageAndOffset.offset
// check the validity of the message by checking CRC
val m = messageAndOffset.message
messageCount += 1;
val messageCodec = m.compressionCodec
if(messageCodec != NoCompressionCodec)
codec = messageCodec
MessageSetAppendInfo(firstOffset, lastOffset, codec, messageCount, monotonic)
* Trim any invalid bytes from the end of this message set (if there are any)
private def trimInvalidBytes(messages: ByteBufferMessageSet): ByteBufferMessageSet = {
val messageSetValidBytes = messages.validBytes
if(messageSetValidBytes < 0)
throw new InvalidMessageSizeException("Illegal length of message set " + messageSetValidBytes + " Message set cannot be appended to log. Possible causes are corrupted produce requests")
if(messageSetValidBytes == messages.sizeInBytes) {
} else {
// trim invalid bytes
val validByteBuffer = messages.buffer.duplicate()
new ByteBufferMessageSet(validByteBuffer)
* Read a message set from the log.
* startOffset - The logical offset to begin reading at
* maxLength - The maximum number of bytes to read
* maxOffset - The first offset not included in the read
def read(startOffset: Long, maxLength: Int, maxOffset: Option[Long] = None): MessageSet = {
trace("Reading %d bytes from offset %d in log %s of length %d bytes".format(maxLength, startOffset, name, size))
val view = segments.view
// check if the offset is valid and in range
val first = view.head.start
val next = nextOffset.get
if(startOffset == next)
return MessageSet.Empty
else if(startOffset > next || startOffset < first)
throw new OffsetOutOfRangeException("Request for offset %d but we only have log segments in the range %d to %d.".format(startOffset, first, next))
// Do the read on the segment with a base offset less than the target offset
// TODO: to handle sparse offsets, we need to skip to the next segment if this read doesn't find anything
Log.findRange(view, startOffset, view.length) match {
case None => throw new OffsetOutOfRangeException("Offset is earlier than the earliest offset")
case Some(segment) => segment.read(startOffset, maxLength, maxOffset)
* Delete any log segments matching the given predicate function
def markDeletedWhile(predicate: LogSegment => Boolean): Seq[LogSegment] = {
lock synchronized {
debug("Garbage collecting log..")
debug("Segments of log %s : %s ".format(this.name, segments.view.mkString(",")))
debug("Index files for log %s: %s".format(this.name, segments.view.map(_.index.file.exists()).mkString(",")))
debug("Data files for log %s: %s".format(this.name, segments.view.map(_.messageSet.file.exists()).mkString(",")))
val view = segments.view
val deletable = view.takeWhile(predicate)
for(seg <- deletable)
seg.deleted = true
var numToDelete = deletable.size
// if we are deleting everything, create a new empty segment
if(numToDelete == view.size) {
if (view(numToDelete - 1).size > 0)
else {
// If the last segment to be deleted is empty and we roll the log, the new segment will have the same
// file name. So simply reuse the last segment and reset the modified time.
view(numToDelete - 1).messageSet.file.setLastModified(time.milliseconds)
numToDelete -=1
* Get the size of the log in bytes
def size: Long = segments.view.foldLeft(0L)(_ + _.size)
* Get the offset of the next message that will be appended
def logEndOffset: Long = nextOffset.get
* Roll the log over if necessary
private def maybeRoll(segment: LogSegment): LogSegment = {
if(segment.messageSet.sizeInBytes > maxLogFileSize) {
info("Rolling %s due to full data log".format(name))
} else if((segment.firstAppendTime.isDefined) && (time.milliseconds - segment.firstAppendTime.get > rollIntervalMs)) {
info("Rolling %s due to time based rolling".format(name))
} else if(segment.index.isFull) {
info("Rolling %s due to full index maxIndexSize = %d, entries = %d, maxEntries = %d"
.format(name, segment.index.maxIndexSize, segment.index.entries(), segment.index.maxEntries))
} else
* Create a new segment and make it active, and return it
def roll(): LogSegment = {
lock synchronized {
* Roll the log over to the given new offset value
private def rollToOffset(newOffset: Long): LogSegment = {
val logFile = logFilename(dir, newOffset)
val indexFile = indexFilename(dir, newOffset)
for(file <- List(logFile, indexFile); if file.exists) {
warn("Newly rolled segment file " + file.getAbsolutePath + " already exists; deleting it first")
info("Rolling log '" + name + "' to " + logFile.getAbsolutePath + " and " + indexFile.getAbsolutePath)
segments.view.lastOption match {
case Some(segment) => segment.index.trimToValidSize()
case None =>
val segmentsView = segments.view
if(segmentsView.size > 0 && segmentsView.last.start == newOffset)
throw new KafkaException("Trying to roll a new log segment for topic partition %s with start offset %d while it already exists".format(dir.getName, newOffset))
val segment = new LogSegment(dir,
startOffset = newOffset,
indexIntervalBytes = indexIntervalBytes,
maxIndexSize = maxIndexSize)
* Flush the log if necessary
private def maybeFlush(numberOfMessages : Int) {
if(unflushed.addAndGet(numberOfMessages) >= flushInterval)
* Flush this log file to the physical disk
def flush() : Unit = {
if (unflushed.get == 0)
lock synchronized {
debug("Flushing log '" + name + "' last flushed: " + getLastFlushedTime + " current time: " +
def getOffsetsBefore(timestamp: Long, maxNumOffsets: Int): Seq[Long] = {
val segsArray = segments.view
var offsetTimeArray: Array[(Long, Long)] = null
if(segsArray.last.size > 0)
offsetTimeArray = new Array[(Long, Long)](segsArray.length + 1)
offsetTimeArray = new Array[(Long, Long)](segsArray.length)
for(i <- 0 until segsArray.length)
offsetTimeArray(i) = (segsArray(i).start, segsArray(i).messageSet.file.lastModified)
if(segsArray.last.size > 0)
offsetTimeArray(segsArray.length) = (logEndOffset, time.milliseconds)
var startIndex = -1
timestamp match {
case OffsetRequest.LatestTime =>
startIndex = offsetTimeArray.length - 1
case OffsetRequest.EarliestTime =>
startIndex = 0
case _ =>
var isFound = false
debug("Offset time array = " + offsetTimeArray.foreach(o => "%d, %d".format(o._1, o._2)))
startIndex = offsetTimeArray.length - 1
while (startIndex >= 0 && !isFound) {
if (offsetTimeArray(startIndex)._2 <= timestamp)
isFound = true
startIndex -=1
val retSize = maxNumOffsets.min(startIndex + 1)
val ret = new Array[Long](retSize)
for(j <- 0 until retSize) {
ret(j) = offsetTimeArray(startIndex)._1
startIndex -= 1
// ensure that the returned seq is in descending order of offsets
ret.toSeq.sortBy(- _)
def delete(): Unit = {
/* Attempts to delete all provided segments from a log and returns how many it was able to */
def deleteSegments(segments: Seq[LogSegment]): Int = {
var total = 0
for(segment <- segments) {
info("Deleting log segment " + segment.start + " from " + name)
val deletedLog = segment.messageSet.delete()
val deletedIndex = segment.index.delete()
if(!deletedIndex || !deletedLog) {
throw new KafkaStorageException("Deleting log segment " + segment.start + " failed.")
} else {
total += 1
error("Data log file %s still exists".format(segment.messageSet.file.getAbsolutePath))
error("Index file %s still exists".format(segment.index.file.getAbsolutePath))
def truncateTo(targetOffset: Long) {
if(targetOffset < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot truncate to a negative offset (%d).".format(targetOffset))
lock synchronized {
val segmentsToBeDeleted = segments.view.filter(segment => segment.start > targetOffset)
val viewSize = segments.view.size
val numSegmentsDeleted = deleteSegments(segmentsToBeDeleted)
/* We should not hit this error because segments.view is locked in markedDeletedWhile() */
if(numSegmentsDeleted != segmentsToBeDeleted.size)
error("Failed to delete some segments when attempting to truncate to offset " + targetOffset +")")
if (numSegmentsDeleted == viewSize) {
} else {
if(targetOffset > logEndOffset) {
error("Target offset %d cannot be greater than the last message offset %d in the log %s".
format(targetOffset, logEndOffset, segments.view.last.messageSet.file.getAbsolutePath))
} else {
// find the log segment that has this hw
val segmentToBeTruncated = findRange(segments.view, targetOffset)
segmentToBeTruncated match {
case Some(segment) =>
val truncatedSegmentIndex = segments.view.indexOf(segment)
info("Truncated log segment %s to target offset %d".format(segments.view.last.messageSet.file.getAbsolutePath, targetOffset))
case None => // nothing to do
* Truncate all segments in the log and start a new segment on a new offset
def truncateAndStartWithNewOffset(newOffset: Long) {
lock synchronized {
val deletedSegments = segments.trunc(segments.view.size)
info("Truncate and start log '" + name + "' to " + newOffset)
segments.append(new LogSegment(dir,
indexIntervalBytes = indexIntervalBytes,
maxIndexSize = maxIndexSize))
def topicName():String = {
name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf("-"))
def getLastFlushedTime():Long = {
return lastflushedTime.get
override def toString() = "Log(" + this.dir + ")"
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