kafka.tools.StateChangeLogMerger.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package kafka.tools
import joptsimple._
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import collection.mutable
import java.util.Date
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import kafka.utils.Logging
import kafka.common.Topic
import java.io.{BufferedOutputStream, OutputStream}
* A utility that merges the state change logs (possibly obtained from different brokers and over multiple days).
* This utility expects at least one of the following two arguments -
* 1. A list of state change log files
* 2. A regex to specify state change log file names.
* This utility optionally also accepts the following arguments -
* 1. The topic whose state change logs should be merged
* 2. A list of partitions whose state change logs should be merged (can be specified only when the topic argument
* is explicitly specified)
* 3. Start time from when the logs should be merged
* 4. End time until when the logs should be merged
object StateChangeLogMerger extends Logging {
val dateFormatString = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS"
val topicPartitionRegex = new Regex("\\[(" + Topic.legalChars + "+),( )*([0-9]+)\\]")
val dateRegex = new Regex("[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2},[0-9]{3}")
val dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormatString)
var files: List[String] = List()
var topic: String = null
var partitions: List[Int] = List()
var startDate: Date = null
var endDate: Date = null
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// Parse input arguments.
val parser = new OptionParser
val filesOpt = parser.accepts("logs", "Comma separated list of state change logs or a regex for the log file names")
val regexOpt = parser.accepts("logs-regex", "Regex to match the state change log files to be merged")
.describedAs("for example: /tmp/state-change.log*")
val topicOpt = parser.accepts("topic", "The topic whose state change logs should be merged")
val partitionsOpt = parser.accepts("partitions", "Comma separated list of partition ids whose state change logs should be merged")
val startTimeOpt = parser.accepts("start-time", "The earliest timestamp of state change log entries to be merged")
.describedAs("start timestamp in the format " + dateFormat)
.defaultsTo("0000-00-00 00:00:00,000")
val endTimeOpt = parser.accepts("end-time", "The latest timestamp of state change log entries to be merged")
.describedAs("end timestamp in the format " + dateFormat)
.defaultsTo("9999-12-31 23:59:59,999")
val options = parser.parse(args : _*)
if ((!options.has(filesOpt) && !options.has(regexOpt)) || (options.has(filesOpt) && options.has(regexOpt))) {
System.err.println("Provide arguments to exactly one of the two options \"" + filesOpt + "\" or \"" + regexOpt + "\"")
if (options.has(partitionsOpt) && !options.has(topicOpt)) {
System.err.println("The option \"" + topicOpt + "\" needs to be provided an argument when specifying partition ids")
// Populate data structures.
if (options.has(filesOpt)) {
files :::= options.valueOf(filesOpt).split(",").toList
} else if (options.has(regexOpt)) {
val regex = options.valueOf(regexOpt)
val fileNameIndex = regex.lastIndexOf('/') + 1
val dirName = if (fileNameIndex == 0) "." else regex.substring(0, fileNameIndex - 1)
val fileNameRegex = new Regex(regex.substring(fileNameIndex))
files :::= new java.io.File(dirName).listFiles.filter(f => fileNameRegex.findFirstIn(f.getName) != None).map(dirName + "/" + _.getName).toList
if (options.has(topicOpt)) {
topic = options.valueOf(topicOpt)
if (options.has(partitionsOpt)) {
partitions = options.valueOf(partitionsOpt).split(",").toList.map(_.toInt)
startDate = dateFormat.parse(options.valueOf(startTimeOpt).replace('\"', ' ').trim)
endDate = dateFormat.parse(options.valueOf(endTimeOpt).replace('\"', ' ').trim)
* n-way merge from m input files:
* 1. Read a line that matches the specified topic/partitions and date range from every input file in a priority queue.
* 2. Take the line from the file with the earliest date and add it to a buffered output stream.
* 3. Add another line from the file selected in step 2 in the priority queue.
* 4. Flush the output buffer at the end. (The buffer will also be automatically flushed every K bytes.)
val pqueue = new mutable.PriorityQueue[LineIterator]()(dateBasedOrdering)
val output: OutputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(System.out, 1024*1024)
val lineIterators = files.map(io.Source.fromFile(_).getLines)
var lines: List[LineIterator] = List()
for (itr <- lineIterators) {
val lineItr = getNextLine(itr)
if (!lineItr.isEmpty)
lines ::= lineItr
if (!lines.isEmpty) pqueue.enqueue(lines:_*)
while (!pqueue.isEmpty) {
val lineItr = pqueue.dequeue()
output.write((lineItr.line + "\n").getBytes)
val nextLineItr = getNextLine(lineItr.itr)
if (!nextLineItr.isEmpty)
* Returns the next line that matches the specified topic/partitions from the file that has the earliest date
* from the specified date range.
* @param itr Line iterator of a file
* @return (line from a file, line iterator for the same file)
def getNextLine(itr: Iterator[String]): LineIterator = {
while (itr != null && itr.hasNext) {
val nextLine = itr.next
dateRegex.findFirstIn(nextLine) match {
case Some(d) =>
val date = dateFormat.parse(d)
if ((date.equals(startDate) || date.after(startDate)) && (date.equals(endDate) || date.before(endDate))) {
topicPartitionRegex.findFirstMatchIn(nextLine) match {
case Some(matcher) =>
if ((topic == null || topic == matcher.group(1)) && (partitions.isEmpty || partitions.contains(matcher.group(3).toInt)))
return new LineIterator(nextLine, itr)
case None =>
case None =>
new LineIterator()
class LineIterator(val line: String, val itr: Iterator[String]) {
def this() = this("", null)
def isEmpty = (line == "" && itr == null)
implicit object dateBasedOrdering extends Ordering[LineIterator] {
def compare(first: LineIterator, second: LineIterator) = {
val firstDate = dateRegex.findFirstIn(first.line).get
val secondDate = dateRegex.findFirstIn(second.line).get
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