com.sksamuel.scapegoat.Inspection.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.sksamuel.scapegoat
import scala.reflect.internal.util.Position
* @author Stephen Samuel
abstract class Inspection(
val text: String,
val defaultLevel: Level,
val description: String,
val explanation: String
) {
val self = this
def inspector(context: InspectionContext): Inspector
def isEnabled: Boolean = true
def name: String = getClass.getSimpleName
abstract class Inspector(val context: InspectionContext) {
* This traverser, if defined, is invoked after the typer phase of the compiler has returned.
def postTyperTraverser: context.Traverser
* This method is invoked after all phases of the compiler have completed.
* This method can be used to clean up inspections; to report errors after all phases are complete.
def postInspection(): Unit = ()
case class InspectionContext(global: Global, feedback: Feedback) {
def warn(pos: Position, inspection: Inspection): Unit =
feedback.warn(pos, inspection, None, None)
def warn(pos: Position, inspection: Inspection, snippet: String): Unit =
feedback.warn(pos, inspection, Some(snippet), None)
def warn(
pos: Position,
inspection: Inspection,
snippet: String,
adhocExplanation: String
): Unit =
feedback.warn(pos, inspection, Some(snippet), Some(adhocExplanation))
trait Traverser extends global.Traverser {
import global._
private val SuppressWarnings = typeOf[SuppressWarnings]
private def inspectionClass(klass: Class[_]): Class[_] =
Option(klass.getEnclosingClass) match {
case None => klass
case Some(k) => inspectionClass(k)
private def isThisDisabled(an: AnnotationInfo): Boolean = {
val cls = inspectionClass(getClass)
val names = Set("all", cls.getSimpleName, cls.getCanonicalName).map(_.toLowerCase)
val suppressedNames: Seq[String] = an.javaArgs.values.headOption.toSeq.flatMap {
case ArrayAnnotArg(args) =>
args.collect { case LiteralAnnotArg(Constant(suppressedName: String)) =>
case _ =>
private def isSkipAnnotation(an: AnnotationInfo) =
// Workaround for #222: we can't use typeOf[Safe] here it requires Scapegoat to be on the
// compile classpath.
an.tree.tpe =:= SuppressWarnings || an.tree.tpe.erasure.toString == "com.sksamuel.scapegoat.Safe"
private def isSuppressed(symbol: Symbol) =
symbol != null &&
symbol.annotations.exists(an => isSkipAnnotation(an) && isThisDisabled(an))
protected def continue(tree: Tree) = super.traverse(tree)
protected def inspect(tree: Tree): Unit
override final def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = {
tree match {
// ignore synthetic methods added
case DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _) if tree.symbol.isSynthetic =>
case ValDef(_, _, _, _) if tree.symbol.isSynthetic =>
case member: MemberDef if isSuppressed(member.symbol) =>
case block @ Block(_, _) if isSuppressed(block.symbol) =>
case iff @ If(_, _, _) if isSuppressed(iff.symbol) =>
case tri @ Try(_, _, _) if isSuppressed(tri.symbol) =>
case ClassDef(_, _, _, Template(parents, _, _))
if"scala.reflect.api.TypeCreator") =>
case _ if analyzer.hasMacroExpansionAttachment(tree) => //skip macros as per
case _ => inspect(tree)
protected def isArray(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree.tpe.typeSymbol.fullName == "scala.Array"
protected def isTraversable(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree.tpe <:< typeOf[Traversable[Any]]
protected def isSeq(t: Tree): Boolean = t.tpe <:< typeOf[Seq[Any]]
protected def isIndexedSeq(t: Tree): Boolean = t.tpe <:< typeOf[IndexedSeq[Any]]
protected def isSet(t: Tree, allowMutableSet: Boolean = true): Boolean = {
t.tpe.widen.baseClasses.exists { c =>
(allowMutableSet && c.fullName == "scala.collection.mutable.Set") || c.fullName == "scala.collection.immutable.Set"
protected def isList(t: Tree): Boolean = t.tpe <:< typeOf[scala.collection.immutable.List[Any]]
protected def isMap(tree: Tree): Boolean =
tree.tpe.baseClasses.exists {
_.fullName == "scala.collection.Map"
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