com.sksamuel.scrimage.AwtImage Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.sksamuel.scrimage;
import com.sksamuel.scrimage.angles.Radians;
import com.sksamuel.scrimage.color.RGBColor;
import com.sksamuel.scrimage.nio.ImageWriter;
import com.sksamuel.scrimage.nio.WriteContext;
import com.sksamuel.scrimage.pixels.Pixel;
import com.sksamuel.scrimage.pixels.PixelTools;
import com.sksamuel.scrimage.scaling.AwtNearestNeighbourScale;
import com.sksamuel.scrimage.scaling.Scale;
import com.sksamuel.scrimage.scaling.ScrimageNearestNeighbourScale;
import com.sksamuel.scrimage.subpixel.LinearSubpixelInterpolator;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.DataBuffer;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
* Wraps an AWT BufferedImage with some basic helper functions related to sizes, pixels etc.
* It also includes methods to write out the image.
* None of the operations in this class will mutate the underlying awt buffer.
public class AwtImage {
private final BufferedImage awt;
public final int width;
public final int height;
public AwtImage(BufferedImage awt) {
assert awt != null;
this.awt = awt;
width = awt.getWidth();
height = awt.getHeight();
public ImmutableImage toImmutableImage() {
return ImmutableImage.wrapAwt(awt);
* Returns the [BufferedImage] that this Image is wrapping.
public BufferedImage awt() {
return awt;
* The centre coordinates for the image.
public Point center() {
return new Point(width / 2, height / 2);
public int centreX() {
return center().x;
public int centreY() {
return center().y;
* The radius of the image defined as the centre to the corners.
public int radius() {
return (int) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(width / 2.0, 2) + Math.pow(height / 2.0, 2));
public Dimension dimensions() {
return new Dimension(width, height);
* @return Returns the aspect ratio for this image.
public double ratio() {
if (height == 0) return 0;
else return width / (double) height;
* Returns the AWT type of this image.
public int getType() {
return awt().getType();
* Returns the colors of this image represented as an array of RGBColor.
public RGBColor[] colors() {
* Returns the pixels of this image represented as an array of Pixels.
public Pixel[] pixels() {
DataBuffer buffer = awt().getRaster().getDataBuffer();
if (buffer instanceof DataBufferInt) {
DataBufferInt intbuffer = (DataBufferInt) buffer;
int[] data = intbuffer.getData();
int index = 0;
Pixel[] pixels = new Pixel[data.length];
if (awt().getType() == BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB) {
while (index < data.length) {
Point point = PixelTools.offsetToPoint(index, width);
pixels[index] = new Pixel(point.x, point.y, data[index]);
} else if (awt().getType() == BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB) {
while (index < data.length) {
Point point = PixelTools.offsetToPoint(index, width);
pixels[index] = new Pixel(point.x, point.y, data[index]);
} else if (awt().getType() == BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR) {
while (index < data.length) {
Point point = PixelTools.offsetToPoint(index, width);
pixels[index / 4] = new Pixel(point.x, point.y, data[index / 4]);
index = index + 4;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported image type " + awt().getType());
return pixels;
} else {
Pixel[] pixels = new Pixel[count()];
int index = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
pixels[index++] = new Pixel(x, y, awt().getRGB(x, y));
return pixels;
* Returns the pixels of the image as an iterator.
* The iterator is the most efficient way to lazily iterator over the pixels as the pixels will only
* be fetched from the raster as needed.
* @return the iterator
public Iterator iterator() {
return new Iterator() {
private int k = 0;
public boolean hasNext() {
return k < AwtImage.this.count();
public Pixel next() {
Point point = PixelTools.offsetToPoint(k++, width);
int rgb = awt.getRGB(point.x, point.y);
return new Pixel(point.x, point.y, rgb);
// This tuple contains all the state that identifies this particular image.
private ImageState imageState() {
return new ImageState(width, height, pixels());
* Returns the pixel at the given coordinates.
* @param x the x coordinate of the pixel to grab
* @param y the y coordinate of the pixel to grab
* @return the Pixel at the location
public Pixel pixel(int x, int y) {
try {
int color = awt.getRGB(x, y);
return new Pixel(x, y, color);
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Coord (" + x + ", " + y + ") is out of bounds; size is (" + width + "," + height + ")");
* Returns the pixel at the given coordinate.
* @param p the pixel as an integer tuple
* @return the pixel
public Pixel pixel(Point p) {
return pixel(p.x, p.y);
* Returns an array of every point in the image, useful if you want to be able to
* iterate over all the coordinates.
* If you want the actual pixel values of every point then use pixels().
public Point[] points() {
Point[] points = new Point[width * height];
int k = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
points[k++] = new Point(x, y);
return points;
* Returns the number of pixels in the image.
* @return the number of pixels
public int count() {
return width * height;
* Executes the given side effecting function on each pixel.
* @param fn a function that accepts a pixel
public void forEach(Consumer fn) { -> fn.accept(pixel(p)));
* @return the pixels in the row identified by the y coordinate. 0 indexed.
public Pixel[] row(int y) {
return pixels(0, y, width, 1);
* Returns an array of rows, where each row is itself an array of pixels in that row.
public Pixel[][] rows() {
Pixel[][] pixels = new Pixel[height][width];
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
pixels[y][x] = pixel(x,y);
return pixels;
* @return the pixels for the column identified by the x co-ordinate. 0 indexed.
public Pixel[] col(int x) {
return pixels(x, 0, 1, height);
* Returns true if a pixel with the given color exists
* @param color the pixel colour to look for.
* @return true if there exists at least one pixel that has the given pixels color
public boolean contains(Color color) {
return exists(p -> p.toARGBInt() == RGBColor.fromAwt(color).toARGBInt());
* Returns true if the predicate is true for at least one pixel on the image.
* @param p a predicate
* @return true if p holds for at least one pixel
public boolean exists(Predicate p) {
* Returns the color at the given coordinates.
* @return the RGBColor value at the coords
public RGBColor color(int x, int y) {
return pixel(x, y).toColor();
* Returns the ARGB components for the pixel at the given coordinates
* @param x the x coordinate of the pixel component to grab
* @param y the y coordinate of the pixel component to grab
* @return an array containing ARGB components in that order.
public int[] argb(int x, int y) {
Pixel p = pixel(x, y);
return new int[]{p.alpha(),,,};
* Returns the ARGB components for all pixels in this image
* @return an array containing an array for each ARGB components in that order.
public int[][] argb() {
return -> argb(p.x, p.y)).toArray(int[][]::new);
* Returns the ARGB components for all pixels in this image as packed ints.
* @return an array containing the packed ARGB int for each pixel.
public int[] argbints() {
return -> color(p.x, p.y).toARGBInt()).toArray();
public int[] rgb(int x, int y) {
Pixel p = pixel(x, y);
return new int[]{,,};
public int[][] rgb() {
return -> rgb(p.x, p.y)).toArray(int[][]::new);
* Returns a rectangular region within the given boundaries as a single
* dimensional array of Pixels.
* Eg, pixels(10, 10, 30, 20) would result in an array of size 600 with
* the first row of the region in indexes 0,..,29, second row 30,..,59 etc.
* @param x the start x coordinate
* @param y the start y coordinate
* @param w the width of the region
* @param h the height of the region
* @return an Array of pixels for the region
public Pixel[] pixels(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
Pixel[] pixels = new Pixel[w * h];
int k = 0;
for (int y1 = y; y1 < y + h; y1++) {
for (int x1 = x; x1 < x + w; x1++) {
pixels[k++] = pixel(x1, y1);
return pixels;
public Pixel[] patch(int x, int y, int patchWidth, int patchHeight) {
Pixel[] px = pixels();
Pixel[] patch = new Pixel[patchWidth * patchHeight];
for (int i = y; i < y + patchHeight; y++) {
System.arraycopy(px, offset(x, y), patch, offset(0, y), patchWidth);
return patch;
public String toString() {
return "Image [width=" + width + ", height=" + height + ", type=" + awt.getType() + "]";
* Uses linear interpolation to get a sub-pixel.
* Legal values for `x` and `y` are in [0, width) and [0, height),
* respectively.
public int subpixel(double x, double y) {
return new LinearSubpixelInterpolator(this).subpixel(x, y);
* Returns all the patches of a given size in the image, assuming pixel
* alignment (no subpixel extraction).
* The patches are returned as an array of of pixel matrices arrays.
public Pixel[][] patches(int patchWidth, int patchHeight) {
Pixel[][] patches = new Pixel[(height - patchHeight) * (width - patchWidth)][];
int k = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < height - patchHeight; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < width - patchWidth; col++) {
patches[k] = patch(col, row, patchWidth, patchHeight);
return patches;
public int offset(int x, int y) {
return PixelTools.coordsToOffset(x, y, width);
* Returns a set of the distinct colours used in this image.
* @return the set of distinct Colors
public Set colours() {
* Counts the number of pixels with the given colour.
* @param color the colour to detect.
* @return the number of pixels that matched the colour of the given pixel
public long count(Color color) {
return count(p -> p.toColor().equals(RGBColor.fromAwt(color)));
* Counts the number of pixels that are true for the given predicate
* @param p a predicate
* @return the number of pixels that evaluated true
public long count(Predicate p) {
* Returns a new AWT BufferedImage from this image.
* @param type the type of buffered image to create, if not specified then defaults to the current image type
* @return a new, non-shared, BufferedImage with the same data as this Image.
public BufferedImage toNewBufferedImage(int type) {
BufferedImage target = new BufferedImage(width, height, type);
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) target.getGraphics();
g2.drawImage(awt, 0, 0, null);
return target;
* Returns a new AWTImage with the same dimensions and same AWT type.
* The data is uninitialized.
public AwtImage empty() {
return new AwtImage(new BufferedImage(width, height, awt.getType()));
// See this Stack Overflow question to see why this is implemented this way.
public int hashCode() {
return imageState().hashCode();
private boolean sameElements(Iterator a, Iterator b) {
boolean same = true;
while (a.hasNext()) {
if (! {
same = false;
return same;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other instanceof AwtImage) {
AwtImage that = (AwtImage) other;
return this.width == that.width &&
this.height == that.height &&
sameElements(iterator(), ((AwtImage) other).iterator());
return false;
protected BufferedImage scale(int targetWidth, int targetHeight, Scale scale) {
return scale.scale(awt, targetWidth, targetHeight);
protected BufferedImage fastScaleScrimage(int targetWidth, int targetHeight) {
return scale(targetWidth, targetHeight, new ScrimageNearestNeighbourScale());
* Returns a new AWT BufferedImage scaled using nearest-neighbour.
protected BufferedImage fastScaleAwt(int targetWidth, int targetHeight) {
return scale(targetWidth, targetHeight, new AwtNearestNeighbourScale());
* Returns a new AWT Image rotated with the given angle (in radians)
protected BufferedImage rotateByRadians(Radians angle) {
BufferedImage target = new BufferedImage(height, width, awt.getType());
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) target.getGraphics();
final int offsetx, offsety;
if (angle.value < 0) {
offsetx = 0;
offsety = width;
} else if (angle.value > 0) {
offsetx = height;
offsety = 0;
} else {
offsetx = 0;
offsety = 0;
g2.translate(offsetx, offsety);
g2.drawImage(awt, 0, 0, null);
return target;
* Returns true if the given predicate holds for all pixels in the image.
public boolean forAll(Predicate predicate) {
* Programatically returns the origin point of top left.
public Pixel topLeftPixel() {
return pixel(0, 0);
public Pixel bottomLeftPixel() {
return pixel(0, height - 1);
public Pixel topRightPixel() {
return pixel(width - 1, 0);
public Pixel bottomRightPixel() {
return pixel(width - 1, height - 1);
* Returns true if this image supports transparency/alpha in its underlying data model.
public boolean hasAlpha() {
return awt().getColorModel().hasAlpha();
* Returns true if this image supports transparency/alpha in its underlying data model.
public boolean hasTransparency() {
return awt().getColorModel().hasAlpha();
* Returns the average colour of all pixels in this image
public RGBColor average() {
* Returns true if all the pixels on this image are a single color.
* @param color the color to test pixels against
public boolean isFilled(Color color) {
return forAll(p -> p.argb == RGBColor.fromAwt(color).toARGBInt());
public Path output(ImageWriter writer, String path) throws IOException {
return forWriter(writer).write(Paths.get(path));
public File output(ImageWriter writer, File file) throws IOException {
return forWriter(writer).write(file);
public Path output(ImageWriter writer, Path path) throws IOException {
return forWriter(writer).write(path);
public byte[] bytes(ImageWriter writer) throws IOException {
return forWriter(writer).bytes();
public WriteContext forWriter(ImageWriter writer) {
return new WriteContext(writer, this, null);
* Returns a byte array stream consisting of the pixels of this image written out using
* the supplied writer.
* @deprecated pointless method that simply wraps bytes()
public ByteArrayInputStream stream(ImageWriter writer) throws IOException {
return forWriter(writer).stream();