sources.org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.NodeTemplates Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
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package org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.batik.util.SVGConstants;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
* Provides basic xml representation and description for most commonly used
* nodes.
* @version $Id: NodeTemplates.java 985243 2010-08-13 15:30:25Z helder $
public class NodeTemplates {
// Node template descriptions provide basic information on node properties,
// such as: xml represenation (suffix "Value"), element name
// (suffix "Name"), element type (suffix "Type"), element category
// (suffix "Category"), element description (suffix "Description").
// Base node name on which these suffixes are appended is read from the
// class members ending with "MemberName".
// Example:
// public static String rectMemberName = "rectElement";
// Other class members that describe this node should be declared as:
// rectElementValue = "...", rectElementType = "...", rectElementName =
// "...", rectElementCategory = "..." and rectElementDescription = "..."
// Suffixes
public static final String VALUE = "Value";
public static final String NAME = "Name";
public static final String TYPE = "Type";
public static final String DESCRIPTION = "Description";
public static final String CATEGORY = "Category";
// Categories
public static final String BASIC_SHAPES = "Basic Shapes";
public static final String LINKING = "Linking";
public static final String TEXT = "Text";
public static final String ANIMATION = "Animation";
public static final String CLIP_MASK_COMPOSITE = "Clipping, Masking and Compositing";
public static final String COLOR = "Color";
public static final String INTERACTIVITY = "Interactivity";
public static final String FONTS = "Fonts";
public static final String DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE = "Document Structure";
public static final String FILTER_EFFECTS = "Filter Effects";
public static final String EXTENSIBILITY = "Extensibility";
public static final String GRADIENTS_AND_PATTERNS = "Gradients and Patterns";
public static final String PAINTING = "Painting: Filling, Stroking and Marker Symbols";
public static final String METADATA = "Metadata";
public static final String PATHS = "Paths";
public static final String SCRIPTING = "Scripting";
public static final String STYLING = "Styling";
// Maps
* Map with node template wrappers.
private Map nodeTemplatesMap = new HashMap();
* List with all node categories.
private ArrayList categoriesList = new ArrayList();
// Rect element
public static String rectMemberName = "rectElement";
public static String rectElementValue = "";
public static String rectElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_RECT_TAG;
public static short rectElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String rectElementCategory = BASIC_SHAPES;
public static String rectElementDescription = "Rect";
// Circle element
public static String circleMemberName = "circleElement";
public static String circleElementValue = "";
public static String circleElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_CIRCLE_TAG;
public short circleElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String circleElementCategory = BASIC_SHAPES;
public static String circleElementDescription = "Circle";
// Line element
public static String lineElementMemberName = "lineElement";
public static String lineElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_LINE_TAG;
public static String lineElementValue = "";
public static short lineElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String lineElementCategory = BASIC_SHAPES;
public static String lineElementDescription = "Text";
// Path element
public static String pathElementMemberName = "pathElement";
public static String pathElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_PATH_TAG;
public static String pathElementValue = "";
public static short pathElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String pathElementCategory = PATHS;
public static String pathElementDescription = "Path";
// G element
public static String groupElementMemberName = "groupElement";
public static String groupElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_G_TAG;
public static String groupElementValue = " ";
public static short groupElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String groupElementCategory = DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE;
public static String groupElementDescription = "Group";
// Ellipse element
public static String ellipseElementMemberName = "ellipseElement";
public static String ellipseElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_ELLIPSE_TAG;
public static String ellipseElementValue = " ";
public static short ellipseElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String ellipseElementCategory = BASIC_SHAPES;
public static String ellipseElementDescription = "Ellipse";
// Image element
public static String imageElementMemberName = "imageElement";
public static String imageElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_IMAGE_TAG;
public static String imageElementValue = "";
public static short imageElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String imageElementCategory = DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE;
public static String imageElementDescription = "Image";
// Polygon element
public static String polygonElementMemberName = "polygonElement";
public static String polygonElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_POLYGON_TAG;
public static String polygonElementValue = " ";
public static short polygonElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String polygonElementCategory = BASIC_SHAPES;
public static String polygonElementDescription = "Polygon";
// Polyline element
public static String polylineElementMemberName = "polylineElement";
public static String polylineElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_POLYLINE_TAG;
public static String polylineElementValue = " ";
public static short polylineElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String polylineElementCategory = BASIC_SHAPES;
public static String polylineElementDescription = "Polyline";
// Text element
public static String textElementMemberName = "textElement";
public static String textElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_TEXT_TAG;
public static String textElementValue = " ";
public static short textElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String textElementCategory = TEXT;
public static String textElementDescription = "Text";
// TRef element
public static String tRefElementMemberName = "tRefElement";
public static String tRefElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_TREF_TAG;
public static String tRefElementValue = " ";
public static short tRefElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String tRefElementCategory = TEXT;
public static String tRefElementDescription = "TRef";
// TSpan element
public static String tspanElementMemberName = "tspanElement";
public static String tspanElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_TSPAN_TAG;
public static String tspanElementValue = " ";
public static short tspanElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String tspanElementCategory = TEXT;
public static String tspanElementDescription = "TSpan";
// TextPath element
public static String textPathElementMemberName = "textPathElement";
public static String textPathElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_TEXT_PATH_TAG;
public static String textPathElementValue = " ";
public static short textPathElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String textPathElementCategory = TEXT;
public static String textPathElementDescription = "TextPath";
// Svg element
public static String svgElementMemberName = "svgElement";
public static String svgElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_SVG_TAG;
public static String svgElementValue = "";
public static short svgElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String svgElementCategory = DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE;
public static String svgElementDescription = "svg";
// FeBlend element
public static String feBlendElementMemberName = "feBlendElement";
public static String feBlendElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FE_BLEND_TAG;
public static String feBlendElementValue = " ";
public static short feBlendElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String feBlendElementCategory = FILTER_EFFECTS;
public static String feBlendElementDescription = "FeBlend";
// FeColorMatrix element
public static String feColorMatrixElementMemberName = "feColorMatrixElement";
public static String feColorMatrixElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FE_COLOR_MATRIX_TAG;
public static String feColorMatrixElementValue = " ";
public static short feColorMatrixElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String feColorMatrixElementCategory = FILTER_EFFECTS;
public static String feColorMatrixElementDescription = "FeColorMatrix";
// FeComponentTransfer element
public static String feComponentTransferElementMemberName = "feComponentTransferElement";
public static String feComponentTransferElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FE_COMPONENT_TRANSFER_TAG;
public static String feComponentTransferElementValue = " ";
public static short feComponentTransferElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String feComponentTransferElementCategory = FILTER_EFFECTS;
public static String feComponentTransferElementDescription = "FeComponentTransfer";
// FeComposite element
public static String feCompositeElementMemberName = "feCompositeElement";
public static String feCompositeElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FE_COMPOSITE_TAG;
public static String feCompositeElementValue = " ";
public static short feCompositeElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String feCompositeElementCategory = FILTER_EFFECTS;
public static String feCompositeElementDescription = "FeComposite";
// FeConvolveMatrix element
public static String feConvolveMatrixElementMemberName = "feConvolveMatrixElement";
public static String feConvolveMatrixElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FE_CONVOLVE_MATRIX_TAG;
public static String feConvolveMatrixElementValue = " ";
public static short feConvolveMatrixElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String feConvolveMatrixElementCategory = FILTER_EFFECTS;
public static String feConvolveMatrixElementDescription = "FeConvolveMatrix";
// FeDiffuseLighting element
public static String feDiffuseLightingElementMemberName = "feDiffuseLightingElement";
public static String feDiffuseLightingElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FE_DIFFUSE_LIGHTING_TAG;
public static String feDiffuseLightingElementValue = " ";
public static short feDiffuseLightingElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String feDiffuseLightingElementCategory = FILTER_EFFECTS;
public static String feDiffuseLightingElementDescription = "FeDiffuseLighting";
// FeDisplacementMap element
public static String feDisplacementMapElementMemberName = "feDisplacementMapElement";
public static String feDisplacementMapElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FE_DISPLACEMENT_MAP_TAG;
public static String feDisplacementMapElementValue = " ";
public static short feDisplacementMapElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String feDisplacementMapElementCategory = FILTER_EFFECTS;
public static String feDisplacementMapElementDescription = "FeDisplacementMap";
// FeDistantLight element
public static String feDistantLightElementMemberName = "feDistantLightElement";
public static String feDistantLightElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FE_DISTANT_LIGHT_TAG;
public static String feDistantLightElementValue = " ";
public static short feDistantLightElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String feDistantLightElementCategory = FILTER_EFFECTS;
public static String feDistantLightElementDescription = "FeDistantLight";
// FeFlood element
public static String feFloodElementMemberName = "feFloodElement";
public static String feFloodElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FE_FLOOD_TAG;
public static String feFloodElementValue = " ";
public static short feFloodElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String feFloodElementCategory = FILTER_EFFECTS;
public static String feFloodElementDescription = "FeFlood";
// FeFuncA element
public static String feFuncAElementMemberName = "feFuncAElement";
public static String feFuncAElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FE_FUNC_A_TAG;
public static String feFuncAElementValue = " ";
public static short feFuncAElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String feFuncAElementCategory = FILTER_EFFECTS;
public static String feFuncAElementDescription = "FeFuncA";
// FeFuncB element
public static String feFuncBElementMemberName = "feFuncBElement";
public static String feFuncBElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FE_FUNC_B_TAG;
public static String feFuncBElementValue = " ";
public static short feFuncBElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String feFuncBElementCategory = FILTER_EFFECTS;
public static String feFuncBElementDescription = "FeFuncB";
// FeFuncG element
public static String feFuncGElementMemberName = "feFuncGElement";
public static String feFuncGElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FE_FUNC_G_TAG;
public static String feFuncGElementValue = " ";
public static short feFuncGElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String feFuncGElementCategory = FILTER_EFFECTS;
public static String feFuncGElementDescription = "FeFuncG";
// FeFuncR element
public static String feFuncRElementMemberName = "feFuncRElement";
public static String feFuncRElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FE_FUNC_R_TAG;
public static String feFuncRElementValue = " ";
public static short feFuncRElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String feFuncRElementCategory = FILTER_EFFECTS;
public static String feFuncRElementDescription = "FeFuncR";
// FeGaussianBlur element
public static String feGaussianBlurElementMemberName = "feGaussianBlurElement";
public static String feGaussianBlurElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FE_GAUSSIAN_BLUR_TAG;
public static String feGaussianBlurElementValue = " ";
public static short feGaussianBlurElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String feGaussianBlurElementCategory = FILTER_EFFECTS;
public static String feGaussianBlurElementDescription = "FeGaussianBlur";
// FeImage element
public static String feImageElementMemberName = "feImageElement";
public static String feImageElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FE_IMAGE_TAG;
public static String feImageElementValue = " ";
public static short feImageElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String feImageElementCategory = FILTER_EFFECTS;
public static String feImageElementDescription = "FeImage";
// FeMerge element
public static String feMergeElementMemberName = "feImageElement";
public static String feMergeElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FE_MERGE_TAG;
public static String feMergeElementValue = " ";
public static short feMergeElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String feMergeElementCategory = FILTER_EFFECTS;
public static String feMergeElementDescription = "FeMerge";
// FeMergeNode element
public static String feMergeNodeElementMemberName = "feMergeNodeElement";
public static String feMergeNodeElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FE_MERGE_NODE_TAG;
public static String feMergeNodeElementValue = " ";
public static short feMergeNodeElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String feMergeNodeElementCategory = FILTER_EFFECTS;
public static String feMergeNodeElementDescription = "FeMergeNode";
// FeMorphology element
public static String feMorphologyElementMemberName = "feMorphologyElement";
public static String feMorphologyElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FE_MORPHOLOGY_TAG;
public static String feMorphologyElementValue = " ";
public static short feMorphologyElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String feMorphologyElementCategory = FILTER_EFFECTS;
public static String feMorphologyElementDescription = "FeMorphology";
// FeOffset element
public static String feOffsetElementMemberName = "feMorphologyElement";
public static String feOffsetElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FE_OFFSET_TAG;
public static String feOffsetElementValue = " ";
public static short feOffsetElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String feOffsetElementCategory = FILTER_EFFECTS;
public static String feOffsetElementDescription = "FeOffset";
// FePointLight element
public static String fePointLightElementMemberName = "fePointLightElement";
public static String fePointLightElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FE_POINT_LIGHT_TAG;
public static String fePointLightElementValue = " ";
public static short fePointLightElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String fePointLightElementCategory = FILTER_EFFECTS;
public static String fePointLightElementDescription = "FePointLight";
// FeSpecularLighting element
public static String feSpecularLightingElementMemberName = "fePointLightElement";
public static String feSpecularLightingElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FE_SPECULAR_LIGHTING_TAG;
public static String feSpecularLightingElementValue = " ";
public static short feSpecularLightingElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String feSpecularLightingElementCategory = FILTER_EFFECTS;
public static String feSpecularLightingElementDescription = "FeSpecularLighting";
// FeSpotLight element
public static String feSpotLightElementMemberName = "feSpotLightElement";
public static String feSpotLightElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FE_SPOT_LIGHT_TAG;
public static String feSpotLightElementValue = " ";
public static short feSpotLightElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String feSpotLightElementCategory = FILTER_EFFECTS;
public static String feSpotLightElementDescription = "FeSpotLight";
// FeTile element
public static String feTileElementMemberName = "feTileElement";
public static String feTileElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FE_TILE_TAG;
public static String feTileElementValue = " ";
public static short feTileElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String feTileElementCategory = FILTER_EFFECTS;
public static String feTileElementDescription = "FeTile";
// FeTurbulence element
public static String feTurbulenceElementMemberName = "feTurbulenceElement";
public static String feTurbulenceElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FE_TURBULENCE_TAG;
public static String feTurbulenceElementValue = " ";
public static short feTurbulenceElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String feTurbulenceElementCategory = FILTER_EFFECTS;
public static String feTurbulenceElementDescription = "FeTurbulence";
// Filter element
public static String filterElementMemberName = "filterElement";
public static String filterElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FILTER_TAG;
public static String filterElementValue = " ";
public static short filterElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String filterElementCategory = FILTER_EFFECTS;
public static String filterElementDescription = "Filter";
// // Text node
// public static String textNodeMemberName = "textNode";
// public static String textNodeName = "textNode";
// public static String textNodeValue = " ";
// public static short textNodeType = Node.TEXT_NODE;
// public static String textNodeCategory = METADATA;
// public static String textNodeDescription = "Text node";
// // CDataSection node
// public static String cdataSectionNodeMemberName = "cdataSectionNode";
// public static String cdataSectionNodeName = "cdataSectionNode";
// public static String cdataSectionNodeValue = " ";
// public static short cdataSectionNodeType = Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE;
// public static String cdataSectionNodeCategory = METADATA;
// public static String cdataSectionNodeDescription = "CDataSection";
// // Comment node
// public static String commentNodeMemberName = "commentNode";
// public static String commentNodeName = "commentNode";
// public static String commentNodeValue = " ";
// public static short commentNodeType = Node.COMMENT_NODE;
// public static String commentNodeCategory = METADATA;
// public static String commentNodeDescription = "CommentNode";
// A element
public static String aElementMemberName = "aElement";
public static String aElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_A_TAG;
public static String aElementValue = "";
public static short aElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String aElementCategory = LINKING;
public static String aElementDescription = "A";
// AltGlyph element
public static String altGlyphElementMemberName = "altGlyphElement";
public static String altGlyphElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_ALT_GLYPH_TAG;
public static String altGlyphElementValue = " ";
public static short altGlyphElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String altGlyphElementCategory = TEXT;
public static String altGlyphElementDescription = "AltGlyph";
// AltGlyphDef element
public static String altGlyphDefElementMemberName = "altGlyphDefElement";
public static String altGlyphDefElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_ALT_GLYPH_DEF_TAG;
public static String altGlyphDefElementValue = " ";
public static short altGlyphDefElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String altGlyphDefElementCategory = TEXT;
public static String altGlyphDefElementDescription = "AltGlyphDef";
// AltGlyphItem element
public static String altGlyphItemElementMemberName = "altGlyphItemElement";
public static String altGlyphItemElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_ALT_GLYPH_ITEM_TAG;
public static String altGlyphItemElementValue = " ";
public static short altGlyphItemElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String altGlyphItemElementCategory = TEXT;
public static String altGlyphItemElementDescription = "AltGlyphItem";
// ClipPath element
public static String clipPathElementMemberName = "clipPathElement";
public static String clipPathElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_CLIP_PATH_TAG;
public static String clipPathElementValue = " ";
public static short clipPathElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String clipPathElementCategory = CLIP_MASK_COMPOSITE;
public static String clipPathElementDescription = "ClipPath";
// ColorProfile element
public static String colorProfileElementMemberName = "colorProfileElement";
public static String colorProfileElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_COLOR_PROFILE_TAG;
public static String colorProfileElementValue = " ";
public static short colorProfileElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String colorProfileElementCategory = COLOR;
public static String colorProfileElementDescription = "ColorProfile";
// Cursor element
public static String cursorElementMemberName = "cursorElement";
public static String cursorElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_CURSOR_TAG;
public static String cursorElementValue = " ";
public static short cursorElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String cursorElementCategory = INTERACTIVITY;
public static String cursorElementDescription = "Cursor";
// DefinitionSrc element
public static String definitionSrcElementMemberName = "definitionSrcElement";
public static String definitionSrcElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_DEFINITION_SRC_TAG;
public static String definitionSrcElementValue = " ";
public static short definitionSrcElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String definitionSrcElementCategory = FONTS;
public static String definitionSrcElementDescription = "DefinitionSrc";
// Defs element
public static String defsElementMemberName = "defsElement";
public static String defsElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_DEFS_TAG;
public static String defsElementValue = " ";
public static short defsElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String defsElementCategory = DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE;
public static String defsElementDescription = "Defs";
// Desc element
public static String descElementMemberName = "descElement";
public static String descElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_DESC_TAG;
public static String descElementValue = " ";
public static short descElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String descElementCategory = DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE;
public static String descElementDescription = "Desc";
// ForeignObject element
public static String foreignObjectElementMemberName = "foreignObjectElement";
public static String foreignObjectElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FOREIGN_OBJECT_TAG;
public static String foreignObjectElementValue = " ";
public static short foreignObjectElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String foreignObjectElementCategory = EXTENSIBILITY;
public static String foreignObjectElementDescription = "ForeignObject";
// Glyph element
public static String glyphElementMemberName = "glyphElement";
public static String glyphElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_GLYPH_TAG;
public static String glyphElementValue = " ";
public static short glyphElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String glyphElementCategory = FONTS;
public static String glyphElementDescription = "Glyph";
// GlyphRef element
public static String glyphRefElementMemberName = "glyphRefElement";
public static String glyphRefElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_GLYPH_REF_TAG;
public static String glyphRefElementValue = " ";
public static short glyphRefElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String glyphRefElementCategory = TEXT;
public static String glyphRefElementDescription = "GlyphRef";
// Hkern element
public static String hkernElementMemberName = "hkernElement";
public static String hkernElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_HKERN_TAG;
public static String hkernElementValue = " ";
public static short hkernElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String hkernElementCategory = FONTS;
public static String hkernElementDescription = "Hkern";
// LinearGradient element
public static String linearGradientElementMemberName = "linearGradientElement";
public static String linearGradientElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_LINEAR_GRADIENT_TAG;
public static String linearGradientElementValue = " ";
public static short linearGradientElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String linearGradientElementCategory = GRADIENTS_AND_PATTERNS;
public static String linearGradientElementDescription = "LinearGradient";
// Marker element
public static String markerElementMemberName = "markerElement";
public static String markerElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_MARKER_TAG;
public static String markerElementValue = " ";
public static short markerElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String markerElementCategory = PAINTING;
public static String markerElementDescription = "Marker";
// Mask element
public static String maskElementMemberName = "maskElement";
public static String maskElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_MASK_TAG;
public static String maskElementValue = " ";
public static short maskElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String maskElementCategory = CLIP_MASK_COMPOSITE;
public static String maskElementDescription = "Mask";
// Metadata element
public static String metadataElementMemberName = "metadataElement";
public static String metadataElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_METADATA_TAG;
public static String metadataElementValue = " ";
public static short metadataElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String metadataElementCategory = METADATA;
public static String metadataElementDescription = "Metadata";
// MissingGlyph element
public static String missingGlyphElementMemberName = "missingGlyphElement";
public static String missingGlyphElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_MISSING_GLYPH_TAG;
public static String missingGlyphElementValue = " ";
public static short missingGlyphElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String missingGlyphElementCategory = FONTS;
public static String missingGlyphElementDescription = "MissingGlyph";
// Mpath element
public static String mpathElementMemberName = "mpathElement";
public static String mpathElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_MPATH_TAG;
public static String mpathElementValue = " ";
public static short mpathElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String mpathElementCategory = ANIMATION;
public static String mpathElementDescription = "Mpath";
// Pattern element
public static String patternElementMemberName = "patternElement";
public static String patternElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_PATTERN_TAG;
public static String patternElementValue = " ";
public static short patternElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String patternElementCategory = GRADIENTS_AND_PATTERNS;
public static String patternElementDescription = "Pattern";
// RadialGradient element
public static String radialGradientElementMemberName = "radialGradientElement";
public static String radialGradientElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_RADIAL_GRADIENT_TAG;
public static String radialGradientElementValue = " ";
public static short radialGradientElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String radialGradientElementCategory = GRADIENTS_AND_PATTERNS;
public static String radialGradientElementDescription = "RadialGradient";
// Script element
public static String scriptElementMemberName = "scriptElement";
public static String scriptElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_SCRIPT_TAG;
public static String scriptElementValue = "";
public static short scriptElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String scriptElementCategory = SCRIPTING;
public static String scriptElementDescription = "script";
// Set element
public static String setElementMemberName = "setElement";
public static String setElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_SET_TAG;
public static String setElementValue = "";
public static short setElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String setElementCategory = ANIMATION;
public static String setElementDescription = "set";
// Stop element
public static String stopElementMemberName = "stopElement";
public static String stopElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_STOP_TAG;
public static String stopElementValue = " ";
public static short stopElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String stopElementCategory = GRADIENTS_AND_PATTERNS;
public static String stopElementDescription = "Stop";
// Style element
public static String styleElementMemberName = "styleElement";
public static String styleElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_STYLE_TAG;
public static String styleElementValue = "";
public static short styleElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String styleElementCategory = STYLING;
public static String styleElementDescription = "Style";
// Switch element
public static String switchElementMemberName = "switchElement";
public static String switchElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_SWITCH_TAG;
public static String switchElementValue = " ";
public static short switchElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String switchElementCategory = DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE;
public static String switchElementDescription = "Switch";
// Symbol element
public static String symbolElementMemberName = "symbolElement";
public static String symbolElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_SYMBOL_TAG;
public static String symbolElementValue = " ";
public static short symbolElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String symbolElementCategory = DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE;
public static String symbolElementDescription = "Symbol";
// Title element
public static String titleElementMemberName = "titleElement";
public static String titleElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_TITLE_TAG;
public static String titleElementValue = " ";
public static short titleElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String titleElementCategory = DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE;
public static String titleElementDescription = "Title";
// Use element
public static String useElementMemberName = "useElement";
public static String useElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_USE_TAG;
public static String useElementValue = "";
public static short useElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String useElementCategory = DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE;
public static String useElementDescription = "Use";
// View element
public static String viewElementMemberName = "viewElement";
public static String viewElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_VIEW_TAG;
public static String viewElementValue = " ";
public static short viewElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String viewElementCategory = LINKING;
public static String viewElementDescription = "View";
// Vkern element
public static String vkernElementMemberName = "vkernElement";
public static String vkernElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_VKERN_TAG;
public static String vkernElementValue = " ";
public static short vkernElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String vkernElementCategory = FONTS;
public static String vkernElementDescription = "Vkern";
// Font element
public static String fontElementMemberName = "fontElement";
public static String fontElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FONT_TAG;
public static String fontElementValue = "";
public static short fontElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String fontElementCategory = FONTS;
public static String fontElementDescription = "Font";
// FontFace element
public static String fontFaceElementMemberName = "fontFaceElement";
public static String fontFaceElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FONT_FACE_TAG;
public static String fontFaceElementValue = " ";
public static short fontFaceElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String fontFaceElementCategory = FONTS;
public static String fontFaceElementDescription = "FontFace";
// FontFaceFormat element
public static String fontFaceFormatElementMemberName = "fontFaceFormatElement";
public static String fontFaceFormatElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FONT_FACE_FORMAT_TAG;
public static String fontFaceFormatElementValue = " ";
public static short fontFaceFormatElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String fontFaceFormatElementCategory = FONTS;
public static String fontFaceFormatElementDescription = "FontFaceFormat";
// FontFaceName element
public static String fontFaceNameElementMemberName = "fontFaceNameElement";
public static String fontFaceNameElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FONT_FACE_NAME_TAG;
public static String fontFaceNameElementValue = " ";
public static short fontFaceNameElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String fontFaceNameElementCategory = FONTS;
public static String fontFaceNameElementDescription = "FontFaceName";
// FontFaceSrc element
public static String fontFaceSrcElementMemberName = "fontFaceSrcElement";
public static String fontFaceSrcElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FONT_FACE_SRC_TAG;
public static String fontFaceSrcElementValue = " ";
public static short fontFaceSrcElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String fontFaceSrcElementCategory = FONTS;
public static String fontFaceSrcElementDescription = "FontFaceSrc";
// FontFaceUri element
public static String fontFaceUriElementMemberName = "fontFaceUriElement";
public static String fontFaceUriElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_FONT_FACE_URI_TAG;
public static String fontFaceUriElementValue = " ";
public static short fontFaceUriElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String fontFaceUriElementCategory = FONTS;
public static String fontFaceUriElementDescription = "FontFaceUri";
// Animate element
public static String animateElementMemberName = "fontFaceUriElement";
public static String animateElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_ANIMATE_TAG;
public static String animateElementValue = "";
public static short animateElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String animateElementCategory = ANIMATION;
public static String animateElementDescription = "Animate";
// AnimateColor element
public static String animateColorElementMemberName = "animateColorElement";
public static String animateColorElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_ANIMATE_COLOR_TAG;
public static String animateColorElementValue = "";
public static short animateColorElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String animateColorElementCategory = ANIMATION;
public static String animateColorElementDescription = "AnimateColor";
// AnimateMotion element
public static String animateMotionElementMemberName = "animateMotionElement";
public static String animateMotionElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_ANIMATE_MOTION_TAG;
public static String animateMotionElementValue = "";
public static short animateMotionElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String animateMotionElementCategory = ANIMATION;
public static String animateMotionElementDescription = "AnimateMotion";
// AnimateTransform element
public static String animateTransformElementMemberName = "animateTransformElement";
public static String animateTransformElementName = SVGConstants.SVG_ANIMATE_TRANSFORM_TAG;
public static String animateTransformElementValue = "";
public static short animateTransformElementType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static String animateTransformElementCategory = ANIMATION;
public static String animateTransformElementDescription = "AnimateTransform";
* Constructor.
public NodeTemplates() {
// Initialize categories
// Initialize templates
* Initializes node templates.
private void initializeTemplates() {
Field[] fields = getClass().getDeclaredFields();
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
Field currentField = fields[i];
try {
if (currentField.getType() == String.class
&& currentField.getName().endsWith("MemberName")) {
boolean isAccessible = currentField.isAccessible();
String baseFieldName = currentField.get(this).toString();
String nodeValue = getClass().getField(
baseFieldName + VALUE).get(this).toString();
String nodeName = getClass().getField(baseFieldName + NAME)
short nodeType = ((Short) getClass().getField(
baseFieldName + TYPE).get(this)).shortValue();
String nodeDescription = getClass().getField(
baseFieldName + DESCRIPTION).get(this).toString();
String nodeCategory = getClass().getField(
baseFieldName + CATEGORY).get(this).toString();
NodeTemplateDescriptor desc = new NodeTemplateDescriptor(
nodeName, nodeValue, nodeType, nodeCategory,
nodeTemplatesMap.put(desc.getName(), desc);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (SecurityException e) {
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
* Wrapper for a node template. Provides the information on the node
public static class NodeTemplateDescriptor {
* Node name.
private String name;
* Node xml representation.
private String xmlValue;
* Node type.
private short type;
* Node category.
private String category;
* Short node description.
private String description;
* Constructor.
public NodeTemplateDescriptor(String name, String xmlValue, short type,
String category, String description) {
this.name = name;
this.xmlValue = xmlValue;
this.type = type;
this.category = category;
this.description = description;
public String getCategory() {
return category;
public void setCategory(String category) {
this.category = category;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public short getType() {
return type;
public void setType(short type) {
this.type = type;
public String getXmlValue() {
return xmlValue;
public void setXmlValue(String xmlValue) {
this.xmlValue = xmlValue;
* Gets the categories list.
* @return categoriesList
public ArrayList getCategories() {
return categoriesList;
* Map of objects describing node templates.
* @return nodeTemplatesMap
public Map getNodeTemplatesMap() {
return nodeTemplatesMap;
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