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package org.apache.batik.gvt.font;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Paint;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext;
import java.awt.font.GlyphJustificationInfo;
import java.awt.font.GlyphMetrics;
import java.awt.font.GlyphVector;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator;
import java.text.CharacterIterator;

import org.apache.batik.gvt.text.ArabicTextHandler;
import org.apache.batik.gvt.text.GVTAttributedCharacterIterator;
import org.apache.batik.gvt.text.TextPaintInfo;
import org.apache.batik.util.Platform;

 * This is a wrapper class for a java.awt.font.GlyphVector instance.
 * @author Bella Robinson
 * @version $Id: 1672779 2015-04-10 22:14:58Z gadams $
public class AWTGVTGlyphVector implements GVTGlyphVector {

    public static final AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute PAINT_INFO
        = GVTAttributedCharacterIterator.TextAttribute.PAINT_INFO;

    private GlyphVector awtGlyphVector;
    private AWTGVTFont gvtFont;
    private CharacterIterator ci;

    // This contains the glyphPostions after doing a performDefaultLayout
    private Point2D      [] defaultGlyphPositions;
    private Point2D.Float[] glyphPositions;

    // need to keep track of the glyphTransforms since GlyphVector doesn't
    // seem to
    private AffineTransform[] glyphTransforms;

    // these are for caching the glyph outlines
    private Shape[] glyphOutlines;
    private Shape[] glyphVisualBounds;
    private Shape[] glyphLogicalBounds;
    private boolean[] glyphVisible;
    private GVTGlyphMetrics [] glyphMetrics;
    private GeneralPath outline;
    private Rectangle2D visualBounds;
    private Rectangle2D logicalBounds;
    private Rectangle2D bounds2D;
    private double scaleFactor;
    private float ascent;
    private float descent;
    private TextPaintInfo cacheTPI;

     * Creates and new AWTGVTGlyphVector from the specified GlyphVector and
     * AWTGVTFont objects.
     * @param glyphVector The glyph vector that this one will be based upon.
     * @param font The font that is creating this glyph vector.
     * @param scaleFactor The scale factor to apply to the glyph vector.
     * IMPORTANT: This is only required because the GlyphVector class doesn't
     * handle font sizes less than 1 correctly. By using the scale factor we
     * can use a GlyphVector created by a larger font and then scale it down to
     * the correct size.
     * @param ci The character string that this glyph vector represents.
    public AWTGVTGlyphVector(GlyphVector glyphVector,
                             AWTGVTFont font,
                             double scaleFactor,
                             CharacterIterator ci) {

        this.awtGlyphVector = glyphVector;
        this.gvtFont = font;
        this.scaleFactor = scaleFactor; = ci;

        GVTLineMetrics lineMetrics = gvtFont.getLineMetrics
            ("By", awtGlyphVector.getFontRenderContext());

        ascent  = lineMetrics.getAscent();
        descent = lineMetrics.getDescent();

        outline       = null;
        visualBounds  = null;
        logicalBounds = null;
        bounds2D      = null;
        int numGlyphs = glyphVector.getNumGlyphs();
        glyphPositions     = new Point2D.Float  [numGlyphs+1];
        glyphTransforms    = new AffineTransform[numGlyphs];
        glyphOutlines      = new Shape          [numGlyphs];
        glyphVisualBounds  = new Shape          [numGlyphs];
        glyphLogicalBounds = new Shape          [numGlyphs];
        glyphVisible       = new boolean        [numGlyphs];
        glyphMetrics       = new GVTGlyphMetrics[numGlyphs];

        for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs; i++) {
            glyphVisible[i] = true;

     * Returns the GVTFont associated with this GVTGlyphVector.
    public GVTFont getFont() {
        return gvtFont;

     * Returns the FontRenderContext associated with this GlyphVector.
    public FontRenderContext getFontRenderContext() {
        return awtGlyphVector.getFontRenderContext();

     * Returns the glyphcode of the specified glyph.
    public int getGlyphCode(int glyphIndex) {
        return awtGlyphVector.getGlyphCode(glyphIndex);

     * Returns an array of glyphcodes for the specified glyphs.
    public int[] getGlyphCodes(int beginGlyphIndex, int numEntries,
                               int[] codeReturn) {
        return awtGlyphVector.getGlyphCodes(beginGlyphIndex, numEntries,

     * Returns the justification information for the glyph at the specified
     * index into this GlyphVector.
    public GlyphJustificationInfo getGlyphJustificationInfo(int glyphIndex) {
        return awtGlyphVector.getGlyphJustificationInfo(glyphIndex);

     * Returns a tight bounds on the GlyphVector including stroking.
    public Rectangle2D getBounds2D(AttributedCharacterIterator aci) {
        TextPaintInfo tpi = (TextPaintInfo)aci.getAttribute(PAINT_INFO);
        if ((bounds2D != null) &&
            TextPaintInfo.equivilent(tpi, cacheTPI))
            return bounds2D;

        if (tpi == null)
            return null;
        if (!tpi.visible)
            return null;

        cacheTPI = new TextPaintInfo(tpi);
        Shape outline = null;
        if (tpi.fillPaint != null) {
            outline = getOutline();
            bounds2D = outline.getBounds2D();

        // check if we need to include the
        // outline of this glyph
        Stroke stroke = tpi.strokeStroke;
        Paint  paint  = tpi.strokePaint;
        if ((stroke != null) && (paint != null)) {
            if (outline == null)
                outline = getOutline();
            Rectangle2D strokeBounds
                = stroke.createStrokedShape(outline).getBounds2D();
            if (bounds2D == null)
                bounds2D = strokeBounds;
                // bounds2D = bounds2D.createUnion(strokeBounds);
        if (bounds2D == null)
            return null;

        if ((bounds2D.getWidth()  == 0) ||
            (bounds2D.getHeight() == 0))
            bounds2D = null;

        return bounds2D;

     * Returns the logical bounds of this GlyphVector.
     * This is a bound useful for hit detection and highlighting.
    public Rectangle2D getLogicalBounds() {
        if (logicalBounds == null) {
            // This fills in logicalBounds...
        return logicalBounds;

     * Returns the logical bounds of the specified glyph within this
     * GlyphVector.
    public Shape getGlyphLogicalBounds(int glyphIndex) {
        if (glyphLogicalBounds[glyphIndex] == null &&
            glyphVisible[glyphIndex]) {

        return glyphLogicalBounds[glyphIndex];

     * Calculates the logical bounds for each glyph. The logical
     * bounds are what is used for highlighting the glyphs when
     * selected.
    private void computeGlyphLogicalBounds() {

        Shape[] tempLogicalBounds = new Shape[getNumGlyphs()];
        boolean[] rotated  = new boolean[getNumGlyphs()];

        double maxWidth = -1.0;
        double maxHeight = -1.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < getNumGlyphs(); i++) {

            if (!glyphVisible[i]) {
                // the glyph is not drawn
                tempLogicalBounds[i] = null;

            AffineTransform glyphTransform = getGlyphTransform(i);
            GVTGlyphMetrics glyphMetrics   = getGlyphMetrics(i);

            float glyphX      = 0.0f;
            float glyphY      = (float)(-ascent/scaleFactor);
            float glyphWidth  = (float)(glyphMetrics.getHorizontalAdvance()/
            float glyphHeight = (float)(glyphMetrics.getVerticalAdvance()/
            Rectangle2D glyphBounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(glyphX,

            if (glyphBounds.isEmpty()) {
                if (i > 0) {
                    // can't tell if rotated or not, make it the same as
                    // the previous glyph
                    rotated [i] = rotated [i-1];
                } else {
                    rotated [i] = true;
            } else {
                // get three corner points so we can determine
                // whether the glyph is rotated
                Point2D p1 = new Point2D.Double(glyphBounds.getMinX(),
                Point2D p2 = new Point2D.Double(glyphBounds.getMaxX(),
                Point2D p3 = new Point2D.Double(glyphBounds.getMinX(),

                Point2D gpos = getGlyphPosition(i);
                AffineTransform tr = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance
                    (gpos.getX(), gpos.getY());

                if (glyphTransform != null)
                tr.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);

                tempLogicalBounds[i] = tr.createTransformedShape(glyphBounds);

                Point2D tp1 = new Point2D.Double();
                Point2D tp2 = new Point2D.Double();
                Point2D tp3 = new Point2D.Double();
                tr.transform(p1, tp1);
                tr.transform(p2, tp2);
                tr.transform(p3, tp3);
                double tdx12 = tp1.getX()-tp2.getX();
                double tdx13 = tp1.getX()-tp3.getX();
                double tdy12 = tp1.getY()-tp2.getY();
                double tdy13 = tp1.getY()-tp3.getY();

                if (((Math.abs(tdx12) < 0.001) && (Math.abs(tdy13) < 0.001)) ||
                    ((Math.abs(tdx13) < 0.001) && (Math.abs(tdy12) < 0.001))) {
                    // If either of these are zero then it is axially aligned
                    rotated[i] = false;
                } else {
                    rotated [i] = true;

                Rectangle2D rectBounds;
                rectBounds = tempLogicalBounds[i].getBounds2D();
                if (rectBounds.getWidth() > maxWidth)
                    maxWidth = rectBounds.getWidth();
                if (rectBounds.getHeight() > maxHeight)
                    maxHeight = rectBounds.getHeight();

        // if appropriate, join adjacent glyph logical bounds
        GeneralPath logicalBoundsPath = new GeneralPath();
        for (int i = 0; i < getNumGlyphs(); i++) {
            if (tempLogicalBounds[i] != null) {
                logicalBoundsPath.append(tempLogicalBounds[i], false);

        logicalBounds = logicalBoundsPath.getBounds2D();

        if (logicalBounds.getHeight() < maxHeight*1.5) {
            // make all glyphs tops and bottoms the same as the full bounds
            for (int i = 0; i < getNumGlyphs(); i++) {
                // first make sure that the glyph logical bounds are
                // not rotated
                if (rotated[i]) continue;
                if (tempLogicalBounds[i] == null) continue;

                Rectangle2D glyphBounds = tempLogicalBounds[i].getBounds2D();

                double x     = glyphBounds.getMinX();
                double width = glyphBounds.getWidth();

                if ((i < getNumGlyphs()-1) &&
                    (tempLogicalBounds[i+1] != null)) {
                    // make this glyph extend to the start of the next one
                    Rectangle2D ngb = tempLogicalBounds[i+1].getBounds2D();

                    if (ngb.getX() > x) {
                        double nw = ngb.getX() - x;
                        if ((nw < width*1.15) && (nw > width*.85)) {
                            double delta = (nw-width)*.5;
                            width += delta;
                            ngb.setRect(ngb.getX()-delta, ngb.getY(),
                                        ngb.getWidth()+delta, ngb.getHeight());
                tempLogicalBounds[i] = new Rectangle2D.Double
                    (x,     logicalBounds.getMinY(),
                     width, logicalBounds.getHeight());
        } else if (logicalBounds.getWidth() < maxWidth*1.5) {
            // make all glyphs left and right edges the same as the full bounds
            for (int i = 0; i < getNumGlyphs(); i++) {
                // first make sure that the glyph logical bounds are
                // not rotated
                if (rotated[i]) continue;
                if (tempLogicalBounds[i] == null) continue;

                Rectangle2D glyphBounds = tempLogicalBounds[i].getBounds2D();
                double      y           = glyphBounds.getMinY();
                double      height      = glyphBounds.getHeight();

                if ((i < getNumGlyphs()-1) &&
                    (tempLogicalBounds[i+1] != null)) {
                    // make this glyph extend to the start of the next one
                    Rectangle2D ngb = tempLogicalBounds[i+1].getBounds2D();
                    if (ngb.getY() > y) { // going top to bottom
                        double nh = ngb.getY() - y;
                        if ((nh < height*1.15) && (nh > height*.85)) {
                            double delta = (nh-height)*.5;
                            height += delta;
                            ngb.setRect(ngb.getX(), ngb.getY()-delta,
                                        ngb.getWidth(), ngb.getHeight()+delta);
                tempLogicalBounds[i] = new Rectangle2D.Double
                    (logicalBounds.getMinX(),  y,
                     logicalBounds.getWidth(), height);

        System.arraycopy( tempLogicalBounds, 0, glyphLogicalBounds, 0, getNumGlyphs() );

     * Returns the metrics of the glyph at the specified index into this
     * GVTGlyphVector.
    public GVTGlyphMetrics getGlyphMetrics(int glyphIndex) {
        if (glyphMetrics[glyphIndex] != null)
            return glyphMetrics[glyphIndex];

        // -- start glyph cache code --
        Point2D glyphPos = defaultGlyphPositions[glyphIndex];
        char c = ci.setIndex(ci.getBeginIndex()+glyphIndex);
        AWTGlyphGeometryCache.Value v = AWTGVTFont.getGlyphGeometry
            (gvtFont, c, awtGlyphVector, glyphIndex, glyphPos);
        Rectangle2D gmB = v.getBounds2D();
        // -- end glyph cache code --

        Rectangle2D bounds = new Rectangle2D.Double
            (gmB.getX()     * scaleFactor, gmB.getY()      * scaleFactor,
             gmB.getWidth() * scaleFactor, gmB.getHeight() * scaleFactor);

        // defaultGlyphPositions has one more entry than glyphs
        // the last entry stores the total advance for the
        // glyphVector.
        float adv = (float)(defaultGlyphPositions[glyphIndex+1].getX()-
                            defaultGlyphPositions[glyphIndex]  .getX());
        glyphMetrics[glyphIndex] =  new GVTGlyphMetrics
            ((float)(adv*scaleFactor), (ascent+descent),
             bounds, GlyphMetrics.STANDARD);

        return glyphMetrics[glyphIndex];

     * Returns a Shape whose interior corresponds to the visual representation
     * of the specified glyph within this GlyphVector.
    public Shape getGlyphOutline(int glyphIndex) {
        if (glyphOutlines[glyphIndex] == null) {
            Shape glyphOutline = awtGlyphVector.getGlyphOutline(glyphIndex);
            // -- start glyph cache code --
            Point2D glyphPos = defaultGlyphPositions[glyphIndex];
            char c = ci.setIndex(ci.getBeginIndex()+glyphIndex);
            AWTGlyphGeometryCache.Value v = AWTGVTFont.getGlyphGeometry
                (gvtFont, c, awtGlyphVector, glyphIndex, glyphPos);
            Shape glyphOutline = v.getOutline();
           // -- end glyph cache code --

            AffineTransform tr = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance

            AffineTransform glyphTransform = getGlyphTransform(glyphIndex);

            if (glyphTransform != null) {
            //  HACK
            // GlyphVector.getGlyphOutline behavior changes between 1.3 and 1.4
            // I've looked at this problem a bit more and the incorrect glyph
            // positioning in Batik is definitely due to the change in
            // behavior of GlyphVector.getGlyphOutline(glyphIndex). It used to
            // return the outline of the glyph at position 0,0 which meant
            // that we had to translate it to the actual glyph position before
            // drawing it. Now, it returns the outline which has already been
            // positioned.
            // -- Bella
            if (outlinesPositioned()) {
                Point2D glyphPos = defaultGlyphPositions[glyphIndex];
                tr.translate(-glyphPos.getX(), -glyphPos.getY());
            tr.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);

        return glyphOutlines[glyphIndex];

    // This is true if GlyphVector.getGlyphOutline returns glyph outlines
    // that are positioned (if it is false the outlines are always at 0,0).
    private static final boolean outlinesPositioned;
    // This is true if Graphics2D.drawGlyphVector works for the
    // current JDK/OS combination.
    private static final boolean drawGlyphVectorWorks;
    // This is true if Graphics2D.drawGlyphVector will correctly
    // render Glyph Vectors with per glyph transforms.
    private static final boolean glyphVectorTransformWorks;

    static {
        String s = System.getProperty("java.specification.version");
        if ("1.6".compareTo(s) <= 0) {
            outlinesPositioned = true;
            drawGlyphVectorWorks = false;       // [GA] not verified; needs further research
            glyphVectorTransformWorks = true;
        } else if ("1.4".compareTo(s) <= 0) {
            // TODO Java 5
            outlinesPositioned = true;
            drawGlyphVectorWorks = true;
            glyphVectorTransformWorks = true;
        } else if (Platform.isOSX) {
            outlinesPositioned = true;
            drawGlyphVectorWorks = false;
            glyphVectorTransformWorks = false;
        } else {
            outlinesPositioned = false;
            drawGlyphVectorWorks = true;
            glyphVectorTransformWorks = false;

    // Returns true if GlyphVector.getGlyphOutlines returns glyph outlines
    // that are positioned (otherwise they are always at 0,0).
    static boolean outlinesPositioned() {
        return outlinesPositioned;

     * Returns the bounding box of the specified glyph, considering only the
     * glyph's metrics (ascent, descent, advance) rather than the actual glyph
     * shape.
    public Rectangle2D getGlyphCellBounds(int glyphIndex) {
        return getGlyphLogicalBounds(glyphIndex).getBounds2D();

     * Returns the position of the specified glyph within this GlyphVector.
    public Point2D getGlyphPosition(int glyphIndex) {
        return glyphPositions[glyphIndex];

     * Returns an array of glyph positions for the specified glyphs
    public float[] getGlyphPositions(int beginGlyphIndex,
                                     int numEntries,
                                     float[] positionReturn) {

        if (positionReturn == null) {
            positionReturn = new float[numEntries*2];

        for (int i = beginGlyphIndex; i < (beginGlyphIndex+numEntries); i++) {
            Point2D glyphPos = getGlyphPosition(i);
            positionReturn[(i-beginGlyphIndex)*2] = (float)glyphPos.getX();
            positionReturn[(i-beginGlyphIndex)*2 + 1] = (float)glyphPos.getY();

        return positionReturn;

     * Gets the transform of the specified glyph within this GlyphVector.
    public AffineTransform getGlyphTransform(int glyphIndex) {
        return glyphTransforms[glyphIndex];

     * Returns the visual bounds of the specified glyph within the GlyphVector.
    public Shape getGlyphVisualBounds(int glyphIndex) {
        if (glyphVisualBounds[glyphIndex] == null) {
            Shape glyphOutline = awtGlyphVector.getGlyphOutline(glyphIndex);
            Rectangle2D glyphBounds = glyphOutline.getBounds2D();
            // -- start glyph cache code --
            Point2D glyphPos = defaultGlyphPositions[glyphIndex];
            char c = ci.setIndex(ci.getBeginIndex()+glyphIndex);
            AWTGlyphGeometryCache.Value v = AWTGVTFont.getGlyphGeometry
                (gvtFont, c, awtGlyphVector, glyphIndex, glyphPos);
            Rectangle2D glyphBounds = v.getOutlineBounds2D();
           // -- end glyph cache code --

            AffineTransform tr = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance

            AffineTransform glyphTransform = getGlyphTransform(glyphIndex);
            if (glyphTransform != null) {
            tr.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);
            glyphVisualBounds[glyphIndex] =

        return glyphVisualBounds[glyphIndex];

     * Returns the number of glyphs in this GlyphVector.
    public int getNumGlyphs() {
        return awtGlyphVector.getNumGlyphs();

     * Returns a Shape whose interior corresponds to the visual representation
     * of this GlyphVector.
    public Shape getOutline() {
        if (outline != null)
            return outline;

        outline = new GeneralPath();
        for (int i = 0; i < getNumGlyphs(); i++) {
            if (glyphVisible[i]) {
                Shape glyphOutline = getGlyphOutline(i);
                outline.append(glyphOutline, false);
        return outline;

     * Returns a Shape whose interior corresponds to the visual representation
     * of this GlyphVector, offset to x, y.
    public Shape getOutline(float x, float y) {
        Shape outline = getOutline();
        AffineTransform tr = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x,y);
        outline = tr.createTransformedShape(outline);
        return outline;

     * Returns the visual bounds of this GlyphVector The visual bounds is the
     * tightest rectangle enclosing all non-background pixels in the rendered
     * representation of this GlyphVector.
    public Rectangle2D getGeometricBounds() {
        if (visualBounds == null) {
            Shape outline = getOutline();
            visualBounds = outline.getBounds2D();
        return visualBounds;

     * Assigns default positions to each glyph in this GlyphVector.
    public void performDefaultLayout() {
        if (defaultGlyphPositions == null) {
            defaultGlyphPositions = new Point2D.Float[getNumGlyphs()+1];
            for (int i = 0; i <= getNumGlyphs(); i++)
                defaultGlyphPositions[i] = awtGlyphVector.getGlyphPosition(i);

        outline       = null;
        visualBounds  = null;
        logicalBounds = null;
        bounds2D      = null;
        float shiftLeft = 0;
        int i=0;
        for (; i < getNumGlyphs(); i++) {
            glyphTransforms   [i] = null;
            glyphVisualBounds [i] = null;
            glyphLogicalBounds[i] = null;
            glyphOutlines     [i] = null;
            glyphMetrics      [i] = null;
            Point2D glyphPos = defaultGlyphPositions[i];
            float x = (float)((glyphPos.getX() * scaleFactor)-shiftLeft);
            float y = (float) (glyphPos.getY() * scaleFactor);

            // if c is a transparent arabic char then need to shift the
            // following glyphs left so that the current glyph is overwritten
            /*char c =*/ ci.setIndex(i + ci.getBeginIndex());
            if (ArabicTextHandler.arabicCharTransparent(c)) {
                int j;
                shiftLeft += getGlyphMetrics(i).getHorizontalAdvance();
                for (j=i+1; j= getNumGlyphs()) {
            endGlyphIndex = getNumGlyphs()-1;
        int charCount = 0;
        int start = startGlyphIndex+ci.getBeginIndex();
        int end   = endGlyphIndex+ci.getBeginIndex();

        for (char c = ci.setIndex(start); ci.getIndex() <= end; {
            charCount += ArabicTextHandler.getNumChars(c);

        return charCount;

    public boolean isReversed() {
        return false;

    public void maybeReverse(boolean mirror) {

     * Draws this glyph vector.
    public void draw(Graphics2D graphics2D,
                     AttributedCharacterIterator aci) {
        int numGlyphs = getNumGlyphs();

        TextPaintInfo tpi = (TextPaintInfo)aci.getAttribute
        if (tpi == null) return;
        if (!tpi.visible) return;

        Paint  fillPaint   = tpi.fillPaint;
        Stroke stroke      = tpi.strokeStroke;
        Paint  strokePaint = tpi.strokePaint;

        if ((fillPaint == null) && ((strokePaint == null) ||
                                    (stroke == null)))

        boolean useHinting = drawGlyphVectorWorks;
        if (useHinting && (stroke != null) && (strokePaint != null))
            // Can't stroke with drawGlyphVector.
            useHinting = false;

        if (useHinting &&
            (fillPaint != null) && !(fillPaint instanceof Color))
            // The coordinate system is different for drawGlyphVector.
            // So complex paints aren't positioned properly.
            useHinting = false;

        if (useHinting) {
            Object v1 = graphics2D.getRenderingHint
            Object v2 = graphics2D.getRenderingHint
            // text-rendering = geometricPrecision so fill shapes.
            if ((v1 == RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON) &&
                (v2 == RenderingHints.VALUE_STROKE_PURE))
                useHinting = false;

        final int typeGRot   = AffineTransform.TYPE_GENERAL_ROTATION;
        final int typeGTrans = AffineTransform.TYPE_GENERAL_TRANSFORM;

        if (useHinting) {
            // Check if usr->dev transform has general rotation,
            // or shear..
            AffineTransform at = graphics2D.getTransform();
            int type = at.getType();
            if (((type & typeGTrans) != 0) || ((type & typeGRot)  != 0))
                useHinting = false;

        if (useHinting) {
            for (int i=0; i

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